View Full Version : How long until November
02-15-2012, 10:53 AM
In the news today, Obama wants to cut the US nuclear weapons stockpile 80% from todays 1550 warheads to 300 which would be the lowest since 1950...
This man is a menace to our countrys ability to be a super power both militarily and economically and is willing to do anything in order to bring forth his agenda of a socialist utopia...
His ultimate goal is to do away with nuclear weapons altogether....Yea right like the rest of the worlds nuclear armed countries are going to do the same...
Whats his next move going to be, eliminate the military altogether? What a great idea, we could use all that money on social programs for the poor...
I am reminded of a quote by Benjamin Netanyahu: He said if the Muslim countries would lay down their arms there would be no more war but if Israel were to lay down their weapons there would be no more Israel...
Some people get the point that it's not a good idea to fight from a position of weakness...
Please hurry November!!!
02-15-2012, 12:30 PM
Oh no, we'll only be able to blow up the world twice instead of ten times! What are we gonna do?? At our current rate of consumption, 300 nukes will only last..... forever. :rolleyes:
02-15-2012, 12:41 PM
sell um to Israel!!! They know how to use um and WILL USE UM.
02-15-2012, 02:03 PM
Oh no, we'll only be able to blow up the world twice instead of ten times! What are we gonna do?? At our current rate of consumption, 300 nukes will only last..... forever. :rolleyes:
You've already shown that you're liberal and ignorant of real world concerns... "fiscal conservative", indeed. I don't understand why you're owning and carrying a gun.
You obviously know nothing about nuclear weapons and, how dumb it is having few eggs and all of them in one basket. Our ICBMs... land launched and Sea launched... carry multiple warheads... about a dozen or more each. 300 wouldn't be sufficient to distribute for safety against a surprise first attack, and arm many of our launch vehicles. These things require maintenance and some of the components must be refreshed or replaced... they don't last forever. An example is the Tritium gas used for boosting the yield of nukes. It's used in our Tritium sights and loses half its strength in 12 years... its half-life. Some weapons have the capability for "Dial a yield" by varying the amount of Tritium boosting to the core before detonation. This boosting is delayed until the appropriate time just before detonation, as the pressurized or boosted chamber is more susceptible to damage, especially in gravity bombs, or laydown delivery.
These are extremely complicated and complex devices that require periodic maintenance and extreme safety measures with all kinds of safeguards.
I retired just after our wing at Loring AFB became a conventional-only asset and never saw the use of the Air-Launched Cruise Missiles. We did sit alert on B52G's armed with 4 gravity weapons and 7 SRAMS... Short-Ranged Attack Missiles... in a rotary launcher. I was a radar navigator, or bombardier, so I had to know something about the weapons and preflight and "delivery".
We no longer sit alert with bombers loaded with these "Special Weapons", but we do have subs and silos loaded and ready. Bombers could be generated to stand alert in crises... before any nuclear exchange, but then they would need weapons. 300 wouldn't go very far. Obama has shown that he has no sense of Tactical or Strategic needs and the need to get concessions from our "enemies" in the SALT talks, not unilaterally give them what they want and hope for their show of good will. More likely, they will see this as weakness and look for an opportune moment to achieve their aims.
Having 1,500 or a lot more of these weapons, gives us options... dispersal for survivability and arming more platforms for use or further dispersal. I hated to see the bomber component of the "Triad" demobilized. It was an asset that could be launched, controlled, and used as needed. The missiles will have less time for these decisions... it's more of use it or lose it pretty quickly... a very narrow window... the flight time from a nearby submarine.
Obama wants to get rid of most of the military... becoming dependent on a UN-type world peace force. As a candidate he said that he wanted a strong national police force... as strong as the military... pretty chilling... all of the other wonderful Socialist experimental Utopias had them... the Soviet Union, Naz! Germany, Mao's China, East Germany, and so on. Why shouldn't HIS Utopia have its own National Police Force to keep the subjects... er, "citizen" sheeple in line. What does he have in mind that the "People" won't like and need coercion??
His buddy Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn were founders of the Weather Underground:
I saw a video of testimony by an FBI agent who infiltrated the Weathermen and was privy to discussions about dealing with the populace after THEIR successful overthrow of our government. The leaders were asked about people that couldn't be converted. They had plans for a containment camp and the eventual "elimination" of these recalcitrants. How many? They estimated that 10% of the population couldn't be "converted"... yes... eliminated... 10% of 250 million people at that time period... 25 million people.
