View Full Version : Justice for Terrorist

02-14-2012, 11:13 AM
Sometimes there is justice in this world.

Bangkok grenade attacks wound 'Iranian' suspect and four others

Thai police say male suspect, initially identified as Iranian, accidentally blew his own legs off in a series of blasts in the capital
An Iranian man has blown off his own legs and wounded at least four other people in grenade attacks in Bangkok, according to the police.
It remains unclear what the man's targets were, but the blasts come just a day after two bomb attacks aimed at Israeli diplomats in India and Georgia

02-14-2012, 11:26 AM
Awwww, silly terrorist. Everyone knows you shouldn't play with that stuff, you could put an eye out.

02-14-2012, 11:30 AM
Justice would be leaving him on the sidewalk until he bled out or walked away!

02-14-2012, 11:33 AM
I just wish he had some of his comrades close by him at that moment to share in the experience.

Bill K
02-14-2012, 12:47 PM
Justice would be leaving him on the sidewalk until he bled out or walked away!

I understand your sentiment but alive he might just provide some information/intelligence useful to Thailand and perhaps even the USA.

02-14-2012, 01:04 PM
Actually, I think that blowing off his own legs is much worse for him than if he had died. I wish he had blown off his arms too.

02-14-2012, 01:23 PM
I wonder if he said what Achmed the dead terrorist says when his leg falls off....Damn it...:p

02-14-2012, 01:31 PM
I'm sure with a little encouragement he'd spill his guts. Is that politically incorrect?

02-14-2012, 01:38 PM
I'm sure with a little encouragement he'd spill his guts. Is that politically incorrect?

I think it depends on if you are going to wrap them in bacon or not before putting them back in place.

02-14-2012, 02:44 PM
Does the Thai government use waterboarding? I sure hope so. He's the perfect candidate for some enhanced interviewing techniques.

02-14-2012, 02:49 PM
Sometimes there is justice in this world.

Bangkok grenade attacks wound 'Iranian' suspect and four others

Thai police say male suspect, initially identified as Iranian, accidentally blew his own legs off in a series of blasts in the capital
An Iranian man has blown off his own legs and wounded at least four other people in grenade attacks in Bangkok, according to the police.
It remains unclear what the man's targets were, but the blasts come just a day after two bomb attacks aimed at Israeli diplomats in India and Georgia

have seen the Forrest Gump movie, STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES.

Yes indeed he will be asked kindly to spill his guts out. quite possably this terrorists had one wish to and he made a wish that his di-k touched the ground, there for BOOM no legs.:der:

just sayin!!:19:

02-14-2012, 03:00 PM
Jocko: They didn't mention the condition of his middle leg. It's hard to believe that this small part of his anatomy went unscathed. Let's hope that he's now eligible to sing in the Vienna Boys Choir.;)

02-14-2012, 09:06 PM
Just remembered an old joke (somehow I related it to this thread)

An old guy walks into a bar and sets a dog on the stool next to him.
The bartender looks at the dog & notices that it has no legs.
The bartender asks the man "What's your dogs name?"
The guys says "He ain't got no name."
Bartender says "That's a shame... why not?"
Guy says "What's the use? He won't come when you call him."

Maybe the terrorist just lost his name also.:rolleyes: