View Full Version : P40 and Combat gun class PT1

02-04-2012, 09:55 AM
Well, not sure to make of this. At the range the gun runs good. Under stress drills, the gun had approx 5 FTF on the 2nd sometimes 3rd round out of 100 rounds shot. Not sure whats up. The gun was very clean but admit it was a little dry. I think I am going to run it vey wet next week and see what happens. I did have a couple of new mags. I should have cleaned them beforehand. I am close but still a bit uneasy about the 'ol girl in an emergency situation.

02-04-2012, 10:07 AM
In preparation for a combat situation you cannot pay too much attention to detail.

02-04-2012, 10:44 AM
Roger that. I think everyone should try to put their set up through a stress scenario to see what little things pop up that can bite you when you least expect it. One other thing is I usually shoot at the range with gloves. I shot yesterday bare handed. Maybe after 50 or so rounds I was getting tired.

02-04-2012, 11:30 AM
I just shot my ported P40 a few days ago and I still had about two FTFeed... stuck in the chamber, where pulling the slide back about 1/10 of an inch, the rear of the case would click up under the extractor and and then feed easily by just allowing the slide to go forward.
I fired at least 200 rounds and only had two of those, but one of these days I'm going to take the slide apart and polish the extractor... the lower and rear parts that might be tight... the ones that come in contact with the cartridge rims.

I've really polished the heck out of the ramp and the chamber mouth where I thought the cases were catching. That DID reduce the FTF or FT Chamber fully.

When that happens, just pull the slide back enough to relieve the pressure and see if the case snaps or clicks up under the extractor and then chambers easily.


02-04-2012, 02:26 PM
Well, not sure to make of this. At the range the gun runs good. Under stress drills, the gun had approx 5 FTF on the 2nd sometimes 3rd round out of 100 rounds shot. Not sure whats up. The gun was very clean but admit it was a little dry. I think I am going to run it vey wet next week and see what happens. I did have a couple of new mags. I should have cleaned them beforehand. I am close but still a bit uneasy about the 'ol girl in an emergency situation.

Any chance you are not getting a solid grip when drawing from a holster?

Did you switch to cheaper ammo knowing you'd be sending 200 rounds downrange?

Just tossing it out there.

02-04-2012, 04:09 PM
I actually ran through 200 Winchester LE Ranger Bonded 180 HPs
flawlessly during break in.

Then had some sporadic (3/4) FTFs through the next 200 LE HPs
using a mix of 135/155/165/180 Winchester Ranger Ts, Ranger Bonded and Speer GDHP.

At this point, 400+ rounds, the gun just started to run much smoother.
I don't know how to explain it any better than that.
It's like all the stainless parts got polished and seated.
And all was right with the world.

The sky parted, the angels sang
and she became an ammo eating stainless steel machine.

I do have to tighten the slide release spring and all four grip screws
with every outing at the range. But I can live with that.
All ammo is fine now. For SD I usually run Speer GDHP 155 gr LE rounds.
As they fly ~1150 fps / 450E from the 3" barrel.
And that my friends, is just about as good as it gets.

02-04-2012, 05:28 PM
Thanks guys for the replies. I cleaned it at assembled it "wet". I also used a little gun grease on some of the lube points. Maybe it will last a little longer. cleaned and oild the mag tubes and fallowers. Its so spiffy I dont want to fire it now.

It has approx 1500 rnds through it so it is broke in. This could all be shooter will know more next combat session drills.

02-04-2012, 08:04 PM
Any chance you are not getting a solid grip when drawing from a holster?

Did you switch to cheaper ammo knowing you'd be sending 200 rounds downrange?

Just tossing it out there.

Rem 180 grn and Win 165 grn rnds

02-04-2012, 08:14 PM
Both of my PM40s are running 100%, but I did several things to get here. The bad news is that it's not clear if any one of the things I did is necessarily what got me to this happy state.

The last thing I did was pretty seriously increase the bevel on the front of the pickup rail.


Prior to that, I reduced the length of the small cylindrical metal spacer in the extractor spring stack to reduce extractor pressure. That, along with polishing the extractor made it feed much more smoothly, but I still had the odd failure to feed until the last modification pictured above.


After experimenting by going back to an unmodified follower, I am firmly convinced that the first mod I applied, a slightly more aggressive version of Greg's follower mod, is also helpful.

And of course, I polished all the things you usually do.

I suspect you have to do it all. Best of luck, sir! :)

Hmmm, when I have the problem, it seems the 2nd or 3rd rnd lodges between the bottom of the breech face bottom/ top of the pick up rail and the feed ramp. When I do a tap/ rack to clear, the tap alone gets the rnd into battery.

I dont think lubing is the 100% fix though. That pickup rail mod looks real interesting. It seems it would allow the pickup to run over the casing a lttle easier( less inertia to travel over the rim of the casing) so the back of the rnd is pushed down and forward and migh solve the entire situation. Dont know if I have the balls to do it though.

02-05-2012, 12:13 AM
Not sure if Kahr will do that unless they can repeat the problem. They probably could if they fired it enough. I am going to the range tomorrow and will run 50+ through it to see where I am at. If no FTF I will re clean and run it in class next weekend. This could be shooter so I am looking at the obvious things 1st= shooter and lube.

BTW How did you adjust that feed rail?

02-05-2012, 07:13 PM
Thanks Tucson. I just ran 55 rnds through with the gun wet and no probs. I think this could be shooter error. Will clean it oil the heck out of it again and report back after next training session Friday.