Wacko?? Yes... but the movement took a different tact... the Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Progressive movement decided that things needed to go slower and take a bit longer, since immediate violent overthrow wasn't working out. They took on the environmental movement as their cover and began their work on weakening our country and destroying our society. With their friends in the press, Hollywood, Big Labor, and the Teacher's Unions, they've done a great job of destroying our family structure, our morality, and splintering the country every which way. Long gone is the "Melting Pot" where people flocked here for the opportunity and freedom to pursue happiness and prosperity, embracing the American Way, and the English language.
Now we have Mr. Obama, the Community Activist/Organizer with no executive or practical business experience... just a radical Marxist-Socialist-Communist-Progressive background and upbringing... a true "Indonesian Candidate"... who wants to destroy what's left of our Republic and Capitalism, and make us all dependent on a tyrannical Central Government that will see to all of our needs... as it sees fit... or eliminate the "deadwood".
Obama denied knowing Ayers, but many suspect that he wrote one or more of Obama's books... same style discovered in computer comparisons. Obama is surrounded by people like this and some are high in his administration... and have been videoed in public speeches admitting or, indeed, BRAGGING about being influenced by Communist Dictators such as Mao.
Yes, this is a lovely guy that the press won't investigate or allow any disparaging remarks on their news shows. Their blinders are firmly in place.
Four more years of Mr. Obama will mean no more MR. Nice Guy, especially if he succeeds in appointing one more Supreme Court Justice to "interpret" or nullify our Constitution.
He wants a weak U.S.A. so he and his enlightened "Elite" can take care of the poor, dumb, misguided masses... the ones he bought with promises, along with those of us who are becoming the minority.
Whyntrout, you said a mouth full brother! Ahmen...I'd better get busy a still have several thousand rounds to reload. You know what they said in the service....the 7 p's...proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.
I for one believe in being prepared.
02-15-2012, 04:11 PM
I couldn't have said it better, Wynn, but I'm afraid the message is lost on the know-nothing or naive Obama supporters.
02-15-2012, 04:46 PM
For a reading assignment... short and sweet:
I hope THAT gets past the "autocensor".
You will see more than a FEW similarities and be reminded that this was a form of Socialism... see the definition and read this article.
Short and sweet it ain't! I just went back there and where I thought the article ended, there were many, many more pages!:eek:
It was like a history from the end of World War I!
02-15-2012, 04:56 PM
Oh no, we'll only be able to blow up the world twice instead of ten times! What are we gonna do?? At our current rate of consumption, 300 nukes will only last..... forever. :rolleyes:
Every weapons system has a shelf life. When I was in the Navy I served aboard an ammunition ship. I can't tell you how many rocket motors we deep sixed because it was cheaper to build new ones rather than to refurbish the old. Do you carry a spare mag or do you figure that six rounds are enough?
02-15-2012, 05:01 PM
You've already shown that you're liberal and ignorant of real world concerns... "fiscal conservative", indeed. I don't understand why you're owning and carrying a gun.
You obviously know nothing about nuclear weapons and, how dumb it is having few eggs and all of them in one basket. Our ICBMs... land launched and Sea launched... carry multiple warheads... about a dozen or more each. 300 wouldn't be sufficient to distribute for safety against a surprise first attack, and arm many of our launch vehicles. These things require maintenance and some of the components must be refreshed or replaced... they don't last forever. An example is the Tritium gas used for boosting the yield of nukes. It's used in our Tritium sights and loses half its strength in 12 years... its half-life. Some weapons have the capability for "Dial a yield" by varying the amount of Tritium boosting to the core before detonation. This boosting is delayed until the appropriate time just before detonation, as the pressurized or boosted chamber is more susceptible to damage, especially in gravity bombs, or laydown delivery.
These are extremely complicated and complex devices that require periodic maintenance and extreme safety measures with all kinds of safeguards.
I retired just after our wing at Loring AFB became a conventional-only asset and never saw the use of the Air-Launched Cruise Missiles. We did sit alert on B52G's armed with 4 gravity weapons and 7 SRAMS... Short-Ranged Attack Missiles... in a rotary launcher. I was a radar navigator, or bombardier, so I had to know something about the weapons and preflight and "delivery".
