View Full Version : My "new" T9
02-01-2012, 02:50 PM
Hi guys,
New to the forums, I just purchased a used T9 online and inspected it at my dealer today. It came with the black guide rod in the box and a new shiny SS rod installed. The box, papers and gun look absolutely brand new and I've been searching for serial number decoders for it. The best info I found here is that it was probably produced in 2011, the serial is PA11xx.
I've had the Kahr catalog on my nightstand for 8 months now, drooling over the T9 but said I would not even bother unless it had the Novak nights on it, well the one I bought has them and theyre dated 2010 :) I guess its called the "Tactical" model. Whodathunkit?
The trigger felt great and by the wear on the barrel, its had factory +/- 50 rounds through it. Man is she sweet, I cant wait until the 72 hour "cool down" period is over. I'm taking her to the range this Sunday to put some lead downrange, along with the 92FS that she was purchased with (which also looks brand new despite being used). Any input on my serial#?
Bill K
02-01-2012, 03:01 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk and best of luck with your new T9.
So why the T9 over Kahrs other 9mm offerings? Seems lately the CM9 has been the hot item.
02-01-2012, 03:48 PM
acall to lkahr will give u the birth date. They ceretainly don't make very many of them in a year. My bet is less than 200. Not the bestsellers and I think alot of that is that dealers justdo not stock it for people to see and feel etc. It should be one hell of a handgun and if your gonna holster it--WHY NOT. I have never ever even seen one:target:
02-01-2012, 04:04 PM
I've wanted one for quite awhile. I held one at a gun show a few months ago. Made me want one even more. It was durn hard to put that thing back on the table and roll away. Didn't see it again, somebody scooped it up I reckon.
Sure feels nice in the hand. Would make a perfect 45.
02-01-2012, 04:27 PM
Yours probably was made in first quarter 2011. Call Kahr to verify though. I just got an early production T9. Enjoy!
02-01-2012, 04:59 PM
I like my T9 a lot.
Wish my abilities were as good as the pistols accuracy.
Used it to qualify under LEOSA last month and shot a possible score. The grouping was not as tight as I wanted but it was not the T9s fault. I just need to practice more often.
Welcome to the forum. Glad you like the T9; congrats.
02-01-2012, 05:47 PM
I prerfer the T9 because I don't like small guns. I have big hands and a 6'3" frame, the T9 is pretty much perfect in size for carry and the grip is slight fuller than my 2nd choice, the TP9. Besides the fact that it is an absolutely gorgeous piece of hardware. I'm not sure I would want it in a .45 but the .40 is attractive for stopping power. The 9mm will allow me to get it out and shoot it often, but its sol flawless and pristine I don't know if I can bring myhself to dirty it up!
02-01-2012, 05:48 PM
Send it to me, I'll violate it for ya.
02-01-2012, 07:19 PM
I have two T9's and one has the same serail number (first three as you). I was purchased new this year, but the dealer had it in 2011 so I am sure it was manufactured 2011. I have another with a PA 12xx number and it was a brand new frame made this year (service issue) ... so you are safe with your assumption.
Wait until you shoot the bugger. I love these guns!
02-01-2012, 07:29 PM
Are these the models with the "Lothar Walther" barrels? Mine was flawless and the feed ramp is only slightly less shiny that the mirrored ramps in my 1911.
02-01-2012, 08:08 PM
all the T series are Match grade polygonal rifling ( as are K and Mk, PM for what its worth)
Kahr polishes all there feed ramps now, too.
I have a T40 also ... serial number 007. Now THAT's COOL!
I have know doubt you will love this firearm. The most accurate handgun I have personally shot. Let us know how after you shoot it ... no doubt you will be smiling ear to ear!
02-01-2012, 08:26 PM
I smiled all the way home from my FFL, smelling the sweet smell of gun oil that was gracing the innards of the T9, and fondly remembering how fantastically smooth and cool the stainless steel felt against my skin. I will be getting a small pistol rug for it and it will be my "from car to nightstand" gun. The other 4 guns in my Plano Gunguard case are going to get jealous i think.
02-01-2012, 09:35 PM
Go ahead and get her dirty, she likes it like that! Just make sure when your through with her you clean her up so that you can enjoy that smooth
stainless against your skin!! She really is a beautiful gun!
02-01-2012, 09:56 PM
A beautiul pistol. I'm sure you'll enjoy your T9. This was my second Kahr purchase and really turned me into a fan.
02-01-2012, 11:35 PM
Go ahead and get her dirty, she likes it like that! Just make sure when your through with her you clean her up so that you can enjoy that smooth
stainless against your skin!! She really is a beautiful gun!
Yeah..another reason for my wife to hate my guns, thinly veiled innuendo about lusting for something other than her! :madgrin:
Anybody know of any decent paddle holsters for the T9? Its not legal to carry here yet but so I love paddle holsters that allow me to easily slip off the gun when I leave my property.
