View Full Version : Can't release the slide release
02-15-2012, 02:59 PM
Has this happened to anyone else?
I just picked up my slightly used Kahr K9. I pulled back the slide, but my thumb isn't strong enough to push down the release.
First time I had to push the release with a screw driver. Ugh! Next time I supported the pistol by pushing down on a towel over the sink while pulling back the slide. Easing some of the tension on the slide let me push down the release.
Any suggestions? Is this common? Is this the reason they say to pull back on the slide 500 times before firing?
The release has been lubed. I can see some oil between it and the frame. Haven't field stripped it yet.
02-15-2012, 03:02 PM
is magazine in the gun or out of the gun. In the gun it is normally harder, out shoud be easeir. either way ur issues seems strange. Ur K9 is more than likely broekn in the 500 times stuff is for new guns .
02-15-2012, 03:05 PM
The magazine is designed to push UP on the slide lock and hold the slide back on empty magazines. It is very hard, but not impossible to push down the lever with an empty mag installed. Again, info in the manual, F.A.Q.'s, and the videos available at
02-15-2012, 08:11 PM
The mag was in when I had the problem. The person who sold the pistol to me said he put about 300 rounds through it. There was another owner before him, but the pistol looks like new.
Anyway, I started working the slide back and forth. I thought the spring got a little looser, but I still can't release the slide with the empty mag in place. I can release it after removing the mag.
Maybe I can get a lighter spring???
02-15-2012, 08:37 PM
:rolleyes:Your gun is meant to work that way, nothing wrong with it.You'll see how easy it is to close the slide with a full mag.
02-15-2012, 08:50 PM
Krusty. I was hoping somebody would say that!
But after my experience I was hesitant to put any rounds in the mag.
I was under the {mistaken} impression that with Kahr pistols the slide stayed back. And in order to chamber a round it was necessary to push the release down to manually move the slide forward into position.
I see now that's not how it works. When I inserted the full mag and pulled back the slide, the slide moved forward on its own and the round chambered automatically without me touching the release.
02-15-2012, 08:55 PM
Kahr does recommend pushing the release down to engage the slide, but it can be done by hand as you have discovered. The important thing is to avoid riding the slide forward at all. That lightweight slide needs all the speed it can get to chamber a round.
02-15-2012, 09:19 PM
Slide locked back on empty- insert loaded magazine -push slide release lever to release slide and it will put one up the spout, that's how it should work. I know that HK's slide automatically forward upon loaded mag insertion for combat advantages. I don't think Kahrs are made to do that, but I could be wrong!
02-15-2012, 09:35 PM
I realize this is second nature to Kahr pros, but it seems more complicated than chambering a round in my CZ.
OK, I have a K9090. the slide does not stay back if the mag is out of the pistol. That means I have to pull the slide back and set the slide release lever.
Then, after inserting the full mag I have to push down on the slide release, which is still very tight, but barely managable. I sure hope it gets easier over time.
02-15-2012, 09:59 PM
Needs to be a sticky... You can't push the slide release lever down if there's an empty mag in a Kahr pistol. either drop the empty mag or insert a full one.
02-15-2012, 11:20 PM
Download yourself a manual.
What you experience is something I see as a safety device. The gun always lets you know if the mag you are trying to drop the slide on is loaded or not without looking. Last thing you want during a gun fight is to accidentally drop the slide on an empty mag and need "BANG!!" but get.. click ..instead.
Apparently you have slingshotting the slide down well enough to keep on doing that. Most every Kahr I ever seen do this just fine if the operator doesn't ride it. No need to lock the slide back before loading IF your Kahr will slingshot without issue.
02-16-2012, 12:21 AM
What if 1. Empty gun-mag in -lock slide back. 2. Drop mag-put one round in mag-insert mag-dropslide. 3 Drop mag-loadmag-insert mag. Good to go.
