View Full Version : CM9 slide sticking back
01-30-2012, 08:17 AM
Shot my new CM9 yesterday.
First 20 shots or so went pretty well, after that the more I shot it the closer to a single shot it became.
After 225 rounds I have to hit the back of the slide after every shot to get it to close.
The slide release is not engaged the slid is just hung up.
I have oiled, over oiled, cleaned, shot dry, and re-oiled. I have looked at the lube chart posted and all points have been lubed.
What is the next step short of returning to the dealer?
01-30-2012, 08:41 AM
Make sure the recoil spring is installed with the closed end toward the rear of the slide.
01-30-2012, 08:51 AM
Make sure the recoil spring is installed with the closed end toward the rear of the slide.
01-30-2012, 09:00 AM
Try a call to Kahr CS. Explain whole problem to them. They may send you a new recoil assy to try out. If they say to send back in insist on a ppd shipping label.
01-30-2012, 09:11 AM
Locks all the way back.
Slide lock is very hard to remove during disassembly.
01-30-2012, 11:30 AM
Locks all the way back.
Slide lock is very hard to remove during disassembly.
Is the slide lock engaged when this happens?
01-30-2012, 11:52 AM
Is the slide lock engaged when this happens?
No it is not.
01-30-2012, 12:32 PM
Are you sure its not something your doing? Did you have anyone else shoot the gun? I was at the range yesterday with my wife and she kept having this issue when using the +P rounds. She had no issues when shooting federal fmj 115g. Whenever I shot I did not have an issue. Just a suggestion..
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01-30-2012, 01:32 PM
Are you sure its not something your doing? Did you have anyone else shoot the gun? I was at the range yesterday with my wife and she kept having this issue when using the +P rounds. She had no issues when shooting federal fmj 115g. Whenever I shot I did not have an issue. Just a suggestion..
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3 of us shot it and all had the same issue. Shouldn't matter though, if a weapon is so finicky that you have to grip is a certain way then it is not fit for self defense IMO.
Since it is new I dropped it off where I bought it to let thier Gunsmith look at it. We will see.
01-31-2012, 10:57 PM
2 days in with no progress. Might have been better to send back to Kahr but I had hopes of using it for a CHL class Saturday.
I have owned MANY guns and several pistols and have ever been exposed to this "break in" BS.
I have 1000's of rounds through my Glock and my Browning without a single failure.
Really questioning this purchase about now...
01-31-2012, 11:06 PM
I know it sucks right now, but be patient. Once you get this gun working %100, and I'm sure it will get there. You will absolutely love the gun. cm/pm 9s are about the perfect carry gun imho.
I have owned MANY guns and several pistols and have ever been exposed to this "break in" BS.
Hey me too... bolt action rifles, slide action shotguns, revolvers.....:rolleyes:
Seriously, getting a very small light and powerful pistol to work is no small feat of engineering and manufacturing skill. The REAL issue with the break in is the recoil spring and maybe some other few parts like the extractor, trigger bar creating a nice wear pattern in the frame, but mostly the recoil spring assembly.
They cannot pre-stress the springs in any cost effective way. Small, stout, short and strong springs will lose some tension upon use. Its not a matter of locking back the slide, but more a matter or rapid and repeated cycling of the slide.
The engineers and manufacturing dont make the springs as they want them to be, but rather, make them so they turn into the springs they want them to be (after some use). Springs have a decay life, and the most decay is on the front end of the life, then becoming much more level and even ... but still decaying. So those 200 rounds may lose the same spring tension as the next five thousand rounds do (made up numbers to illustrate the effect on the spring). The relationship is similar to my example though... you get a big decrease, then long gradual decrease with use. Thats how coil springs work.
So.... ya gotta give the very small, very light... very niche market... pistols a chance to become battle ready. Think of them as pistols enduring boot camp.
02-01-2012, 07:56 AM
[QUOTE=CJB;129830]Hey me too... bolt action rifles, slide action shotguns, revolvers.....:rolleyes:
I appreciate your snide comment and sarcastic smiley :rolleyes::cool:
I wasn't referring to bolt actions or pumps. I was referring to other compact simi-auto hand guns (1 smaller than this one) or other simi-auto weapons manufactured.
Other manufactures have managed to engineer around this break in period thus producing a firearm that is dependable from shot #1.
I know that had I spent time reading on this forum prior to purchasing this gun I wouldn't have this problem. With all the issues of fail to feed, fail to lock, broken magazines, picky about ammo, and people having to send their gun back to Kahr multiple time to get them to work I would have never bought a Kahr to protect me and my family.
I'm sure eventually they will get it running so keep your eye on the classifieds.
02-01-2012, 08:45 AM
Have you spoken to Kahr CS yet? They're seriously good folks and truly want to make your gun right. No one here wants you to go away mad.
02-01-2012, 01:53 PM
It is still at the shop where I bought it. They have duplicated the problem but gunsmith has not worked on it yet.
02-01-2012, 02:35 PM
It is still at the shop where I bought it. They have duplicated the problem but gunsmith has not worked on it yet.My PM9 took longer to break-in than the suggested 200 rounds. I recently replaced it with a Nano. Here's the story.
02-01-2012, 03:38 PM
My CM9 has always ran flawless w/ 700+ rounds. I would give Kahr a call and I would think that if you tell them that 3 shooters had the same problem they would send you a label and fix it up for you.
02-01-2012, 03:46 PM
[QUOTE=CJB;129830]Hey me too... bolt action rifles, slide action shotguns, revolvers.....:rolleyes:
I appreciate your snide comment and sarcastic smiley :rolleyes::cool:
I wasn't referring to bolt actions or pumps. I was referring to other compact simi-auto hand guns (1 smaller than this one) or other simi-auto weapons manufactured.
Other manufactures have managed to engineer around this break in period thus producing a firearm that is dependable from shot #1.
I know that had I spent time reading on this forum prior to purchasing this gun I wouldn't have this problem. With all the issues of fail to feed, fail to lock, broken magazines, picky about ammo, and people having to send their gun back to Kahr multiple time to get them to work I would have never bought a Kahr to protect me and my family.
I'm sure eventually they will get it running so keep your eye on the classifieds.
u best peddle the kahr when it gets back as ur never gonna be happy,course what do I know I only had to send my 3 keltecks back a total of 17 tmes and my Para carry 9 twice, not includi9ng 3 slide stops they replaced for me. Sure in the hell alot of very high dollar 1911's going back at least once,some more:rolleyes:
02-01-2012, 04:07 PM
u best peddle the kahr when it gets back as ur never gonna be happy,course what do I know I only had to send my 3 keltecks back a total of 17 tmes and my Para carry 9 twice, not includi9ng 3 slide stops they replaced for me. Sure in the hell alot of very high dollar 1911's going back at least once,some more:rolleyes:
My estimate of 20% defect rate for all manufacturers is probably low. It was recently suggested it approached 40%.
A large gun bloger recently announced he had 11 or 13 new guns arrive at his shop with SERIOUS defects. Same manufacturer but didn't say if it was Kel-Tec, Taurus or Phoenix or ???
They ALL need to do much better. The selling shops have a role too. They need to set expectations. If a gun needs more break-in than average, or if it is ammo selective, the LGS should give a buyer a heads upo before they sell it.
02-01-2012, 04:59 PM
I am really sad to see all the negative talk about the CM9. I have a comittment to purchase one of these. Hope to heck mine is not a piece of junk. I will let the world know one way or the other. :D/:31:
02-01-2012, 05:06 PM
Given the number of new CM9's reported on here, the "goods" outnumber the "bads" exponentially. It's an awesome little firearm. Mine has been flawless from day one. I am a relatively new handgunner. I learned on this CM9.
The folks here are the real deal. Everything you hear: 200 rounds, Proper Prep and Lube, proper grip..all that stuff is for real. These little guns are so tight that mistakes are magnified. Not a big old blocky sloppy Glock. They're precision pieces and they need a proper breakin and operation. Sometimes small issues become large issues when it won't go bang.
It hurts us all to see anyone have to send one back. But know that Kahr will make it right.
02-01-2012, 05:17 PM
Thanks Tinman I appreciate what you said. I will take a deep breath and have a positive attitude and all will work out fine I am sure. ;)
mr surveyor
02-01-2012, 05:43 PM
The CM9 whines are rare, and the one's with actual problems that don't take advantage of Kahr's excellent customer service are even more rare. Unless a local gunsmith is an actual trained armorer for a specific firearm, I wouldn't let them touch a new, factory warranted handgun.
Again.... rare occurance for the CW/CM series
I just got back from putting the first 100 rounds through my CM9. I also have the slide sticking to the rear (slide-stop NOT engaged) periodically. In the first 100 rounds, I did not get more than 1 mag fired at a time without a sticking slide. I'd just smack the back of the slide and press on. Toward the end of the 100 rounds the number of malfunctions appeared to be decreasing.
I'm going to run at least another 200 through the pistol before I make any decisions about it. I will say though, after 20 years of being a DoD Small Arms Repairman and firearms instructor I have NEVER seen a pistol malfunction this much. I was a bit disappointed. I haven't given up hope, though. I still think the pistol has potential...
02-02-2012, 05:21 PM
That's the way mine started but got worse instead of better.
I sure hope you have better luck.
That's the way mine started but got worse instead of better.
I sure hope you have better luck.
I hope so too! I went through the pistol today and cleaned and lubricated it. I'm going to try to run another 100 through it tomorrow and see how things go.
02-02-2012, 10:36 PM
Try leaving the slide locked back for a couple of days. Might help the spring take a set. When they are new, they are long but shorten up as they take a set.
I will say in my case the Customer Service has been great to deal with. They are sending me a new recoil spring for me to try. I'm going to get out today and run some more rounds through it and hopefully these problems will disappear...
02-03-2012, 10:21 AM
be sure the outter recoil spring is on correctly---open end towards the front of the slide. My guess is that more rounds a d a new reoil assembly will get it running right.
02-03-2012, 10:27 AM
Just for look at the other side, I got my CM9 last fall adn have put 500 rounds through it with no trouble. Before shooting the first time I did the clean and lube. Since then I have done the magazine follower mod and squeezed the 6 rd mags so they drop free. My preference. I have 3- 6 rd and one 7 rd. I also have Pearce grip extensions on two of the 6 round magazines. This is now my daily pocket carry gun. The only thing I don't like now is the ugly gap between the grip and magazine.
02-03-2012, 11:05 AM
could it be a problem with the magazine? Have you tried a different one? What about the little slide lock spring? Does it look ok?
