View Full Version : It was with trepidation I purchased a CM9

02-07-2012, 09:30 AM
After a bad experience with a PM9 (2nd and 3rd round nose dive jams) I held off buying a CM9 since my CW9 was perfect from the start. Got a CM9 and an additional magazine at the LGS, did the prep and lube and took it to the range yesterday. 150 rounds with zero malfunctions and it hit where I pointed it at 7 yards. Upon disassembly for cleaning there was no abnormal wear, peening or scuffing. I'm pleased and confident enough to make it my EDC.

02-07-2012, 09:34 AM
Glad to hear that it is a success story. I like happy endings!! Congrats on the new CM9...Mike

02-07-2012, 12:51 PM
One of each is good!

-- Richard

02-07-2012, 12:54 PM
After a bad experience with a PM9 (2nd and 3rd round nose dive jams) I held off buying a CM9 since my CW9 was perfect from the start. Got a CM9 and an additional magazine at the LGS, did the prep and lube and took it to the range yesterday. 150 rounds with zero malfunctions and it hit where I pointed it at 7 yards. Upon disassembly for cleaning there was no abnormal wear, peening or scuffing. I'm pleased and confident enough to make it my EDC.

an easy fix was posted about this 2/3rd nose dive. sure sounds like an out of jspeckmagazine reease button. Most allwho did the follower mod eliminated tha tissue to.