View Full Version : anyone else have slide locking back before shooting? NOW WITH VIDEO

02-06-2012, 06:11 PM
EDIT; Made a video, here's the link. Please look at the barell position at the end, is it supposed to be resting on the slide, with a gap only at the top? or is it supposed to be centered?

LINK TO VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4tDXClXMNU

So i've posted this as replies, but never as its own post, so hoping to get some replies. Also to note, i have not shot this gun yet so i'm looking for people who have had the same issues before shooting the gun, and how they panned out after the gun was shot and/or broken in.

I was doing the pre-shoot conditioning as recommended on here by racking the slide a buncha times. after 500 racks, still, if i pull the slide back as far as i can, and let go, IT STAYS THERE! the slide release is still down, no mag, its just hung up on the frame (i'm guessing). If i lightly push on the back of the frame, pushing it forward, it pops loose.

My thinking is, even shooting it wouldn't help the situation, because its going to pull the slide back at an even greater force than i can by pulling it back.

Has anyone else had this problem prior to shooting? if so, did shooting help? Does anyone have this problem after shooting and it only happens when racking by hand?

Looking for any input from people who have had this happen. Again, the slide lock is not engaging in any way/shape/form, the slide is just hanging up on something, i'm guessing the frame.....

02-06-2012, 06:24 PM
doesn't sound right but again there is nothing like the bang thing happening to see what really ishappening here. Give it a 100 rounds to see what goes. It ishard to answer your question when you hav enot shot the gun. There is a reason sometimes whey kahr recommends 200 rounds. some do need them to break in, some do not. not all kahrs work the same. You sure caqn't send back a gun that you have not given a chance to proc e itself. Get some good american brand fmj ammo and go out and shoot a 100++ rounds and document when and what round count things are happenig. It might start out at first being a pain in the ass but as more rounds go down range u might notice in ur round count that it is getting better.

02-06-2012, 06:29 PM
What model? That might help.

Also... be sure the slide stop is fully seated close to the frame. It may hang if partially pressed out. You probably know that, but I thought I'd say it in case ya didn't.

02-06-2012, 08:29 PM

well i won't be able to get to a range until next weekend (not this coming) so i just figured i'd ask around until then, keep me busy on here at least. The slide stop is normal, and it happens about every 5 or 6 times. Feels like its almost snagging on the plastic of the frame, until i budge it forward then it releases

I did order some militec gun grease and when that comes i'll slap that on the slide rails and on the front rails of the frame and hopefully that will do the trick.

02-06-2012, 09:15 PM
well i won't be able to get to a range until next weekend (not this coming) so i just figured i'd ask around until then, keep me busy on here at least. The slide stop is normal, and it happens about every 5 or 6 times. Feels like its almost snagging on the plastic of the frame, until i budge it forward then it releases

I did order some militec gun grease and when that comes i'll slap that on the slide rails and on the front rails of the frame and hopefully that will do the trick.

Pay special attention to the roof of the slide where the barrel pivots when it is locking and unlocking. Some polishing and some grease there.

02-07-2012, 07:18 AM
I wouldn't worry about it yet...put your 200 rounds thru and I'd bet you'll see this issue resolve itself.

02-07-2012, 09:52 AM
Just a thought here
I'll assume you've had the gun a part for clean/lube and may have created this condition.
When the slide hangs up, check for the end of the recoil spring poking out of the front of the slide, near the barrel.

02-08-2012, 04:04 PM
Added link to video in original post :80:

02-08-2012, 04:40 PM
Man that looks familiar...

If you haven't had it apart for cleaning and lube try that, I know mine was FULL of shavings (both plastic and metel) when new. Spray out with Gunscrubber and then blow out with air. Lube per the instructions here and see if that helps.

If it sticks at all after that start calling Kahr NOW and do NOT leave a message. If you don't keep puching 0 to hold to will likely never talk to anyone.

Out of curiousity would you post a picture looking into the chamber from the top when it is stuck open please?

02-08-2012, 04:58 PM
If you did the clean and lube as per the instructions make sure that the outer recoil spring was reassembled correctly. The open end of the spring should be toward the muzzle with the open end of the spring pointing to twelve o'clock. If the outer spring is installed backward it may bind.

02-08-2012, 05:14 PM
i cleaned and lubed, and no the recoil spring is not poking out the front and it is in correctly, as i remember it slipping through the front of the gun the first time I tried to put it in. The closed coil is on the inside of the gun, the open end towards the front.

Note: This gun did that before the initial cleaning and after. I also called Kahr and talked to the australian/british fellow and he said to shoot it 200 rounds like stated in the manual, and then call them back. I told him i've been racking it to break it in. His reply, "shooting it one time is like racking it by hand 500 times, so if you want to hand rack it a million time, go ahead."

Is the barell supposed to be centered or is it right the way it is? (end of video in first post)

here's a video looking down the chamber, just easier with the flipcam than posting a pic, let me know if you want a pic instead


02-08-2012, 05:21 PM
The barrel is correct in the first post. The clearance at the top is to allow the barrel to tilt as the slide starts rearward.