We no longer sit alert with bombers loaded with these "Special Weapons", but we do have subs and silos loaded and ready. Bombers could be generated to stand alert in crises... before any nuclear exchange, but then they would need weapons. 300 wouldn't go very far. Obama has shown that he has no sense of Tactical or Strategic needs and the need to get concessions from our "enemies" in the SALT talks, not unilaterally give them what they want and hope for their show of good will. More likely, they will see this as weakness and look for an opportune moment to achieve their aims.
Having 1,500 or a lot more of these weapons, gives us options... dispersal for survivability and arming more platforms for use or further dispersal. I hated to see the bomber component of the "Triad" demobilized. It was an asset that could be launched, controlled, and used as needed. The missiles will have less time for these decisions... it's more of use it or lose it pretty quickly... a very narrow window... the flight time from a nearby submarine.
Obama wants to get rid of most of the military... becoming dependent on a UN-type world peace force. As a candidate he said that he wanted a strong national police force... as strong as the military... pretty chilling... all of the other wonderful Socialist experimental Utopias had them... the Soviet Union, Naz! Germany, Mao's China, East Germany, and so on. Why shouldn't HIS Utopia have its own National Police Force to keep the subjects... er, "citizen" sheeple in line. What does he have in mind that the "People" won't like and need coercion??
His buddy Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn were founders of the Weather Underground:
I saw a video of testimony by an FBI agent who infiltrated the Weathermen and was privy to discussions about dealing with the populace after THEIR successful overthrow of our government. The leaders were asked about people that couldn't be converted. They had plans for a containment camp and the eventual "elimination" of these recalcitrants. How many? They estimated that 10% of the population couldn't be "converted"... yes... eliminated... 10% of 250 million people at that time period... 25 million people.
Wacko?? Yes... but the movement took a different tact... the Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Progressive movement decided that things needed to go slower and take a bit longer, since immediate violent overthrow wasn't working out. They took on the environmental movement as their cover and began their work on weakening our country and destroying our society. With their friends in the press, Hollywood, Big Labor, and the Teacher's Unions, they've done a great job of destroying our family structure, our morality, and splintering the country every which way. Long gone is the "Melting Pot" where people flocked here for the opportunity and freedom to pursue happiness and prosperity, embracing the American Way, and the English language.
Now we have Mr. Obama, the Community Activist/Organizer with no executive or practical business experience... just a radical Marxist-Socialist-Communist-Progressive background and upbringing... a true "Indonesian Candidate"... who wants to destroy what's left of our Republic and Capitalism, and make us all dependent on a tyrannical Central Government that will see to all of our needs... as it sees fit... or eliminate the "deadwood".
Obama denied knowing Ayers, but many suspect that he wrote one or more of Obama's books... same style discovered in computer comparisons. Obama is surrounded by people like this and some are high in his administration... and have been videoed in public speeches admitting or, indeed, BRAGGING about being influenced by Communist Dictators such as Mao.
Yes, this is a lovely guy that the press won't investigate or allow any disparaging remarks on their news shows. Their blinders are firmly in place.
Four more years of Mr. Obama will mean no more MR. Nice Guy, especially if he succeeds in appointing one more Supreme Court Justice to "interpret" or nullify our Constitution.
He wants a weak U.S.A. so he and his enlightened "Elite" can take care of the poor, dumb, misguided masses... the ones he bought with promises, along with those of us who are becoming the minority.
You're wasting your breath, Wyn. That elbow won't come around until he loses his freedom and then it will be too, late. He too, smart by half to know that he's being screwed by the left. He actually thinks that he's a part of the elite.
02-15-2012, 05:10 PM
Civil boys and girls. Good conversation but lets stay civil and try to avoid the name calling.
02-15-2012, 05:18 PM
It ain't always easy, Bawanna.
02-15-2012, 05:44 PM
It ain't always easy, Bawanna.
I know, I know. It's tough for me too sometimes, you gotta believe that but we gotta stick with trying.
If I typed half the thoughts that shift around in my head I'd have to ban myself. How I've made it as long as I have in city government is one of the 2 wonders of the world.
Wife and supervisor always tell me to ponder before I speak or send a message, if I did that here I'd have maybe 3 post.
Being deaf is probably a good thing for me. If I could hear I'd be on the phone and probably telling some of these yahoo's where to get off..
02-15-2012, 07:25 PM
You've already shown that you're liberal and ignorant of real world concerns... "fiscal conservative", indeed. I don't understand why you're owning and carrying a gun.
I certainly lean more liberal than most in this forum, but most of us are hybrids between the two extremes. Why wouldn't I own/carry a gun?
