View Full Version : How can I touch up wear marks on black P380

02-15-2012, 05:25 AM
Hey all,

I have a black P380 and the slide is in mint condition except for some minor wear abrasion on one side of the slide serrations. What do you all recommend? Can it be touched up somehow by me?
Can Kahr refinish it and if so, how much would it cost?

body mass
02-15-2012, 01:07 PM
I have used Brownells Oxpho-Blue on my P380 slide for touch up and found it to blend nicely. I pick it up at the local Cabelas or you can get it on-line too.

This product seems to be tougher than most cold blues. I produces a rich black color and can be easily blended with a small patch of 0000 steel wool.

Good Luck....

02-15-2012, 02:18 PM
I have used Brownells Oxpho-Blue on my P380 slide for touch up and found it to blend nicely. I pick it up at the local Cabelas or you can get it on-line too.

This product seems to be tougher than most cold blues. I produces a rich black color and can be easily blended with a small patch of 0000 steel wool.

Good Luck....
Thinking that the P380 slide is stainless steel (am I wrong on this?), I'm surprised that you were able to get Oxpho-Blue to work with any degree of satisfaction. I certainly haven't been able to make it work on stainless steel, but what has worked for me is a product TusconMTB turned us on to: http://www.caswellplating.com/kits/black.htm#stainless (http://www.caswellplating.com/kits/black.htm#stainless)

02-15-2012, 02:43 PM
Hey all,

I have a black P380 and the slide is in mint condition except for some minor wear abrasion on one side of the slide serrations. What do you all recommend? Can it be touched up somehow by me?
Can Kahr refinish it and if so, how much would it cost?

not think kahr would refisih it,I am thinking even that the black dlc finsih on the kahr slides and frames are done by a vendor at the same time the heat treating process is being done.. best to get it done vby some of the good gun vendors who specialize in refinishing work. APW cogan.com is great at this.

IMO ur worrying to much about what is a pocket gun for defense. It's a tool, not a shwopeace and any refinish work will prob ably wear no better than the finish that originally came on ur kahr. my two cents.

02-15-2012, 02:57 PM
Thinking that the P380 slide is stainless steel (am I wrong on this?), I'm surprised that you were able to get Oxpho-Blue to work with any degree of satisfaction. I certainly haven't been able to make it work on stainless steel, but what has worked for me is a product TusconMTB turned us on to: http://www.caswellplating.com/kits/black.htm#stainless (http://www.caswellplating.com/kits/black.htm#stainless)

Do you think the gel would do a tiny bit of spot fixing on the slide and blended to be a close match? I understand what Jocko is saying about it not being a show piece, but I may just give this a try. Also, when youhave used the black oxide kit, how long has the result lasted and how has it worn?

02-15-2012, 03:05 PM
when I modified my side stop lever on my PM9 which is stailess. I wanted the right side of that slide stop pin to look blued to atch the plymer case. I used Birchwood liquid blue and it worked perfect and today it is still on there after at leat 4+ years of carrying.

02-15-2012, 04:33 PM
Do you think the gel would do a tiny bit of spot fixing on the slide and blended to be a close match? I understand what Jocko is saying about it not being a show piece, but I may just give this a try. Also, when youhave used the black oxide kit, how long has the result lasted and how has it worn?
I don't have any first hand experience touching up the DLC finish, but I have used the liquid form SS blackener on my black finished stainless steel Kimber 1911 frame and you would be hard pressed to tell where. It seems to wear well enough, but then I do a touch up as part of regular maintenance. There's nothing in my book says you can't keep your tools looking spiffy:)
BTW, I agree with body mass on Brownells Oxpho-Blue being a great product to touch up simple carbon steel guns with a blued or parkerizied finish.