View Full Version : MK9 it is !

02-09-2012, 09:59 AM
OK guys....
Next Kahr and start looking at CM9 and see that I can get a MK9 for only $130 more.

Was dead set on CM9 till I saw that.. now back to being unsure.

Oh the torture.... heavier and steel or lighter and possibly pocketable.

Remember that I have a fully functioning p380 as well

Fully aware of the weight differences, but would love to hear your thoughts (other than buy both!)..

Fire away

02-09-2012, 10:03 AM
If you find an MK9 for $130 more than a CM9 you'd be a fool not to jump on it, or give me the info so I can add a second one.

Other than the added weight, which disappears in anything but a pocket or ankle holster, the MK9 is the superior concealed carry handgun of all time.

02-09-2012, 10:10 AM
Thought I may get your attention with that Thunder.... surprised a bit you didn't say "BOTH" but indeed I thank you for your answer....

Leaning MK9 holster P380 pocket all depending on dress mandate for that day.

02-09-2012, 10:27 AM
I'd definitely go the MK9. You got the pocket covered.

02-09-2012, 11:51 AM
OK guys....
Next Kahr and start looking at CM9 and see that I can get a MK9 for only $130 more.

Was dead set on CM9 till I saw that.. now back to being unsure.

Oh the torture.... heavier and steel or lighter and possibly pocketable.

Remember that I have a fully functioning p380 as well

Fully aware of the weight differences, but would love to hear your thoughts (other than buy both!)..

Fire away

You already have a pocket pistol.
So that makes the choice a no brainer.
I'm biased, and love stainless steel.
The fit and finish of my MK40 Elite in nothing short of outstanding.
It's like a Swiss watch that throws bullets.
Plus the extra weight really absorbs the recoil.
23/25 oz is just about the perfect weight for a small SD pistol on a belt.
Particularly for just $130 difference?
What are you waiting for? Really?

02-09-2012, 11:52 AM
LoL... my tax refund !

Thanks guys

02-09-2012, 12:47 PM
Yeah ... I think everyone else has already said it. The MK9 is THE #1 non pocketable conceal gun.

02-09-2012, 12:57 PM
Considering that a CM9 is in the range of $350-400 online (plus fees and shipping)...where can you buy an MK9 for $500-550?

Hmmm...my next Kahr may be on the horizon. :D

02-09-2012, 01:06 PM
Considering that a CM9 is in the range of $350-400 online (plus fees and shipping)...where can you buy an MK9 for $500-550?

Hmmm...my next Kahr may be on the horizon. :D

I just searched and found this. I am soo tempted to buy one now that I almost wish I didn't find it.

02-09-2012, 01:17 PM
I just searched and found this. I am soo tempted to buy one now that I almost wish I didn't find it.


02-09-2012, 01:57 PM

Not so wow. It shows not in stock and can not be backordered. When they get some in they will probably be 850. They are only a gift when they don't have any.

I'm pretty sure that's what happened on my Golden Boy at Christmas time. The bid didn't go high enough to suit the shop so some how they suddenly didn't have any in stock. Imagine that?

02-09-2012, 02:06 PM
DAMNIT... ya'll found my stash... BACK... all ya... BACK ! LoL

02-09-2012, 02:07 PM
MOTHER fokker... snoozed and loozed she is gone

Had it in my cart too... ERG

02-09-2012, 02:10 PM
Not so wow. It shows not in stock and can not be backordered. When they get some in they will probably be 850. They are only a gift when they don't have any.

I'm pretty sure that's what happened on my Golden Boy at Christmas time. The bid didn't go high enough to suit the shop so some how they suddenly didn't have any in stock. Imagine that?

Dang it, Bawanna, you sure know how to hurt a guy! I mean here I was scheming away at how to pay for that, and you go and jerk the rug out from under me. Enough to make a fella dizzy.

02-09-2012, 02:13 PM
Does anyone know what kind of markup these big volume dealers make... seems that at less than $500 for an MK9 it was close to cost!!!

02-09-2012, 02:14 PM
Sorry about that, it's a great shooter if it makes you feel better... want me to send you pictures of it at least? :)

Kidding, of course... Sorry you missed the deal. :(

02-09-2012, 02:21 PM
Lesson learned..... be decisive THEN start talkin.....
Oh well...
I can always tell myself that I have $500 more than I would have had....

