View Full Version : 357 Snubbie Kick more than its bite?

02-04-2012, 05:47 AM
I was about to make a switch from 3 inch single stack semi auto 9mm to a 357 1 7/8 barrel revolver until I started to read ballistics on a 357 fired from a 2 inch barrel. The author claimed a 9mm +p round fired from a semi auto is comparable to a 357 fired from a snub nose revolver and to add to the insult the kick and muzzle flash from the 2 inch barrel is substantially greater making a snub nose revolver a less than ideal CCW.

My question is it true a 357 round fired from a 2 inch barrel is comparable to a 9 mm +p fired from a semi auto with a 3 inch barrel.

02-04-2012, 05:57 AM
I was about to make a switch from 3 inch single stack semi auto 9mm to a 357 1 7/8 barrel revolver until I started to read ballistics on a 357 fired from a 2 inch barrel. The author claimed a 9mm +p round fired from a semi auto is comparable to a 357 fired from a snub nose revolver and to add to the insult the kick and muzzle flash from the 2 inch barrel is substantially greater making a snub nose revolver a less than ideal CCW.

My question is it true a 357 round fired from a 2 inch barrel is comparable to a 9 mm +p fired from a semi auto with a 3 inch barrel.

The short answer, as least on paper, is YES.
This is a painful topic - LOL!

Although full power 125 gr 357 Magnums, out of a 4" barrel, run ~1450 fps.
You're only going to get about ~1200 fps/400E from a 2 inch barrel.

I can pretty much match that with my 3.5" Glock and +P/+P+ 124/127 9mm.
(Winchester 127-gr JHP +P+ 1246 fps@466E)

Don't have any exact figures on a 3" Kahr with Speer GDHP 124 +P.
But Im thinking around ~1150/1100 ish?

My MK40 3" will push Speer GDHP 155 1150@450E

To add insult to injury;
The action of driving the slide greatly reduces felt recoil between
the revolver and auto-loader with like power ammo.

The real advantage of the revolver is super low maintenance and super
high reliability. Along with running ANY ammo as FTF/FTE are eliminated.
I think revolvers can be lighter than autos too due to reduced moving parts.

Some guy with a chrono - LOL:
I tested two 5 round strings of factory Speer 124gr +P Gold Dot HP's with an outdoor temp of 84 degrees
(I usually do 10rd strings but GDs are expensive):

Kahr PM9
Test one: AVG: 1127 fps
Test two: AVG: 1125 fps

================================================== ===
BTW Did some research on 357 Magnum loads from 2" guns.

Speer GDHP 125 gr 357 Magnum
4" 1450 fps
2" 1200 fps (-250)

Remington Golden Saber 125 gr 357 Magnum
4" 1200 fps
2" 1100 fps (-100)

After Live fire of 7 SD 357 rounds, I felt the Sabers had a real advantage
in recoil and control-ability over most of the others.

But the winner is Winchester's PDX1 Defender Bonded HP ammo.
Looking very much like a Bonded Ranger.
It's a high tech bullet with low flash, fast burn, gun powder.
And has recoil like the Sabers.
I don't know what it runs out of a 2" barrel?
But it's advertised at 1325 from a 4", so I'm thinking ~1150/1125 ish?

MW surveyor
02-04-2012, 06:28 AM
The other advantage is that when you fire the 357 magnum revolver, you get the added benefit of about a 4' long flame and shock wave :) Really handy in a real close situation.

Oh yea, if you stick the gun in their belly, you can get off the next round easier. No slide to contend with.

02-04-2012, 06:38 AM
The other advantage is that when you fire the 357 magnum revolver, you get the added benefit of about a 4' long flame and shock wave :) Really handy in a real close situation.

Oh yea, if you stick the gun in their belly, you can get off the next round easier. No slide to contend with.

Blowing holes in your pockets is more fun too!

MW surveyor
02-04-2012, 06:53 AM
Blowing holes in your pockets is more fun too!

As long as you shoot it through a coat pocket. Don't think I can get my leg up high enough to shoot through my pants pocket.:rolleyes:

Oh wait, just thought of something.......If you carry in your back pocket, you could just bend over like you were tying your shoes. Fake em out every time.:53:

02-04-2012, 06:56 AM
As long as you shoot it through a coat pocket. Don't think I can get my leg up high enough to shoot through my pants pocket.:rolleyes:

Oh wait, just thought of something.......If you carry in your back pocket, you could just bend over like you were tying your shoes. Fake em out every time.:53:

I think your supposed to drop your wallet, or point behind them,
draw and blow their head off???

