View Full Version : CM9 cleaning and lube question
02-01-2012, 08:20 AM
I have been using the basic solvent and oil from Wally World and was wondering if there is something better that y'all have tried?
02-01-2012, 08:49 AM
Did you read the sticky posts on prep and lube?
Lotta folks use Non-chlorinated 3M Brake Cleaner. It'll blast the junk from the striker channel without dis-assembly. Cuts carbon pretty well. Stinky and rough on skin but it's cheap and works well.
Lube is a matter of personal preference. I use grease in lots of places and tiny drop of Hoppes oil in several spots.
Slipstream is good oil, as is gun butter.
I like MC25 Cleaner- it doesn't smell as strongly as other cleaners, so I can actually clean guns when my wife is around :)
02-01-2012, 09:13 AM
the syn safe gun scrubber is what i use to clean. then i re-lube with eezox. if you have never tried it , its not a typical "oil", it dries to the metal. i pocket carry everyday and when i used conventional gun oils i got a lot of lint & debris build up. that doesnt happen with the eezox. if i do notice some lint, i simply blow it off. it took me a while to have faith in a dry lubes ability to lube but i have many rounds through it without any abnormal wear. its now the lube i use on all my bolt rifles and revolvers. the only guns i havent switched over to it yet are my AR and my ruger 22's which i am using up the rest of my clp on. NqlWLSEvUrqevsQPOt8
02-01-2012, 10:23 AM
Winchester gun wash (basically ether) to clean and Smith & Wesson Dry lube. Stuff works awesome ! You can really feel how well it lubricates the rails, barrel, etc but does not collect dust, or lint at all !
02-01-2012, 12:11 PM
any gun lube u desire is better than no gun lube. poick the claner u like and go with it. We have lots of "Iuse" stuff on this fourm, all are good, but I wold not tell anyone to drop everything and go out and buy it. Some use car oils, "why not' it lubricates.
Some guns of the same model need more lube than others, so when someine here writes and says I run real wet, good for him and that gun. My guns do not run wet, they have proven to me that is not needed, but I would not tell one to not decide what is best for his gun either. U won't find a drop of oil from any of my guns on any wood shelf or in my holsters due to over lubing...
02-01-2012, 03:56 PM
I really need to find something that doesn't have much smell is my problem. Don't want momma to smell it and get mad. Guess I will try the MC25.
02-01-2012, 04:47 PM
Gunzilla is plant based and has no offensive odor....
Napa name brand brake cleaner is $1.99 at my store.... but that is done outside....
That said I may have to look into dry lube for mag follower.
02-01-2012, 09:20 PM
Gunzilla is plant based and has no offensive odor....
Napa name brand brake cleaner is $1.99 at my store.... but that is done outside....
That said I may have to look into dry lube for mag follower.
i have been looking at frog lube. that is also organic and is supposed to dry and supposedly works amazing but i haven't tried it yet. may try on my ar when i run out of clp and eezox. its supposed to smell good too.
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