View Full Version : Lube PM striker/fire pin & safety

01-30-2010, 09:15 AM
I seem to remember a few members warning against this. It is part of the Kahr 10 lube points and I wanted to know whether lubing these parts can cause any issues. I have been using Otis O85 ultra bore solvents for all my guns, but am going to try Milcomm TW25B grease... would appreciate any thoughts on this. I have a PM45. Thanks!

01-30-2010, 09:27 AM
I seem to remember a few members warning against this. It is part of the Kahr 10 lube points and I wanted to know whether lubing these parts can cause any issues. I have been using Otis O85 ultra bore solvents for all my guns, but am going to try Milcomm TW25B grease... would appreciate any thoughts on this. I have a PM45. Thanks!
I don't "squirt" oil on the striker but I do wipe it down with an oily patch. It's metal on metal.
I do completely disassemble and clean the striker and channel as well as the extractor and extractor channel (pipe cleaner works well here) each time I fire the gun.
I use Breakfree CLP.

This is just my method. Others do it differently.