View Full Version : Georgia vs Obama

02-07-2012, 10:13 AM
Haven't heard much about this but it could be a powder keg. Obama's eligibility in question in court. Read on.

http://pepperhawkfarm.wordpress.com/2012/01/26/obama-vs-georgia/ :israel:

02-07-2012, 10:36 AM
It's funny how all the news folks and pundits, even the ones on Fox News have dismissed this story and poke fun at anyone who brings it up, calling them 'birthers'. The fact that they all would accept a PDF document as final proof of his legitimacy just how stupid they ALL are. :yell:

The evidence of the multi-layered document and the fake signatures that look exactly alike in several places is enough. But there is another item that they fail to mention here: the name of the hospital in Hawaii where he was supposedly born is wrong. While it is the correct name of a hospital that came into existence several years after his birth, at the time of his birth there were two separate hospitals that later combined, changing the name to what is listed on the birth certificate. A name that was not in existence when the document was supposedly created! Combine that with the fact that his father was never an American citizen and he should not be in that office!

Of course, his supporters will try to say none of this matters, that it is racial prejudice to challenge him about this, etc. And ALL of the media will jump on that soap box. Not only so, but I wonder how many conservative pundits and politicians will fail to stand up and demand he be removed from office?

02-07-2012, 10:51 AM
Questioning the Dear One may prove to be dangerous. Anything standing between him and his chosen destiny may meet with dire consequences. Remember, he has studied and schemed with the Clintons. And they know how to hide the bodies.

02-07-2012, 12:57 PM
I'm just a little bit embarrassed that this is happening in Georgia.

02-07-2012, 02:25 PM
I'm just a little bit embarrassed that this is happening in Georgia.


02-07-2012, 03:28 PM
I'm just a little bit embarrassed that this is happening in Georgia.

I'd be proud myself. I hope a few other states (even all 57) step up and do the same.

02-07-2012, 03:32 PM
some things never change in this forum.

02-07-2012, 03:45 PM

Might be because while the common law definition at the time of the writing of the US Constitution was that a person born in the US or born of a FATHER was considered natural born no matter where born but that the founding fathers wanted to get away from anything British and tended to believe that a child born of either parent would be considered natural born.

Some however have argued that the child need be born of parent(s) whose sworn allegience was to the US and that the term should be changed to reflect that, to native born.

Apparently there was a report issued by the Congressional Research Service on the issue but it apparently has not been issued to the general public.


It isn't spelled out in the US Constitution.

02-07-2012, 03:53 PM
Get that crazy Muslim out of the White House! I don't really care how.

02-07-2012, 04:02 PM
The deal with him being a citizen or not is pretty much a moot point by now whether it's true or not there is no reason to beat that dead horse any longer...

I heard today that a straw poll has Obama ahead of Romney if the general election were today...The media will have Barry looking better than a new silver dollar by November...I really think he will be elected for a 2nd term due to all the whacko gimmy mine crowd out there that will be allowed to vote...

I don't think Romney has a chance against him, Newt maybe but probably not due to his past mistakes....It will be a sad day for America if it comes to pass...

02-07-2012, 04:12 PM
some things never change in this forum.

u really have expected anything different????:boink:

02-07-2012, 05:37 PM
u really have expected anything different????:boink:

absolutely not. just glad to see the stupidity continue. doing the same thing over and over and over and over while expecting a different result is the definition of ??? can't find fault with the endurance of those who wish to stay stuck on stupid.

02-07-2012, 06:12 PM
Call me confused. I don't get it. Probably normal.

02-07-2012, 06:20 PM
absolutely not. just glad to see the stupidity continue. doing the same thing over and over and over and over while expecting a different result is the definition of ??? can't find fault with the endurance of those who wish to stay stuck on stupid.


02-07-2012, 06:41 PM
Haven't heard much about this but it could be a powder keg. Obama's eligibility in question in court. Read on.

http://pepperhawkfarm.wordpress.com/2012/01/26/obama-vs-georgia/ :israel:


02-07-2012, 06:45 PM
The deal with him being a citizen or not is pretty much a moot point by now whether it's true or not there is no reason to beat that dead horse any longer...

I heard today that a straw poll has Obama ahead of Romney if the general election were today...The media will have Barry looking better than a new silver dollar by November...I really think he will be elected for a 2nd term due to all the whacko gimmy mine crowd out there that will be allowed to vote...

I don't think Romney has a chance against him, Newt maybe but probably not due to his past mistakes....It will be a sad day for America if it comes to pass...