02-16-2012, 05:56 AM
What if 1. Empty gun-mag in -lock slide back. 2. Drop mag-put one round in mag-insert mag-dropslide. 3 Drop mag-loadmag-insert mag. Good to go.
Huh? If there's no round in the mag the slide lock doesn't release. If there's a round in the mag it does...
02-16-2012, 08:05 AM
I can feel the callus developing on my thumb. I need to go to the range and shoot it a few times.
02-16-2012, 08:21 AM
Needs to be a sticky... You can't push the slide release lever down if there's an empty mag in a Kahr pistol. either drop the empty mag or insert a full one.
It's printed right in the manual that comes with the gun. The proper way to load the pistol is by using the slide release. Some will work using the slingshot method and some won't, but they all will work using the slide release.
02-16-2012, 10:54 AM
It's printed right in the manual that comes with the gun. The proper way to load the pistol is by using the slide release. Some will work using the slingshot method and some won't, but they all will work using the slide release.
I understand that but people who DON'T read the manual have no advantage over the people who CAN'T read the manual.
02-16-2012, 11:53 AM
One question not answered is on some Kahr pistols and many other semi auto pistols if the slide is locked back and you really slam a loaded magazine hard into the pistol the slide will go forward and load a round without touching the slide release at all...It is not manufactured into the gun to do this but some guns will do it but it's not in the manual or recommended to do it this way...
My S&W M&P .40 will do this and my previous Kahr CW.40 would do it but my current PM .40 won't...I don't recommend doing it but some people like it and call it a speed load but it's hard on the gun and slide lock mechanism and in a Kahr the slide lock spring IMO is a weak design point and prone to problems such as a loose torx screw and bent spring if abused...
The idea of loading one round in a magazine inserting it in the slide locked back empty pistol and chambering the round then inserting a full mag is a fine idea....In IDPA shooting events most shooters have several mags with one round in them to fully load a pistol before a shoot...They call it a "Barney Fife" magazine since Barney was only allowed one bullet at a time from Andy...
02-16-2012, 12:06 PM
getsome, That's not supposed to happen. I've had it happen a few times with different guns and it's unsettling.
- It's a slide lock lever, not a slide release.
- To drop the slide on an empty magazine just pull back on the slide to relieve pressure on the slide lock lever and press down hard (you are now fighting only the magazine spring)
- To drop the slide on a loaded magazine, pull back on the slide until it slips out of your fingers
- If you're hell bent on using the slide lock lever as a slide release then it will work on loaded magazine OR with no magazine in the magazine well.
02-16-2012, 12:22 PM
02-16-2012, 12:28 PM
I agree it's not designed into the gun to auto load a round without touching the lever but it can happen if really slam a loaded mag into the gun and is unsettling if you aren't prepared for it which is another reason to always keep your booger hook off the bang switch until ready to fire...:2eek:
The reason Kahr says in the manual to load a live round into the chamber using the slide lock lever or slide release or whatever you want to call the thing is becaues a new Kahr pistol is so very tight from the factory and since the slides are so small and recoil springs so stiff to begin with it's hard to get a good grip on one to slingshot a round into the chamber without a possible failure to go into battery...Not good in a high pressure situation...
After the pistol is fired for enough rounds to loosen up and get broken in good it is possible to slingshot the first round with no problem at all...I can slingshot my PM40 every time and never get a FTF but it's been fired a good many rounds...
Good luck with whatever method works for you and your pistol...Happy shooting...:cool:
02-16-2012, 01:04 PM
Hell bent!? Is this one of your anal things?? The lever is used to release the danged slide. The idea is that you can do that with your gun hand alone, if need be.
For some people the easiest way to lock the slide back is to insert an EMPTY magazine and rack the slide back, THEN remove the empty magazine and use the slide lock lever to release the slide AFTER inserting a loaded magazine... chambering a round. Then you can remove the magazine and add another round for capacity of the magazine plus one, ie. 6+1 for the CM/PM9 with the metal, flush-fitting base.
The little spring that holds the slide lock lever/pin in place also holds the slide lock down, but as the follower of an empty magazine rises to the top of the magazine, its upward pressure on the slide lock overcomes the little spring and uses the full strength of the magazine spring to hold that slide lock up, until the EMPTY magazine is removed, as DESIGNED.
See the "Take down video" for your weapon on or read the manual.
Video under the large picture:
Manual in downloadable .pdf (disguised as "Operating Instructions"):
The place everyone can find free and downloadable material/answers to newbie questions... before asking just any Yahoo who happens to be online here!... and so forth:
Good Grief!:rolleyes:
02-16-2012, 01:12 PM
Wow, well I tell you what. You guys do it the way you want, I'll keep doing it the way I've been doing it and we'll all just hope it works out.
What we could do, is each offer our own advice instead of attacking everyone elses opinions.
02-16-2012, 01:34 PM
hss, this seemed to be what YOU were doing... "What we could do, is each offer our own advice instead of attacking everyone elses opinions."
There are different ways of accomplishing things and a lot of opinions. I try to point people toward authoritative sources as or after I tell them what I do or what works for some people. I can be "just any Yahoo online at the time", too.
Edit: I just watched the video about the Power Stroke. Yeah, that works consistently and with just about any platform... AND overcomes some problems that could arise otherwise.
With my Champion 1911 I use the weak hand thumb to release the slide... hard for me to do without major movement of my gun hand alone. The PS would work better, and it makes sense to use one method all of the time... training muscle memory.
Note that the guy said "slide release" consistently, too. :)
02-16-2012, 01:47 PM
So K by me...If something is working for you then keep at it by all means... I've learned many things form other members here such as how and why I bent the slide release lever spring after the first takedown for cleaning and why the slide kept locking back all the time, I thought for sure I had broke something really bad but these folks told me how to fix it and now it's second nature so put the lever back in the right way...
It's always good to read the manual for any new product you get but we "men" can be hard headed sometimes and think "we don't need no stinkin manual" and go on to mess something up because we didn't know any better...
It's very necessary to read and follow the manual with a Kahr pistol because they are somewhat different in their design from many other semi auto pistols...The stickys on this forum are a must read because many other folks have experenced problems with their Kahr pistols when new and there is a wealth of information there that will save many many headaches for the new owner/shooter....
This is by far the best gun forum on the internet and everyone here has always been more than willing to help me with any questions I have ever asked even stupid ones in hind sight...I have never felt that anyone talked down or disrespected me like on many other gun forums where that kind of thing seems to be the norm...Stick here with an open mind and you will learn lots of great information and make many good friends...;)
02-16-2012, 01:54 PM
if u really slam a magazine loaded in the gun chances are it is gonna close by itself. #1 they don't recommend slamming magazines in but many do, so that is a personal preference. It is also harder on the magazine button.
Why this happens when one slams in a magazine is that ur holding the gun with one hand and not loosely either and the slide is locked back and now ur slamming a magazine in ujpward and fast and the shear momentum of a loaded magazine many times will release just enough pressure on the slide to allow the slide lock lever to automatically drop down.I call it kinda like reverse enertia.. I would callit user error more than gun related but in some case one could have a bad slide lock lever. Some shooters love that as it takes away one step of getting the slide back to battery. I personally just shove my magazinein slowly as I see no reason to put addition wear and tear on the magazine button.
But each to his own...
02-16-2012, 02:40 PM
getsome, That's not supposed to happen. I've had it happen a few times with different guns and it's unsettling.
- It's a slide lock lever, not a slide release.
- To drop the slide on an empty magazine just pull back on the slide to relieve pressure on the slide lock lever and press down hard (you are now fighting only the magazine spring)
- To drop the slide on a loaded magazine, pull back on the slide until it slips out of your fingers
- If you're hell bent on using the slide lock lever as a slide release then it will work on loaded magazine OR with no magazine in the magazine well.
