View Full Version : Who Carrys IWB?
pocket pistol
01-29-2012, 08:11 PM
For those of you that carry IWB. How far down in the waistband do you carry? What kind of cant? I'm going to get a holster probably tuckable though I'll wear it tucked sometimes, and sometimes not. I'm right handed and I'd wear it at about 4:00. I've always carried in my back pocket, but I want to start carrying my CM9 in my waist. Any pictures would be appreciated. Thanks...
01-29-2012, 08:24 PM
I see you aint that far from me. I got a couple of kholsters you are welcome to try out if you dont mind the drive.
I currently carry in my pocket but I got these for the ability to change that and to install in a gun bag or purse or use as a vehicle holster.
I've been carrying my PM9 in a Mitch Rosen Clipper for maybe three years in about that same position...three to four o'clock. Straight drop. High quality leather. Comfortable, won't collapse. But it does carry low to the belt line which adds concealability but limits easy grip access a bit.
If this suits your needs, I highly recommend it.
01-29-2012, 08:32 PM
iwb p9 with a comptac infidel slide model. 4 o'clock. i may eventually try a silent thunder but it'll still be an iwb. i dont tuck, just long tshirts, untucked shirt, or jacket. the infidel exposes the grip and top of slide the way i use it (std clip) but i think they offer similar tucking attachments like comptac uses in the ctac/minotaur stuff. those other methods may push it down further with the infidel...dunno. it also has a slight cant to keep it close to the body and eaiser to pull. i really have no complaints with it...
01-29-2012, 08:42 PM
I'm not a big IWB guy but I have a Silent Thunder for my Cbob and my PM45. They work very well with good adjustment for cant and depth as well. In the middle spot it's about perfect for getting a good grip but low enough that it's well concealed. I'm usually a straight up guy both IWB and OWB but I did find while experimenting that just a little forward cant increased the comfort level.
I'm sure it's an anatomy thing and we're all different but it sort of hit a sweet spot right behind my hip. I like 3 oclock too but going a bit further back with the Silent Thunder helps a bunch too. (for me)
It sometimes pays to try different adjustments and not accept just the way it comes, although it was darn nice right out of the package.
01-29-2012, 08:46 PM
I have the Silent Thunder Slim, which is more intended for appendix carry. It is not very stable in the 4:00 position you are interested in. But as good as it is, I would really look at the regular Silent Thunder that Bawanna mentioned.
01-29-2012, 09:12 PM
I have recently begun trying to carry IWB for my CW9. I bought an Ace Case which is a very affordable, tuckable holster and comfortable.
I also IWB carry with the Remora Pocket holster. It rides in the waistband with no clip.
01-29-2012, 09:37 PM
I have a DeSantis Sof-Tuck for my CW40, that I wear heavily canted so the handle rides up along my kidney. It works great except when bending over at the waist, so kneel when I'm wearing it. Also wear a Remora for my CW45 with laser in the same position with about the same cant. The sof-tuck is tuckable, and I believe the Remora is too, though I haven't tested it that way.
01-29-2012, 09:48 PM
I carry my PM9 in a Silent Thunder IWB with just enough height to slip my 2 fingers under the grip for a solid pull. I had it lower for better conceal but was pulling it out with my thumb then getting fingers on it which had me handle a loosely held pistol which would not do in an emergency.
01-29-2012, 09:54 PM
I have the Silent Thunder Slim, which is more intended for appendix carry. It is not very stable in the 4:00 position you are interested in. But as good as it is, I would really look at the regular Silent Thunder that Bawanna mentioned.
I originally was gonna go with the slim but Bob? dang I forgot Sheryls husbands name....talked me into the regular for just the reason you mentioned. I think it was a good choice. Works well for me.
My memory came back for a second. Its Ron Garrett, not Bob, sorry Bob, I mean Ron. I think.
