View Full Version : New CW40

01-31-2012, 02:07 PM
Purchased a new Kahr CW40 yesterday. I was so pleased with my PM9 purchase, I wanted to try the much less expensive CM/CW series. I did what I call a 1911 break in by first taking it apart and cleaning it, lubing it well, and manually racking the slide a minimum of 500 times.

Took it to the range today with not one hiccup. It ate everything I fed it, from factory FMJ's, factory JHP's and some of my reloads. I had dry fired it quite a bit the day prior since I couldn't make it to the range, I just wanted to be familiar with the trigger break. Everything did still hit slightly low (which I'm okay with) but a bit to the left. The sights don't budge when the trigger breaks either. Overall it grouped pretty well, recoil was nothing. I think I'm going to send it in and have Kahr install night sights on it.

But I did experience one annoying trait throughout the range trip. Almost every time it would drop the mag on me on the very last round (that is, the last round fired, the pistol ejecting an empty magazine). Whether I put 3 rounds in it or all 6. To make mention, I was not hitting the mag release button. I even taped the mag release from the other side so that in case I was secretly hitting it, it may not drop. Nope, the mag still drops out on the very last round. Now earlier I said almost, because if I would shoot it rapid fire, real fast, the mag wouldn't always drop on the last round. But every time I slow fired, the mag would drop.

I would say it's probably the follower, but I could be wrong, maybe it's the spring. Have any of you fine folks experienced this? I have contacted Kahr to see what they have to say.

Other than that annoyance, I really like my new CW40!!

01-31-2012, 02:11 PM
Oh sorry for being rude and not posting a picture!


01-31-2012, 02:24 PM
put the magazine in the gun and see if u can a forceably pull it out.. If u can just sit there and slam the magazine in about 24 times to see if that helps the mag button seat better. If all else fails call kahr and ask for Jay and esplain what is going on and as if they owuyld sen dyou a new magazine release button. takes 5 minutes to install.

The follower should have nothing to do with releasing the magazine. ONly the magazine button has that power. Try shooting it lefthanded to see if it duplicates, then let another shooter try it also to see if he can duplicate..

01-31-2012, 02:37 PM
Thanks for the help. I cannot forcibly pull the mag from the gun when it's seated. The mag release from the inside looks almost identical to a Glock, so replacing it should be simple.

01-31-2012, 03:02 PM
if u can't forceable remove the maGAZINE WITHOUT HITTING THE MAG release then let anothert shooter try the gun and try the left hand thing. I don't wantto say it is shooter error but someone smarter than I has to give me a better reason to not say that.

NOTHING releases that magazine but the magazine release button. follower has nothing todo with magazine falling freely without permission from the magtazine release.

call kahr, ask for Jay and run by the thought of a new magazaine release button . but IMO u need to further ur findings to eliminate all possables and shooter error can indeed be one of them. U should be able to load one round in the magazine from what ur telling us here and the magtazine should drop every time, u can eliminate some of this by changing grips to see what happens. I assume u do not have a spare cw 7 round magazine to test out...

01-31-2012, 08:00 PM
Interesting problem. I tend to agree with Jocko as he has shot more rounds through his Kahrs than all of us combined. I had a smilar problem with a PF-9 that was fixed by a new mag release button and spring.
On the other hand maybe this is a breakthrough design by Kahr to facilitate faster reloads. However I assume the slide does not stay locked back without the mag in place. If it does they may be on to something.

02-02-2012, 08:34 AM
Hahaha yeah I though about that too, it's the guns way (or Kahr's way) of helping me reload quicker! But yes you're right, the slide doesn't stay locked back either since the mag has been ejected. I removed my mag release button and put it back in, just checking it over you know, and took apart the magazine too. I figured maybe the spring inside was hitting/grazing the mag release through the little hole, but WOW that spring is under some serious tension. When I get time to go back out to the range I will see if any of this helped. It's kind of odd, my CW40 automatically ejects the magazine, whereas my PM9 wouldn't drop it's mag if my life depended on it, I have to pull them out! IS that normal?

02-06-2012, 06:50 AM
My new CW40 does the same thing on the last round it will drop the magazine, I think the cutout in the magazine is to large. When the magazine has rounds in it there is a little play. I’m going to call Kahr and see what they say. (It is the only gun I have that has play in the magazine)

02-06-2012, 11:56 AM
I figured it out, took my CW40 to the range, no problems at all and NO MAG DROPS!!

I should say, I did two things. First I did take out the mag release button just to look it over and didn't notice anything, so I re-installed it. The thing I believed fixed it has to do with the magazine spring.

In looking at the notch cut out in the magazine, I was seeing some spring when the mag was empty. I thought maybe that spring was somehow catching the mag release button. SO I took the magazine apart and basically flipped the spring around, or at least least re-assemble it so that you don't see spring in the mag release notch.

I know....not the clearest explanation...but I took it to the range today with the original mag and two new 6 round mags and all of them worked perfectly, no mag drops and it locked the slide back when empty. Maybe this will help others with the same issue.

To add, I'm not saying the spring visible through the notch in the mag was the cause, but I think either way it had something to do with the mag. Maybe assembled incorrectly if that's possible?

02-06-2012, 12:12 PM
Yeah. There have been a few reports of mag springs put in backwards from the factory.

02-06-2012, 12:38 PM
Thanks, I will take a look at mine.


02-06-2012, 02:32 PM
Oh sorry for being rude and not posting a picture!

That is VERY nice. Been wanting one myself(I'm jealous!):D