02-03-2012, 11:14 AM
so, i opened the box with my new kahr cm9 yesterday, and was going to rack the slide 500 times. if i pull the slide back and release it, about every 10 times, it just stays back. if i wait 2 - 5 seconds, it releases itself. or when it sticks back, i can hit the side of the slide and it will release. I took it apart, cleaned and lubed very well, same issue. i have now racked 500 times at least and it still sticks back by itself, needless to say i KNOW it will do this on the range...... so far not impressed. my glocks never stuck
(and yes everything is in the right place and facing the right way)
edit: just called Kahr about the slide sticking and he said i have to shoot it the 200 times first (which i guess makes sense) but he said hopefully that will fix the issue. I told him about people recommending racking the slide 500 times to break it in before shooting, and he said, "shooting one round is equal to hand racking 500 times, so if i want to manually rack it half a million times, go right ahead." haha, his australian accent made it that much funnier. (just the way he said it)
02-03-2012, 11:53 AM
Hope it improves for you.
02-03-2012, 01:10 PM
Gunsmith says it is a bad extractor. Part ordered and should be here Wed.
We will see
02-03-2012, 01:50 PM
Hopefully that's what it is...if not, my recommendation would be to send it back to Kahr and let them make it right. There has to be an explanation for it, and once they get it fixed you won't be disappointed. Let us know how it turns out.
02-03-2012, 03:17 PM
so, i opened the box with my new kahr cm9 yesterday, and was going to rack the slide 500 times. if i pull the slide back and release it, about every 10 times, it just stays back. if i wait 2 - 5 seconds, it releases itself. or when it sticks back, i can hit the side of the slide and it will release. I took it apart, cleaned and lubed very well, same issue. i have now racked 500 times at least and it still sticks back by itself, needless to say i KNOW it will do this on the range...... so far not impressed. my glocks never stuck
(and yes everything is in the right place and facing the right way)
edit: just called Kahr about the slide sticking and he said i have to shoot it the 200 times first (which i guess makes sense) but he said hopefully that will fix the issue. I told him about people recommending racking the slide 500 times to break it in before shooting, and he said, "shooting one round is equal to hand racking 500 times, so if i want to manually rack it half a million times, go right ahead." haha, his australian accent made it that much funnier. (just the way he said it)
no clue in saying shooting one round is equa lto 500 times of hand racking. This forum has always stated nothing beats the bang thing that is for sure but hand racking certainly does help imporve without the bang thing. U do need to shoot it the 200 rounds to get a good feel if there is really something wrong. Kahrs are tight and normaly afdter a 100 rounds ur gonna get a good iidea about the gun to. Do the kahr lube thing for sure and shoot good american brand ammo for break in. U need not use defensive hp ammo for break in as that is \very expensive .I think that fellais british, nice guy to but everyone has heir own opinions about some things, so I will give him his opinion. Just thatmineis different.
U might hear the samething about some saying to lock the slide back a few days to help give the recoil spring its designed set. again nothing beats the bang thing and the slide doing itcycling action but again also many here have done the slide lock back thing for a few days and reported good results. certainly hand racking a slide causes no issues,nor locking back the slide either..
02-03-2012, 05:22 PM
not to hijack the thread but the bottom of my magazine can be pushed off without pushing in that button or taking the pressure off the spring, even when its fully loaded and in the gun. I just push on it and it slides up over the bump and comes off. if anything, that worries me the most, it seems like the bump isn't big enough
02-03-2012, 05:32 PM
WOW this forum is sure full of great information. Thanks all for taking the time.
02-03-2012, 05:39 PM
not to hijack the thread but the bottom of my magazine can be pushed off without pushing in that button or taking the pressure off the spring, even when its fully loaded and in the gun. I just push on it and it slides up over the bump and comes off. if anything, that worries me the most, it seems like the bump isn't big enough
some have posted a fix for this to. It should not just slide right off without pushing in that button on the inner floor plate. That is whqat that floor plate is also in there for to, as a keeper of the visible floor plate. Some have aqlso just tightened up the bottom floor plate channel with a pair of pliers in just a few little spots. not totallneed to do the complete floor plate groove. Not something u take apart every cleaning, so it should not be just loose as a goose either. at the worst u can send it back to kahr forexchange but no guarantee the replacement is not going to be the same either. Fix it yourself and do i9t right and save alot of time. Some have even taken a small punch and made thqat little bump deeper, not sure how good or easy that is but again ur not gonna ruin only but that inner floor plate which is replaceable..
A little update to my related problems from yesterday: After yesterday I came home, throughly cleaned and lubed the pistol with my favorite gun oil- Mobil 1 synthetic motor oil. I followed the Lube Diagram and went out again today. Immediately, the pistol was functioning nearly flawlessly. In the second 100 rounds (my handloads, 115gr Berry's bullet) the only issues I had was one stovepipe, one instance of the slide sticking momentarily to the rear and multiple failures to lock on an empty mag. The load was a fairly mild load, so I may step up the powder charge a bit. Maybe that was the reason for the failures to lock open on the slide stop. I am MUCH happier today! I'm going to load up some more ammo today and run some more through it this weekend. If I can get at least 100 through it without stoppages/malfuctions this will be my new carry gun for sure! :D
02-03-2012, 06:14 PM
first emphasis IMO is to shoot 100 rounds of NEW AMMO, U might think ur reloads are OK and probalby tghey are but IMO don'tjudge your gun on the basis of what reloads aredoing.
Once that gun gets a few hundredor so rounds down range the recoil springs willhave their desired set and it should lock openOK, but for the time being chalk that one issue up to maybe a light load not doing the job "yet" Testit out with a box of 25 defense hp rounds, they are normally alot hotter than ove rthe counter wwb ammo . My et ur slide will lock open every time as designed, just load a couple rounds to test this out numerous times even..
If it wasmy gun I would at least have some kind of gun grease in the slide rails. oil runs,oil will leave the scene in time. Oil is good in some places. Asgood asMobil One is andI run it in allmy kahrs and Harleys, I tend to use TW25 gun grease on my slide rails and for me any gun oil or oil in places that grease isnot desired will work fine. the kahr lube chart on the kahr tech section is absolutey the best guide u can have. I think ur getting there SGV, paitence is golden..
first emphasis IMO is to shoot 100 rounds of NEW AMMO, U might think ur reloads are OK and probalby tghey are but IMO don'tjudge your gun on the basis of what reloads aredoing.
Once that gun gets a few hundredor so rounds down range the recoil springs willhave their desired set and it should lock openOK, but for the time being chalk that one issue up to maybe a light load not doing the job "yet" Testit out with a box of 25 defense hp rounds, they are normally alot hotter than ove rthe counter wwb ammo . My et ur slide will lock open every time as designed, just load a couple rounds to test this out numerous times even..
If it wasmy gun I would at least have some kind of gun grease in the slide rails. oil runs,oil will leave the scene in time. Oil is good in some places. Asgood asMobil One is andI run it in allmy kahrs and Harleys, I tend to use TW25 gun grease on my slide rails and for me any gun oil or oil in places that grease isnot desired will work fine. the kahr lube chart on the kahr tech section is absolutey the best guide u can have. I think ur getting there SGV, paitence is golden..
Thanks jocko- I did run 100 rnds of WWB through it yesterday. Today was my handloads. The reason I run Mobil 1 is the temps this time of year. I am a fan of grease, but the low temps with grease has caused me some sluggish slide-operation in the past, so I save grease for summer carry. And you are right, patience is golden. The diference from the first 100 rounds to the second 100 was night and day. I think it's starting to break in now...
02-03-2012, 06:41 PM
tw25, look it up. military uses it.
viscosity stays the same.
probably nothignwrong with Mobil One either, so just giving u some suggestions. Oil will run. Mobil one ciscosity changes with engine temperature. but what ever mobil one u put on any part of your gun that viscoisty isgoing tostay that way be it 10 weight or 50 weight, as there is no heat friction to molecularry change it.
02-03-2012, 06:55 PM
and you put the "GREASE" just on the slide correct, down the entire sides (put and drip?)
02-03-2012, 06:58 PM
for meI use the tw25 great but u can go to any gun store andfind some of thesame stuff in asyringe type applicator that allowsu to put a very fine line of greaserdght downinside that side raill; Best IMO if one just goes to the kiahr tech sectionahd hits on the kahr lube chart, thereis your bible for proper lub e on ur kahr, what ever grease u choose to go with is probalby going to be fine. Not juch is ever needed anywhere greatwill stay where u put it 9 times out of 10.Oil will aways seek to run towards the bottom of somewhere,..
tw25, look it up. military uses it.
viscosity stays the same.
probably nothignwrong with Mobil One either, so just giving u some suggestions. Oil will run. Mobil one ciscosity changes with engine temperature. but what ever mobil one u put on any part of your gun that viscoisty isgoing tostay that way be it 10 weight or 50 weight, as there is no heat friction to molecularry change it.
I'm a DoD Small Arms Repairman by trade (almost 20 years now), so I've used TW-25 many times in the past. It's good, I just like Militec grease for spring/summer/fall and Mobil 1 in the winter. It's what has worked for me, from Alaska to Afghanistan. JMHO...
02-07-2012, 01:32 PM
Gun Shop just called.
Bad news - They are having "problems" getting cooperation out of Kahr which mean repair parts have not shipped.
Good news - the shop has offered, without request, to replace the gun with a NEW one.
At least the gun shop is top notch.
02-07-2012, 07:25 PM
that is good news, unfortunately not for those who bought their guns off the internet. Like i've said a million times, i've not shot mine yet, but i hope i don't have any problems because while i went the cheap route online, i don't have any gunshop to fall back on, so if there is a problem, i hope kahr steps up (or next time i won't cheap out and spend the extra bucks for local service).... only time will tell
oh, and let us know how the new one works
Good news... and I dunno why they just didn't send it back to Kahr, on Kahr's nickle.
Bbos... its not a matter of "other engineers", its a matter of very specialized design. Kahr is asking a lot, pushing the envelope.
Consider this design parameter - SMALL
To achieve small, one factor is the amount the slide travels rearward after it clears the top of the magazine. On larger pistols, that travel is greater, with heavier parts and longer springs. Kahr does it with extremely small amounts of overtravel, with lightweight parts, and short springs. The cartridge rise time from magazine to being ready to go into battery... very very short. The design is one that has specialty. The pistols were designed to be small, light, accurate, safe, dependable and concealable.
Kahr suggests putting 200 rounds through the pistol, as much for confidence in it, as its own need to break in parts.
02-07-2012, 08:06 PM
Good news... and I dunno why they just didn't send it back to Kahr, on Kahr's nickle.
Bbos... its not a matter of "other engineers", its a matter of very specialized design. Kahr is asking a lot, pushing the envelope.
Consider this design parameter - SMALL
To achieve small, one factor is the amount the slide travels rearward after it clears the top of the magazine. On larger pistols, that travel is greater, with heavier parts and longer springs. Kahr does it with extremely small amounts of overtravel, with lightweight parts, and short springs. The cartridge rise time from magazine to being ready to go into battery... very very short. The design is one that has specialty. The pistols were designed to be small, light, accurate, safe, dependable and concealable.
Kahr suggests putting 200 rounds through the pistol, as much for confidence in it, as its own need to break in parts.
They decided last Wednesday that sending it back to Kahr was the thing to do. They have been calling at least once a day since trying to get return authorization etc. As of this morning they had yet to get the needed info from Kahr so they offered mea we gun.
