View Full Version : A message from Rand Paul
02-07-2012, 08:33 PM
I added my name to the cause, but it doesn't seem like it'll do much. The UN can pass whatever they want. If it overrides my Constitutional rights, I'm screwed anyway.
Politics are getting into the Twilight Zone. Nothing makes sense anymore.
02-08-2012, 08:12 PM
02-08-2012, 09:01 PM
Muggsy, you need to understand that Snopes are liberals and Obama supporters. So they cannot be trusted to give the strait dope on anything that is anti Obama or anti liberal causes such as gun control or the UN's supposed authority over the whole world.
02-08-2012, 10:08 PM
Muggsy, you need to understand that Snopes are liberals and Obama supporters. So they cannot be trusted to give the strait dope on anything that is anti Obama or anti liberal causes such as gun control or the UN's supposed authority over the whole world.
Mugsy, what you need to remember is that anyone that disagrees with you is obviously a lunatic and must be name called until they lack any sense of credibility. This is real life here, so obviously if something you see called "facts" doesn't match up with what your friend told you at the bar last weekend, then it must be a propaganda from a secret shadow organization sent here to do all the bad things you could possibly think of to your families and loved ones. Most importantly, if you are ever provided with two conflicting sources of information you must never NEVER compare and contrast those details in order to establish facts based upon probability and common sense. Common sense is a word used by the enemy to trick us into giving up our freedom and our women!
”… There is no legal way around the 2nd Amendment other than a further Amendment to the Constitution that repeals or alters it, or a Supreme Court decision that radically reinterprets how the 2nd Amendment is to be applied.”
I find that paragraph amazing; like they needed a legal way around the 2nd Amendment, they just totally ignore it :rolleyes:. They have already done it several times and they will continue doing it. I do not trust at all; they are only bunch of biased liberals.
02-09-2012, 06:29 AM
Muggsy, you need to understand that Snopes are liberals and Obama supporters. So they cannot be trusted to give the strait dope on anything that is anti Obama or anti liberal causes such as gun control or the UN's supposed authority over the whole world.
Everyone has an agenda. Here's my thought. Blue helmets make great targets.
02-09-2012, 06:32 AM
Mugsy, what you need to remember is that anyone that disagrees with you is obviously a lunatic and must be name called until they lack any sense of credibility. This is real life here, so obviously if something you see called "facts" doesn't match up with what your friend told you at the bar last weekend, then it must be a propaganda from a secret shadow organization sent here to do all the bad things you could possibly think of to your families and loved ones. Most importantly, if you are ever provided with two conflicting sources of information you must never NEVER compare and contrast those details in order to establish facts based upon probability and common sense. Common sense is a word used by the enemy to trick us into giving up our freedom and our women!
It is totally unnecessary to be confrontational or sarcastic in your comments.
That type of comment shuts threads down. I think that most of us are adults here. Let's try to keep this discussion on an adult level.
Everyone has an agenda. Here's my thought. Blue helmets make great targets.
You nailed it! :D
02-09-2012, 06:39 AM
Muggsy, you need to understand that Snopes are liberals and Obama supporters. So they cannot be trusted to give the strait dope on anything that is anti Obama or anti liberal causes such as gun control or the UN's supposed authority over the whole world.
J, I don't believe everything that is posted on Snopes, but on this one my research indicates that what was posted was accurate. I do believe that the left has as a part of it's agenda the disarming of America. It has been successful in every other country in the world and that is indisputable. Because of people like you and me, I don't believe that the left will be successful in America. At least, not in our lifetimes.
02-09-2012, 07:03 AM
J, I don't believe everything that is posted on Snopes, but on this one my research indicates that what was posted was accurate. I do believe that the left has as a part of it's agenda the disarming of America. It has been successful in every other country in the world and that is indisputable. Because of people like you and me, I don't believe that the left will be successful in America. At least, not in our lifetimes.
Scary thing is, though, when they do take over history tells us that they will round up and kill, or starve to death, millions in order to establish their objectives. Look at the history of the Soviet Union and China. In fact, they think that for the sake of the environment and preservation of natural resources there should be a whole lot less of us on this planet. You see, they have no moral foundation, so these kind of thoughts enter their heads and stay there. Ann Coulter's book, "Demonic", nails it.
02-09-2012, 07:04 AM
I find that paragraph amazing; like they needed a legal way around the 2nd Amendment, they just totally ignore it :rolleyes:. They have already done it several times and they will continue doing it. I do not trust at all; they are only bunch of biased liberals.
I do trust snopes for you average email rumor mill crap. It can be a handy dope slap for people that freak out over every HOLY CRAP!!! email that hits their inbox.
I have my suspicions about their "don't worry about it" attitude here, though. Let's see, they've already taken away full auto, short barreled shotguns, short barreled rifles, anybody remember the AWB? If we could rest easy with the second amendment, would we need the NRA and other 2A groups?
02-09-2012, 08:26 AM
Scary thing is, though, when they do take over history tells us that they will round up and kill, or starve to death, millions in order to establish their objectives. Look at the history of the Soviet Union and China. In fact, they think that for the sake of the environment and preservation of natural resources there should be a whole lot less of us on this planet. You see, they have no moral foundation, so these kind of thoughts enter their heads and stay there. Ann Coulter's book, "Demonic", nails it.
very interesting. :eek:
les strat
02-09-2012, 08:27 AM
J, I don't believe everything that is posted on Snopes, but on this one my research indicates that what was posted was accurate. I do believe that the left has as a part of it's agenda the disarming of America. It has been successful in every other country in the world and that is indisputable. Because of people like you and me, I don't believe that the left will be successful in America. At least, not in our lifetimes.
I personally think it could happen overnight. One expample: Obamacare. I never thought something as socialistic, and most importantly, MANDITORY, would ever come about in the USA.