... bah that didn't work......

New post...

WTB MK9 brand new $500 .... :mad:

02-09-2012, 02:22 PM
Sorry about that, it's a great shooter if it makes you feel better... want me to send you pictures of it at least? :)

Kidding, of course... Sorry you missed the deal. :(

No thanks on the picture, but I do have another question for everybody.

I guess I'll say "when" I buy an MK9 (not "if"), I'd really like to have some of the original style rubber grips on it. Is there any way to get those other than finding a used model that has them?

02-09-2012, 02:25 PM
I paid $789 out the door with box of ammo and 2 months free range time last May. That price makes me feel real sad. I suppose after shipping and FFL transfre would be another $100. Still unbelievable price

02-09-2012, 02:26 PM
$11 ship and $20 FFL... $530 in my hand...

I am back on the hunt now....

02-09-2012, 02:29 PM
I just checked on Bud's, and they have a non-Elite with standard sights for $657.

02-09-2012, 02:30 PM
I apologize, I had no ill intent. The point is you have to read the add and look for their sneaky little fine print.
I didn't realize it was there and then suddenly gone so I could be wrong in this case. Somebody goofed on that one and maybe somebody discovered it and stopped it. Price was too good.

I'm not very curious what would have happened had you actually made the purchase. I'd wager a fair some you would have got an email eventually apologizing for their inventory error and they didn't have any.

Damn I feel like a black cloud on a sunny day. I hate myself.

02-09-2012, 02:32 PM
Not sure on the rubber grips... I've heard they are great though. Maybe scour armslist, craigslist, ebay and gunbroker.

02-09-2012, 02:46 PM
Sorry Cesande, if I killed your purchase by finding and posting the price. I had no idea it would end so quick. I guess they only had 1 at that price, or found their pricing error and fixed it. I made up my mind, and just got back on line to buy one myself. It was still available when I found it, so I guess I snoozed and lost as well.:(

02-09-2012, 02:47 PM
HA !!!
I clicked the link one last time in desperation from this post

It showed in stock... Jumped on it.. ordered... paid... and sent FFL info.

WHEW... WHAT a roller coaster of a day !

02-09-2012, 02:52 PM
Your one very very lucky guy. I'm gonna search around for a set of the old style rubber grips and send them to you as a gun warming gift if I can find some. I have a set on my K40 (Original) but I ain't giving them up.

Still sounds too good to be true..................

02-09-2012, 02:55 PM
Thanks Bawanna...
My day is gettin better all the time!
IF I get the "we're sorry..." email I will tell them..
"No problem, just ship me one at that price when they come back into stock".....

Will update as to how this all plays out...

02-09-2012, 03:00 PM
Not sure on the rubber grips... I've heard they are great though. Maybe scour armslist, craigslist, ebay and gunbroker.

Dude, I soooo hate to scour. Gives me dishpan hands, or something like that. :D

02-09-2012, 03:00 PM
FWIW and to make sure there is no misunderstanding - I did not buy the MK9 listed above. :o

Really, I swear!

If I'm lying you'll know in about a week, because if I did my wife would kill me.

02-09-2012, 03:09 PM
I apologize, I had no ill intent. The point is you have to read the add and look for their sneaky little fine print.

Damn I feel like a black cloud on a sunny day. I hate myself.

Heck, I'm reading all this, including the CTD page, on my Blackb*rry. Awful easy to miss the sneaky little small print lawyer stuff on this itty-bitty screen. Anyway, it's already raining here in S. Texas today, so no need for any "weather emotions". :D

02-10-2012, 12:08 PM
Well... I got 'the email' today....
Sorry, but the "drop ship warehouse is out of this item'.....

Gonna try to press the issue but don't think I will have any luck.

02-10-2012, 01:51 PM
If seems too good to be true ... it usually is.

Inventory management and pricing errors are common in online systems. Someone typed in the wrong value at some point, and it's hard to catch. Retail stores are pretty good about honoring mistakes of this type - often because their prices are very visible - but I haven't found many online retailers who are. Good luck.

02-10-2012, 02:54 PM
Yeah, long phone call with them they admitted it was a pricing error and that none were shipped at that price. They are going to email me when they get back in stock and said that they would "work with me" to try to keep my business.
Not sure what that means but will call when and if I get that email.