But that's just me...

Have you ever shot a gallon water jug with a magnum???

MW surveyor
02-04-2012, 07:20 AM
Have you ever shot a gallon water jug with a magnum???

Sadly, no. Too much private land here in Texas and my local range is paper targets only.

But I have seen videos :D

02-05-2012, 05:32 AM
The 2" magnums are really too heavy for pocket carry.
And 4" is a little long for CC.
I've often thought that a 3" 357 would be perfect.
125 gr 357 Magnum = 4"~1450 fps, 2"~1200 fps, 3"~1330 fps
I'm thinking you're getting a real boost with the extra inch in a snubbie!

3" 640-1 is pretty rare I think???
3" SP101 no problemo

MW surveyor
02-05-2012, 05:48 AM
Shooting 357 magnums through my 3" SP101 is not bad at all. Since I started reloading, I'll shoot 50 rounds through it every range session now and then.

The only thing that is "wrong" with it is that
1. It is not a pocket gun due to length and weight
2. The factory grip jambs my middle finger against the trigger guard.

Remedies are
1. Carry on your belt
2. Get an after market grip that gives your middle finger just that little bit of extra room.

02-05-2012, 09:07 AM
I pocket carry a ruger lcr 357 every day. It is a little big if your pants has small pockets. Mine has pretty deep pockets so it hasn't been a problem. The pistol weighs right at 17oz so it is definately pocketable. Problem is that it is a handfull with full power 357 loads. About 20 rounds is all I can take of it. I don't think it's too bad but the recoil will surprise you. I carry it with 38 +p until I find a 357 load I like. The lcr in 357 really is a pocket cannon though haha.



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MW surveyor
02-05-2012, 10:35 AM
I really considered the LCR for a long time especially the trigger. The only reasons that I did not buy it was it's overall size and the inability to fire it in SA mode. That's the reason that I bought the 638. (Which will sadly have to go back to S&W so that they can put the proper cylinder on it. :( )

02-05-2012, 11:00 AM
I really considered the LCR for a long time especially the trigger. The only reasons that I did not buy it was it's overall size and the inability to fire it in SA mode. That's the reason that I bought the 638. (Which will sadly have to go back to S&W so that they can put the proper cylinder on it. :( )

My spider sense was tingling on that one.

02-05-2012, 11:32 AM
The double action only doesn't bother me. In a self defense setting I wouldnt use single action. Just drawl and fire. The hammer gets in the way and snags when drawn from a pocket too. I would buy the lcr on the trigger alone. It's just that good but there are a ton of other great things about the gun. The grip adds a little bulk but not much and it aids in recoil reduction. I haven't really had a problem with it's size since I've been carrying it. It's always in my pocket and if it won't fit in my pocket it's on my side :)

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MW surveyor
02-05-2012, 12:16 PM
My spider sense was tingling on that one.

Well, I still haven't talked to S&W yet but will call them tomorrow. I don't mind the cylinder accepting the 357 but......if I ever do sell it.....some people will be all upset.

02-05-2012, 01:59 PM
Just drawl and fire.

How does that go? "Y'all are gonna git it!" - BANG!? :D

02-05-2012, 06:02 PM
How does that go? "Y'all are gonna git it!" - BANG!? :D

Lol I can see that happening down south here. You know what I mean though. If you pull your gun to protect you life you don't really want to waste your time fiddling with the hammer. At least I don't lol. :)

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02-05-2012, 06:36 PM
Lol I can see that happening down south here. You know what I mean though. If you pull your gun to protect you life you don't really want to waste your time fiddling with the hammer. At least I don't lol. :)

Yeah. I know. Just havin' a little fun with ya! :001_tt2:

02-05-2012, 06:46 PM
I like fun :D

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MW surveyor
02-05-2012, 07:19 PM
Lol I can see that happening down south here. You know what I mean though. If you pull your gun to protect you life you don't really want to waste your time fiddling with the hammer. At least I don't lol. :)

The hammer on the 638 is shrouded. I'd use the SA only if I had to take a longer shot and if I had the time. Otherwise, DA all the way. Presently have 158 grain SJHP +P loaded in it. Don't think that they won't hurt. BTW - Will probably use the 638 as a backup to my 3" SP 101. The SP 101 has 158 grain SJHPs in the cylinder. Also, carry another 5 rounds of the +P in a speed loader.

02-05-2012, 08:01 PM
I forgot about the shrouded hammer on those. Nice pistol. 38+p would definately get the job done.

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