View Full Version : 124 gr +P+

02-05-2012, 08:09 AM
I went to a gun show yesterday and acquired some Federal 124 gr +p+ JHP. Is it safe to shoot these rounds through my CW9? TIA!

02-05-2012, 09:26 AM
Is this Factory Ammo or reloads? If it's Factory, what is the Brand, bullet and rated velosity? If it's reloads, the answer is NO.

02-05-2012, 10:31 AM
There is no real advantage to shooting +P+ out of a 3" barreled gun. You get increased muzzle blast, increased muzzle flash and increased recoil, for a small gain in velocity and accelerated wear on the gun. Don't buy the hype.

MW surveyor
02-05-2012, 10:48 AM
Welcome to the forum but you should have joined before you went and bought those 147 +P+. :(

The CW9 is rated for +P but would most likely handle the +P+ but probably not a steady diet of them. But they would probably break the gun in real fast.

Bill K
02-05-2012, 11:09 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk. Hope you're liking your CW9.

I commented on another thread about considering moving up in caliber ifin you feel a need for 9mm +P+. Please believe me that the comment is not meant as a wise guy remark.

02-05-2012, 11:13 AM
I went to a gun show yesterday and acquired some Federal 124 gr +p+ JHP. Is it safe to shoot these rounds through my CW9? TIA!

what the member said is right, but WHY???If u wasnt all that extra punch, but a 40 cal and be done with it. It was nice that u did come here and ask but it seems to that some just seem to want to push the envelope. No doubt if they made a +P++ guys would think they gotta have itj..

02-05-2012, 12:33 PM
Keep in mind, Ammo rated for +P+ is actually a "disclaimer" warning you that the ammo is "excessive pressure" and the box tells you that by printing "only for guns designed for +P+ loads", this protects the ammo manufacture in case your gun can't handle the pressure. When they state, ask your gun manufacturer if it is safe in your firearm, they are released from any liability to "you or your gun" if it (harm) should occur. ;) I doubt that Kahr Manufacturing is going to give you the "green light" to fire +P+ in the mentioned firearm. Let us know if they do.

02-05-2012, 01:03 PM
One last comment on +P+ AMMO. For those of us that are reloaders and have 1 or more reloading manuals, these +P+ loads are "all" above the "MAX" loads printed in all the modern reloading manuals. So you are "red lining" your ammo if you go above the printed maximum load. Keep that in mind as you are reloading or buying +P+ ammo and heed the warnings, Do not excede max loads! BE Safe, Not Sorry! :2rolleyes:

02-05-2012, 01:04 PM
u got that right Ikeo74

02-05-2012, 01:21 PM
im new but have cw9 and i bought several box of 115grain winchester luger 9mm, i assume that's ok right?

and while on the topic, what is the safe grain load for my cw9? thanx

02-05-2012, 02:10 PM
im new but have cw9 and i bought several box of 115grain winchester luger 9mm, i assume that's ok right?

and while on the topic, what is the safe grain load for my cw9? thanx
You can safely shoot the Winchester 115 gr 9 mm Lugar ammo all day long. Also you can safely shoot any weight 9mm Lugar ammo you buy from the big stores like Walmart, Cabelas, Bass Pro Shops and the like in bullet grains from 90 to 147 gr. Most shooters don't buy lighter than the 115 gr bullets like the ones you have bought. I use 115 gr for my target shooting. Enjoy your gun, and shoot often, it will serve you well.

02-05-2012, 03:01 PM
Hello all. Thanks for the welcome.

As for bullet selection I have all kinds of different weights, shapes, and powder charges in 9mm.

I purchased some ammo at a gun show yesterday which included a box of Federal 124 gr. +P+ JHP. I have two 9mm pistols I know that will handle them.

I know my CW9 is rated for +P and was just curious it was safe to fire +P+. I don't feel the "need" to power up just for the sake of it. Just curious.

I like to know first else I might not have any digits to punch the keyboard keys with. ;)

Once again, thanks.

02-05-2012, 03:22 PM
Buying/selecting ammo is a trade-off between light and fast (115 gr) or slow and heavy (147gr). Do you want penetration or do you want expansion? Extra pressure loads, whether +P or +P+, wear your recoil assembly springs faster and if you don't frequently replace the spring(s), your gun batters itself to an early grave. Note that +P is a defined standard, I believe its 110% of the pressure of standard American loads. Europeran standards are 105% of ours and referred to as NATO loads. The +P+ is a free for all. No standards exist and you risk life, limb and gun. It is also possible that +P+ can be no different in pressure than a factory stand load.

When shooting SD rounds from a short barrel, there is little or no advantage to +P. While its nice to shoot a similar pressure round while at the range, you can shoot anything that functions and balance off costs.

In my Sig P238 .380Auto 2.7 inch barrel, I shoot std pressure 90 gr Gold Dots as its what Sig uses in their repair shop.

In my Kahr PM9, I used to carry 115 gr Gold Dots. I also shot some 124 +P. The difference is noticeable and yields little increased, if any, stopping power.

In my Nano, I am using Federal HST 124 gr std pressure.

Current designs are all pretty good. Price and availability differs more.

Most modern guns from better manufacturers can handle +P

02-05-2012, 04:03 PM
Hello all. Thanks for the welcome.

As for bullet selection I have all kinds of different weights, shapes, and powder charges in 9mm.

I purchased some ammo at a gun show yesterday which included a box of Federal 124 gr. +P+ JHP. I have two 9mm pistols I know that will handle them.

I know my CW9 is rated for +P and was just curious it was safe to fire +P+. I don't feel the "need" to power up just for the sake of it. Just curious.

I like to know first else I might not have any digits to punch the keyboard keys with. ;)

Once again, thanks.

I think ur kahr will shoot the +P+, ur not gonna run a 1000 rounds through it, most never do, if u feel u need to have that in ur carry magazine, Ihave no doubt it willhandle them with ease. It is just as the members posted. YOU HAVE NOCLUE WHAT +p+ ammo really IS, SO DO U WANNA GAMBLE. to say you ave two guns that will handle +P+ tome is a partial mistakement, as again we have no clue what is in +P+ so how can any gun maker say it is ok. uR PUSHING THE ENVLEOPED WITH THIS TYPE OF 9MM AMMO, just buy a 40 ca iber and be done with it, I have no doubt either that if u load one magazine for protecrtive carry with +P+ ammo that you wll never have to shoot that ammo unless u just want to clear the magazine and start with new stuff. Not like we members are shooting BG left and right. 99% never draw in anger and probably 99.995% never fire in anger. In short barrels guns like kahrs I think most here are dead right in that +P+ serves no real purpose other than more flash,more recoil, less control. A steady diet might induce faster wear but I just don't see that happening either. +P+ is not cheap ammo to shoot in paper targets.

+P+ ammo certainly is not the choosen round for 9mm of any make, so there is a reason for that..