01-29-2012, 10:00 PM
I have a couple of "The Answer" by Tucker that I wear about 4:00 and love them. Other then that I'll pocket carry my PM9 but I'm thinking about getting on of PJ's IWB.
mr surveyor
01-29-2012, 10:35 PM
I carry IWB for "social carry" (work days it's OWB SP101 under cover garment), and no matter which holster I've tried, I keep coming back to the sheer simplicity of the single clip, no cant, Don Hume 715. As tight as I cinch my pants, I can carry my Kimber Compact, CW9, or my most recently purchased CM9 with the same simple holster. I prefer 0300-0330 position and zero cant. I'll probably end up getting another DH715 for the shorter barreled CM for a bit more comfort when I "boot carry" it.
01-29-2012, 10:44 PM
I know it's hard to believe;
But I'm a little unconventional when it comes to belt carry - LOL.
I like Outside the Wast Band, Inside the Belt, Cross Draw.
Using a Galco SB1 Belt and left handed, or ambidextrous, ballistic nylon holsters.
01-29-2012, 10:45 PM
I carry my CM9 at about 8:00 (lefty) in a PJ Over the Belt Clip IWB Holster ( in kydex with a 15 degree cant and normal ride height. It is just $40 shipped. This is the only holster I have ever seen that is so comfortable that you cannot tell it and the gun are there when wearing it! I have to reach back there and feel to confirm that, yes, I am armed!
01-29-2012, 10:48 PM
I know it's hard to believe;
But I'm a little unconventional when it comes to belt carry - LOL.
I like Outside the Wast Band, Inside the Belt, Cross Draw.
Using a Galco SB1 Belt and left handed or ambidextrous ballistic nylon holsters.
Darn it, Barth! There you are showing off that lean bod again! :mad: That cross draw won't work for me because I have too much belly in the way! :o
01-29-2012, 11:00 PM
I generally use a Crossbreed Mini Tuck STYLE at 4:30. I need at least a 15 degree cant. It rides so I can just get a good grip. The lower the ride height, the better the security but I must be able to get a full grip.
Lately, the Nano is riding in a High Noon Split Decision. There are not many choices for a Nano yet. I would normally prefer a more molded holster with two clips.
01-29-2012, 11:02 PM
Darn it, Barth! There you are showing off that lean bod again! :mad: That cross draw won't work for me because I have too much belly in the way! :o
The guy said he wanted pics???
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful - LOL!
notice how you never see my face....
MW surveyor
01-29-2012, 11:09 PM
notice how you never see my face....[/I]
So you know, if we blow up the photo you have as your avatar, we probably could see your face.:D
01-29-2012, 11:14 PM
So you know, if we blow up the photo you have as your avatar, we probably could see your face.:D
01-30-2012, 02:06 AM
i was just turned on to this in the last week
01-30-2012, 06:40 AM
They say that your memory is the second thing to go, Bawanna. :)
I carry IWB, at about 3 o'clock. I have a tuckable holster (although I rarely tuck).
pics below
01-30-2012, 07:43 AM
I carry AIWB. The holster has a slight reward cant and it's tucked just far enough down inside the waistband to allow for a good purchase on the grip. I get good concealment and ready access.
pocket pistol
01-30-2012, 08:02 AM
I carry IWB, at about 3 o'clock. I have a tuckable holster (although I rarely tuck).
pics below
Thanks for the pics. I think I want about that kind of ride height. Maybe a little higher but I do want some of the grip in the waist line. I think it adds to the conceal. I want conceal and comfort. I want tuckable even though I wont tuck all the time either.
Thanks for the pics. I think I want about that kind of ride height. Maybe a little higher but I do want some of the grip in the waist line. I think it adds to the conceal. I want conceal and comfort. I want tuckable even though I wont tuck all the time either.
you're welcome. For me, I like a little bit of the grip IWB too, I think it conceals better.
I tried about 4 different holsters and this is the most comfortable for all day wear, even on those 110*+ days we have here in OK. I have found that at the end of those days the holster is a bit sweaty, and I have to remove the gun from the holster to let it all dry out overnight or my gun will get some rust spots on the side that sits next to my body.
yeah, it's gross. even girls sweat on those really hot days.
01-30-2012, 09:10 AM
I use a Silent Thunder with a G19 usually around 3:00 maybe slightly more to the rear and it's comfortable most of the time.