Won't be my last business with this shop for sure.
02-07-2012, 08:09 PM
that is good news, unfortunately not for those who bought their guns off the internet. Like i've said a million times, i've not shot mine yet, but i hope i don't have any problems because while i went the cheap route online, i don't have any gunshop to fall back on, so if there is a problem, i hope kahr steps up (or next time i won't cheap out and spend the extra bucks for local service).... only time will tell
oh, and let us know how the new one works
I have hope for you. Seems to me, from reading here and talking to a couple of gun dealers, that there are two kinds of Kahr's; those that never fail and those that haunt you until you get rid of them.
02-07-2012, 08:22 PM
Seems like the Gallery of Guns gun replacement guarantee would be well worth the few extra dollars, plus the tax at your local GS, one would pay over the online price.
They decided last Wednesday that sending it back to Kahr was the thing to do. They have been calling at least once a day since trying to get return authorization etc. As of this morning they had yet to get the needed info from Kahr so they offered mea we gun.
Won't be my last business with this shop for sure.
I've sent things back to Kahr. I dont see what the shops problem is. You call - they issue a return number, either agree to prepay shipping, or you just send it on your own. After that - you can argue as to "yes warranty" or "no its not warranty" due to the shop's attempt at repairs.
I dont think something's quite right, but... I do think the shop did you well by taking care of you first, and hashing it out with Kahr behind the scenes.
It sounds like there is some bit of missing information that is needed to complete this picture.....
02-08-2012, 11:45 AM
Well out of curiosity I called Kahr's Technical Support & Service number this morning.
After a 5 minute hold I was prompted to leave a message and someone would contact me in 1 - 2 days.
This is exactly what my dealer says he did 4 days in a row and he never got a call.
I will post when / if I get a call back.
02-09-2012, 11:18 AM
Just got my call back. Almost 24 hours after leaving a message which is within what they promised on the recorded message.
I'm not sure what the issue was with the shop, maybe when the call came in the shop rep was with a customer? I don't know.
Anyway, the Kahr guy was helpful, thought it was likely an issue with the slide stop spring being bent and he suggested this video for new Kahr owners.
02-09-2012, 04:07 PM
Ok, got my NEW CM 9 Tuesday. Broke down and cleaned it thoroughly that night and lubed it per the guidelines here.
Got it to the range today and put 150 rounds of FMJ and 12 rounds of HP through it. All divided between 2 mags.
Not a single hick up.
Between this and my phone conversation with the Kahr Tech Rep I know have hope for joining the "Happy Kahr Owners Club"!
02-09-2012, 05:10 PM
Congrats and Thanks for hanging in there.
You won't be sorry!
02-09-2012, 07:29 PM
I just purchased a new CM9 on Feb 2nd and I am experiencing the same slide locking back problem. Fired about 100 rounds through the pistol last night and had approximately 15-20 malfunctions of this type.
I will post more as I continue to break in the gun but, I want to say it is very disappointing. Not putting my faith in Kahr right now.
02-09-2012, 08:27 PM
I just purchased a new CM9 on Feb 2nd and I am experiencing the same slide locking back problem. Fired about 100 rounds through the pistol last night and had approximately 15-20 malfunctions of this type.
I will post more as I continue to break in the gun but, I want to say it is very disappointing. Not putting my faith in Kahr right now.
watch this vid, is this your problem?
then try this? does yours do this?
please let me know
My CM9 is on the way back to Kahr, as we speak. After 600 rounds of ammo it STILL was sticking to the rear multiple times per mag. So, Kahr gave me a a Return Authorization and footed the bill for the return via FedEx. The customer service has been great. So, hopefully the pistol gets fixed and return quickly and I'll be a happy customer.
02-09-2012, 10:05 PM
My CM9 is on the way back to Kahr, as we speak. After 600 rounds of ammo it STILL was sticking to the rear multiple times per mag. So, Kahr gave me a a Return Authorization and footed the bill for the return via FedEx. The customer service has been great. So, hopefully the pistol gets fixed and return quickly and I'll be a happy customer.
Why did you wait 600 rounds?
Why did you wait 600 rounds?
Because I thought for sure the damn thing would break in and start running. I kept reading stuff like "run it to 500 rounds" etc. and it'll be good to go. Unfortunately, not so much. I knew the pistol had issues from the first day I shot it but I kept seeing the "break-in" talk here so I kept pumping rounds through the gun.
02-10-2012, 06:17 AM
There is a post on this forum where a guy had a Nano and put 900 rounds through it before it started being reliable. When I questioned the amount of rounds another guy agreed with the breakin 900 rounds for that Nano so to each it's own. Some people would probably send a gun back before they put that much money through it and some don't.
02-10-2012, 06:44 AM
watch this vid, is this your problem?
then try this? does yours do this?
please let me know
Yes. My CM9 does the same thing as the videos with the exception that I cannot get it to lock back without firing. Maybe I'm just not strong enough to do that!
watch this vid, is this your problem?
then try this? does yours do this?
please let me know
1st video is exactly what was wrong with mine. Don't think that this is a break-in issue. I put a rediculous amount of rounds through mine thinking it would break in. It didn't. It would stick back almost every shot fired. Kahr sent me a new recoil spring assembly, I ran another 100 rounds through it and the problem was still there. I think it's a barrel fitment issue. Without the barrel in, the slide moves freely to the rear and back on the rails. Put the barrel back in and it sticks like crazy...
02-10-2012, 09:59 AM
1st video is exactly what was wrong with mine. Don't think that this is a break-in issue. I put a rediculous amount of rounds through mine thinking it would break in. It didn't. It would stick back almost every shot fired. Kahr sent me a new recoil spring assembly, I ran another 100 rounds through it and the problem was still there. I think it's a barrel fitment issue. Without the barrel in, the slide moves freely to the rear and back on the rails. Put the barrel back in and it sticks like crazy...
That gun needs to go back to Kahr on their dime.
Not sure of the second video is valid. It may be, but unless there's a recoil spring there... and... just how far back does the barrel slide relationship go, when the things on a frame. On a frame, no recoil spring, would be the valid test.
02-10-2012, 08:49 PM
Not sure of the second video is valid. It may be, but unless there's a recoil spring there... and... just how far back does the barrel slide relationship go, when the things on a frame. On a frame, no recoil spring, would be the valid test.
well mine just left the fedex office back to kahr, but if KABOOKIE wants to try it assembled without the spring, i'd be open to hear the results. Like i said, my did that with the spring, so something was sticking... we'll wait to see the results of the newest test, assembled with no recoil spring guide..... lets have it kabookie!
That gun needs to go back to Kahr on their dime.
According to FedEx tracking, my pistol arrived at Kahr this morning. They paid for shipping, and the customer service has been great. I'm just hoping mine was the one that fell off the proverbial "turnip truck" and that it will come back to be in 100% functional condition, because I'm looking forward to carrying it. It really is a nice, compact little piece and it's accurate as well. Now I just need to be able to trust it... :hurt:
02-10-2012, 09:22 PM
well mine just left the fedex office back to kahr, but if KABOOKIE wants to try it assembled without the spring, i'd be open to hear the results. Like i said, my did that with the spring, so something was sticking... we'll wait to see the results of the newest test, assembled with no recoil spring guide..... lets have it kabookie!
Ok, I disassembled the gun and then put everything back together minus the recoil spring. When I racked the slide back it jammed the gun up so bad I could not get the slide to return home by just slapping the back of it with the palm of my hand. I had to wrap a towel around the slide and tap it like a hammer on the counter top to get it to slide forward.
Yeah, I think I'm sending this one back to Kahr.
02-10-2012, 09:55 PM
Kabookie, i can't remember if you said you've shot yours already or not, how many rounds do you have through it?
02-10-2012, 10:17 PM
Put just over 100 rounds through it the other night. I'll probably put another 50 through it before I send it back. Don't think I need to wait until 200+ rounds as it sounds like I've got a pretty serious issue.
02-11-2012, 02:29 AM
yeah, none of my other guns have barrels that stick, and if yours stick without shooting and with shooting, i would assume mine would stick when shooting as well. we'll see what they say/do. I sent it overnight today, so i'm guessing they will have it monday to look at.
02-11-2012, 08:36 PM
yeah, none of my other guns have barrels that stick, and if yours stick without shooting and with shooting, i would assume mine would stick when shooting as well. we'll see what they say/do. I sent it overnight today, so i'm guessing they will have it monday to look at.
Well, I put another 100 rounds through it this afternoon and counted 32 jams at the full rear position with anothe 5-8 where the slide locked back and after a 1/2 second returned on its own. Also had one "nose dive" from a 7 round magazine.
Sorry guys but this thing is a lemon. I'll be calling Kahr customer service first thing Monday to return it for repair or a replacement. Can't say I would recommend a Kahr CM series to anyone looking for a good reliable self defense gun.
02-11-2012, 11:53 PM
Well, I put another 100 rounds through it this afternoon and counted 32 jams at the full rear position with anothe 5-8 where the slide locked back and after a 1/2 second returned on its own. Also had one "nose dive" from a 7 round magazine.
Sorry guys but this thing is a lemon. I'll be calling Kahr customer service first thing Monday to return it for repair or a replacement. Can't say I would recommend a Kahr CM series to anyone looking for a good reliable self defense gun.Sounds like you have the worst all time specimen. Too bad. Sending it back is the only option
Sounds like you have the worst all time specimen. Too bad. Sending it back is the only option
No, mine was worse. I averaged 4 malfunctions per 6 round mag, for a little over 600 rounds.
02-12-2012, 05:08 PM
Up to 350 rounds of FMJ and 36 Critical Defense.
Had 1 FMJ nose dive out of all of that but my 11 year old was shooting at the time so he may not of had a firm enough grip?
02-12-2012, 06:57 PM
Here's a quick video of my problem.
Hopefully Kahr is quick to recognize my issue and pay up to send this back and repair this on the warranty.
This does not seem like a proper lubrication, recoil spring or break in issue.
02-12-2012, 07:10 PM
I just watched your video and stripped mine down just to look.
I can wobble the barrel up and down all the way front to rear with no binding whatsoever.
What's the barrel opening in the slide look like? It should be an oval with the long axis maybe 1/16" bigger than the minor axis.
I couldn't see the inside of ths slide on your video. Something is definitely out of spec on that slide.
Sorry you're going through this. Kahr will make it right, it's just frustrating.
02-12-2012, 07:26 PM
Yes, oval opening on the slide for the barrel.
When I push the barrel forward, it feels as if it's wedging into the slide kind of like a door stop. The weird thing is I can see evidence of interference on the top of the barrel but don't see any obvious signs of the wear inside the slide.
Oh well. I'll call them up first thing tomorrow.
02-12-2012, 10:58 PM
Here's a quick video of my problem.
Hopefully Kahr is quick to recognize my issue and pay up to send this back and repair this on the warranty.
This does not seem like a proper lubrication, recoil spring or break in issue.