The latest poll shows that Rick Santorum would beat Obama, but the only poll that counts is the one taken next November. If you want Obama out of office get off your duff and vote.

02-07-2012, 07:09 PM
The latest poll shows that Rick Santorum would beat Obama, but the only poll that counts is the one taken next November. If you want Obama out of office get off your duff and vote.

Santorum beating Obama, now that's funny. Which poll? How many people in said poll? State or national? Conducted in what fashion (e.g. land line phone, computer, etc.) Most polls are still conducted via land line and we all know which segment of the population that covers.

Santorum is too radical and doesn't stand a chance of ever being elected president. Even a lot of pro-lifers don't want it mandated that a ten year-old girl be forced to deliver a child resulting from incest or rape.

02-07-2012, 07:32 PM

That's disappointing on many levels. :confused:

02-07-2012, 09:04 PM
The deal with him being a citizen or not is pretty much a moot point by now whether it's true or not there is no reason to beat that dead horse any longer...

There are a lot of conflicts on what his nationality is. If he was not born here he doesn't qualify, but someone needs to have hard evidence or drop it. I wish someone would find something hard.

I heard today that a straw poll has Obama ahead of Romney if the general election were today...The media will have Barry looking better than a new silver dollar by November...I really think he will be elected for a 2nd term due to all the whacko gimmy mine crowd out there that will be allowed to vote...

I don't think Romney has a chance against him, Newt maybe but probably not due to his past mistakes....It will be a sad day for America if it comes to pass...

This really scares me but I think it's true.:eek: I just hope for the best.

02-07-2012, 09:06 PM
If you want Obama out of office get off your duff and vote.

Well said

02-07-2012, 09:16 PM
You know, they see through our nations leader over seas. Why can't we?

02-07-2012, 09:17 PM
So let's just supppppppose for a minute that the Dude in Chief wasn't born in the USA. So what? He's in office. What are we going to do about it? Kick him out? Fine. Then what happens? Hint...John McCain does not get to sit behind the big ol' desk. Joe Biden gets to be President. Now, IMO Obama is unqualified but Biden is just out and out stupid. It's the old story of the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. It's only a few more months and they both can be gone.

02-07-2012, 09:41 PM
IF and I admit it's a big if, Obama knowingly and willingly perpetrated a fraud against the people of the United States, then he should be arrested, tried, and hopefully imprisoned. Anyone else involved in a possible conspiracy should be treated equally. Any legislation he signed into law or policies he enacted should be null and void. If Biden is culpable then follow the U.S. Constitution and it's chain of command for the Speaker of the House to assume command. If the DNC was involved make it public so all would know of it's deeds (no one held back during Watergate). If this were all true, why in God's name would we wait for the election to take place in November. He could cause all kinds of havoc.

02-08-2012, 09:01 AM
Get that crazy Muslim out of the White House! I don't really care how.


02-08-2012, 09:24 AM
Santorum beating Obama, now that's funny. Which poll? How many people in said poll? State or national? Conducted in what fashion (e.g. land line phone, computer, etc.) Most polls are still conducted via land line and we all know which segment of the population that covers.

Santorum is too radical and doesn't stand a chance of ever being elected president. Even a lot of pro-lifers don't want it mandated that a ten year-old girl be forced to deliver a child resulting from incest or rape.

Reported on Fox News. I believe it was a Quinnipiac poll. Santorum can win over Obama if the republicans support him. Last night Santorum won all three of the primaries. It would be a very sad day in this country if a man couldn't get elected president for wanting to protect human life. If we can't protect the weakest among us we can protect no one. A woman's right to privacy does not preclude a child's right to life. Your thinking on this issue falls right in line with the opening post. Fifty two million abortions have been performed in the United States since Roe v Wade.

02-08-2012, 03:33 PM

Because at this late date it's a moot point, it's going nowhere, and it's a total waste of energy. Our efforts should be focused on defeating Obama, not wasted on trying to disqualify him.

02-08-2012, 04:20 PM
Get that crazy Muslim out of the White House! I don't really care how.
In the America I know, love and respect, if a man or woman professes to be [insert religious affiliation here] and attends services of said [religion] then that's what he/she is. Period.

Obama has never claimed to be Muslim and attends a Christian Church.

It's un-American to claim otherwise.