Has anyone tried the Silent Thunder Fusion? It looks like it would be very comfortable. Thinking about ordering one for me and my son. Not sure which pistol I would order it for. I think I might forget I was carrying if I got it for the PM9.
mr surveyor
01-30-2012, 09:42 AM
I think that TD2K just proved, with her example, that there are some serious carry differences between men anw women. Notice the "no belt" style, and a low carry with a horizontal grip down inside the waistband. Face it, men and women are built different (good thing). Women have proportionately wider hips and fuller butts (again, good things:D) that allow them to walk around with no belts and their pants always stay up.... they also tend to not carry 3-4 pounds of keys, pocket knives, and loose change in their pockets. With their pants being held up by body parts, they can have the looser waistband and probably carry a full sized 1911 deep tucked at 0300. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but if my waist band was a loose as those that most women wear "comfortable", I'd either have to wear industrial suspenders all the time, or look like a sagging gangbanger..... but I could also stuff a horizontal grip below waistband:)
just my observations
01-30-2012, 09:44 AM
I used to until I got a Galco Ankle Glove, man I love that thing... I rarely (if ever) use my IWB or Smartcarry anymore. If I carry on my waste I carry my MK9 in a Silent Thunder STX belt holster and carry my PM9 on my ankle.
01-30-2012, 10:04 AM
I carry my CW9 in a crossbreed mini tuck and it's so comfortable I'll wear it all day long. Also have a remora that I use occasionally for iwb and pocket carry.
I think that TD2K just proved, with her example, that there are some serious carry differences between men anw women. Notice the "no belt" style, and a low carry with a horizontal grip down inside the waistband. Face it, men and women are built different (good thing). Women have proportionately wider hips and fuller butts (again, good things:D) that allow them to walk around with no belts and their pants always stay up.... they also tend to not carry 3-4 pounds of keys, pocket knives, and loose change in their pockets. With their pants being held up by body parts, they can have the looser waistband and probably carry a full sized 1911 deep tucked at 0300. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but if my waist band was a loose as those that most women wear "comfortable", I'd either have to wear industrial suspenders all the time, or look like a sagging gangbanger..... but I could also stuff a horizontal grip below waistband:)
just my observations
you're words are true. I could wear my pants 3 or 4 sizes too big and not lose them. This "baby got back". :o
Also, the MK9 isn't a light gun. :D
There was another lady at the SHOT show checking out the Kahr booth while I was there and we got to talking about conceal carry. I told her which gun I carried and how I carry. She said "that's fine with jeans, but what about when you wear a dress?" I said "uhhhhh the last dress I wore was my wedding dress :o"
I did tell her about Mrs. Looper's holster that attaches to the bra, she said she'd check that one out for sure.
mr surveyor
01-30-2012, 10:19 AM
I've done a lot of "observing" over the years.... just observing, mind you.... ain't dead yet:D
01-30-2012, 10:32 AM
I carry my K9 in an Ace Case tuckable holster. It's been durable and functional, and you can't beat the price. In fact, I just bought a larger size for my full size guns because the plastic belt clip on my custom leather holster broke and it's almost the same price to get a new J-hook as to get an Ace Case.
01-30-2012, 12:39 PM
I carry my K9 in an Ace Case tuckable holster. It's been durable and functional, and you can't beat the price. In fact, I just bought a larger size for my full size guns because the plastic belt clip on my custom leather holster broke and it's almost the same price to get a new J-hook as to get an Ace Case.
Doesn't that holster ride extra low, making drawing the gun difficult?
IWB at the 1:00 position for both my CW9 and my M&P9compact. The Kahr rides in a Bianchi pro holster and the M&P in a Don Hume 715.
I can't tolerate the gun riding at any other position. If I gain some wieght, I have to go to pocket carry.:cool:
les strat
01-30-2012, 01:12 PM
I have a Kholster mini-moon that I rarely wear as I do not like IWB at all. I am usually a pocket or OWB type guy. IWB just bothers me too much for all day carry. If the CM9 in my pocket is not enough, I'm probably going to strap on teh G30 OWB.
