View Full Version : loading +1?

02-11-2012, 12:59 PM
Ok so i have had my kahr for over a year now. I know you have to lock slide back, insert mag and then release the slide. How do you add one more after loading, I have tried to load it normally then pull mag out and add another, but once the first round is rejected, the second round will not load it just seizes the the slide in the open position not in the locked groove. and suggestions?

02-11-2012, 01:01 PM
it looks like the next round is blocked by a metal piece (not sure what it is called). If you are looking in from the top of the gun it is over the round on the back left side, with the gun pointing away from you of course.

02-11-2012, 01:03 PM
I'm not following. You load the mag, drop the slide to load the chamber. Then eject the mag put another round on top and insert back in the gun.

Don't understand the seizes the slide part.

Bill K
02-11-2012, 01:03 PM
Sorry, I'm not following "once the first round is rejected"?

I just drop the mag, top it off and insert back into the mag well.

02-11-2012, 01:04 PM
Ok so i have had my kahr for over a year now. I know you have to lock slide back, insert mag and then release the slide. How do you add one more after loading, I have tried to load it normally then pull mag out and add another, but once the first round is rejected, the second round will not load it just seizes the the slide in the open position not in the locked groove. and suggestions?
I'm not sure I understood exactly what you mean by rejected?
Try loading only one round into an empty mag, slide lock, eject mag then load entire thing now that you have an empty magazine again with a round already chambered. I suppose it depends on if you are just loading to go to range and shoot or if you are in habit of leaving full mags but no round chambered at home for defense purpose.

02-11-2012, 01:34 PM
I'm not following. You load the mag, drop the slide to load the chamber. Then eject the mag put another round on top and insert back in the gun.

Don't understand the seizes the slide part.

thats right, I am at home not the range so I eject the round in the barrel after I have added one to the mag, while I eject it it should load the next round but it looks like the round is underneath the a bar that is connected to the polymer grip.IMAG_0032

02-11-2012, 01:34 PM
crap sorry i cant get the picture to show up, but is won't load the next one that is all.

02-11-2012, 02:00 PM
Insert the loaded mag into the pistol with the slide locked back, and then release the slide with the slide lock lever to chamber a round. Then, release the magazine, top off the magazine with one more round to fill it. Now insert the full magazine into the grip. The slide should already be forward on the loaded chamber and now there is a full magazine in the grip, giving 6+1 for the CM9 or PM9.

From your confusing explanation, it sounds like you're racking the slide again after the chamber is loaded and a full magazine is inserted... yeah, this can cause problems. Ejecting an unfired round requires a robust racking of the slide and is complicated by another round feeding up from the magazine. You don't want to do that. You want a round chambered... that's the +1, then insert a fully loaded magazine... without any further racking! The metal thingy back on the left inside rear of the frame is the ejector. When you don't rack the slide robustly... as when firing the gun... things can interfere as the top round of magazine and the unfired round being pulled to the rear with the extractor.

To UNLOAD the pistol, FIRST remove the magazine, then point in a safe direction with the ejection port pointed at the ground, rack the slide briskly to eject the unfired cartridge. With the port downward, gravity helps the cartridge leave the chamber... otherwise it might fall back into the frame and hang up, or out the magazine well.


02-11-2012, 02:07 PM
Thank you, sorry i know my description was awful, I just thought there wouldn't be an issue with racking it by hand to make sure it functioned. I was curious if since the slide is not open when the mag is inserted (one is already chambered) if it would perform properly.

02-11-2012, 02:12 PM
The way I load mine is to lock back the slide drop the mag,load 1 round insert mag drop slide, drop empty mag Load mag insert in gun. .

02-11-2012, 02:20 PM
The way I load mine is to lock back the slide drop the mag,load 1 round insert mag drop slide, drop empty mag Load mag insert in gun. . thats what I was doing but i wasnt shooting the round so i was racking manually to eject the one in barrel. wouldnt load the second...but now i know it because it wasn't being shot

02-11-2012, 02:24 PM
thanks everyone for helping me out! This the only place i have to go to ask, im the only one in the family that has guns

02-11-2012, 03:28 PM
Everyone was trying to see a malfunction and from your description, it seemed like you were trying to rack the slide again after the chamber was loaded and a full mag inserted. As usual, it's easy to assume too much... that you thought the slide needed racking after the chamber was loaded and a full mag was inserted. It sounded like you were confused about that and didn't have much experience with semi-autos. You have to learn some time.:)

I hope that you're good to go now.


02-11-2012, 04:07 PM
I like to leave the mag out, pull slide back and nudge the slide lock up with my thumb, and drop a round in the chamber. Since the mag is already out, I just release the slide into battery and proceed with mag loading.

Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk

02-11-2012, 04:24 PM
thats what I was doing but i wasnt shooting the round so i was racking manually to eject the one in barrel. wouldnt load the second...but now i know it because it wasn't being shot

It's good to learn as much as you can before you actually shoot the gun, but at some point you've just got to head down to the range and let loose with it.