02-08-2012, 04:23 PM
It's funny how all the news folks and pundits, even the ones on Fox News have dismissed this story and poke fun at anyone who brings it up, calling them 'birthers'. The fact that they all would accept a PDF document as final proof of his legitimacy just how stupid they ALL are. :yell:

The evidence of the multi-layered document and the fake signatures that look exactly alike in several places is enough. But there is another item that they fail to mention here: the name of the hospital in Hawaii where he was supposedly born is wrong. While it is the correct name of a hospital that came into existence several years after his birth, at the time of his birth there were two separate hospitals that later combined, changing the name to what is listed on the birth certificate. A name that was not in existence when the document was supposedly created! Combine that with the fact that his father was never an American citizen and he should not be in that office!

Of course, his supporters will try to say none of this matters, that it is racial prejudice to challenge him about this, etc. And ALL of the media will jump on that soap box. Not only so, but I wonder how many conservative pundits and politicians will fail to stand up and demand he be removed from office?

Have you actually seen a physical copy of the certificate and do you personally have the expertise to test it?

Can you explain why the Democratic challegers like Hillary didn't pursue this old tale when it would have put her in the WH.

Given that the Republican Governor and the Rep. head of the health department vital statistics both have come out in favor of Obama, yours is a hell of a conspiracy theory. Who would have dreamed all these Dems, Repubs, CNN and Fox all in cahoots.

02-08-2012, 04:59 PM
Obama has never claimed to be Muslim.

Do you really think that he would? :rolleyes:

02-08-2012, 09:05 PM
Do you really think that he would? :rolleyes:
If I spread the word that you're Jewish. How would you prove otherwise? I mean, afterall, you live just a few miles from a synagog and your name is so Old Testament.

02-08-2012, 09:50 PM
Do you really think that he would? :rolleyes:

Well he cancelled the day of prayer, but had prayer at the White House with muslims, he wore no jewelry during Ramadan (a practice of the muslim religion) and he declared that America is a muslim nation, not a Christian nation. Remember, the muslim religion teaches that it is perfectly alright to lie to infidels. And we do know what an unabashed liar he is. Don't we?

02-08-2012, 11:01 PM
So let's just supppppppose for a minute that the Dude in Chief wasn't born in the USA. So what? He's in office. What are we going to do about it? Kick him out? Fine. Then what happens? Hint...John McCain does not get to sit behind the big ol' desk. Joe Biden gets to be President. Now, IMO Obama is unqualified but Biden is just out and out stupid. It's the old story of the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. It's only a few more months and they both can be gone.
Everything that Obwan has signed is illegal then and must be redone and resigned to be legal.

02-08-2012, 11:03 PM
Well he cancelled the day of prayer, but had prayer at the White House with muslims, he wore no jewelry during Ramadan (a practice of the muslim religion) and he declared that America is a muslim nation, not a Christian nation. Remember, the muslim religion teaches that it is perfectly alright to lie to infidels. And we do know what an unabashed liar he is. Don't we?Dare I ask for some legitimate sources for these wild charges?

02-08-2012, 11:08 PM
Have you actually seen a physical copy of the certificate and do you personally have the expertise to test it?
I have seen the one originally posted on the Whitehouse website, it was in fact a document that is in layers and had artifacts in it that shouldn't be there if it was a true copy from a copy machine.
A photocopy is a "flat" document, the one posted had layers that came in slowly and overlayed the background. That is impossible for a photocopied document.

02-08-2012, 11:16 PM
Well he cancelled the day of prayer, but had prayer at the White House with muslims, he wore no jewelry during Ramadan (a practice of the muslim religion) and he declared that America is a muslim nation, not a Christian nation. Remember, the muslim religion teaches that it is perfectly alright to lie to infidels. And we do know what an unabashed liar he is. Don't we?Well now, lets start with the fact Islam has NO prohibition on jewelry during Ramadam. Next, let's few some pictures of Obama wearing jewelry.


02-08-2012, 11:23 PM
I have seen the one originally posted on the Whitehouse website, it was in fact a document that is in layers and had artifacts in it that shouldn't be there if it was a true copy from a copy machine.
A photocopy is a "flat" document, the one posted had layers that came in slowly and overlayed the background. That is impossible for a photocopied document.My understanding is that original records are reviewed, entered into a database and from that database a document can be generated certifying a birth. This isn't the same as how its done in all states and it will depend on the year of the birth and the year of the request as to how its handled.

Your asumption is leading you astray. If you assume it was a copy of a 40 some year old original, you'd possibly have a legit question, but you're judguing it as something it isn't intended to be.

Ask yourself, if its such an obvious forgery, why haven't the REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR and the Republican head of the Hawaii Health Dept. denounced it? In fact, they are on record as agreeing Obama was born