I will say the mini-moon is cant adjustable as well as depth. I do not like the kydex part below the wasteline as it is hard to grip or reholster.
01-30-2012, 01:36 PM
Doesn't that holster ride extra low, making drawing the gun difficult?Not at all, it rides pretty standard. The grip rests about level with the top of my belt, maybe tucked a half inch down at the most. No trouble getting your fingers around the grip to draw.
01-30-2012, 02:19 PM
I have a PM40 that rides in a Crossbreed Mini-Tuck about 4:30 when I need secure concealment. When I need something quick and dirty I slap it in an Uncle Mikes neoprene and wear it appendix style. I feel like appendix is much easier to draw from, but tougher to conceal. On the Crossbreed, I'd say the bottom of the trigger guard is about even with the top of the waistband, any lower and you can't grip it quickly enough. I do wish I could get a little more cant out of it though. Added a Pierce grip extension to give me a little more to grab a hold of.
OK, my product name dropping is over, where's my check? Oh yeah, I'm nobody...
01-30-2012, 04:36 PM
I carry most in IWB using leather rather than Kydex the leather is more comfortable and conforms to body better for "all day carry".
This may sound a bit weirdly simplistic, but probably the most practical, convenient, and comfortable iwb holster I own is the simple $45 El Paso Saddlery clip-on I use with my J-frames. I was thinking about buying one for my PM9 just to check out how well it would work.
A caveat is that it needs a reasonable amount of compression from the belt against the body for secure retention. It's the best of that type, imo, but may not work for a lean body type.
El Paso also makes a tuckable version.
01-30-2012, 10:51 PM
I carry IWB almost every day. The CM9 rides a PJHolster at about 4:30. I prefer maximum concealment so I have whatever default can Paul uses when you don't specify. The front strap just touches the top of the beltline.
I'm looking very forward to trying out the Silent Thunder Fusion tuckable that I ordered in a few weeks, too.
01-31-2012, 07:59 AM
I carry the same rig as John up there with the ace case holsters. I have a few other rigs, including a king tuck, but find myself using the ace case more often than not. I also rotate my carry weapon frequently, and as luck would have it I can use the same holster for more than one gun. I have only one that I carry that doesn't ride in one of those and that is just because they don't make one for a 4" bbl .357. I will say that I had to treat my holsters and do a little pre-oil to keep my weapons from rusting in the heat here, I also take them off at the end of the day and wipe and oil. I found I can carry that ace case set up from 3-6:30 on the body and it works pretty well.
01-31-2012, 09:09 AM
I carry the same rig as John up there with the ace case holsters. I have a few other rigs, including a king tuck, but find myself using the ace case more often than not. I also rotate my carry weapon frequently, and as luck would have it I can use the same holster for more than one gun. I have only one that I carry that doesn't ride in one of those and that is just because they don't make one for a 4" bbl .357. I will say that I had to treat my holsters and do a little pre-oil to keep my weapons from rusting in the heat here, I also take them off at the end of the day and wipe and oil. I found I can carry that ace case set up from 3-6:30 on the body and it works pretty well.
Just looking at the picture, it looks to me like the Ace Case is extemely low riding. Is that true? Where does the grip sit in relation to your belt line? How easy is it to draw?
01-31-2012, 08:39 PM
IWB at the 1:00 position for both my CW9 and my M&P9compact.
I can't tolerate the gun riding at any other position
Me too. That position is very comfortable and natural. I couldn't possibly carry IWB at 3:00 (or 9:00) because it would press very uncomfortably on my hip bone. I also tried various positions behind my back but they all make sitting down in a chair very uncomfortable.
I must be missing something, or built differently.
02-01-2012, 07:52 AM
The grip sits just above the belt line, draw is easy, re-holster not so much. You can work a cant in them too if you want to, but that is a bit of a PITA. I have no problem getting a good grip on my pistols with that holster. I've thought about making my own (as if I'll have time for that any time soon), and correcting the minor nit picks I have with it, but haven't and am not really serious about it. If I did though I would likely use the ace case as a template.
I couldn't possibly carry IWB at 3:00 (or 9:00) because it would press very uncomfortably on my hip bone.