02-10-2012, 03:05 PM
Sounds more like bait & switch to me.

02-10-2012, 03:29 PM
CTD is famous for these mysterious short lived price cuts on guns. I think Bud's does some of that, too. But if you advertise it, you better honor it.

02-10-2012, 03:57 PM
The last gun I bought from Bud's they advertised with night sights, when I got it it had regular sights......when I called they said I could return for refund. I instead agreed to a $50 refund.

02-10-2012, 04:16 PM
The last gun I bought from Bud's they advertised with night sights, when I got it it had regular sights......when I called they said I could return for refund. I instead agreed to a $50 refund.

Bud's are more than a little sloppy. Like the description for a Taurus 856 revolver having target sights when it is just the standard blade and ramp snubby sights. Caveat emptor.

02-11-2012, 06:58 AM
Like you, I have noticed occasional errors in Bud's descriptions and photos, although they do put a disclaimer on their photos (which are often stock photos from the manufacturer).

From experience, I can tell you that it is very difficult to keep catalogue descriptions 100% accurate, for a whole bunch of reasons. Many products are available in a variety of subtle variations that are not always easy to tell apart, especially by entry-level employees who are just "doing their job" without being experts on the topic, or even by experts who are having to cope with a flood of changes and thus make occasional mistakes that are much more obvious to a customer who is spending a lot of time hovering over each description.

My recommendation: When you are shopping at Bud's, always use the manufacturer's exact model number as the best guide to what the product really is by looking up that model on the manufacturer's web site or product literature. In my experience, Bud's always has the model number correct even if some of the other details are occasionally inaccurate.

02-11-2012, 07:03 AM

Did you notice that the pistol was out of stock and can't be reordered? If I didn't have a MK9 I'd sell it for half that price. :)

02-19-2012, 11:29 PM
It is in stock now again. Get it ASAP!!!

02-20-2012, 08:36 AM
LoL I was NOT going to say anything till I was SURE the order went through.
Signed up for the alert email...
Got the email Friday night and had the order in within about 30 minutes complete with FFL docs.
Confirmed via phone just now that indeed it is in stock and that MY MK9 will ship today!
Said that they had 2 and have 1 left after my order!

They have the CM9 at 378 and the MK9 at 499 so difference of only $121

LGS had a MK9 non elite for $713 and would NOT come off the price...

02-21-2012, 12:20 PM
I just picked up MY MK9...
Cheaper Than Dirt honored their price of $499 so for $529 with ship and FFL fee it is in my hands as of just now!

Holy cow... I just 'thought' that the p380 was tight... this guy is REALLY tight...

Have to finish work then on to Kahr Prep land !

02-21-2012, 12:43 PM
I just picked up MY MK9...
Cheaper Than Dirt honored their price of $499 so for $529 with ship and FFL fee it is in my hands as of just now!

Holy cow... I just 'thought' that the p380 was tight... this guy is REALLY tight...

Have to finish work then on to Kahr Prep land !

Glad you pulled the trigger in time! I think they must use that price as a loss leader to keep as many eyes on their site as possible all the time. In the end you'll probably buy more stuff from them....

02-21-2012, 02:15 PM
Definitely think they honored a mistake price.
Price has been changed now to $652.89 and you can see that my order got adjusted.
Can't wait to get some time with her!

02-21-2012, 02:20 PM
Regardless it's a good deal for you and I'm glad they honored their advertised price. That was the right thing for them to do. I'm sure they are taking a look at things to avoid this in the future. No doubt in preparation for an order from me.

I do encounter super duper prices at lots of sites but usually they happen to be out of stock. The draw previously mentioned. When they do have stock, it's funny, the price ain't nearly as good. Go figure.

02-21-2012, 02:21 PM
u should be ashamed, course I know ur not, so how about just sending the difference tome, as u know some as-hlles tole my sentimental Harley jacket kand I need to get a new one and u would be doing ol jocko a real nice favor being I just get ss and that is all. I would knot ask this of u normally buyt sinc eu stole that gun at that price and I know u now feel badk this willhelp you clear ur consciounce and also help put a very needy Naked Harley rider.

I think u inadvance, Just sayin

02-21-2012, 02:34 PM
... help put a very needy Naked Harley rider.

