View Full Version : guide rod spring observation - CW45

02-10-2012, 11:23 AM
Hi guys/gals -

I just put my new Kahr back together and noticed that the guide rod spring hits the bottom of the stop boss along with the guide rod end itself. If I twirl the spring around to the cut side, I can get it out of the way and the guide rod angle looks better and makes flatter contact at the back.

Dunno if this is a given on reassembly (didn't see any mention of it) but it looks like something one should do to keep the everything lined up best.


02-10-2012, 12:46 PM
When I put my mk's back together (plastic rods) I put the recoil assembly in place,put the slide back on then pull the slide back to make sure the rod comes out straight and not with a little bend. If there is a little bend either way I rotate the assembly try again until the rod comes out straight then insert the slide stop. Maybe unnecessary I really don't know.