View Full Version : PM9 frame rails

02-07-2012, 08:41 PM
Guys, I'm about to buy a new PM9 this week and so I'm watching all the youtube video's about it, and reading up on it here. Am I correct in noticing that the frame rails are only polymer ( no steel inserts for the slide to ride on )? I'm, so far, a Glock guy ( G21 and G30 ) but I really like the PM9. It fits a niche for me, being such a small gun.

I was surprised to see no frame rails on the gun. I'm sure there isn't an issue with it, seeing how many here have shot thousands of rounds through their PM9.

Please confirm this for me. Inserts in the frame rails or not?

02-07-2012, 08:59 PM
Definitely inserts in the rails. The polymer looking rails just guide the slide onto the steel.

The steel is actually on piece all wrapped in tupperware. Real solid.

It's about time you got off the throne and went for it. You only been talking about it for what a year, year and a half?

And ignoring us on the forum the whole time too.

02-07-2012, 09:05 PM
LOL, you're right, of course. I just tonight realized you sent me a PM a few months ago... Shame on me.

My tax return should come in tomorrow. I have friday off, so I'm going to go get one. I sure hope to get the newer version, I like the bevel on the front end better. This will be a backup gun for me.

Good to know about the frame rails actually being steel inserts that are molded-over with polymer.

Since I work security for the Washington Arms Collectors and I do work the Monroe shows, I frequently see a friend of ours on these forums at the show, ;)

02-07-2012, 11:53 PM
The rails on my 2 Kars leave no doubt that they are STEEL, don't shed and the weight difference is only the 2 quarterpounders I ate for lunch.

02-08-2012, 12:23 AM
Here's the sticky on Kahr frame rails at GT: http://www.glocktalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=765313

02-08-2012, 06:22 AM
1. Buy it.
2. Shoot it.
3. Love it.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for a while, then proceed with step 1 again when ready to buy another Kahr.

02-08-2012, 07:35 AM
gb6491, thanks for the link. I just found that,thread this morning before checking back here. (I'm also a member on that forum.). I have no doubts, the pm9 WILL be my next gun. Most likely the end of this week. That is, if any gunshops around me have one...

02-08-2012, 08:20 AM
the front rails or a separate piece of steel from the back rails but it's a very strong arrangements

02-08-2012, 09:23 PM
Another note... I have read that the new PM9's have an external safety... Please tell met this isn't true. I know there is an optional gun with this feature, but I surely don't want that.

02-08-2012, 09:29 PM
Only the MA and CA version. The new enhanced trigger supposedly has the external safety too but I don't think they are on the street yet. You'll no doubt fine the new style tapered slide too. Don't see many of the blunt nose Jocko version around new anymore. I kind of like the blunt but I'm good with either.

02-09-2012, 06:05 AM
Wheew... good. Now, just waiting on that tax return to be posted.

02-11-2012, 01:15 PM
Well, my tax return didn't come in yet, supposed to be Monday. I called a gun shop that has one and spoke to the owner. She pulled the gun off the counter and is holding it for me until I can make it to her shop this week. She sure is doing me a huge favor. Normally she charges $50 to hold a gun like this.

So new PM9 will be mine before the week is out.

02-14-2012, 09:21 PM
I was able to get off work a little early today so I went to the gunshop and picked up my new PM9. It's plain-jane standard, no nightsights, stainless slide. I can already tell I'm gonna trade in my 7 rnd mag for another 6 rnd one. That thing sticks out way too far for me.

Man that recoil spring is tight. I can't wait to go shoot it. Tomorrow I'll clean it up and then rack the slide 500 times. Need to pick up some ammo at the gunshow this weekend too. This is actually my first 9mm gun. I've had a .40 in the past and now both my Glocks are .45, so this should be a fun new adventure for me.

Even my wife thinks it's cute. This is a gun she can actually get a grip on. She has super small hands. My daughter also can't wait to get out and shoot it.

I'll keep you updated when I get out and shoot it.

02-14-2012, 09:27 PM
Maybe show and tell at the gun show Spider? If you seen one Kahr you want to see em all.

I'm perfectly content with the standard sights myself. I put XS's on my 45 cause I got a good deal but my 40 still wears the standard. Heck, your young and can see good, you'll get along fine.

See ya Sunday morning unless I can sneak past ya. You guys with stinking badges kind of scare me ya know.

02-15-2012, 10:43 PM
Rgr that B. I'll look for ya. By the way, any insight with tight magazine fit? Both my 6 and 7 round mags are tight in the mag well. Neither one drops free. This isn't the problem with the top end being a bit too wide. The mag seems to be rubbing the inside of the mag well front and back. Like the dimention of the magazines front to back is a bit too big. I'll let you take a look at it on Sunday.

02-20-2012, 10:37 AM
Good to see you yesterday Bawanna. I've done the magazine follower mod to one of my 6 rnd mags, but not the other. I want to compare the two at the range. Tomorrow I'm taking my wife to the range so she and I can run the 200 break-in rounds together.

Nice stippling job on your .45, by the way. See you next month. :)

02-20-2012, 10:56 AM
Good to see you yesterday Bawanna. I've done the magazine follower mod to one of my 6 rnd mags, but not the other. I want to compare the two at the range. Tomorrow I'm taking my wife to the range so she and I can run the 200 break-in rounds together.

Nice stippling job on your .45, by the way. See you next month. :)

It was a good show Spyder. Seemed unusually crowded for a Sunday but it was good. First time I ever left with a new gun and money too. It was a nice feeling.
I had intended to talk with the magazine guy and get you another 6 round mag but you beat me to it.
You already had the innertube in place and ready for action so your well on your way.
Let us know how it shoots.

If you find you want that baby stippled someday and don't want to do it yourself I'll do if for ya. No problemo. I can pick it up in the morning, take it home and stipple it and bring it back. Maybe pick up on a Saturday and bring it back when I hit the show on Sunday.

02-20-2012, 12:37 PM
Nice, I'll consider it. Not sure if I'm really into the stippling yet or not. Thanks for the offer, very generous of you.

02-20-2012, 01:21 PM
Here's a pic of the front rail support clipped from the pic in the link posted by GB6491 above. It is VERY sturdy!


02-21-2012, 09:45 PM
It's been a week, today, that I bought my PM9 and I just got back from the range. I took my wife and daughter to help me run 200 to break it in. Wow, this gun is sweet. It ran great. had one hickup within the first 50, but it was clearly a magazine issue, not the gun.

I had previously done the mag-follower mod to one of the mags, but not the other. I wanted to experiment and see what would happen. Sure enough, the mag that failed to feed was the un-modified mag. The round was clearly pointing in a downward angle still in the magazine and so it didn't feed. There is a possibility that this problem was because my wife or daughter loaded the mag and didn't get the round properly seated to the rear of the mag.

Either way, this problem never happened again and the rest of the rounds ran smoothly. Tomorrow I will be remedying the follower issue on the un-modified magazine.

My wife and daughter both love shooting this gun too. It's small enough for them to reach the trigger properly. My wife especially, has very small hands.

02-22-2012, 09:41 AM
I have very small hands, too, and the CM9 works perfectly for me. The gun is really a fine piece of engineering. I think John Browning would give cudos and a thumbs up to Justin Moon and his team! :third:

Darn it! That trophy should not say 3 on it. When I bestow a trophy, it is for 1st place. :roll: