View Full Version : New CM9. Perfection!

02-13-2012, 10:56 AM
Hello all,

I have been a long time lurker of the forum, and finally registered last month. My wife has a CW9 that is her EDC that has been perfect, and that lead me to purchase a CM9 for pocket/backup. The great info here certainly helped as well. :D

I got it Friday, gave it a good degreasing and re-greasing, put the Trijicon night sights on it, and played with it until my hands couldn't take any more. Yesterday I managed to put 300 rounds through it, and it was perfect with two six round mags, one seven round mag (borrowed it from the wife), and one eight round mag. The breakdown was: 100 rounds of 125 lead @1100 fps (my handloads), 150 rounds of remington 115 ball, and 50 rounds of GDHP 124+p. My hands are a bit sore, but I really like the gun.

I haven't taken any pictures of the CM9, but here's a picture of my final 50 rounds through it before I quit for the day. The group above is from 10 rounds I had to rip through my M&P 9 to make sure that my very average grouping out of my CM9 was simply lack of familiarity. Target was at 7 yards.

Sorry for the poor image quality, I took the picture with my cell.

Overall I am very very pleased with my new CM9, and it has already replaced my LCP for pocket/backup duties.

02-13-2012, 11:02 AM
Nice report. You are going to really like the CM9 for carry. You will also be throwing rocks at that LC9. Congratulations! I think the bugs are worked out of the CM9s now.:D Good shooting too!

02-13-2012, 11:03 AM
Yes sir Mr. Simms, very good report as is your shooting! And welcome to the forum.

Bill K
02-13-2012, 11:17 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk.

Glad the CM9 is working out for you. Nice shooting both with the gun and the cell phone. :)

02-13-2012, 11:29 AM
Thanks for the welcome. I'll try to remember to get a couple pictures of my CM9 and post 'em up. :)

02-14-2012, 10:45 AM
i read a bunch of topics on here before i took the plunge this weekend and bought a CM9. thanks to the helpful advice i followed the breakin procedure and 500 slide racks and dry-firings then 200 ball ammo firing. i had no problems out of my weapon. its surprising how accurate this little pistol shoot. i didnt like that the mag wouldnt drop free so i searched the forum and found the fix. works like a whistle now and im very happy. sold my ruger lc9. nice gun, crappy trigger plus i had a couple of FTF on the first couple of mags. my brother-in-law bought a used CW9 at the same gunshow saturday that i bought my new CM9. he said it shot 3-5 imches low at 5 yards. hes a crack shot so that puzzled me. i told him to cover what he wants to hit with the front sight's white dot and he started putting every shot through the X ring. he was going to sell it but says hes keeping it now. i told him i want to buy it if he ever parts with it. he didnt even do that breakin procedure and it ran 100%.

oh,...forgot my quote.
i aint saying that your stupid. im just saying that when it comes to thinking that you have a lot of bad luck.

02-14-2012, 11:07 AM
i read a bunch of topics on here before i took the plunge this weekend and bought a CM9. thanks to the helpful advice i followed the breakin procedure and 500 slide racks and dry-firings then 200 ball ammo firing. i had no problems out of my weapon. its surprising how accurate this little pistol shoot. i didnt like that the mag wouldnt drop free so i searched the forum and found the fix. works like a whistle now and im very happy. sold my ruger lc9. nice gun, crappy trigger plus i had a couple of FTF on the first couple of mags. my brother-in-law bought a used CW9 at the same gunshow saturday that i bought my new CM9. he said it shot 3-5 imches low at 5 yards. hes a crack shot so that puzzled me. i told him to cover what he wants to hit with the front sight's white dot and he started putting every shot through the X ring. he was going to sell it but says hes keeping it now. i told him i want to buy it if he ever parts with it. he didnt even do that breakin procedure and it ran 100%.

oh,...forgot my quote.
i aint saying that your stupid. im just saying that when it comes to thinking that you have a lot of bad luck.

Welcome to the forum! And to the CM9 Owners Club, whose trademark is :D! (A grin from ear to ear that you can't wipe off your face, sort of like that Bob guy in the commercials!) The reason? Because you know you bought a great gun and because it was such a good deal!

I don't quite understand your quote, but coming from a person with the username 'Bad_Brains', I guess it fits. :19:

BTW, go to your User CP and edit you Siganture to put a quote that will appear at the bottom of every post.

pocket pistol
02-14-2012, 04:56 PM
Welcome to the forum... From another proud CM9 owner. You are certainly in the right place. I don't get tired of reading the good posts...

02-14-2012, 06:16 PM
a happy shooter makes a happier forum to. Most of the reports we read today are very positive, what nit pcking small issues THIS FORUM HAS THE FIX FOR IT. Some might say well that is god but there should be no fix period. Well LIVE WITH IT. that is the way it is. These guys here are smart, they are the owners and shooters, who knows better. This magazine drop fix is simple as ABC but it took someone on this forum to sit and study the situation and then to test it out himself before announcing a fix and indeed it works every time when done right. Some don't care if their mags drop free, I am one of them, but those that do ,,, now have the fix for it.

I have been on quite a few gun forums but never on a forum like this where guys really do want to help another out and not send him down the road with his tail between his legs. We have some damn good moderators here to. They let us play ball pretty hard before they call a time out or a foul. We have lost a few posters who came here only to troll and it is soon discovered and taken care of. Trolls have no business on any forum, be it guns, cars or what ever..

02-14-2012, 06:22 PM
a happy shooter makes a happier forum to. Most of the reports we read today are very positive, what nit pcking small issues THIS FORUM HAS THE FIX FOR IT. Some might say well that is god but there should be no fix period. Well LIVE WITH IT. that is the way it is. These guys here are smart, they are the owners and shooters, who knows better. This magazine drop fix is simple as ABC but it took someone on this forum to sit and study the situation and then to test it out himself before announcing a fix and indeed it works every time when done right. Some don't care if their mags drop free, I am one of them, but those that do ,,, now have the fix for it.

I have been on quite a few gun forums but never on a forum like this where guys really do want to help another out and not send him down the road with his tail between his legs. We have some damn good moderators here to. They let us play ball pretty hard before they call a time out or a foul. We have lost a few posters who came here only to troll and it is soon discovered and taken care of. Trolls have no business on any forum, be it guns, cars or what ever..

Nuttin worse than trolls with guns.

02-14-2012, 06:32 PM
ur original tinman, u certainly are