I must be missing something, or built differently.
I have some extra "padding" there so it really isn't uncomfortable....:o
02-01-2012, 09:21 AM
Me too. That position is very comfortable and natural. I couldn't possibly carry IWB at 3:00 (or 9:00) because it would press very uncomfortably on my hip bone. I also tried various positions behind my back but they all make sitting down in a chair very uncomfortable.
I must be missing something, or built differently.
The trick is to carry it just BEHIND your hip, at 4:00 (or 8:00). You need some cant to aid in drawing and you need to be able to reach back there comfortably - no bad shoulder.
For me, the AIWB (or GutIWB for me, being a lefty) method presents a drawing advantage but a comfort challenge. I couldn't imagine doing it with a long gun, but I have a CM9 and a J-frame. Having the right gun and holster is very important for AIWB. I have a modest middle aged spread above my waist line. Not huge or sagging over my belt. I have found that my J-frame works better than my CM9 there. The back end of the CM9 is relatively bulky with the big, squared off back end of the slide being pushed out by my belly, printing badly. But the back end of the J-frame is just 1/2" wide and curved with nothing that extends backward as far as the grip does like on the CM9 (or any semi-auto), making for a better fit.
I did an experiment to find out the possibilities of this carry method with my J-frame. I have an Uncle Mike's #3 pocket holster. It has 1" wide grip strips on the front and back of it. I found that I could put my J-frame in it and stick it behind my waist, and the belt tension against those grip strips would make it stay put. I found the perfect comfort position for me was fairly deep, with the top edge of the holster at the top of my pants, the cylinder lined up behind my left front belt loop, and with a backward cant.
The backward cant, for me, is a great discovery. It accomplishes three things:
It positions the muzzle end of the gun and holster inside of my leg so there is no binding against the leg when sitting.
It makes for an ideal drawing angle. Try it. Reach as if for a gun up front at your waist and you'll see that your drawing stroke angles to the rear.
This is really neat! :) It makes the grip lay down horizontally just above my belt. My belly expands above it, making any untucked shirt drape over it with no printing! In fact, it would work great with a tuckable holster. And the position makes it very easy to use the weak hand to pull the shirt out of the way when drawing.
I have asked James Dean to use his leather working magic to make me a holster that will do this for me, with a properly sized (not too long) metal clip, and possibly tuckable. I have asked that the holster mouth sit level with the belt, even with the backward cant. Not sticking up on one end as if the cant was an afterthought. James is very good about making the back side relatively smooth on IWB holsters, putting most of the molding on the front side. That way the cylinder won't be poking a hole in me (which I could feel a little bit with the thin Uncle Mike's holster).
I believe this is going to become my favorite carry option! :) The J-frame is at Ahlman's being customized right now: trigger job, porting and I'm still negotiating a price on a Duracoat finish to make it look shiny black like a classic blued J-frame. It will be so quick and effortless to draw and use the gun from that AIWB position, just like Lenny Briscoe on Law & Order! :D
02-01-2012, 10:23 AM
Ride height and cant is one of the major reasons most of us have a box full of IWB holsters. It takes some time to discover what works best with your anatomy. In general, the farther back you wear the more cant you need. The deeper in the waistband, the more concealable but less accessible. Finding that balance is tough without a holster that allows a lot of adjust-ability. I've used a Crossbreed Mini-Tuck at 4:00 realively deep set with about 15 degree cant very comfortably, and that has allowed me to refine my choices when making my latest order..
02-01-2012, 11:44 AM
:DThere is just too much of me IWB for my CC I guess. Not comfortable at any position for me. IMHO that is.:o
Me too. That position is very comfortable and natural. I couldn't possibly carry IWB at 3:00 (or 9:00) because it would press very uncomfortably on my hip bone. I also tried various positions behind my back but they all make sitting down in a chair very uncomfortable.
I must be missing something, or built differently.
I can wear my holster at the 4:00 position if all I'm doing is standing. If I need to sit, the holster has to be removed (it digs into my skinny little butt.... or as my wife says "non-butt). That's just not convienient for me. So, back to 1:00 it goes.
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