View Full Version : MK40 on order, bummed about the warranty

02-04-2012, 06:20 AM
Excited about my MK40 I ordered yesterday. I was really shocked to later find out that they have reduced the warranty from lifetime to 5 years, had I known this before I placed the order I'm not sure I would have ordered it.

I like products especially expensive ones that manufacturers stand behind, even lower end companies like Bersa ( an import who makes a quality product) offers a lifetime warranty to the original owner. Just a little shocked, I hope the made in the USA label pays off......

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02-04-2012, 06:25 AM
Not sure why they changed it but I would not worry they are quality guns and if you have a problem I am sure they would help make it right. I have a p9 and I am considering a pm40.

02-04-2012, 06:38 AM
Not sure why they changed it but I would not worry they are quality guns and if you have a problem I am sure they would help make it right. I have a p9 and I am considering a pm40.

Good to hear, thanks Matt!

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02-04-2012, 07:26 AM
My Kimber only has a one year warranty which is up pretty soon. Luckily there is nothing wrong with it. I have both the mk9 and mk40. I've had some very monor issues with the mk9 which Kahr took care of at no cost to me. The mk40 is so nicely put together and smmoth it is my favorite gun. You only get five years on a $ 30000 car. I suggest you enjoy it and don't worry. Kahr cs is second to none

02-04-2012, 11:00 AM
My Kimber only has a one year warranty which is up pretty soon. Luckily there is nothing wrong with it. I have both the mk9 and mk40. I've had some very monor issues with the mk9 which Kahr took care of at no cost to me. The mk40 is so nicely put together and smmoth it is my favorite gun. You only get five years on a $ 30000 car. I suggest you enjoy it and don't worry. Kahr cs is second to none

Thanks Kerby, I'll take the advice based on the experience found here.

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02-04-2012, 11:36 AM
Excited about my MK40 I ordered yesterday. I was really shocked to later find out that they have reduced the warranty from lifetime to 5 years, had I known this before I placed the order I'm not sure I would have ordered it.

I like products especially expensive ones that manufacturers stand behind, even lower end companies like Bersa ( an import who makes a quality product) offers a lifetime warranty to the original owner. Just a little shocked, I hope the made in the USA label pays off......

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Many of the gun companies give no expressed warranty for time limit, be it 5 years or life. so what that says is that they can at any time say, wellur gun is outr of warranty etc. And as most gun owners know if it doesn't go bad in the firstr 6 months chances are it is a real keeper. Nothing in these warrantys either express that 7 years from now they are going to pay the shipping both ways either. They might fix it no charge but don't coun t on the gun maker to pick up the shipping tab. Kahr makes no express warranty about paying shipping either but most of the time if the gun is relativbe new and not on the end of its 5 year warranty they u will obligue at least one way.

Ur worrying to much about warranty over the gun u just ordered and have not even shot it. I wonder if one tells Bersa the gun is 7 years old if they will pay shipping both ways. I doubt it, and I have never read anywhere where companies have stated shipping is paid. These companies can tell date of birth by serial number.

If I recall a few yersa back there was qa 380 called the Grendal, with a lifetime warranty. The filed bankruptcy, so what do u think ur warranty is worth now.
Trust me in todays world lifetime is not forever.

A good example how warrantys work in screwy ways. I had a 5 yea r full replacement water heater. It went bad in 3 years, leaked all ove rthe place, The place where I bought it said sure bring it in and we willgiv eu a new one but you muyst have the paperwork which I did. I had topay to have it taken out and reinstalled and they gave me anew water heater. I said to the water heater people, that is very nice of you to give me a new one no charge and now I again can start with a full 5 year warranty. They, oh no sir, u now only have 2 years left on ur original warranty, not 5 years on this new unit as u did not buy it.

Buy an expensive Patek Watch and ask what the warranty is. 2 years, no more no less and u pay postage to and from in those 2 years. Rolex is no different...

worry not about a kahr warranty, we have seen some all steel models out of warranty that kahr fixed for the customer but he had to send it back on his dime, which is more than fair IMO.

