View Full Version : New Member With New CM9

02-04-2012, 11:33 PM
Hello guys/gals,

About a week ago i purchased a CM9 from my LGS after messing with it for a few minutes. This was strictly an impulse buy since i originally went there to buy some ammo to break in a PF9 i got the week before LOL... Anyway, in the past, i did not give sub compact guns much thought because i`ve always carried service sized pistols and felt comfortable with them. Even though i like service sized pistols, they can at times be a pain in the behind to conceal in spring/summer attire. The CM9 in my hands feels just right and the smooooth trigger with crisp break is phenominal , especially considering the price point and it`s competition. Last weekend i took her to the range and put 150 rds of federal FMJ through her with NO malfunctions whatsoever. At first i was shooting a few inches low at 7 and 10 yds but once i figured out point of aim, it was all gravy. Tomorrow i plan to go back and put 100 more rds of FMJ through her. The next order of business will to fire a few mags of HP. My load of choice will be Golden Saber 124 gr +P. I chose GS mostly because it is easy to find here at a great price and it seems like a good load from what i`ve read. If they run reliably then i`ll put her in my carry rotation. If any of you have anything to add, i will be grateful to hear it.

On a side note, i put a CW9 on layaway this morning.:)

02-05-2012, 05:18 AM
The only comment I'm going to make...(since you asked)....is that once you've chosen a quality defensive round for your CM9, and have chosen HOW you're going to carry it, that you drop the "carry rotation" concept. It's just my personal opinion, but unless you find yourself going into areas/situations where a more "Aggressive" carry-option would be more appropriate, I'd recommend focussing ALL your practice on a single weapon choice and to the extent possible, a single carry method. IF (God Forbid) you ever NEED your carry weapon to defend your life and are faced with making SPLIT-SECOND decisions...wondering "where it's located", and "which one you brought", "how to bring it into action".....can get you killed. I'm not on some kind of soapbox here, and apologize if it appears that way. I simply don't understand the "carry-rotation" thing. I do understand it if you go places that are genuinely "scary"...but NOT for general day-to-day, year-around coverage.
Best wishes, and once again...I apologize if my response comes across as sounding like I'm on some kind of soapbox.

02-05-2012, 07:14 AM
I think quido 4198 is dead right, comparing the PF9 and the cm9 triggers are night and day, both will go bang whenneeded, get damn good with the one your gonna carry. Kahr triggers and kel tek triggers are two different systems. U can feelthe break in the kel tek u can't in the kahrs, they are just that smooth, neither is bad but traing for one and then moving to the other is sometimes confusing to the mind and fingers.

I really think though u will sideline the PF9 as it is not a pleasant gun for range use as the kahrs are, certainly not a long lasting shooter either. It is what it is a gun you buy and carry often and shoot seldom. u got bit bad with the kahr thing it seems 2 kahrs i a few days, about like eating pottato chips. u just can't eat one

02-05-2012, 10:09 AM
Thanks fellas for the replies. The PF9 is strictly for my glovebox, i dont plan on carring it. I do agree with you guys on always carrying the same gun or very similar gun for protection. My full sized carry pistol is a S&W SD40 which i have carried for the last year and a half and the triggers and manual of arms are very similar. I plan on using the SD40 for winter carry IWB and the CM9 for warm weather IWB both cases being 4 oclock position. Again thanks for the input and also what is the overall opinion on GS 124 +p in the CM9? Will i get enough velocity for good expansion in the 3 inch barrel? I carry PDX1 165 gr in my SD40 but could not find any 9mm localy.

By the way, my holster of choice is the comptac minataur, i have been very pleased in all of the ones i own.

Bill K
02-05-2012, 11:18 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk.

Sounds like you got a winner in that CM9.

What member guido4198 opined makes a lot of sense but would not work for me. I do however stick with the same manual of arms for my 3 carry guns.

02-05-2012, 11:35 AM
GS 124 +P isd good stuff, really we don';t heqar alot of complaints from any BG's who got shot with um, so they must work pretty good. 99.995% of allof us carrying any ty-pe of defense hp round is never going to experience the effect of expansion in a SHTF situation. so buy what works perfect and is available,

02-05-2012, 06:24 PM
Again guys, thanks for the responses. I just got back from the range and i am even more impressed with the CM9. I shot 150 more FMJ and 25 GS 124gr and there was not one malfunction. That makes 375 trouble free rds thus far. Once i get it cleaned and lubed, i will put it on duty.