Exactly the same as my video. Kahr will have mine tomorrow so we'll see what they say. But maybe we have finally solved the problem of premature lockback. Maybe its been a mystery to kahr as well. Now we wait :popcorn:
02-13-2012, 08:14 AM
Just got off the phone with Kahr support. Told them about my problem and without any questions gave me a return authorization number. They're sending a FedEx box prepaid for me to return the pistol and the 7 round magazine.
02-13-2012, 11:58 AM
I will be fascinated to hear what this problem really is. That's a puzzler.
02-14-2012, 12:47 AM
Just got off the phone with Kahr support. Told them about my problem and without any questions gave me a return authorization number. They're sending a FedEx box prepaid for me to return the pistol and the 7 round magazine.
Do you know who you talked to? It had to be someone other than the british guy because he was convinced the problem would go away with shooting when i called. Until i spoke to jay, who was nothing but helpful.
02-14-2012, 10:15 AM
Do you know who you talked to? It had to be someone other than the british guy because he was convinced the problem would go away with shooting when i called. Until i spoke to jay, who was nothing but helpful.
I don't know who I talked with but they did have what sounded like an English accent. Maybe Jay convinced him after dealing with you? :D
Kahr emailed a FedEx overnight label and I dropped the pistol off at FedEx this morning.
I noticed last night a lot of shiny wear marks on the barrel add I was packing the gun. The wear on the side of the barrel was rubbing the 9X19 marking off.
02-15-2012, 09:34 AM
Pistol arrived at Kahr this morning. Crossing fingers they get this fixed the first time.
On an unrelated note, I thought it was ironic walking past the FedEx door that was clearly posted "no guns" while carrying a package that had a gun inside. Heh.
02-15-2012, 01:33 PM
Up to 450 FMJ
48 Critical Defense
24 Gold Dot Short Barrel.
Had 2 nose dives. First by my son and 2nd toward the end of my shooting on a quick shot from low relaxed position. I think both were weak grip related.
Confidence up so I ordered my night sights for it.
02-17-2012, 01:50 PM
So has anyone in this thread that recently returned their pistols to Kahr get an update from them? Mine has been there 2 days and I've yet to even get an email confirming they received the pistol.
02-17-2012, 02:25 PM
not sure kahr does that even, 2 days , give them time my friend..
02-17-2012, 02:45 PM
So has anyone in this thread that recently returned their pistols to Kahr get an update from them? Mine has been there 2 days and I've yet to even get an email confirming they received the pistol.
Mine always got there but I did send an email to check on the status which they replied with an approximate amount of days to check again. Everything with them worked out good with me but I do understand how you feel. I can suggest that you insist on knowing the day the gun is shipped back so you can be home to sign for it. Kahr ships back 2 day delivery.
02-17-2012, 02:50 PM
normally one has a trcking number when sending guns back, so that could be ur confirmation as far as kahr is concerrned. I do agree with kerby9mm. it would be nice if they emailed u when returing the gun. helps to be around..
02-17-2012, 05:50 PM
So has anyone in this thread that recently returned their pistols to Kahr get an update from them? Mine has been there 2 days and I've yet to even get an email confirming they received the pistol.
Whether you paid shipping or used their prepaid label, you should have the tracking number and can confirm it arrived two days after it went out...because two day air is the only option to you.
02-17-2012, 05:51 PM
Yes, FedEx delivered and "some person" (J. BELANGER) signed for it. Still would be nice if I received an email that they were in possession of it and working the problem.
02-18-2012, 02:03 PM
I've got the "slide sticking back" issue with my PM9. It didn't start occuring with mine until after about 500 to 600 rounds. I know it's not a lubrication issue. I have followed Kahr's lubrication chart and then some. I have taken it apart many times and the problem just doesn't seem obvious. I know that I am re-assembling it properly. I can replicate the problem even without firing it, just by racking it. My Kahr has already been sent back once due to a dead trigger issue. I love the size of this gun, and when it works reliably, I couldn't be happier with it. Problem is, it seldom works reliably.
02-18-2012, 03:01 PM
call kahr and see if they will send u a new recoil assembly. the best lube chart is on the kahrt tech section undrer
#1 kahr lube chart
#2 propper preppingof ur new kahr might help to
HAND RACKING AND THE ACTUAL bang THING CAN PRODUCE TWO DIFFERENT RESULTS. I would not thihk it would be the recoil srings but that is the first place that I would start, normally that solves alot of ills with semi's. Give kahr a call ande ask for jay, he is a super helpful person and might want to let u try that instead of sending it back again. U have nothing to loose in asking either
02-18-2012, 03:32 PM
Check out my video. Disassemble your gun and see if the barrel gets wedged in the slide like this. If it does, I'll gurantee it's 99.99% NOT a recoil spring issue.
I've got the "slide sticking back" issue with my PM9. It didn't start occuring with mine until after about 500 to 600 rounds. I know it's not a lubrication issue. I have followed Kahr's lubrication chart and then some. I have taken it apart many times and the problem just doesn't seem obvious. I know that I am re-assembling it properly. I can replicate the problem even without firing it, just by racking it. My Kahr has already been sent back once due to a dead trigger issue. I love the size of this gun, and when it works reliably, I couldn't be happier with it. Problem is, it seldom works reliably.
02-18-2012, 03:45 PM
can u send that video to kahr attna: jAY AND LET HIM WATCH IT.
02-18-2012, 05:45 PM
Sure what is Jays email?
02-18-2012, 06:30 PM
If i'm scuffing parts its because something hasn't been machined right. The barrel should slide freely in the slide much like the glock in my video. The recoil spring's job is not to prevent interference between the barrel and the slide but to provide spring force to return the slide back.
02-18-2012, 06:34 PM
Tucson: PM sent.
Check out my video. Disassemble your gun and see if the barrel gets wedged in the slide like this. If it does, I'll gurantee it's 99.99% NOT a recoil spring issue.
I dont think your slide moves that far back against the barrel in actual operation.
The scuffing is from the locking area of the ejection port, not from the inside front of the slide. Its also normal.
Do this -
Take a sharpie - draw a line on the barrel when assembled and fully back.
Now take down the pistol, and see how much further, if any, the barrel/slide movement is. I'd bet its a bit more.
02-18-2012, 07:56 PM
I dont think your slide moves that far back against the barrel in actual operation.
The scuffing is from the locking area of the ejection port, not from the inside front of the slide. Its also normal.
Do this -
Take a sharpie - draw a line on the barrel when assembled and fully back.
Now take down the pistol, and see how much further, if any, the barrel/slide movement is. I'd bet its a bit more.
As others have pointed out in this thread their disassembled cm9 did not exhibit this type of "wedging"
02-18-2012, 07:58 PM
the guys here are only trying to help,not hinder..
If it never reaches the exact instance of wedging, its a moot point, no?
02-18-2012, 08:26 PM
If it never reaches the exact instance of wedging, its a moot point, no?
It would still be a problem because the slide has to go all the way back to pick up the next round.
Look at my video, this is normal travel for barrel movement. Look where the chamber is in relation to the slide opening.
I would gladly do the "marking" test as described above but I can't because my cm9 is at the factory. Maybe some one else here can do this test and my disassembly test in my video above and post their results?
No ... do the test I mentioned, I think you'll find the relationship of slide to barrel when disassembled allows more movement than when assembled.
02-18-2012, 08:35 PM
No, you put down the Koolaide and read carefully. You'll have to do the test as my pistol is at the Kahr factory.
Above, me pulling the slide back as far as it will go.
And the same with no spring, frame, etc... just slide and barrel.
No Koolaide here, so don't cop an attitude with me college boy. I'm only trying to help, and to enlighten the masses that there is no problem where you say there is.
Your demonstration is bogus as it relates to the operation of the pistol. You have another problem. I'm sorry you have another problem. Undoubtedly, Kahr will correct the problem.
And now that that's all settled... back to the important stuff.
02-18-2012, 08:53 PM
Above, me pulling the slide back as far as it will go.
And the same with no spring, frame, etc... just slide and barrel.
No Koolaide here, so don't cop an attitude with me college boy. I'm only trying to help, and to enlighten the masses that there is no problem where you say there is.
Your demonstration is bogus as it relates to the operation of the pistol. You have another problem. I'm sorry you have another problem. Undoubtedly, Kahr will correct the problem.
And now that that's all settled... back to the important stuff.
You're the one copping an attitude GED boy. Did you try my test with just the barrel and slide only? Did it jam up as in my video? Try that.
02-18-2012, 09:12 PM
without the gun it is now a mute point but no doubt with the recoil spring out o fthe gun and just the slide and barrel in hand, one can put far more angle on that barrel than what the action of the gun when the bang thing happnes will ever produce. That cam in the barrel lug takes care of any over travel. Not saying u don't have an issue kabookie but the slide and barrel only this is not how the gun is desinged to work either. Probably need to move on from this thread as it is not going uphill anymore either and I look for the great one to step in here real soon.. Normally when the coffee gets cold the great one washs the cup and starts anew.
I have followed CJB since he came to this forum, he sure has taught me alot about my kahr that I thought I new but didn't, so normally when he speaks (writes) ol jocko listens.:confused:
02-18-2012, 09:14 PM
You appear to be missing the point. This is not about education. CJB has been around the planet a lot longer than you. Like many of us more experienced guys, he is not accustomed to lip from someone he is trying to help.
Best of luck! Your mileage may vary . . .
Well I apologize. Was trying to work out a problem and apparently ran into someone more stubborn than myself. I'm not sure where CJB pulled the education insult from but hey, I've never been one to throw back an insult.
I have followed CJB since he came to this forum, he sure has taught me alot about my kahr that I thought I new but didn't, so normally when he speaks (writes) ol jocko listens.:confused:
ol jock listens..... to rock and roll no doubt!
TY kind Sir.
I just tested my two PM45's, the black one, and the ... black one!:D
The older one sticks when you jam the barrel up the slides wazoo until it actually jams there. The newer one doesn't do that. The place where _MY_ slide is rubbing when it jams in there, is where the little half moon cutout is... it could be just a trifle bigger and the barrel _maybe_ wouldn't stick.
The point is useless, because in operation, the barrel never gets that close to the point of sticking on that particular locale of touching pistol anatomy.
One thing I noticed when I KKoted the (newly) black one. Kahr fit those barrels they way they ought to be fit. That is - they must hold the breech face-to-locking shoulder dimension to a very tight tolerance. Zero forward backward wiggle when the barrel/slide is in battery. Check that with the slide dismounted, and recoil spring removed. No forward backward movement. Zero.
The size and location of the kidney shape below the barrel is also held to a fairly precise tolerance - very little up and down wiggle in Kahr barrels - in relation to the slide. I haven't measured my own, but its on the order of a few .001's or less. Barely perceptible. And on that area, there needs to be "some" little bit of play, because there is no self cleaning/scraping as what happens in the breech face fit.
