View Full Version : Should I ...Or Shouldn't I ???

02-09-2012, 10:47 AM
Ok guys, I am considering buying a PM9 in the all black configuration. I think its the perfect size and caliber for a CCW, however I am very much dissappointed and concerned about all the problems that most everyone seems to be experiencing with theirs on this and other forums. I own many weapons from a .22 thru a .50 BMG and always try to buy stuff that is reasonably priced for what it is yet has to be reliable and functional.Lets face it in a crisis situation the last thing you need is a FTF...I have also read a lot of negatives on the Ruger LC9. I am sure not everyone has had a bad experience with their PM9 and I would like to get some solid advice from everyone that is willing to share their opinions with me.Is it just a total waste of money or are there just a few bad apples that slip thru the production line? Is it worth buying knowing that it will be sent back to the factory several times til they get it right? Please share with me your honest opinions and personal experiences so I can make a informed decision. Thanks Rolgon

02-09-2012, 10:50 AM
Remember forums seem to dwell on the negative.

Buy with confidence. If and it's highly unlikely you have issues Kahr will take care of it. Some but not nearly all have a few issues going in and Kahr will tell you they need the break in rounds. Nothing unusual there at all.

It should work out of the box, do the proper prep in the tech section and you'll have an even better chance of 100% success.

No gamble involved.

02-09-2012, 10:56 AM
Thanks for the prompt feedback Bawanna.

02-09-2012, 11:05 AM
Thanks for the prompt feedback Bawanna.

get used to that around here. bawanna is quick.

keep in mind people are more likely to post problems with things to try and find help or just to b!tch.
i have had ZERO issues with my PM9 (k.o.w) and carry it every day!
it may few "break in" rounds (my friends did) but these pm9's are sweet pistols and hold up well. i pocket mine at least 6 days/week and have had it on jobsites and it still looks like new. i also try and shoot it at least every month to stay proficient. try some different ammo til you find one that you are comfortable carrying and blast away. i shoot walmart federals at the club and carry winchester pdx147gr and never have had an issue. the pm9 well worth the $ for me...
good luck

02-09-2012, 11:08 AM
I'm a brand new cm9 owner, and I spent countless days, weeks, months doing my research. All I can say is the hard work paid off. I am completely satisfied with my choice. Actually thinking about getting the cw9, too.

Good luck!

02-09-2012, 11:15 AM
Wow, mine has been perfect. Great shooter and accurate as well. Very easy to control. I love mine and would trust my life to it, no question.

02-09-2012, 11:28 AM
PM9/CM9 = the same gun except for cosmetics. I have a CM9 with zero issues. It is my daily carry gun and I trust my life on it. The issure you are seeing are a very small percentage of the PM9/CM9s sold by Kahr. I bet 95% or more sold are never returned for service. Mine hasn't and I doubt it will ever need to be factory serviced. Buy with confidence.:D

02-09-2012, 11:35 AM
It isn't exactly the same gun. Besides having a few stamped parts, the CM9 barrel is a regular rifled barrel. The PM9 barrel has polygonal rifling like Glock's have.

02-09-2012, 11:41 AM
It isn't exactly the same gun. Besides having a few stamped parts, the CM9 barrel is a regular rifled barrel. The PM9 barrel has polygonal rifling like Glock's have.

True. The CM comes with 1 mag, the PM with 2. The front sight is dovetailed on the PM, not on the CM so a few less options for front sights.
CM not available in black if that's what blows up ones dress.

To some the regular rifling is a bonus if they want to shoot lead.

Cosmetically not as refined but in a side by side shoot I bet they act very much the same. The controls and everything in the launch system is the same.

Dirt doc
02-09-2012, 12:14 PM
I can't speak to the LC9 or other PM9's but when I got mine I cleaned it took it to the range and put the first 6 rnds all on a 2" sticky dot. Had a P9 before the PM9 and both have been reliable. The PM9 100% since rnd 1 and the P9 100% after 2nd mag. I'll be picking up a new PM45 tonight or tomorrow. I wouldn't be doing that if I had any doubts about quality.

02-09-2012, 12:25 PM
I can't speak to the LC9 or other PM9's but when I got mine I cleaned it took it to the range and put the first 6 rnds all on a 2" sticky dot. Had a P9 before the PM9 and both have been reliable. The PM9 100% since rnd 1 and the P9 100% after 2nd mag. I'll be picking up a new PM45 tonight or tomorrow. I wouldn't be doing that if I had any doubts about quality.