You obviously know nothing about nuclear weapons and, how dumb it is having few eggs and all of them in one basket. Our ICBMs... land launched and Sea launched... carry multiple warheads... about a dozen or more each. 300 wouldn't be sufficient to distribute for safety against a surprise first attack, and arm many of our launch vehicles. These things require maintenance and some of the components must be refreshed or replaced... they don't last forever. An example is the Tritium gas used for boosting the yield of nukes. It's used in our Tritium sights and loses half its strength in 12 years... its half-life. Some weapons have the capability for "Dial a yield" by varying the amount of Tritium boosting to the core before detonation. This boosting is delayed until the appropriate time just before detonation, as the pressurized or boosted chamber is more susceptible to damage, especially in gravity bombs, or laydown delivery.
Correct, I know nothing about nuclear warheads. How many do we need to ensure the world goes dark, and everything dies, if someone pushes the button? You say that 300 wouldn't be enough, but enough for what? I'm operating under the assumption that modern nukes are far more powerful than the two we dropped on Japan, and those made an impression on me. I fail to see a nuclear scenario where an enemy fires 300+ nukes at us and we fire 300 at them and then regret not having more.
Every weapons system has a shelf life. When I was in the Navy I served aboard an ammunition ship. I can't tell you how many rocket motors we deep sixed because it was cheaper to build new ones rather than to refurbish the old. Do you carry a spare mag or do you figure that six rounds are enough?
I know we have to maintain the nukes. When I said they'd last forever, it was more of a comment on the fact that we haven't used nukes since WWII so they're not going anywhere. If we're ever in a large-scale nuclear exchange, it will be the last one in history.
You're wasting your breath, Wyn. That elbow won't come around until he loses his freedom and then it will be too, late. He too, smart by half to know that he's being screwed by the left. He actually thinks that he's a part of the elite.
Wyn isn't wasting his breath, we're just starting from different points of view. This is a pretty rich remark from you muggsy. You're the one always standing up for the government - Patriot Act - NDAA - TSA. No one has to tell me about the freedoms we're losing. I still can't believe this nation puts up with the TSA. Oh, what is an elbow? Must be an old-school cutdown. I've got thick skin so feel free to use something more up to date in the future.
02-15-2012, 09:25 PM
Most of our nukes are only 1 megaton or a lot less... usually just enough to get the job done. The bombs used on Japan were very small... lady fingers... 20 kiloton for the first... fission bombs. We don't plan on employing giant 100 megatonners... not very practical environmentally and we don't really go for people killers. Sometimes the targets are in population centers and that can't be helped. War is War and losing is not our intent. In an all-out exchange, weapons centers like the missile silos and command and control centers would be major first strike targets. A delay in launching the missiles could result in their destruction. Our defense has been based on Mutually Assured Destruction, but that doesn't keep us from being targeted by whack jobs like the Iranian's leadership. They hate us and call us the Great Satan... second only to Israel in their hatred. They are going to have a bomb soon... they have sufficient launch vehicles to reach Israel and could use just one small nuke on the missiles they have to loft one to a height of 300 miles above the Central U.S... the dreaded EMP that could cripple our country. Those people will use a weapon as soon as they have one. If they toss one at Israel, I hope the Israelis turn Iran into a glass parking lot. Someone is going to have to step forward and take care of those maniacs. They have been waging wars of terrorism against us and many others and vow to destroy us and the Israelis. They are beyond reason and diplomacy.
That's my fear, that the weak leadership Obama is exhibiting will lead to attacks from several parties before too long. That and he will freeze when faced with a real attack, and hesitate too long to stop or counter an attack.
Just imagine a freighter off our coast firing a missile with the intent of an EMP strike, but the whole time the Iranian President is loudly proclaiming that it's only a peaceful satellite launch... what will Obama do??
I think it's just a matter of time until there's a nuclear detonation on our country's soil, and maybe sooner than we think. of course, they might wait until they have two and use one on the Israelis as well. I don't think the Israelis will wait to see if their country is destroyed.
I want our country to remain strong militarily and keep our fleets and carrier groups out there ready to respond. This world is NOT getting friendlier and there are people who spend every waking moment trying to destroy the U.S.A. They've been brainwashed from birth to hate us and our way of life. They don't know what we really are, only what the mullahs and the Madrasas are teaching them from birth.