What I'm saying is - most folks would be to-die-for getting a barrel that nicely fit, and its a job fitting one that way in a 1911 - I know because I've done quite a few of those with hand cutters, surface grinder, and chainsaw file - depending on when in my career I was doing it. And yes, despite all the high talking techno - you can do a creditable job with a chainsaw file - IF - you select the file carefully (they vary a LOT in diameter) and set up the barrel in a jig and test fit it over and over and over... and assuming you can file a straight edge - something which takes a lot of practice.
02-19-2012, 02:45 AM
i don't want to get caught up in a whos right arguement, but my kahr was doing the same thing, also at the factory now.
I don't think the barrel sticking when not assembled is a moot point, simply because the two parts "jamming" together caused the slide to lock back on the gun when fully assembled (and like kabookie said, others that tried it with their cm9 did not experience the sticking/jamming, leading us to believe this setup is wrong). The tension feels the same the slide is stuck back on the frame, so we're all assuming that is whats causing the slide to lock back all by itself.
And i also own glocks and while the only malfunctions i've ever had were ammo related, my barrels dont stick, and my slides don't lock back for no reason.... not arguing, just saying.... i do like koolaid however :rolleyes:
Ok, do this:
Unload the pistol.
Pull the slide all the way back, even past where the slide stop would hold it. It only moves a few millimeters back from there...
Holding the slide back with one hand, grab the barrel with the other and wiggle it.
Does it wiggle? If so, then your problem is elsewhere. Checking here this AM... both my PM45's show about the same amount of wiggle... perhaps 3/16 of an inch or so - forward and backward that is.
02-19-2012, 05:59 PM
Another 50 rounds of FMJ and another nose dive....
For sure not a grip issue this time.
02-19-2012, 11:11 PM
Ok, do this:
Unload the pistol.
Pull the slide all the way back, even past where the slide stop would hold it. It only moves a few millimeters back from there...
Holding the slide back with one hand, grab the barrel with the other and wiggle it.
Does it wiggle? If so, then your problem is elsewhere. Checking here this AM... both my PM45's show about the same amount of wiggle... perhaps 3/16 of an inch or so - forward and backward that is.
Mine is at the factory, as well as Kabookies, so in the meantime.... does yours do this?
Nope, none of my three does that. As I said, one will jam the barrel when disassembled, but I dont think thats the root of the problem.
On the other should be easily corrected.... that type of thing tends to be.
02-20-2012, 05:23 AM
Nope, none of my three does that. As I said, one will jam the barrel when disassembled, but I dont think thats the root of the problem.
On the other should be easily corrected.... that type of thing tends to be.
So any idea of what is causing this if its not the barrel? Looks like 3 people here have had this problem in the last couple of weeks with new/newer guns.
02-20-2012, 06:42 AM
So any idea of what is causing this if its not the barrel? Looks like 3 people here have had this problem in the last couple of weeks with new/newer guns.
4 by my count. I think 1 of the 4 had his gun replaced bythe dealer and has been shooting great since then.
To me, the barrel sticking in the slide is ONE of the problems. For what ever reasons, the recoil spring is allowing the the barrel and slide to reach that point where the interference occurs.
Look at CJB's photo, the difference between with spring and without spring is probably 1mm. Not very much considering blow back could easily make up the difference.
If it were me, I would send any short barreled Kahr where the barrel wedges into the slide like that back to the factory to get it worked on ASAP. It will only be a matter of time before that spring wears out and allows the the slide to recoil just enough to cause interference.
Pretty sure it's the barrel fit on mine. Without the barrel in the slide there is no sticking on the frame. Put the barrel in, run the slide fully rearward and the barrel hood starts to bind in the slide. I am curious to see what Kahr SAYS is wrong with it. My biggest beef with Kahr over this is their lack of quality control. There is NO WAY that my pistol didn't stick to the rear during it's test fire at the factory. Because from day 1 through 600 rounds had severe issues with 3 different brands of 9mm and two different handloads of mine. I just can't believe they let a pistol leave the factory with such a big problem. Assuming it will "break-in" is pretty shady. It should be tight, but not so tight that it won't run. Even my Les Baer's (that are known for being rediculously tight) still ran nearly 100% in the break-in period.
02-20-2012, 08:28 PM
Check out my video. Disassemble your gun and see if the barrel gets wedged in the slide like this. If it does, I'll gurantee it's 99.99% NOT a recoil spring issue.
The problem I'm experiencing with my PM9 isn't quite the same as what's shown in the video. The slide on my gun returns all but about 1/4" to the forward position. It doesn't get stuck all the way back. My barrel does show the identical wear that's shown on the video, but I don't think that's causing the problem with my gun. I'll try to remember to take a picture the next time it happens.
Actually, not the best shots, but you'll find if you do it yourself, its actually several mm's, more than enough _in my pistols_
My own idea is to check the "ramp" on the underside of the striker area. Its angled from striker to breechface and serves to pickup the next round from the magazine. If that is too high, it could be wedging on the frame, or other parts.
02-21-2012, 11:52 AM
Checked, just like Bob's CM9, with the spring only the gun cycles freely. With the barrel in it jams up.
02-21-2012, 01:45 PM
Emailed Jay yesterday with the video link. He completely ignored the video and only confirmed that my pistol was at the factory. Oh well guess they are pretty busy there with the amount of returned items on warranty.
02-22-2012, 04:57 AM
Pretty sure it's the barrel fit on mine. Without the barrel in the slide there is no sticking on the frame. Put the barrel in, run the slide fully rearward and the barrel hood starts to bind in the slide. I am curious to see what Kahr SAYS is wrong with it. My biggest beef with Kahr over this is their lack of quality control. There is NO WAY that my pistol didn't stick to the rear during it's test fire at the factory. Because from day 1 through 600 rounds had severe issues with 3 different brands of 9mm and two different handloads of mine. I just can't believe they let a pistol leave the factory with such a big problem. Assuming it will "break-in" is pretty shady. It should be tight, but not so tight that it won't run. Even my Les Baer's (that are known for being rediculously tight) still ran nearly 100% in the break-in period.
Don't they fire only 1 round through it at the factory? I bought mine new and in the case was a small envelope with one spent shell. I thought that was from the round they fired at the factory.
Don't they fire only 1 round through it at the factory? I bought mine new and in the case was a small envelope with one spent shell. I thought that was from the round they fired at the factory.
The one round is for the states that require a casing for forensics. I would certainly hope they fire more than 1 round because my pistol was dirty enough when new that they had to have fired at least a couple mags worth through it.
02-22-2012, 05:11 PM
The one round is for the states that require a casing for forensics. I would certainly hope they fire more than 1 round because my pistol was dirty enough when new that they had to have fired at least a couple mags worth through it.We were told here last week that Kahr fires 24 rounds. There were, of course, doubters, and my theory that its every umpteenth gun is fired that much. The rest get two or three rounds.
02-22-2012, 09:12 PM
We were told here last week that Kahr fires 24 rounds. There were, of course, doubters, and my theory that its every umpteenth gun is fired that much. The rest get two or three rounds.
Your theory is wrong.
02-22-2012, 09:26 PM
I'm picking up my new cm9 on Friday,it's my first Kahr, and this thread is really making me second guess my decision. I was going to buy my buddy's Ruger lc9, but he had firing issues with it, so I decided against buying it. I sure hope I get lucky and get a good one.
Hmmm, heck of a first post!
02-22-2012, 10:28 PM
I'm picking up my new cm9 on Friday,it's my first Kahr, and this thread is really making me second guess my decision. I was going to buy my buddy's Ruger lc9, but he had firing issues with it, so I decided against buying it. I sure hope I get lucky and get a good one.
Hmmm, heck of a first post!
You're not going to let one thread about a problem gun rock your world, are you? This is the Kahr forum, so of course we are going to see posts about a few problem guns. What has been clearly amazing to us is how FEW problems have been reported with the CM9, and how MANY people post flawless range reports and breakins. Get your gun, follow the two stickies in the Kahr-Tech section about proper prep and lube chart, get plenty of WWB 115 gr FMJ from Wallyworld and go shoot it like you stole it! :D
02-22-2012, 11:17 PM
Personally I think all semi's need a break in. I don't like to carry a semi until I've put at least a couple hundred rounds down range, preferably 500. I know some run well out of the box better than others. My buddies Kimber says the break in is something like 500 rounds, and the gunsmith said closer to 800-1000. It won't feed Gold-dots worth a damn after 300 rounds, the gunsmith where he bought said put another 500 rounds through it and try it again. He's polished the feed ramp until it's like a mirror, but still won't feed the Gold Dots. I gave him some Hydra-Shoks to try, some 230gr and some low recoil 165 grain. I don't think he's tried them yet as I haven't heard anything good or bad about them. My CW45 ate the Gold-dots and Hydra-Shoks fine. I had some problems with some Golden Sabre 185gr +P, but a new recoil spring helped that out. Seemed funny to have to have a new recoil spring with less than 1000 rounds through it. Only problem with it is it won't feed from the 7 round mags. Ian wants me to send it in with the mags and let them have a look at it. I suppose I will while it's still jacket weather and wear one of my other .45's or my .44 special OWB.
02-23-2012, 02:18 AM
I'm picking up my new cm9 on Friday,it's my first Kahr, and this thread is really making me second guess my decision. I was going to buy my buddy's Ruger lc9, but he had firing issues with it, so I decided against buying it. I sure hope I get lucky and get a good one.
Hmmm, heck of a first post!
Here's my first post to this forum as well. I have had my CM9 for about a three weeks now. It is a sweet shooter, but it doesn't necessarily come that way right out of the box.
First of all, by all means do the recommended cleaning first. Take apart everything and get all the oil from the factory out of the gun and the magazine. Lube all the recommended lube points found in pictures on this forum. Rack it 500 times before you shoot it.
I did all of this and left it for a couple of days with the slide locked back. Then I went to the range. Here is what I found:
Two nosedives in the first two mags I shot. One apiece. Then I went on to shoot a total of 155 rounds and not a single malfunction. Next weekend I put another 120 rounds through it without a single malfunction.
Enter my two new 7 round kahr mags. Took those to the range and they nosedive EVERY time after the first shot, and the slide locks back prematurely. Once the mag gets down to 5 rounds or less in it, the problem goes away, and it feeds normally. Upon further research, the 7 round mags have a history of not working very well.
I took everything down and performed the follower mod on all three. I also took my dremmel and ground a little off the slide lock lever pin as recommended. I will post my findings when I get back from the range the next time, but I firmly believe most, if not all the problems I still have relate to the new mags. My factory 6 round mag feeds flawlessly.
Do the prep work ahead of time, and I think you'll be happy you did. I'll repost once I've had a chance to see if the nosedive problem is solved on the 7 round mags.
Good luck with your new pistol.
02-23-2012, 04:00 AM
So in regards to this spent casing....... my glocks, and S&W all came with one. I bought my cm9 from Cheaper than dirt a few weeks ago and it didn't have a spent casing...... something different when buying a gun online?