If you have chambered a round, dropped the magazine, topped off the magazine, and then firmly and decisively re-inserted the magazine (like you MEANT it), then it should work as expected.

But, if you're going to rack the slide after having topped it off, to see if the next round will feed properly, remember that you always have to MEAN IT. When you fire a round, the slide doesn't ease back gently, it slams backward and there had better not be anything in the way, if you know what I mean. So you need to approximate that movement as best you can.

One really good way to do it is to hold the gun in front of you upright with the business end pointed straight away from you. With your "weak hand", grab that slide with an overhand grip and YANK it back as hard and fast as you can.

It can help to think about it a different way, and use the weak hand to just HOLD the slide in place, while you use the "strong" shooting hand to shove the gun forward, jerking it out of your weak hand.

Here's a video that kind of shows it:

Anyway, don't be slow/gentle with it. Don't ride the slide back forward. Yank it back and let go while it's all of the way back.

If you're still not sure if it's working right, take it to the range and ask the guy behind the counter to check it out for you.

02-11-2012, 06:13 PM
i was reracking the slide to see if it would cycle another that was the only reason for the cycle after one was already in the chamber

02-11-2012, 07:36 PM
I like to leave the mag out, pull slide back and nudge the slide lock up with my thumb, and drop a round in the chamber. Since the mag is already out, I just release the slide into battery and proceed with mag loading.

Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk

Putting a round in the chamber and dropping the slide on it will cause you to have to call Kahr or send the gun in for a new extractor. You should always load the round from the mag. As the slide picks up the round from the mag the round pops up so the extractor can grab it.

02-13-2012, 08:53 PM
What damage could be done from doing that? I've done that for my whole life with a few autos I've owned over time and never had problems. I'll stop it it's doing damage. Let me know!

02-13-2012, 09:01 PM
What damage could be done from doing that? I've done that for my whole life with a few autos I've owned over time and never had problems. I'll stop it it's doing damage. Let me know!

It _could_ snap the extractor. Larger pistols have longer extractors which are more tolerant to this. Kahr extractors are very short, and the manual says not to close the slide on a round. Perhaps you've been lucky. Perhaps most of the pistols you've used have had extractors that were more suited to this.

The Ruger P95 manual says it's OK to do this - but its extractor is nearly three feet long.

From the Kahr manual:
Next push down on the Slide Stop to chamber the first round into the barrel. Do not chamber the round by pulling back on the slide and letting go of the slide. This may cause the slide to not go fully into the battery.

Note: Do not load an individual round into the chamber and then close the slide. This can damage the extractor. Only chamber rounds from the magazine as described above

From the Ruger P95 Manual:
In the event that the magazine is missing or for training purposes (where it is desirable that only one cartridge be loaded and fired at a time for safety), the pistol can be fired with the magazine removed. To do so, keep the pistol pointed
in a safe direction, engage the safety (lever fully down, white dot and letter “S” exposed), grasp the slide, and retract it fully to the rear. Next, push the slide stop upward so that the slide remains to the rear. Insert a single cartridge directly and fully into the chamber. Taking care to keep the pistol pointed in a safe direction, depress the slide stop. This will cause the slide to move vigorously forward into the firing position. WARNING: The pistol is ready for instant use in the single-action mode once the slide moves forward and the safety is disengaged.

Finally, rotate either safety lever to the “Fire” position -- now the pistol can be fired in the double-action mode. Single-action firing is possible by manually cocking the hammer after the safety is disengaged. Note that the slide will not
automatically remain open if the pistol is fired without the magazine in place. The ejector must always be pivoted to its rearward (upward) position when firing the pistol without the magazine.

02-13-2012, 09:26 PM
Yup bad ju ju to load single round in chamber. It's controlled round feed and you want the case rim to slide under the extractor hook, not force the hook over the rim. Many get away with it for a long time but all it takes is one time and the extractor is toast. Dry, burnt, toast.

02-14-2012, 09:53 PM
Yup bad ju ju to load single round in chamber. It's controlled round feed and you want the case rim to slide under the extractor hook, not force the hook over the rim. Many get away with it for a long time but all it takes is one time and the extractor is toast. Dry, burnt, toast.

That is what I heard too.

02-14-2012, 09:54 PM
Guys after all the fancy foot'n to get my +1, I always do a cheamber check before holstering. A double check if you will.

02-14-2012, 10:11 PM
thanks everyone for helping me out! This the only place i have to go to ask, im the only one in the family that has guns

You will get a lot of great information on this forum but since nobody else in your family has guns, it wouldn't hurt to get some first hand instruction from a local gun club or firearms instructor. There is nothing wrong with asking questions or receiving firearms instruction, especially since you are dealing with a great, but deadly, tool.