We can't expect our friends the British to be around a whole lot longer. It looks like that nation is going to implode from the Muslim immigration invasion there.
....but to answer the thread question...imo...way, way too long!
Think it's been bad for the last few Republican months? Just wait...omg is this gonna hurt.
02-16-2012, 02:12 AM
Wait aren't our missles some at least capable of carrying 8 to ten warheads each? Aren't our missle subs capable of carrying 30 or more of those missles?
Lets say one sub is capable of carrying 30 missiles and each missle is a ten warhead missle that would mean that 300 warheads is ONE missile submarine. An enemy could therefore take out our entire nuclear force with one strike. What do all the other missles carry? Doesn't that severeley restrict the detterent factor when all of our nuclear force could conceivably be on one single submarine?
I happen to believe that it does. Now I honestly have no qualms about dropping the number drastically but I do not believe we should advertize that nor should we be doing both at the same time as we are drastically reducing the size of our conventional forces.
1/2 a trillion defence budget cut in the next decade? When the DoD budget is currently about half a trillion.... See I could see a half a trillion cut if the current budget was over a trillion or the projected increase would put it over a trillion.
02-16-2012, 10:07 AM
We'll use all of the money saved to support the welfare broodmares as they produce more of the same... great future in that!
02-16-2012, 10:41 AM
Update...Congressional Republicans vowed to block the Obama plan to sharply cut the US nuclear arms force calling the possible 80% reduction in war heads "Reckless Lunacy"...
Now get the spin the liberal media puts on this 80% reduction by not calling 80% the maximum reduction but calling it the "Most Modest" which to the lame limp left sounds "Mo Better"...
By the time this is said and done it will be another Nobel Prize for the Barrynator...
02-16-2012, 01:43 PM
I certainly lean more liberal than most in this forum, but most of us are hybrids between the two extremes. Why wouldn't I own/carry a gun?
Correct, I know nothing about nuclear warheads. How many do we need to ensure the world goes dark, and everything dies, if someone pushes the button? You say that 300 wouldn't be enough, but enough for what? I'm operating under the assumption that modern nukes are far more powerful than the two we dropped on Japan, and those made an impression on me. I fail to see a nuclear scenario where an enemy fires 300+ nukes at us and we fire 300 at them and then regret not having more.
I know we have to maintain the nukes. When I said they'd last forever, it was more of a comment on the fact that we haven't used nukes since WWII so they're not going anywhere. If we're ever in a large-scale nuclear exchange, it will be the last one in history.
Wyn isn't wasting his breath, we're just starting from different points of view. This is a pretty rich remark from you muggsy. You're the one always standing up for the government - Patriot Act - NDAA - TSA. No one has to tell me about the freedoms we're losing. I still can't believe this nation puts up with the TSA. Oh, what is an elbow? Must be an old-school cutdown. I've got thick skin so feel free to use something more up to date in the future.
We need enough nukes to insure that some elbow doesn't think us an easy mark. I don't stand up for the government. Most of the time I bend over for the government. I stand for the Constitution and the National Anthem. When I was a kid my mother wouldn't allow me to used the word a--hole at home, so I replaced it with another body part, elbow. It's sorta like Gol dang for God damn. I think it fits and the moderator doesn't seem to mind. Now aren't you glad that you asked? :)
P.S. If it's good enough for author Patrick F. McManus it's good enough for me.
02-16-2012, 01:47 PM
Update...Congressional Republicans vowed to block the Obama plan to sharply cut the US nuclear arms force calling the possible 80% reduction in war heads "Reckless Lunacy"...
Now get the spin the liberal media puts on this 80% reduction by not calling 80% the maximum reduction but calling it the "Most Modest" which to the lame limp left sounds "Mo Better"...
By the time this is said and done it will be another Nobel Prize for the Barrynator...
Obama did nothing to earn his first Nobel Prize. Why shouldn't they give him a second?
02-16-2012, 02:32 PM
Had he even started his World Apology For The U.S.A. Tour before he got that GIVEN to him!?? I think that even HE was embarrassed... a little... for that. Jimmy Carter got North Korea a nuclear reactor to get his.
02-16-2012, 03:55 PM
Texans got it figured out.....
02-16-2012, 03:59 PM
I wholeheartedly agree with Wintrout , and others that echo his statement.
02-16-2012, 04:15 PM
02-16-2012, 04:19 PM
I love it!!!!:D
02-16-2012, 04:21 PM
+1000!!!!! Out fokkin Standin
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