02-23-2012, 05:50 AM
So in regards to this spent casing....... my glocks, and S&W all came with one. I bought my cm9 from Cheaper than dirt a few weeks ago and it didn't have a spent casing...... something different when buying a gun online?
I might be speaking out of my hat here because I'm a newbe. I can't fathom why a gun would be shipped with a spent casing except there are some (commie) states that require it for no known reason. Let's be realistic here. What could a spent casing POSSIBLY show? A striker mark? So what? Well made guns are going to have pretty identical striker marks. A spent bullet MIGHT be a different matter, rifling marks etc. and all the CSI BS. My CM9 didn't come with a spent casing but Michigan doesn't require it. Maybe the state cheaperthandirt is in doesn't require it either so that's why you didn't get one. Just my rambling here and I got my caveat out of the way in the first sentence.
02-23-2012, 06:26 AM
You're not going to let one thread about a problem gun rock your world, are you?
ONE thread? Really?
Multiple guns in this thread along with multiple threads on this one board is more realistic.
02-23-2012, 06:30 AM
Thanks guys. I will definetly follow the cleaning and prep instructions. I did own one of the first Glock GEN 4 17's that everyone was complaining about, I never had 1 hiccup with it, and never understood why people were complaining. Maybe I'll have the same luck with my CM9!
02-23-2012, 08:47 AM
ONE thread? Really?
Multiple guns in this thread along with multiple threads on this one board is more realistic.
The guy said "after reading this thread." And, duh, its a brand forum. You are more likely than anything to see posts about problems. But out of all the thousands of Kahrs being sold, we don't see a lot of problem guns. In fact, we see more reports of flawless range sessions than we do problems around here. Also, you have to remember that a lot of other brand forums won't allow anything bad to be posted about their guns, so you might think it means those guns don't ever malfunction. Simply not true. And just because you had a problem doesn't mean that there is something wrong with Kahr Arms or all of their guns are junk. Have you ever had to get a car repaired? Did you then go sour on the entire line? Did you see every service bay with a vehicle in it and assume that, gosh, there sure are a lot of these cars in for service? Did you start assuming that anyone who has a trouble free car is just lucky? Come on. All of this whining and exaggerating about problems and their likelihood is dim witted and immature.
There are a lot of mature and wise people on this forum who have dealt with problems with their guns, often finding easy fixes themselves or even improving on the design of the guns. Other times, they have sent guns back to the mothership and worked with the CS people in a calm and polite manner to get a solution. And if anything is clear, it is that with the help of these forum resources and the sincere efforts of the Kahr CS folk, about any problem can be solved. But you don't see these mature, intelligent people sitting around here posting their bellyaches, accusing Kahr of malfeasance and exaggerating about how many (really very few) problems there are. To me, this whiny behavior does not speak well for the maturity, quality and reasonableness of the posters. Like I said, grow up and shut up!
02-24-2012, 07:20 AM
The guy said "after reading this thread." And, duh, its a brand forum. You are more likely than anything to see posts about problems. But out of all the thousands of Kahrs being sold, we don't see a lot of problem guns. In fact, we see more reports of flawless range sessions than we do problems around here. Also, you have to remember that a lot of other brand forums won't allow anything bad to be posted about their guns, so you might think it means those guns don't ever malfunction. Simply not true. And just because you had a problem doesn't mean that there is something wrong with Kahr Arms or all of their guns are junk. Have you ever had to get a car repaired? Did you then go sour on the entire line? Did you see every service bay with a vehicle in it and assume that, gosh, there sure are a lot of these cars in for service? Did you start assuming that anyone who has a trouble free car is just lucky? Come on. All of this whining and exaggerating about problems and their likelihood is dim witted and immature.
There are a lot of mature and wise people on this forum who have dealt with problems with their guns, often finding easy fixes themselves or even improving on the design of the guns. Other times, they have sent guns back to the mothership and worked with the CS people in a calm and polite manner to get a solution. And if anything is clear, it is that with the help of these forum resources and the sincere efforts of the Kahr CS folk, about any problem can be solved. But you don't see these mature, intelligent people sitting around here posting their bellyaches, accusing Kahr of malfeasance and exaggerating about how many (really very few) problems there are. To me, this whiny behavior does not speak well for the maturity, quality and reasonableness of the posters. Like I said, grow up and shut up!
Very mature response Sir.
I have a reasonable counter for most every point you attempted to make in your tirade but I refuse to have discussion with someone that can't leave the name calling on the playground.
02-28-2012, 07:39 AM
I am really sad to see all the negative talk about the CM9. I have a comittment to purchase one of these. Hope to heck mine is not a piece of junk. I will let the world know one way or the other. :D/:31:
Wow I forgot about this post. I know the answer today. FedEx will have the gun back to Kahr today at 10:30am EST. LC9 Shoulda, coulda :(
02-28-2012, 08:17 AM
Wow I forgot about this post. I know the answer today. FedEx will have the gun back to Kahr today at 10:30am EST. LC9 Shoulda, coulda :(
Sorry to hear man. How many rounds did you manage to put through it before it started having problems?
02-28-2012, 08:23 AM
Sorry to hear man. How many rounds did you manage to put through it before it started having problems?
Problem started with the first mag of 6. 2 of the 6 the slide stuck back. Second mag 4 of 6 and that continued for 225 rounds of various ammo. Kahr must have this problem often because there was no argueing to get the prepaid FedEx label emailed to me fast. Talked to them yesterday afternoon and they will have the gun today at 10:30am Eastern. I like the feel of the gun, the gun is very accurate. If able to fix the prob it will be my EDC someday I am hoping. :rolleyes:
02-28-2012, 08:43 AM
I have just ordered a new CM9 and it should be in around March 1. Reading about slide problems has me wondering if I have done a good thing..
02-28-2012, 09:24 AM
I have just ordered a new CM9 and it should be in around March 1. Reading about slide problems has me wondering if I have done a good thing..
Changes are you will not have any problem at all with your new CM9. I am just lucky I guess. I am sure my prob will work out in the end. Kahr CS has been good so far. ;)
02-28-2012, 09:33 AM
I have just ordered a new CM9 and it should be in around March 1. Reading about slide problems has me wondering if I have done a good thing..
Mine didn't have any issues in the 300+ rounds I've put through it so far.
02-28-2012, 10:26 AM
Almost comical to see all these ppl whine n complain over a few problems. Especially the slide locking back. I think several times we've figured out it was the shooters grip causing the problem. To those of you reading this and thinking the cm9 might e a bad choice, then don't buy it. Go buy some other gun n go to their forum n complain about it. All I know is my cm9 has ran 100% PERFECT from day one with the over 300 rounds of several different types of ammo I've put through it. So you can look at only the problems and not buy one or u can go back to the cm/pm page and read through the numerous flawless reports people have posted.... up to you!
02-28-2012, 10:57 AM
Almost comical to see all these ppl whine n complain over a few problems. Especially the slide locking back. I think several times we've figured out it was the shooters grip causing the problem. To those of you reading this and thinking the cm9 might e a bad choice, then don't buy it. Go buy some other gun n go to their forum n complain about it. All I know is my cm9 has ran 100% PERFECT from day one with the over 300 rounds of several different types of ammo I've put through it. So you can look at only the problems and not buy one or u can go back to the cm/pm page and read through the numerous flawless reports people have posted.... up to you!
You were one of the lucky guys....Congrats. I bet you would have screamed bloody murder if you had a MAJOR prob. Just saying. No disrespect to you or others intended or implyed. :p
02-28-2012, 02:05 PM
Almost comical to see all these ppl whine n complain over a few problems. Especially the slide locking back. I think several times we've figured out it was the shooters grip causing the problem. To those of you reading this and thinking the cm9 might e a bad choice, then don't buy it. Go buy some other gun n go to their forum n complain about it. All I know is my cm9 has ran 100% PERFECT from day one with the over 300 rounds of several different types of ammo I've put through it. So you can look at only the problems and not buy one or u can go back to the cm/pm page and read through the nu:ohmy:merous flawless reports people have posted.... up to you!
What's comical is to see people like you dismiss these issues as if there is absolutely nothing wrong with Kahr. Do you honesty think Kahr would pay to have our CM9 returned to them overnight shipping at their expense because our grip wasn't right? Yes the chances of this happening to a buyer of Kahr CM9 is rare but its happening enough to where people are noticing and basing their decision on wether to invest in a Kahr product or not.
02-28-2012, 02:11 PM
02-28-2012, 02:22 PM
One of the things I appreciate about my mk9 and mk40 is the way they are built and by that quality and design. This is a long thread about the cm9 slide sticking back. If you have a question about the particular cm9 or whatever gun you are going to buy before you pay for it inspect it at the store. Disassemble it and check it from what you learned here. As was discussed you can get one with a little something wrong but you probably won't.
02-28-2012, 08:42 PM
I think I figured out the solution to everyones problems! If you are not happy with your kahr, then just send it to me! Ill take on all the problem guns, and wont even complain about it!
02-28-2012, 09:01 PM
I think I figured out the solution to everyones problems! If you are not happy with your kahr, then just send it to me! Ill take on all the problem guns, and wont even complain about it!
Sure thing. Send me $400 cash first and you can have it. Gee you're real help around here! :rolleyes:
02-28-2012, 09:20 PM
haha come on KABOOKIE dont get ur panties in a wad... that was obviously a joke to a thread that has gone on far too long. I think we got the point... some guns have problems and some people think that others have no problems at all.... nothing proved, nothing solved
02-28-2012, 09:29 PM
If this thread is too long for you I suggest you find one of the many other threads about how totally awesome your kahr is. Thanks.
02-28-2012, 09:45 PM
See ya Pyro, you are obviously of no help and therefore no help...
You and the rest of the Kahr Fanboys can keep your heads in the sand if you like but the rest of us want Kahr to step up and make guns that consistently work out of the box without modification.
02-28-2012, 10:44 PM
.... Kahr fanboys can keep your heads in the sand if you like but the rest of us want kahr to step up and make guns that consistently work out of the box without modification.
+111111111111111 :d
02-28-2012, 11:28 PM
well geez... didnt mean to get u guys all worked up. I am sorry u got a foul deal and got a gun with problems. From what ive read, kahr seems to be pretty good about fixing these problems, and they seem to try decently hard to keep customers happy. So the least you can do is let us know how that goes for you.
I dont claim to be a kahr fanboy this was my first gun purchase and i guess i just got lucky and got a good gun. Do I agree that kahrs should run flawlessly out of the box for the cost? yes i do. Do I think that a lot of nagging on a forum is going to help? no i dont. If you truly feel like you got a bad deal, maybe (just an idea here) try getting in touch with customer service directly and politley expressing your issues. I do feel you could say others agree with you on the fact that you should not pay what you did for a gun, just to have problems and have to send it right back.
02-29-2012, 12:43 AM
Kahr always seem to be pretty quick to fix problems. Have any of these troubled pistols come back from Kahr CS yet?