FWIW Kahr calls it a slide release in their manuals and they also call it a slide stop lever but they never call it a slide lock lever...semantics I guess
02-16-2012, 06:49 PM
It was my mistake to not be more clear with my original post. The only part directed at GetSome was "That's not supposed to happen. I've had it happen a few times with different guns and it's unsettling." On that note, I have a Sig that does it consistently. The unsettling part isn't that I think it's going to go off. I'm concerned about the condition of the round that just got inadvertantly racked in or if there's a round in there at all. My Glocks have mangled a few rounds during malfunctions and I'm always leary that a "slammed" in round is going to be bent up and KB or squib.
The rest of the post was directed at the OP. Which I should have been more clear on. @OP Yes the terms are interchangeable but it's my opinion that you shouldn't be using that lever for anything other than locking the slide back. And using the term "release" makes it sound like that's what it's for. During a Sympathetic Nervous System response ("adrenaline dump") your body will begin vascular constriction, pooling all the blood to your center mass, where your vital organs are, which means there will be very little blood in your extremeties. That leads to a loss in fine motor skills. So focus on gross motor skills like grabbing the slide and punching the weapon forward not fine motor skills like thumbing a beveled lever.
Also, everyone that shoots competition knows that every time they go out they see some poor guy in Production fumbling for the slide release lever on a reload.
02-16-2012, 06:59 PM
i have never heard of a round going off on a slammning of the magazine. I guess anything could happen. As a gun wears itself inthinbgs tend to loosen um slide stop aybe get alittle worn, slide notch gets alittle worn, combinations sometimes are ripe for the slamming process to release the magazine. I really see no reason to slam. this ain't no race. I don't think semi were made to slam 24/7 and expect nothing different to happen either, just my two centsw on that. My PM9 will release if I slam it, butnever if I just insert it and push it home. I tend to go the second way but for me withcarrying only one magazine it is no issue for me PERIOD. I only incur this at times at the range when playing around. Now with kahrs that have the little springhy thing on the slide stop lever, that little bugger can get out of whack and not be doing its job like designed. either tweek the spring as there is a picture tutorial onver on the kahrt tech section or just order a new springhy. I can slam my\G19 and get it to feed every time. I did have to have my G19 repaired though as it was releasing no matter what or how I inserted the magazine. A new slide stop and I have been good to go since. I didn't mind the releasing part but I wanted to be incontrol of it to..
hss> I used to get that adrenaline dump alot with my grl friend, course back then we just used tocall it a ***** on:behindsofa:
02-16-2012, 07:19 PM
OK. Thanks for all the feedback and advice.
According to the manual the recommended way to load the first round is to use the slide stop (release). So, that's how I'll do it. At least for now. The YouTube video recommended by hss.strat was very instructive. Thanks.
I didn't get to the range today, but I did work the slide release with a full mag, and it functioned well. Funny, it makes me wonder what I was upset about yesterday. Somebody suggested I read the manual. Good advice. I probably should have started there. Of course, then the members might have missed the opportunity to comment.
I'm very happy with my K9. Next step, do some shootin'. Maybe tomorrow.
02-17-2012, 04:52 PM
Wow!. Went to the range today. My first shot out of the K9 was a direct hit. That's right, I hit the center of the bulls eye. Not more than a 1/4 inch off center.
After that, my tendency to anticipate recoil took over. There were a few more bulls eyes, but most of the next 49 shots were off center at 6 o'clock by 3 to 4 inches. Still not bad, I think, for the first time.
Very happy! I felt a little guilty about not shooting my CZ, but I was rushed and had to leave.
Now I need good IWB and OWB holsters.
02-17-2012, 05:29 PM
now had that been me after that first shot, I WOULD HAVE WENT HOME.
IMO if u don't shoot that K9 good, u won't shoot any other kahr any better. It is their bread and butter gun. I love mine but to be honest the bulleye unless 12" in diameter is very safe.
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