View Full Version : I did it!!!

02-10-2012, 07:52 PM
Pulled the trigger (haha get it) on a brand new CM9! Its on its way to the local FFL, and the 2 extra mags are on their way to my house! I feel like a kid on his birthday! O wait... this is my birthday present to myself! YAY!!!!:D:D:D

02-10-2012, 07:57 PM

When I ordered my CM9, I was on the edge of my seat. When I got to the store to pick it up, I found out they had stocked an extra. To this day I regret not buying the second one as well!

02-10-2012, 09:43 PM
belt and holster ideas anyone? Should i get owb and iwb and maybe pocket? anything that covers all 3? links are always appreciated!
Ive looked at a couple holsters, and its very confusing to a newbie... cant and all that stuff???
Just wanna throw in a huge thanks to everyone on the site! The wonderful people on this site have definantly made the whole process enjoyable! I am glad i found kahrtalk and look forward to many more years of great forum ppl/info!

02-10-2012, 09:44 PM
Oh no, he's opened the floodgates! Run!

02-10-2012, 09:47 PM
Try these out:

02-10-2012, 09:54 PM
congrats!....you will not be sorry!!!!.....just finished my breaking period.....one word...FLAWLESS :-)

02-10-2012, 09:58 PM
Nice choice! The best birthday presents are usually the ones you pick out yourself!

02-10-2012, 10:37 PM
Congrats on the purchase. I went with the PM9 myself, but the CM9 was in the running as well. Hope it works out well for you.

02-10-2012, 11:07 PM
Pulled the trigger (haha get it) on a brand new CM9! Its on its way to the local FFL, and the 2 extra mags are on their way to my house! I feel like a kid on his birthday! O wait... this is my birthday present to myself! YAY!!!!:D:D:D
Some very good designs are easily adjustable for RIDE HEIGHT, CANT and Tuckable. Start there and reconcile yourself to owning several holdsters.

At around $25, you can experiement with location using a Remora clipless holster.

Lots of hybred Kydex with Leather at $55-85, check out Tommy Theis.

Once you are SURE how and where you want YOUR holster, order a Desbiens, Milt Sparks or James Dean. Google 'em

02-10-2012, 11:28 PM
I saw the remora... I'm confused on how that works....

02-11-2012, 09:28 AM
I saw the remora... I'm confused on how that works....Friction and a touch of suction. Works well with a belted pair of pants. Some claim its good with running shorts etc. I can get mine very sweaty even in moderate temps.

02-12-2012, 02:50 PM
Got 300 rounds set for break in... is it ok if I run only 115 grain for break in? I tried to find some heavier grain to mix in with it, but wal mart and dicks only had 115 grains in stock.

02-12-2012, 03:11 PM
Got 300 rounds set for break in... is it ok if I run only 115 grain for break in? I tried to find some heavier grain to mix in with it, but wal mart and dicks only had 115 grains in stock.Not a problem.

02-14-2012, 07:38 PM
Gun will be here tomorrow! (its like christmas eve) I was re-reading the proper prep arcticle, and how do I know of the mag spring is upside down? I have 2 spares coming in as well, so ill check those when they get here. Im just curious how I know if its in right or not? Will this be explained in the manual?

THANKS AGAIN! you guys have been more than helpful for a super noob!

02-14-2012, 08:03 PM
no manual won't show u but when up check the magazineout, u will soon see how the angleof the spring is and how it should go into the bottom of the follower. If it is inbackwards, u will see it first hand. 99%of the time it is allOK but just check thingsout before gong toto the range that first time.

alittle pointer. those witnes sholes in the slide, just stick a nail in the last hole and then when you sldie that floor plate off, all tingswillnot fly all over hell and when inserting it allback together, just press that spring in as far as u canwith youyr fingers and then slide that nail in that last hole and it will hold everything stillfor u to slide the bottom floor palte on.. ur goona be good to go, ...

02-14-2012, 09:45 PM
here ya go....oops, wrong gun.

Just have the angle at the spring's top match well and mate with the follower. The entire spring should be in a position that matches the angle of the empty mag tube. If you try four possible ways, one looks right.

02-15-2012, 11:58 AM
Pickin her up today as soon as I get out of this crap hole! (work) anyone got some suggestions on a good lock box for in the car? My glovebox doesn't lock n I'm lookin for somethin that maybe attaches to the car somehow. For those times I have to leave it in the car (like at work) causethe last thing I want is my gun stolen out of my car!
Also is it just a movie thing, or do u guys have names for your gun(s)?

02-15-2012, 12:13 PM
I call my PM9 PUS-SY. I kiss it all the time!! when at the range and it pleases me.

02-15-2012, 01:21 PM
I call my PM9 PUS-SY. I kiss it all the time!! when at the range and it pleases me.
Next you'll tell us the name of your gunstore was.....

drum roll.
Pus_sy Galore

02-15-2012, 05:12 PM

02-16-2012, 07:19 AM
Jfootin, thanks for the link! Ill be picking one or two of those up for sure!

Well sc has the nice insta check system, so I thought ide be in n out yesterday, but because its my first gun n I was born in va (moved when I was 4 to sc n been here since) its gonna be a couple days for them to clear me to go pick it up. I did get to see her all still wrapped in plastic n pretty. I don't think I've had my bubble bursted this bad in a long time! I spent all day being super excited to pick it up just to find out I gotta wait a couple more. So looks like no range time after work, its gonna have to wait till the weekend. Ill def give some reviews on the first trip tho!

02-16-2012, 07:24 AM
Man, that sucks bigtime. In PA you walk in, pick it out, fill out the paperwork, they run the PICS check via phone (all automated touch tone) and poof you're out the door. Takes 20 mins total.

I never understood this BS cooling down period.

People who have nefarious motives aren't going to gun shops to get their guns. It's all feel good warm n fuzzy liberal crappola.

02-16-2012, 08:26 AM
I think that's normally how it works in SC too, but they said that cause its my first gun buy n I lived in VA before that SC has to verify a clean record from VA. It sucks but I can also understand. Wouldn't be good for a murder or felon at all for that matter to move to a new state n be able to easily purchase a gun. I do agree with you that that sort of person probably wouldn't be buying from a lgs. O well... guess ill continue to be the nice law abiding citizen n wait for my gun. :(

02-16-2012, 10:31 AM
I pulled the trigger as well and ordered the CM9 + 1 mag on Monday. Mine is en route to my FFL guy. I should get it tomorrow, unless it gets to his place too late - he's leaving for his cabin mid-day tomorrow. If that's the case I'll be in your shoes... peeing my pants waiting for the thing when I know right where it is but can't get to it. :)

I did a bunch of online research for holsters. I ended up biting the bullet and forking over the dough for the N82 Pro (http://n82tactical.com/n82store/?page_id=2967). I'll let you know how I like it when everything is in my possession.

02-16-2012, 10:53 AM
Congrats on ur purchase coot! Hopefully we will both be happy cm9 owners very soon! Make sure u follow the prep n lube guides under the kahr tech section. Everyone that said they did seemed to have a great first shoot. Let me know what ya think about the holster, cause I'm still debating on a few.

02-17-2012, 09:42 PM
well... shes clean, lubed, and ready for some slidin... this doesnt seem like its going to be a lot of fun. Ill let you guys know how the first range session goes tomorrow! :D