02-08-2012, 07:25 PM
I am having exactly the same issue as you. I have over 300 rounds through my cm9 and no other issues at all. I am by no means a gun expert, but I have something I am going to try. If I turn the slide upside down and push the barrel all the way forward in the slide with very little pressure, it will stick and I have to push it out. I noticed some marks on the sides of the ring on the outside of the barrel just forward of the breach. I very lightly filed both sides until I could push the barrel all the way to the front of the slide and it would just fall back out. I only hit it with a fine file a couple of times on the left and right side until it moved freely all the way in the slide. I noticed before this when I racked the slide back, it felt like it would hesitate before going forward. It no longer does this. Unfortunately, I won't be able to go the range to test until next week. I love the way this gun feels and shoots. Like I said, I am no gun expert, just my 2 cents.

02-08-2012, 07:29 PM
I know it's been said a few times but I will say it again...
Go shoot the gun.
I would be floored if it locked back after shooting. Shoot a bunch of rounds and see what happens.

02-08-2012, 08:22 PM
Mine locked back worse the more I shot it.

Sounds like a good way to waste $60 plus in ammo...

02-08-2012, 09:43 PM
Some folks would rather like a tight gun like that!

Just shoot it. If it still does it... you can assemble the gun without the recoil spring, maybe find if THAT is binding.

The breakin thing... 1 shot is 500 racks... maybe not that many but since the rapidity that the recoil spring is compressed has a bit to do with its "set", he's right... fast action, from firing, is doing more than a whole lot of racks, while just locking back the slide does almost nothing at all. Its not the compression, but the movement of the spring that alters it.

02-08-2012, 09:52 PM
Send Kahr Customer Service an email and include any pictures and the link to that video. They react quickly to email, especially with some pictures. It's really silly to call and sit there on hold.

I could see that the magazine well was empty, the slide lock was inserted fully and staying down... as it should without the empty magazine pushing it up. Something is definitely wrong and I would get advice from Kahr before trying to shoot it.


02-08-2012, 09:57 PM
Okay, I went back a bit and saw that you had talked to Kahr. Yes, go ahead and shoot it. Load a mag and if necessary push the slide for chambering. maybe shooting it will loosen it up. It's odd that the slide sticks back like that, but maybe firing it will loosen it up and everything will be okay. Good luck.


02-08-2012, 11:50 PM
Send Kahr Customer Service an email and include any pictures and the link to that video. They react quickly to email, especially with some pictures. It's really silly to call and sit there on hold.

ok, emailed them with the links just now, so we'll see what they say, hopefully it will be more informative than the british guy's "eh, oh well" :86:

02-09-2012, 05:58 AM
It's hard to tell just by looking at the videos but it looks to me like the recoil spring is dragging on something on the inside of the gun. Questions? Does this also happen with a full mag? If you put the slide on slide lock and release it does it go into battery and chamber the round?

02-09-2012, 08:55 AM
Thanks everyone for the possibilities.... now i need your cooperation haha. I've attached a link for another video, i think my barrell is sticking, as the amount of force it takes to unstick it, is the same amount i was using to free the slide in earlier videos.... try this with your gun broken down and let me know if yours is the same way. remember, i'm only letting it fall about 1 inch, so start there..... (you'll get what i mean when you watch)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr6Gxg14SGA :80:

and if they do stick the same, maybe my spring just sucks?

02-09-2012, 09:17 AM
Why not just shoot it:boink:


02-09-2012, 09:21 AM
Why not just shoot it:boink:


so did you try POST #21 with your gun? :p

and i will shoot it next weekend, but until then i'm just trying to diagnose and fix any potential problems.... you know, like a space shuttle haha, fix before flight... i think..... bad analogy, you get it! :4:

02-09-2012, 10:51 AM
relax....shoot the gun. Then if it's still giving you problems, send it back, and I'm sure they''ll make things right.

02-09-2012, 10:56 AM
dont lose sleep over it... shoot it then see if all is ok, if not. send it to kahr. my friends pm9 needed a 100 rounds to break in but runs like a champ now. mine was great out of box. its "normal" for tight tolerance guns.

02-09-2012, 11:13 AM
You could be onto something. I did your barrel test to both my mk9 & mk40 and both barrels go all the way and don't stick. I'm not for wasting ammo but I think you should shoot it some because if it malfunctions Kahr is going to ask you what happened when you SHOT IT and what were the results. I know this by experience with their cs. They will take good care of your problem,they did with mine.

02-09-2012, 12:29 PM
so did you try POST #21 with your gun? :p

and i will shoot it next weekend, but until then i'm just trying to diagnose and fix any potential problems.... you know, like a space shuttle haha, fix before flight... i think..... bad analogy, you get it! :4:

No... I shoot mine to test it, without posting links to vids:o

02-09-2012, 01:28 PM
Watched your video. No my PM9 barrel doesn't not stick like yours. I think your definitely on to something.

02-09-2012, 02:01 PM
EDIT: Changing post

i've decided to send it back. i dont' want to pay for the range, just to get pissed off. It shouldn't stick like that, my other guns don't do that, and like i said in the vid, if a bullet is going to jam that barrel in there, its going to stick for sure, no doubt in my mind. Might as well go to the range with a gun that i don't know for sure will fail.

I'm sure they'll tell me in the email, but do i just drop this thing off at a fed ex once i get the label? and does it have to go back to a FFL? Do your local FFLs charge you just to recieve a package?