This UN thing is for real. The NRA is all over it.
I know many forum members aren't particularily religious, but if you believe the Good Book, a one world governement will happen, and those who oppose will be tribulated against. The USA is not immune to that prophecy by our Constitution, and our infrastructure will be dismantled. Hopefully, American citizens will wake the heck up, but I feel there are too many idiots that fall for the slick lies the socialist/communists spew.
Example: Scarlett Johansson touting Obama will win because he has fashion style. I don't care how fine she is! You do not vote based on crap like that! Well, she did date Sean Penn, who is a communist and buds with Chavez. Spoiled that flower for sure. :der:
Sad thing is, liberals will be the ones that cry, "What have I done to my country and lifestyle by supporting this?", while the common joe conservative will plead, "Why did I sit back and think everything was going to be ok cause this is the USA?"
02-09-2012, 09:58 AM
Scary thing is, though, when they do take over history tells us that they will round up and kill, or starve to death, millions in order to establish their objectives. Look at the history of the Soviet Union and China. In fact, they think that for the sake of the environment and preservation of natural resources there should be a whole lot less of us on this planet. You see, they have no moral foundation, so these kind of thoughts enter their heads and stay there. Ann Coulter's book, "Demonic", nails it.
I'm reminded that the left said that if we just got out of Vietnam the killing would stop. So we got out of Vietnam and a half million south Vietnamese were murdered and another half million sent to reeducation camps. (Read the word reeducation as torture.) Of course some on this board are too young to remember that and believe that the socialist left is a benevolent benefactor. I learned a long time ago that you don't get nothing for nothing. I don't intend to go softly.
02-09-2012, 10:49 AM
Scary thing is, though, when they do take over history tells us that they will round up and kill, or starve to death, millions in order to establish their objectives. Look at the history of the Soviet Union and China. In fact, they think that for the sake of the environment and preservation of natural resources there should be a whole lot less of us on this planet. You see, they have no moral foundation, so these kind of thoughts enter their heads and stay there. Ann Coulter's book, "Demonic", nails it.
Actually, "Godless" is the book I was referring to. "Demonic" is her new one along the same line. I know, she is self promoting and a provocateur, but she is sharp as a whip and the best looking, sexiest conservative around! :p Of course, Michelle Malkin ain't bad, either! :banplease:
02-09-2012, 11:08 AM
Rest easy.
02-09-2012, 12:23 PM
Actually, "Godless" is the book I was referring to. "Demonic" is her new one along the same line. I know, she is self promoting and a provocateur, but she is sharp as a whip and the best looking, sexiest conservative around! :p Of course, Michelle Malkin ain't bad, either! :banplease:
to each their own BUT could someone, QUICK, pass me the extra heavy-duty beer goggles so i can try to see ms. godless as the "best looking, sexiest conservative around". heck, lush rimbaugh wouldn't make such a statement...even on an extra helping of oxy.
while clearly NOT sharp as whips, would sara palin and michelle whackman qualify for the contest? i'm thinkin i could cast a vote for either as long as it didn't put them closer to the white house.
02-09-2012, 01:28 PM
to each their own BUT could someone, QUICK, pass me the extra heavy-duty beer goggles so i can try to see ms. godless as the "best looking, sexiest conservative around". heck, lush rimbaugh wouldn't make such a statement...even on an extra helping of oxy.
while clearly NOT sharp as whips, would sara palin and michelle whackman qualify for the contest? i'm thinkin i could cast a vote for either as long as it didn't put them closer to the white house.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Have you ever taken a good hard look at Michel Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barbra Boxer, Whoopie Goldberg, Ellen Degenerate, etc. Nuff said.
02-09-2012, 02:34 PM
In this case, I think Snopes explained the process pretty well. It ain't gonna happen, guys, at least not by some UN treaty.
02-09-2012, 02:50 PM
enough said would have been 'self promoting and provocative'.....and call it a wrap. as for those you've asked about, i'll go out on a limb and say none would win a 'beauty or sexy' contest.
02-11-2012, 05:52 PM
I do trust snopes for you average email rumor mill crap. It can be a handy dope slap for people that freak out over every HOLY CRAP!!! email that hits their inbox.
I have my suspicions about their "don't worry about it" attitude here, though. Let's see, they've already taken away full auto, short barreled shotguns, short barreled rifles, anybody remember the AWB? If we could rest easy with the second amendment, would we need the NRA and other 2A groups?
There's more truth in the worst SNOPES.COM article than a thousand by NRA, who are the biggest distortionists on the planet...IMHO!!
02-11-2012, 06:37 PM
There's more truth in the worst SNOPES.COM article than a thousand by NRA, who are the biggest distortionists on the planet...IMHO!!
What parallel socialist utopian universe are you living in? Are you a gun owner?
Wake up and smell your shut down LGS!...IMHO!
02-11-2012, 06:41 PM
#1. Michelle Malkin
#2. Michelle Backman
#3. Sarah Palin (but she talks real funny)
#4. Granny Clampet
#5. Ann Coulture
02-11-2012, 07:17 PM
Hey muggsy and whitemule...
America's "death by 1000 cuts" has already begun. Each little win by the socialist (read Demoncrats) is another cut. The imperceptible creep of socialist policies must be stopped, before we all wake up one day and wonder WTF happened. Their agenda is disguised by their mild language..."reasonable" "fairness" "balanced approach" "compromise". With the help of complicit media like the lame stream networks, snopes, fact check, media matters etc, they will demonize any group that disagrees by calling them "extremist", "radical", "obstructionist". They have been fighting this battle since FDR and will patiently continue.
Don't mean to offend anyone who calls them self a democrat.
Classic Liberals and Democrats of decades past would not recognize today's Democrat party and would likely be conservatives.
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