Welcome to the PM45 club. Your gonna love it. It don't get much better.

Pictures and report of course after you get it????

02-09-2012, 12:34 PM
Ihave had my PM9 for a few years now and haven' thad a single isue ith it yet. It gobbles up all types of ammo to boot.
I also have a PM45 which until I had a hundred or so rounds through it gave me only a few FTF which only a bump to the slide cured. I had a few few rounds hang up on the ramp, but stopped after a good cleaning & lubing. It also used to dot my forehead with the ejected cases once and a while during the brteak in period, but that claered up well before 150 rounds went down range. I love both of these guns...I am rarely without one of them on a daily basis along with a spare magazine or two.

02-09-2012, 12:36 PM
Most people who are happy with a product just use it. Those who have problems want to share them. The problems that you read about are small compared to the number of Kahrs sold. I have two and they both work well. Kahr has a great design and uses good materials. Their quality control is not as good as it should be though. Some of the problems are from interference fits that go away with use. These problems could be greatly reduced with better QC. Like many products, the first one produced are more likely to have problems. I think Kahr has been good at fixing the bugs on early production runs and eliminating them on later products. They are not perfect, but I really like mine.

Bill K
02-09-2012, 12:36 PM
I had two issues with my PM9 that were easily resolved with help from folks on this forum. Never had to send my Kahr back to the mother ship.

02-09-2012, 01:15 PM
OK here's my story on buying my all black PM9 with night sites. I'll keep it short, honest,and to the point. I bought it, cleaned it, shot it, and love it. It has never had one problem of any sort in 900 to a 1000 rounds shooting different types and of brass ammo ,including reloads.
It is my EDC and has been for the last two years. Be rest assured if you do have any sort of problems there are more than a few people on this site who will be more than happy to give you assistance. If that does not help with your problems then the factory is there to fix what we can't. I'd be willing to bet if you follow the tips that are on this site for prepping and breaking in your new pistol you will have little to no problems.

02-09-2012, 01:49 PM
My $0.02...

I have a PM9, a PM45, and a new (to me) P380. I have not had any significant issues...just a couple of hiccups in the break in period. They are all quality firearms, and I carry one or more of them every day (even around the house on days I don't go out).

I would buy each of them again without a moments hesitation. When my daughter is old enough to carry, I plan to buy her the Kahr of her choice.

They are the real deal. No finer CCW pistols that I've come across.

02-09-2012, 02:02 PM
I'll add one more. I currently own two Kahrs. A P9 and a PM9, both all black and both operating without issue. Previously had another P9 and a K40, regrettably sold both, which also functioned perfectly.

02-09-2012, 02:27 PM
Buy with confidence. I had two issues with mine. I sent it back (free shipping, of course) and got it back within a week. All is good. Fun to shoot, and more accurate than you will believe. It also has the smoothest trigger that you will ever find on a pocket 9mm. A bit long, but smooth as Tennessee whiskey..Make that chilled Crown Royal..Good luck with your endeavor..Mike

02-09-2012, 02:29 PM
I had an LC9 briefly, was totally reliable for me while I had it. Traded it for another Dan Wesson. I can get another LC9 anytime, but Dan Wesson's don't come around all that often.
I'd go ahead with the PM9, or CM9, whichever you prefer. If you take everything negative you read on the internet about guns, you'd never purchase one. Many people don't post unless they have a problem. So of course you're going to see a lot of negatives. I have a CW40, and CW45, one ran great out of the box, the .45 however had to go back to Kahr, and they fixed it and had it back in my hands in 7 days. It's been flawless since, and has become my major CCW.

02-09-2012, 04:53 PM
OK here's my story on buying my all black PM9 with night sites. I'll keep it short, honest,and to the point. I bought it, cleaned it, shot it, and love it. It has never had one problem of any sort in 900 to a 1000 rounds shooting different types and of brass ammo ,including reloads.
It is my EDC and has been for the last two years. Be rest assured if you do have any sort of problems there are more than a few people on this site who will be more than happy to give you assistance. If that does not help with your problems then the factory is there to fix what we can't. I'd be willing to bet if you follow the tips that are on this site for prepping and breaking in your new pistol you will have little to no problems.
I was going to type a reply to the OP but after reading Popeye's reply, I decided to just quote his. I bought the same gun, have nearly the same number of rounds though mine, factory and tons of reloads, and have had ZERO problems with mine as well. I've had mine about a year at this point.