Most cars carry a 100K or 4 year warranty.(which ever comes first) Buy it new and stick it in ur garage for 4.5 years with 10 miles on it and see if ur warranty is worth a sh-t. If warranty is ur criteria for buying a product, probably should look elsewhere. Normally good companies and gun makers included will bend over backwards to help a customer..

I am told the chevy volt carrys a 10 year warranty on the battery pack, but it is pro rated, so if it goes badc in 5 years expect to pay half price for the power pack plus labor.

I think it is davidson who sells alot of guns on line that will give THEIR lifetime warranty on certain guns, but u must get the gun to them . I do not know the red tape one has to go through with their warranty either, but they are playing the odds of one coming back and they know it is very very low..

I think Gander Mt gives u a free lifetime "finger swab" if u buy a guh from them.:D

02-04-2012, 12:06 PM
I think Gander Mt gives u a free lifetime "finger swab" if u buy a guh from them.:D

WTH is a finger swab? :confused: Is it like the single sheet of TP that you use to wipe an accident off your finger? :banplease:

06-23-2012, 02:11 PM
What if you bought your gun from Kahr a year ago when they still had lifetime warranty is it still lifetime or does it switch to 5 years?

06-23-2012, 02:38 PM
Kahr's warranty wasn't lifetime a year ago.

06-23-2012, 03:18 PM
its been 5 years for a long time. What a person has to reliaze is that these warrantys are a debateable thing. Some people think that if it says 5 years or life tha the gun maker shouldpay both ways, THAT SH!T AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. There willbe a time for most all gun makers where u wll incur the costs tos end it back. letting a dealer doit for you is the cheapest way for sure. Most all gun makers willfix the4ir own guns even beyond the warranty period but that doe snot mean they will pay to hav ethe gun picked up. Just sayin.

IMO forget about the warranty stuff to, if u get a good gun it wilwork basicaly out of the box, if not sometimes alittle tweeking or double checking some things will pproduce reliability. If not then most all companies in the beginning will pay to pick up the gun, not all mind u but most,.

My vehicles have 40K warranty but I have to get it to the dealer first, they wn';t come and get it for nuttin..

06-23-2012, 05:32 PM
I had some trouble accepting my Boberg XR9S came with only a 3 year warranty on a pretty radical new design of a pistol. I have a feeling though that as long as Arne Boberg is around, and you were to have trouble with it 5 or 10 years down the road, he would still want to work on it just to satisfy his curiosity about why it failed. You might have to pay the shipping, but I bet he'd make it right for free. I think the 3 year warranty was just something the lawyers had him put in.
I think Jocko also nailed it, usually if you're going to have problems with a gun they show up rather quickly. Normal wear isn't covered anyway. So things like recoil springs and things are normally on you, although I did get a free recoil spring for my CW45 when it was hanging up with +P rounds.

06-23-2012, 06:21 PM
its been 5 years for a long time. What a person has to reliaze is that these warrantys are a debateable thing. Some people think that if it says 5 years or life tha the gun maker shouldpay both ways, THAT SH!T AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. There willbe a time for most all gun makers where u wll incur the costs tos end it back. letting a dealer doit for you is the cheapest way for sure. Most all gun makers willfix the4ir own guns even beyond the warranty period but that doe snot mean they will pay to hav ethe gun picked up. Just sayin.

IMO forget about the warranty stuff to, if u get a good gun it wilwork basicaly out of the box, if not sometimes alittle tweeking or double checking some things will pproduce reliability. If not then most all companies in the beginning will pay to pick up the gun, not all mind u but most,.

My vehicles have 40K warranty but I have to get it to the dealer first, they wn';t come and get it for nuttin..

I had a Chevy under warranty with a supposedly fixed upper intake gasket that I noticed steam coming out of it. It was Saturday and a big snowstorm had hit and I didn't feel like driving it to the dealership. I called GM and they sent a tow truck, picked it up and then on Monday sent a car to pick me up to go to the dealership to get my repaired this time car. So you never know what can happen.