They got mine on 2/13, and they told me they should get to it next week, hopefully.... :popcorn:
i'm not too distraught. however, if when i get it back and take it to the range, i have issues, gonna be a wee bit upset, but until then i just have to hope its fixed. I'm really hoping to have a really weapon to trust my familys life on...... we'll see :eek:
02-29-2012, 12:44 AM
What's comical is to see people like you dismiss these issues as if there is absolutely nothing wrong with Kahr. Do you honesty think Kahr would pay to have our CM9 returned to them overnight shipping at their expense because our grip wasn't right? Yes the chances of this happening to a buyer of Kahr CM9 is rare but its happening enough to where people are noticing and basing their decision on wether to invest in a Kahr product or not.
we still took the bait, didn't we?:behindsofa:
Kahr always seem to be pretty quick to fix problems. Have any of these troubled pistols come back from Kahr CS yet?
Mine hasn't come back yet and they got it on the 10th. I'm hoping it comes back this week...
Ok, since I have posted to this previously thread about my related slide-sticking issues, here is an update:
Pistol is back. Exactly 3 weeks from the day I shipped it to return. The paper in the case says "Slide polished. Test fired good". There is now a HUGE improvement in the functioning via cycling by hand. It was sticking when cycled fully to the rear both by hand and when live-firing. The binding/sticking is now gone. I will go out tomorrow and run some ammo through it, but right now I'm pretty confident. Like I said, there is a marked improvement. I will definitely let you guys know after I run some rounds through it.
03-02-2012, 05:22 PM
Can you identify what areas they polished?
Can you identify what areas they polished?
Yes. The "hole" in the front of the slide that the barrel/muzzle protrudes through. on both sides of the slide. The didn't really "polish", but rather ground the sides slightly. I'd take pics but I don't think the pic would show it. I can't take pictures worth a darn. They took a grinding bit to the sides, if that makes sense. One side they had to remove more material than the other. The barrel still locks up tight, but isn't sticking, so my guess is this is going to fix the problem.
03-02-2012, 06:21 PM
MINE ALSO BACK TODAY!!! Also exactly 3 weeks from the day they recieved it, so about 16 working days total i was without the gun.
Here is the before and after vids of the barrel sticking for those of you just tuning in. The difference with mine, is they said, "POLISHED BARREL, SLIDE STOP, MAG WELL, REWORKED RECOIL SPRING, LUBED, TEST FIRED GOOD."
The barrel doesn't look polished, neither does the hole in the slide (maybe they just stuck in a new barrel and didn't want to admit it :rolleyes:). Either way, i don't really care, it cycles great by hand and hopefully i'll get to shoot it this weekend........
03-02-2012, 06:32 PM
nice video. I think had kahr replaced the barrel they would have told u that. My et is that they polished the inside of the slide up front when the barrel actually cams partway when ejecting and reloading. That area is conical cone shaped and more than likely they might have given that a good polshing to allow the barrel to not bind. Kahr puts a dull ass finsih over their nickel plated barrels for reasons I know not why. I dremel polished my entire outter barrel to a mirror finish. It just has to be soother than that dull finish coating they put o the barrel that in time will wear off anyhow. I alwaqys withy a finger of TW25 grease just rub entire around that barrel to. I would sure like to know what REWORKED RECOIL SPRING was.
03-02-2012, 08:19 PM
Slide problems can be challanging.
03-03-2012, 12:41 AM
I'll get a picture tomorrow, but if you look on the non-muzzle end of the barrel, where the square block is, then look a little towards the muzzle end there is a very thin ring around the barrel... it is sanded down on both sides, and i thought the ring went all the way around before, so that must be what they "polished" because nothing is more shiny than before, but it looks like the side have been filed down... pics to come....
I'll get a picture tomorrow, but if you look on the non-muzzle end of the barrel, where the square block is, then look a little towards the muzzle end there is a very thin ring around the barrel... it is sanded down on both sides, and i thought the ring went all the way around before, so that must be what they "polished" because nothing is more shiny than before, but it looks like the side have been filed down... pics to come....
Yeah, thats sounds like the same as they did to my slide.
03-03-2012, 11:21 AM
I'll get a picture tomorrow, but if you look on the non-muzzle end of the barrel, where the square block is, then look a little towards the muzzle end there is a very thin ring around the barrel... it is sanded down on both sides, and i thought the ring went all the way around before, so that must be what they "polished" because nothing is more shiny than before, but it looks like the side have been filed down... pics to come....
That's interesting. Everything on my gun (slide, barrel, slide stop and pin, and trigger) was mirror polished, so I have never had any such issues. I can feel the slickness of everything when I wrack it and load one from the mag. Funny thing, though: it feels even slicker when I am loading and firing Speer Gold Dot 124 gr +p HP ammo—slick as goose grease! It's like that is the exact ammo that they used when they designed this gun. Runs like a singer sewing machine with it! :D
The ring does not go all the way around
Ok, range report:
Happy day!!! The pistol cycled 100% with 50 rds of Federal 115gr FMJs, 25 rds of Hornady 115gr XTP's and 20 rds of my personal 9mm handload (4.3gr Bullseye w/115gr Berry's PRN). I had one failure to lock to the rear on an empty mag. Everything else was flawless. At 12 yards I shot a ragged 3" hole with the gun. I did have to take some pliers to the magazine floorplate to crimp it down because it started to work it's was off. But overall, I am much, much happier!!! :D
03-03-2012, 05:21 PM
Cool! :)
03-03-2012, 05:37 PM
Good to hear from those of you that have had their pistols returned to them. Looks like Kahr has fixed the problems and it wasn't a case of "maybe you didn't lube properly or hold it the right way" :rolleyes: . Wednesday will be right at 3 weeks for me so with any luck I should get mine back this coming week.
03-04-2012, 01:29 PM
The ring does not go all the way around
but do they all have these uneven flat spots at 3 and 9 o'clock? its hard to get a picture of shiny metal , at least for me but its right in front of the chamber.... and its only hairy because i dropped it :rolleyes:
03-04-2012, 01:59 PM
that finish they put on the outside of thaqt barrel is gonna wear off real fast where eer there is metal to metal contact which there is with the barrel and slide working in unison. pay no attention to thos wear spots it isnormal. I just took a dremel and polished all that dull finish stuff they put on that barrel and i never notice any shiney spots for the entire barrel is now shiney.
but do they all have these uneven flat spots at 3 and 9 o'clock?
Thats not what mine looks like. I can see a hint of ring all the way around your barrel. My PM9 only has a ring at the top. More like a ridge. I thought the ridge was there as a means of controlling lockup amount when going into battery... maybe it is, or maybe I'm full of prunes on that.
Either way, it looks like your barrel was rubbing some on the SIDES, so they removed the offending material. Obviously, it didn't take much at all.
Dont worry about wear - thats not a place that normally contacts, rubs or locks onto any other part - so you should be good to go.
03-04-2012, 07:04 PM
For those of you that just got your kahr back did they contact you first or did the pistol just show back up at your home?
03-04-2012, 07:22 PM
well that is nic eof fed x. I wonderif that is policy only for guns, as I have had somehigh dollar watchdelivered by fed x and never a pre phone call..
03-05-2012, 05:04 AM
i'm not worried about it, as long as it works. Unfortunately i couldn't get to the range, it was snowed in/out, so hopefully this next weekend.
and mine just showed up, no notification. Lukily my wife was off work that day :eek:
03-05-2012, 01:09 PM
I know it works but honestly that modification they did in the picture looks like crap. Looks like all they did was stick your barrel in a grinder and proclaimed, "THERE. I FIXED IT!" Wow, talk about cheap. You think they would maybe give you a new barrel and slide that worked together instead of a hillbilly duct tape fix. Ugh.
03-05-2012, 02:15 PM
Send It Back let them fix what they missed when they test fired it.
03-05-2012, 02:34 PM
That comment is surprisingly harsh, especially for a part of the gun that is not visible when it is assembled. :(
Besides, pictures can be deceptive. Perhaps you should wait until yours returns and you can see it in person before passing judgement. ;)
Harsh? Not hardly. The guy bought a new gun from Kahr and they grind the hell out of his barrel to fix it? I'm sure that was their excuse too, "Hey he won't know the difference because its hidden" wow is this what you guys accept as a first class gun manufacturer?
Bob, I would send that junk back and ask for a new barrel.
Yes, my fix maybe different but I sure as hell can pass judgment on a repair job from Kahr. In my opinion that repair job looks as if Cooter from the bait shop did the repair instead of a qualified gunsmith.
03-05-2012, 03:14 PM
yup u sure can pass UR OWN JUDGEMENT, that is a freedom so far we all have. Doesn't mean we have to agree with you either..
03-05-2012, 03:59 PM
In my opinion that repair job looks as if Cooter from the bait shop did the repair instead of a qualified gunsmith.
So what's wrong with Cooter???
:boink: :D
03-05-2012, 06:07 PM
That comment is surprisingly harsh, especially for a part of the gun that is not visible when it is assembled. :(
Besides, pictures can be deceptive. Perhaps you should wait until yours returns and you can see it in person before passing judgement. ;)
actually, you can see the grinded down section from the side when it is assembled. Because that part is "polished" and the rest has the factory finish, i just polished the whole barrel so theyre grinding is less noticable. Now, if it doesn't work when i shoot it, i will kindly request a new barrel/slide combo. Now if they say because i polished it, it voids the warranty, then we'll know how great of a company they really are, until then, i'll be nice :)
03-05-2012, 06:11 PM
polishig shouldhave zero to do with warranty. That is a dullfinish they put on those barrels for some reason andit will in time justt wear off from some metal to metal contact and just general cleaning with good solvents
03-05-2012, 08:24 PM
for those of you that have polished your barrel, what did you use? i used a dremel with a soft tip and some red stuff in stick form (i'm guessing red rouge) and it took the finish right off. is there something else to make it shine better or just do that again until i'm happy?
03-05-2012, 08:30 PM
I used the same stuff and then when all that dull sh-it os gone I then with 600+ grip paper just polished it by hand, shines like a diamond in a goats ass. flitz will do the same once u get that dull finish off..
03-06-2012, 06:14 AM
the finish on the barrel came off with just the polish.... will the finish on the slide come off as easy or is that a totally different beast?
The polish you used on the barrel effected the nickel plating - which polishes easily.
The slide is stainless steel. Expect a lot more effort to be used to get it polished. A whole lot more.....
03-06-2012, 08:15 AM
I sent my CM9 back a week ago today so seems like I have two more weeks to wait. :rolleyes: I had the same "sticking back" thing during shooting no prob while racking. Glad to hear that Kahr was able to fix, for the most part. :cool:
03-08-2012, 12:16 AM
The polish you used on the barrel effected the nickel plating - which polishes easily.
The slide is stainless steel. Expect a lot more effort to be used to get it polished. A whole lot more.....
(very crappy flip phone pic, shinier than it looks, by far)
I guess i'm confused by this statement. Its at, or close, to a mirror finish with about 15 minutes worth of polishing. So are you saying I only polished the nickel plating? What effort am i expecting? I guess I don't get what you're saying.