Love the gun! I'm not one that likes to sell/trade off my gun purchases, but if I started to do that, the PM9 would probably be one of the last to go!

Buy with confidence!

02-09-2012, 11:48 PM
I would like to thank everyone for taking the time and responding to my concerns about the PM9. I must say that I overwhelmingly got the answer I was hoping for. I was very much leaning towards the Khar over the Ruger at least in this match up between the PM9 and the LC9. You guys have put my fears at ease. I will now feel much better about laying out about $700 for the PM9 of my choice.I must say that its good to be able to tap into all this experience and wisdom from PM9 owners.Very glad I joined this forum.Once again thanks to all that responded. Rolgon.

02-10-2012, 12:25 AM
New to this forum, my Kahr is a CM9 which is a fine CCW pistol. The PM9
was my original choice, however price determined sale, but I could not be
more pleased with my CM9.

Joe L
02-10-2012, 07:42 AM
I know you have already made your decision, and I fully agree with it. I got a PM40 first, liked it so much I started looking for a PM9, then the CM9 came out and I bought it instead. Both have been excellent, just excellent. Very happy with them.

02-10-2012, 08:10 PM
PM9... good pistol. PM45 is too. Mine are as close to faultless as one can get.

02-11-2012, 12:44 PM
I've owned six Kahrs over the years and they all worked 100% after the recommended break-in. Two of those, both PM9's, needed no break-in at all. They were 100% since day one. Unfortunately, many folks that gripe about the Kahrs being junk don't have the patience or want to invest the money in break-in ammo. It's just the nature of the beast to give the gun a proper break-in. I find it well worth the investment.

02-11-2012, 02:19 PM
I bought a PM9094NA, the all black model with factory nite sights last July.

Love the gun, it's my EDC gun.

I did not go thru 500 nerve racking slide racks!!! :rolleyes: I disassembled the gun when I got it, cleaned it as I would any other gun, lubed it where needed and went to the range.

To date I have 1154 rds. thru it which includes factory 124 gr. and 147 gr. FMJ, reloaded FMJ and various mfgs. and weights of HP ammo, standard velocity, +P and +P+ loadings (velocity testing only with the +P+).

The pistol itself has been 100% except for the splitting of two mags on the maiden range trip (replaced by Kahr) and a broken follower in one of the new replacement mags and Kahr sent me 3 or 4 new followers.

No mag problems since. ;)

Buy the PM9, you will not regret it.

02-11-2012, 04:23 PM
started w/ a PM9, had maybe 2 feed issues in the first 50 rounds, both related to the feed ramp hanging up the round. a bit of tetra on the ramp that day at the range and after that, nary a hiccup by the PM9 from that point forward. i got about 500 rounds thru the PM9 before i decided it wasn't for me (short grip) and sold it to my dad. he hasn't had a singel issue w/ it either. on to the P9 after that, and never a single issue w/ that pistol from the first round that went thru it to the well over 1500-ish i've probably sent down range. couple of times i caught myself riding the slide and then have it not lock back after the last round, but other than operator doofessness, it's been a dream pistol.

...now, on to the TP9, that's my next purchase i think.

pocket pistol
02-11-2012, 05:30 PM
If I had your money, I'd do it... Don't think it's all negative. I have a new CM9 that I just got through the break-in period. I only had 2 FTFs and I think it was from my wife limp wristing it. I'm at about 250 rounds and I consider it reliable enough to carry...

And that black finish is as sexy as all get out.

02-16-2012, 08:08 PM
I bought a used Kahr PM9 and it runs without issue. Also, not only reliable but easy to shoot and accurate for a small gun. My KT PF9 is gone. I like the Kahr.

02-16-2012, 10:08 PM
Never a single issue with my CM9 that wasn't attributable to that dubious 7-round magazine. It's my EDC and I trust it fully.

Just thought I'd mention that if you're buying the PM9 over the CM9 so you can get the black slide, you can save over $100 by having a CM9 Cerakoted like I did. I've got less than $500 in mine, including the coating.
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/387970_165622583539544_100002754103524_190501_1224 310381_n.jpg