View Full Version : CM9 review on Truth About Guns today

02-10-2012, 09:15 PM
Review is pretty fair- she had a few failures with a new gun. Typical comments follow.


02-10-2012, 09:51 PM
I enjoyed reading that. I had never heard of her until your post, thanks!

pocket pistol
02-11-2012, 07:17 PM
Good read... Thanks for the post.

02-11-2012, 07:45 PM
Rated the CM9 a four star, and the Diamondback DB9 a five star?

Well there ya go!

02-11-2012, 08:04 PM
When the reviewer begins, continues, and ends with comments about how not "bad ass" and not pretty the gun looks, I just shut down.

02-12-2012, 04:25 PM
Thanks for posting. Enjoyed the review. Its not often that we get feedback from a young, female perspective. I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I find the CM9's "plain-jane" simple and clean lines to be aesthetically pleasing (had to breakout the Thesaurus for that one). :D

02-12-2012, 04:29 PM

02-12-2012, 09:05 PM
Even more entertaining story on there today:


02-13-2012, 05:59 AM
She mentions that with 200 rounds of pmc there was one stovepipe and slide lockback issues. Not sure about you guys, but the slide not locking back wouldn't not really matter to me. I don't carry an extra mag when I ccw so either way, when i'm out, i'm out. The stove pipe obviously is, but i wouldn't base any purchasing or carry decision based on what a gun does when its empty (for ccw).

I had to send back my cm9 for slide locking back when its not supposed and i havn't even shot it yet. When I get it back, i have 250 rounds of PMC waiting to go, and i hope i have 0 malfunctions. I'll note any failures to lock back when empty, but i'll take those with a grain of salt (probably messed up that saying but you get what i mean)

02-13-2012, 07:16 AM
She mentions that with 200 rounds of pmc there was one stovepipe and slide lockback issues. Not sure about you guys, but the slide not locking back wouldn't not really matter to me. I don't carry an extra mag when I ccw so either way, when i'm out, i'm out. The stove pipe obviously is, but i wouldn't base any purchasing or carry decision based on what a gun does when its empty (for ccw).

I had to send back my cm9 for slide locking back when its not supposed and i havn't even shot it yet. When I get it back, i have 250 rounds of PMC waiting to go, and i hope i have 0 malfunctions. I'll note any failures to lock back when empty, but i'll take those with a grain of salt (probably messed up that saying but you get what i mean)

What do you do when you've fire all six and the perp is still standing?

02-13-2012, 07:37 AM
What do you do when you've fire all six and the perp is still standing?
I'd pull my Sig P238...and beat a retreat.

02-13-2012, 06:10 PM
Or throw the gun at him :)

02-13-2012, 06:30 PM
She mentions that with 200 rounds of pmc there was one stovepipe and slide lockback issues. Not sure about you guys, but the slide not locking back wouldn't not really matter to me. I don't carry an extra mag when I ccw so either way, when i'm out, i'm out. The stove pipe obviously is, but i wouldn't base any purchasing or carry decision based on what a gun does when its empty (for ccw).

I had to send back my cm9 for slide locking back when its not supposed and i havn't even shot it yet. When I get it back, i have 250 rounds of PMC waiting to go, and i hope i have 0 malfunctions. I'll note any failures to lock back when empty, but i'll take those with a grain of salt (probably messed up that saying but you get what i mean)
HUH? If you haven't even shot it yet why did you have to send it back, I mean, how did you know it didn't lock back? BTW, my CM9 required about 220 rds before it was good to go, so keep in mind that that '200 rd break-in' is just an estimate. Also, YMMV many of us often carry an extra mag, plus the gun is designed to lock back so if it doesn't, that's a legitimate issue and something is wrong. Anyway, good luck with your cm9, I love mine.