06-23-2012, 06:29 PM
gun companies work that same way to. sometimes u get off better than expected. what GM did for u is not the norm either as u well know. Most good companes want to see that their product does well and if it is product releated, most will work with u, but again 5 year warranty means basically we willfgix it, but u need to get it to us. Now if they send a pre paid pick up, then consider urself fourtunate. If one buys a gun from a local dealer, normaly that dealer will bust his ass to take care of u to, as far as sending the gun in for u which they can do alot cheaper than u can.

I hae told this story before but in 06 I bought a new Porsche and at 600 miles one morning it would not run 50 feet, so I called my Porsche dealer 130 miles away and they sent a box slider truck to my home and picked up the car and 3 days later delivered it back to me and about a month later Porsche called me and apologized and sent me a $600 check to cover my anguish. sometimes things work out pretty good..

06-23-2012, 07:18 PM
I have only been into Kahr guns for about 2 years so since you have considerable more experience realistically in your opinion what might the full treatment warranty if you will be timewise from date of purchase?

06-23-2012, 11:27 PM
I had a Chevy under warranty with a supposedly fixed upper intake gasket that I noticed steam coming out of it. It was Saturday and a big snowstorm had hit and I didn't feel like driving it to the dealership. I called GM and they sent a tow truck, picked it up and then on Monday sent a car to pick me up to go to the dealership to get my repaired this time car. So you never know what can happen.

Same thing happened to me, Kerby. I had a 1993 Z28 that died in my driveway on the Saturday afternoon before Memorial Day. My dealer was fifty miles away and closed. I found a some number for Chevrolet in Detroit on the internet and called. The guy who answered just said "hello". Turns out it was the engineering department, and he was just working late. I explained the problem and couldn't believe it when a flatbed arrived two hours later. The only problem was that I forgot to ask where they were taking the car, and didn't find it until the following Tuesday when the dealer called and said it was fixed.

I hope I get the same service if I even need it on my red Corvette conv, as it's still under warranty. I guess I'm on my own on the yellow 2004 C5 convertible I bought yesterday.

06-24-2012, 06:11 AM
Same thing happened to me, Kerby. I had a 1993 Z28 that died in my driveway on the Saturday afternoon before Memorial Day. My dealer was fifty miles away and closed. I found a some number for Chevrolet in Detroit on the internet and called. The guy who answered just said "hello". Turns out it was the engineering department, and he was just working late. I explained the problem and couldn't believe it when a flatbed arrived two hours later. The only problem was that I forgot to ask where they were taking the car, and didn't find it until the following Tuesday when the dealer called and said it was fixed.

I hope I get the same service if I even need it on my red Corvette conv, as it's still under warranty. I guess I'm on my own on the yellow 2004 C5 convertible I bought yesterday.

Dang, O'Dell! You collect Corvettes like a few of us collect 1911s! Do you have a six bay garage or do you have a warehouse to keep them all in?

06-24-2012, 09:45 AM
Dang, O'Dell! You collect Corvettes like a few of us collect 1911s! Do you have a six bay garage or do you have a warehouse to keep them all in?

Nope, I've only got two Corvettes, and five 1911's. I didn't really like the coupe, even though it was a targa because I'm an open car kind of guy, so I traded it back for the yellow C5 convertible. I really wanted a yellow convertible all the time, but my dealer didn't have one until last week. They're in high demand. Now I'm done!!!

This is my total collection of 'Vettes'.

06-24-2012, 12:28 PM
Sure is a pretty pair! :)

06-24-2012, 01:19 PM
Sure is a pretty pair! :)

Looks like one is a little bigger and sits a little lower than the other.

Oh....we're discussing the Corvettes, sorry, nevermind.

06-26-2012, 07:25 AM
My brother, back in the day,
bought a brand new Yugo with the extended warranty.
Do I really need to finish this story? LOL!

Get a good product and don't worry about the warranty.
Chances are if it has problems it will be early on under warranty anyway.
My MK40 Elite has about 1400 rounds through it and is stone cold perfect.
And that my friend is the way it is.