KABOOKIE, did you get the gun back yet??!
03-08-2012, 12:01 PM
I think what he is saying is that the barrel shined up rather easily because it is nickle plated but if you try to shine your slide it will be a lot harder because its stainless.
BTW that looks real nice, but I personally don't think polishing the slide is a good idea unless your into bling or live in the hood.
03-08-2012, 12:26 PM$%28KGrHqR,%21lQE3HG8S%29H4BOCWnOHHy%21%7E%7E0_3.J PG
03-08-2012, 03:59 PM
After reading it again, I see he said "the slide", for some reason i thought he was still talking about the barrel. Now it all makes sense. :40:
03-10-2012, 07:55 PM
Since I posted on here that I was having a problem with my PM9, I think it's only fitting that I provide an update. I've taken my PM9 to the range twice since I last posted, and out of 450 rounds, I only experienced two FTLs. The problem I was experiencing before seems to have gone away, but I'm not totally sure why. I've always kept my gun clean and I oil it per Kahrs lubrication diagram. Where Kahr says to "lightly" oil, I typically do just that. But I did do something slightly different a few cleanings back. I saturated areas of the gun with fluid film (a brand of spray oil) where I would have typically just placed a drop of oil. I also oiled everywhere that Kahrs says to oil. I wiped everything down really good afterwards. It did make the gun a little messier the next time I went to the range, but I cleaned it very good afterwards. The two FTLs were the nose of the bullet getting stuck on the ramp (the ramp is extremely steep. price of having such a small gun). I would occaisionally experience these when the gun was new. In all honesty, this does not bother me because all that's needed to resolve it is a slight tap on the back of the slide and the gun loads, where as with the last problem I was experiencing, I would have to take the gun apart to address the problem. I also recently noticed that inside the body of the gun, near the area that the slide stop goes, there's an area that's slightly "chewed" up. As if there was excess plastic (nylon, or whatever the body of the gun's made of) getting in the way of the barrel (the hole where the slide stop goes).
Sorry to have rambled. I guess I've gotten a little obsessed with this thing lately. A few months back, I was seriously considering trading in my Kahr for something else. But I didn't do it because I love the size of this PM9. So much so, that I refuse to give up on it.
03-15-2012, 09:26 PM
Got my gun back 3 weeks to the day I sent it off to Kahr. I haven't been able to get to the range yet but it appears the barrel sticking in the slide or ken has been fixed. They pretty much ground flat the raised ring just forward of the chamber lug on the left hand side (9 o'clock position). I will post again after my first range shoot.
I'm saying yes, you're shining up the nickle plating, which is relatively soft. The stainless steel slide is much harder, and therefore much more difficult to polish
03-17-2012, 03:57 AM
Got my gun back 3 weeks to the day I sent it off to Kahr. I haven't been able to get to the range yet but it appears the barrel sticking in the slide or ken has been fixed. They pretty much ground flat the raised ring just forward of the chamber lug on the left hand side (9 o'clock position). I will post again after my first range shoot.
They ground down 3 and 9 o'clock for me, i'll also post a range soon
03-17-2012, 10:52 AM
Mine is going out to the factory on Monday... slide sticks back, but I didn't have the hard fit as seen in the video.
I'll let you know what I find when I get it back. In the mean time I ordered more JHP for 'proofing' when it gets back. $$$ :rolleyes:
I really want it to work... I do.
Thanks -
03-20-2012, 07:46 PM
keep in mind i sent mine back because it would stick back, with no magazine, just when racking by hand. Got it back, took it to the range, and 170 rounds not 1 problem, PERFECT gun, so far just as good as my glocks....
03-24-2012, 07:34 PM
Call Jay at Kahr they will take it back for repair, They will replace the slide and not say what is wrong expecct 3 or 4 weeks. I have not retried mine at this point.
03-24-2012, 10:57 PM
Call Jay at Kahr they will take it back for repair, They will replace the slide and not say what is wrong expecct 3 or 4 weeks. I have not retried mine at this point.
Let us know how it goes. Good luck.
Jay approved my free shipping when I was calling in with the same issue. He seems to have his stuff together, the guy with the British or whatever accent didn't even respond when I told him how much I like the gun's accuracy, etc. Oh well. ;) It's only been a week for me so I have a bit to wait. Headed to the range with my G19 and my Radom P64 chambered in 9x18 - my spring gun for now...
03-25-2012, 07:06 PM
Call Jay at Kahr they will take it back for repair, They will replace the slide and not say what is wrong expecct 3 or 4 weeks. I have not retried mine at this point.
Got my CM9 back from Kahr in three weeks and two days. Shoots great after they say they "reworked barrel and recoil spring". I can't see a diffenence but works great and now is my EDC. :D:D
04-07-2012, 03:15 PM
Well here is my report -
Got it back from Kahr after about 2 and a half weeks, note in the box says "reworked recoil spring" and "polished feed ramp" and "replace front night sight" (mine fell off last time I took it to the range.. they told me they had sent a replacement in the mail, i have not gotten it. I don't need it, but why lie to me?)
The feed ramp had been ground off, to make it shorter. The craftsmanship looked poor, unless the chunk they left sticking out was intentional - for all I know it was.
So... over 125 hollow points, 75 fmj and only one FTF (with HP), I had to slingshot the slide to get it to return to battery (how's that for irony!).
The gun fed well, I put different brands and weights, even types (FMJ/HP) in the same magazine and it didn't misfire or feed this way, so that's great. It was super accurate, as before.
And -
The damn sight fell off again :eek:... Yes, the one THEY just replaced. Wow, just wow. I have the screw, and I have loctite so I will make sure this doesn't happen again.
Oh, and when I called about the sight the guy on the phone was really nice and even after me telling him I was not in a hurry to get the firearm back he said "well let me do you a favor - I'll make sure we contact you with a tracking number when this thing is going to ship out" - I said "GREAT, thanks for the offer sir." He put it on the work order, and of course they never called. Again, I didn't ask for this they offered it and fell through on that too.
So, I will be keeping and carrying my Kahr as it seems. I will keep putting HP thru it to make sure all is good and to build more confidence in it, but I do have to make a statement here.
I would not suggest Kahr as a firearms manufacturer to anyone at all. Glad mine is running now but with the 14 calls in to customer care :phone:, being told 7,000 different things :phone:, the sight falling off again :33:, and just having to do this in general makes me say that if you're on the fence - RUN the other way unless you are prepared for this stuff. I took a chance and well... here I am. At least it's accurate and works now.
Thanks all -
04-07-2012, 04:08 PM
I had the same experience with when the gun was to be shipped back. I wanted to make sure I was home to sign for it. First time I was lucky. Second time I was just going out and the gun showed up. Third time they told me what day it was to be here so I was. Kahr has good CS but I question the repair work. Everything came out good for me so I'm satisfied. I personally would recommend Kahr guns to a friend but only the steel ones. I feel that they are real quality but again my opinion only and not meant to stir things up on this forum.
04-07-2012, 05:01 PM
Yeah exactly, I don't want to be seen as someone trying to stir the pot, I just am stating my opinion based on my experience with the CM9 only and their customer service relating to my issues. I want to stress that I am pleased that it works now and it's accuracy could not be better in any way, it's just the road here was beyond wild.
I really don't want to type this, but again it is my experience. I bought a Glock 19 about a year ago, I only had 3 total stove pipes using wolf wpa ammo (:o) and that was in my first 100 rounds. No other issues. That's what I have to compare it to, maybe if I called Glock customer care I would be disappointed.
Thanks -
04-10-2012, 06:59 PM
Went into the range with a box of golden saber 124gr - looking to prove there is no issue with this thing and guess what -
slide stuck back on roughly round 16 or so... I did the slingshot the slide trick and I was back in action for a total of 75 rounds total. 25 golden sabers, rest were JHP s+b and TMJ cci.
This is getting old and expensive to 'proof' this thing. But it sure is a straight shooter.
I thought, well the forum would tell me that I am hitting the slide stop with my hand. Well I TRIED to get it to lock (without being too crazy) by pressing my finger on it and it never did. :)
I don't know what else to say. I have the option of - more range fees, more JHP expense to prove that these two jams were flukes? Or what send it back again?
I tried calling and they were closed already.
04-10-2012, 07:06 PM
Was the slide stop engaging the slide or the slide stuck back and the stop was dowm?
04-10-2012, 07:22 PM
I really wish I would have stopped and looked but I just looked into the action, saw it was not nose-dive, pulled back on the slide<then released>, round chambered and I pulled the trigger. I didn't happen again but I know I should have looked, guess it was a good automatic response to the jam but still... :o
04-10-2012, 07:37 PM
a good way to test your thumb thing out is to shoot a few mags left handed. thumb can't be a cuase if it then locks open. as far as the front sight coming off the second tiem, that is a b!tch, no doubt,,, but u found the nut, so suck it up. put some locktite urself on it and u will know it is there to stay then. Not sure sending it back when only two jams occured will prduce the positive results u are after. It has to malfunciton in thier hand sto be able to be fixed, what ever the issue is. I would not consider range time a waste of time and money, even though u feel like that.
ur kahr justmight need that extra rounds downrange to get all cleared up. A gun and shooter also have tomate up to be a good combination, so if u like the gun, give it some more time. If it doesn't work out to your needs, then peddle it and find a gun that please u. No disgrace in that IMO. Kahrs are not for everyone, some never adjust to the trigger system so the gun goes. I would not keep ANY BRAND gun that I lost confidence with. If I truly liked the dynamics of the gun, I would do whatever it takes to make me a happy owner. Sometimes though it just doesnt work out...
Take another good shoote rto the range with you and let him fire a few mags to see if he can duplicate ur issues..
04-10-2012, 07:40 PM
When you shoot it again and check it out as it happens and see what's up with it I would call Kahr. I feel certain they will fix it for you. Speaking from my own experience with Kahr cs they broke off my trigger pivot pin off below the frame while installing a new trigger bar. I called and emailed a pic and they had it picked up the next day by FedX because they said that the pin was not acceptable that way.
04-10-2012, 08:31 PM
No doubt, I totally agree. I am still barely hanging on, because I like the damn thing so much. The other part about the range is that yes, it's great for practice and all that I agree but if I shoot any better with it someone is going to ask me to join their competition, no joke! I will call them, see what they say about the most recent jams and take it from there. I'll probably just keep going to the range and seeing if it subsides unless they ask for me to send it in based on what I tell them, after I put some nailpolish/loctite on the screw and tighten the sight down. I just need to have a few trips to the range without a jam, that would be helpful. Never said that before this purchase... :boink: ;)
04-10-2012, 09:28 PM
The fact that a sling shot cleared it means it is a different issue than most of us were having.
While I have felt and truly understand your frustration I would suggest another range session while watching your thumb and using a firm grip
Since my pistol was replaced the only failures I have had could be directly blamed on a limp wrist (ie. kids shooting & 1 near the end of a long range session by me).
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