02-02-2012, 11:13 AM
They have 2 paddle models for the T9. A bit pricey but their holsters are well made. I have a few for some other Kahrs.
02-02-2012, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the link. I found one I really like and will be my first purchase when IL gets CCW!
02-03-2012, 10:34 AM
oh god oh god oh god....26 hours left, i cant sleep, im pacing the floor and drooling...this must be what crack addicts feel like. Curse you Illinois and your meaningless 72 hour wait!! This "cool down" period just makes those of use who already own guns want to storm the capitol and demand they let the FFLs release our new toys!!
02-03-2012, 10:56 AM
oh god oh god oh god....26 hours left, i cant sleep, im pacing the floor and drooling...this must be what crack addicts feel like. Curse you Illinois and your meaningless 72 hour wait!! This "cool down" period just makes those of use who already own guns want to storm the capitol and demand they let the FFLs release our new toys!!
So are ya cool yet? :D
02-03-2012, 11:17 AM
Saturday noon +30 minutes and I will be cool. My gunsmithing bench is clean and ready and the froglube is warmed up!
02-04-2012, 01:04 PM
Well how does that stainless feel against your skin?
02-04-2012, 06:02 PM
Shes absolutely beautiful, not a mark, ding or scratch on it! Either it was owned by a gun nut who kept it immaculate, or it hasnt had but a few rounds through it. I've bought new firearms that had more wear than this one does.
For those of you who own T9's, do they come with a black or stainless guide rod? Mine has a stainless rod in it and a black one in the case. Hmmmmmm
02-04-2012, 06:37 PM
Comes with a standard steel guide rod. The previous owner ponied up for a new stainless guide rod. Doesn't affect the shooting any but they do look better.
02-05-2012, 10:51 AM
I looked over the lube guide, and its pretty much the same as all auto pistols so I Froglubed it like I would my Glock, only a bit wetter and I'm off to the range soon! It was so dry when I get it that there is an amazing difference in the way the action works now. My only worry is that when I load the mags, after about 4 rounds the noses tip down pretty severely and once the last round is in, it is angled properly but the rest are facing straight forward, theres a 1/4" gap between the noses. I hand cycled a few mags through it and it ate and spat out the cartridges like a champ, we'll see how it operates in full throttle.
02-05-2012, 01:22 PM
I can hardly wait to hear a report. I bought a used T9 and it looked beautiful as well. I occasionally had a failure so I changed out the recoil spring since I had no idea how many rounds it had fired. Now it runs like a gazelle!!
02-05-2012, 01:50 PM
it is always best to shoot the gun instead of sitting there nit pickling it...
02-05-2012, 06:14 PM
Well she ran like a champ, Winchester WB and Remington UMC ammo with no problems. The manual says to only load using the slide release but I was able to ride the slide and it chambered fine. Its got quite a bit more snap than my 92FS but with a tighter grip its easily controllable and accurate as all get out. The mags absolutely suck to load but I'm extremely happy with my purchase. Even my 12 & 13 year old had no problem handling it and it never failed to take the next round if limp wristed. My only peeve besides the magazine loading is it spits brass backwards and I got pelted in the face when I was supervising the kids. Besides the GSG1911-22, its my sons favorite, and its definitely my car gun now.
02-05-2012, 06:44 PM
Best investment you'll make is to pick up a Butler Creek Universal LULA Mag Loader ( Works with all SD calibers. Fast. Saves your thumb.
02-05-2012, 07:19 PM
I was planning on picking up a MagLULA, but never got around to it. The Glock and 1911 mags are easy to load without one. After loading the first Kahr mag thats the first thing I thought about buying.
02-06-2012, 09:13 PM
I second that, I've got a lula and she's my best friend!!!
02-06-2012, 09:35 PM
So there I was last night, on the pc down in the mancave, late at night, the kids and dog asleep and the wife at work when I hear something strange from what sounds like the sliding patio door in the kitchen. Well, I just happened to have my beautiful T9 next to me at the computer table and 2 loaded mags, which I am keeping loaded for the next 2 weeks to get the springs set to ease loading. Anyways, I grabbed the Kahr and slid in a magazine and proceeded cautiously up the stairs. Besides being on edge you know what else went through my head? Damn this gun feels GOOD! Even though I have big hands she grips just right, and as I entered the dark kitchen with her sweeping all the entry point, those bright beautiful novaks lined up perfectly, had I had to fire, there's no doubt I would have hit the mark.
I love this gun.
And as an aside, knowing the kids were there I didn't chamber a round before I entered the kitchen, though my house is small enough I would have known if they came downstairs to raid the fridge, so no one was in danger. I'm not going to get into an argument about condition 1 and that tactical stuff, I'm merely relating my satisfaction with a quality Kahr product. My usual go to gun is the ubiquitous Glock 22, but I think the T9 really is my new best friend.
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