I think u inadvance, Just sayin

GAWD... now I have this vision as well as the ski mask wearin, chain saw totin Jocko vision to deal with....

some how I will get over my guilty conscience...

now.. IF I can just get these visuals out of my head ! LoL

02-21-2012, 02:41 PM
LoL I was NOT going to say anything till I was SURE the order went through.
Signed up for the alert email...
Got the email Friday night and had the order in within about 30 minutes complete with FFL docs.
Confirmed via phone just now that indeed it is in stock and that MY MK9 will ship today!
Said that they had 2 and have 1 left after my order!

They have the CM9 at 378 and the MK9 at 499 so difference of only $121

LGS had a MK9 non elite for $713 and would NOT come off the price...

Congrats!!.....to both of us.:cheer2: I saw it available at about 1:30 saturday morning and jumped right on it. Mine should be delivered tomorrow. I feel even better that I got one of only 2 available, and I'm glad you got the other one since you were the first one to spot the deal to begin with.

02-21-2012, 02:44 PM
Sweet.... better they go to members here than any where else.
Mine has SN of GC6xxx
Not sure of vintage but will call the mother ship tomorrow to check.
My P380 received from CTD on 1/17 was made dec 2011 so they have fresh stock.

02-21-2012, 02:49 PM
GAWD... now I have this vision as well as the ski mask wearin, chain saw totin Jocko vision to deal with....

some how I will get over my guilty conscience...

now.. IF I can just get these visuals out of my head ! LoL

Wow, I didn't know Jocko was a democrat! I'm gonna head down to the salvation army and see if I can't find him a nice harley jacket, maybe with some gang colors and rockers etc. That'll be my good deed for the day.

cesande, focus on happy thoughts, fondle your new MK9 and try to block out those images. Liberal (crap I said liberal) doses of Scotch seem to help in some cases. These are the images that keep nut houses full to capacity at all times. I only need 3 more horse heads and I get my choice of nut houses. I'm hoping for a room 69 with a balcony and a nice few of a horse stable.

I figure with my opening comment now I'm only gonna need 2 more.

02-21-2012, 02:51 PM
Sweet.... better they go to members here than any where else.
Mine has SN of GC6xxx
Not sure of vintage but will call the mother ship tomorrow to check.
My P380 received from CTD on 1/17 was made dec 2011 so they have fresh stock.

There were only 2 series I've been told. The GA and the GC so you have the newest generation. Only the mother ship can tell the actual birth date.

02-21-2012, 03:26 PM
I bought mine May of last year with #51XX so yours is recent. I have looked at serial#s on gunbroker and the new ones have the 6000# as yours does. I'm guessing your 6 round mag has 9-6 Kahr on it mine came with mk Kahr on it. Great gun you will love shooting it

02-21-2012, 03:33 PM

02-21-2012, 03:50 PM
I bought mine May of last year with #51XX so yours is recent. I have looked at serial#s on gunbroker and the new ones have the 6000# as yours does. I'm guessing your 6 round mag has 9-6 Kahr on it mine came with mk Kahr on it. Great gun you will love shooting it

Yup 6 rounder has 9-6 with KAHR below that.

7 rounder may very well be in the mail tomorrow to beg for a 6 rounder swap...

HATE the extension that they use on the 7 rounders.

She is sitting with slide locked now.. as I go to bandage my hands from the slide racking...

Compared it to my P380 that has now 831 rounds through it and the difference is night and day... the p380 feels loose as can be compared...

I know... I know....

Now go shoot the fokker like you stole her and she will loosen up...

EVERY time I think of that word and phrase I can't help but see the video posted somewhere here and it cracks me up every single time !!!

03-18-2012, 12:27 PM
FINALLY got the MK9 to the range along with the used PM9 that I bought and my trusty P380.
100 rounds MK9 flawless... and MAAAN that is the best shooter of the bunch by FAR...
100 rounds PM9 flawless... Put an XS on the PM9 and found that I was really shooting low with that... telling myself that there is an adjustment period but confused because..
56 rounds P380 flawless... with the XS on this one I was only off to the right which is just an adjustment, but height was right on....

Confused a bit on the PM9 shooting low... but will hit them all later this week again to see what we have~!

side note... 100 more through the Glock 19 just because it has been a while !