View Full Version : CM9 About "FED" up

02-15-2012, 04:48 PM
Posted an earlier message about a new CM9 that runs fine with the 6 round mag but nose dives on 2, 3, or 4th round on two different 7 round mags. I've checked the mag spring orientation and done the sanding recommended. A person shouldn't have to do tuning to a new gun or mags to make them work. Pure BS! After about 250 rounds no improvement with the 7 round mags. Bit the "bullet" and just ordered two 6 round mags from Bud's (almost half the price of what Kahr sells the same mag for) and will see if that corrects the problem. I'm not going to have a CCW pistol that I have only one mag for. If this works I am out $80 for two 7-round mags that are worthless. If it doesn't work and I have a fluke 6 round mag the piece of polymer will be sold faster than an auctioneer speaks. I've had extended mags with other Kahr's and never an issue. This is ridiculous! Steaming pile of Donkey Dung.


For the loyals that say I'm not giving Kahr a chance. I've had a PM9 and P380 that each have had to make multiple trips back to Worchester. Tight tolerances my ass poor workmanship!

02-15-2012, 04:52 PM
30% of the posts on the first page right now have to do with issues of one sort or another on the CM9. I didn't even count other models.

As Earl Pitts would say "WAKE UP KAHR"!

02-15-2012, 04:58 PM
Posted an earlier message about a new CM9 that runs fine with the 6 round mag but nose dives on 2, 3, or 4th round on two different 7 round mags. I've checked the mag spring orientation and done the sanding recommended. A person shouldn't have to do tuning to a new gun or mags to make them work. Pure BS! After about 250 rounds no improvement with the 7 round mags. Bit the "bullet" and just ordered two 6 round mags from Bud's (almost half the price of what Kahr sells the same mag for) and will see if that corrects the problem. I'm not going to have a CCW pistol that I have only one mag for. If this works I am out $80 for two 7-round mags that are worthless. If it doesn't work and I have a fluke 6 round mag the piece of polymer will be sold faster than an auctioneer speaks. I've had extended mags with other Kahr's and never an issue. This is ridiculous! Steaming pile of Donkey Dung.


For the loyals that say I'm not giving Kahr a chance. I've had a PM9 and P380 that each have had to make multiple trips back to Worchester. Tight tolerances my ass poor workmanship!

not send the 7 round mags back and get 6 rounds mags. Kahr will do that. u have zero issues with the 6 round mag, if u have to have 7 rounds why not buy the cw9 and have the flush fit 7 round mag. For some reason some cm and PM 9 kahrs with some owners have problems with the 7 round mags.

course with your great attitude towards kahrs now, if I was you I would peddle the POS kahrs and get a good gun. ur not posting now for any advice or help, ur posting now to bit-h. Just my two cents..

the solution is really easy though:o

02-15-2012, 05:01 PM
Jocko, it's time for your nap. You know how you get when you miss it.......

Just recommending.

02-15-2012, 05:10 PM
not send the 7 round mags back and get 6 rounds mags. Kahr will do that. u have zero issues with the 6 round mag, if u have to have 7 rounds why not buy the cw9 and have the flush fit 7 round mag. For some reason some cm and PM 9 kahrs with some owners have problems with the 7 round mags.

course with your great attitude towards kahrs now, if I was you I would peddle the POS kahrs and get a good gun. ur not posting now for any advice or help, ur posting now to bit-h. Just my two cents..

the solution is really easy though:o Yeah spend more money on top of what I've already spent!

Why is the best response anyone has is "some owners have problems with........." try this manipulation....this modification....buff this......sand that......grind here....squeeze here.....

It's a frigging personal defense weapon I don't want to have to rely on whether or not I've ground something properly or done this modification correctly. If they are going to sell 7 round mags for a gun they by God they ought to work for the weapon no questions asked no modifications needed.

02-15-2012, 05:14 PM
It seems that the problem with the 7rd mags is that they shift inside the magwell if the shooter applies too much pressure with their pinkie. I have yet to have a problem with any of my 7rounders, but maybe I'm just lucky. While it is true that Kahr could do a better job with their mags, I think that if one looks around, you will see most, if not all, of the gun manufacturer's who attempt to make a handgun this small are having issues of some sort.

02-15-2012, 05:19 PM
ur dead right, can't aruge with you on that, but IMO ur never gonna be hapy so why not just peddle the POS kahrs and then get on every other gun fourm and slam the piss out of them. That will show kahr!!!!

Most all never need jackshit to them either, so u really making more out of somthing that is not really true either. But I jrealy do feel ur pain. I had 3 kel teks , sent those fokker back 17 times before I could get any of them running right so that I could peddle them. It happens, never good when it happens to u the owner be it a car, gun, tv. motorcycle. It ain't just guns jfred. I don't mean to be sarcastic, but IMO u should peddle the guns and move on to what please u, for no doubt kahr will never please u...

you can look up kahrs phone number, why not call them and tell um how u feel like u have on this forum, which does not make the damn guns but does try to help owners out WHO WANT HELP/ADVICE. see how far your phone conversation gets u with the attitude u posted here. More than likely a quick dial tone!!!

02-15-2012, 05:19 PM
Yeah spend more money on top of what I've already spent!

Why is the best response anyone has is "some owners have problems with........." try this manipulation....this modification....buff this......sand that......grind here....squeeze here.....

It's a frigging personal defense weapon I don't want to have to rely on whether or not I've ground something properly or done this modification correctly. If they are going to sell 7 round mags for a gun they by God they ought to work for the weapon no questions asked no modifications needed.

You should really look into a Diamondback

02-15-2012, 05:20 PM

I am sorry you're going through this mag issue. It's very frustrating. We all start out with optimistic thoughts on how the gun will operate.

If it's only the 7 roung mag you're having difficulty with the best thing to do is swap it out for a 6 rounder. I only ever use my 7rnd at the range and if I hold it wrong it will have problems.

I carry with a 6 and a spare 6.

I look at it this way, it's still an awesome little firearm. If all you're having is a mag issue, you're way ahead of the game. It's not doing what some other folks report. It's a good shooter. It or you just aren't suited for the 7rnd mag. It happens. Find a solution and move forward. Don't let this sour you on Kahr.

02-15-2012, 05:26 PM
Yeah spend more money on top of what I've already spent!

Why is the best response anyone has is "some owners have problems with........." try this manipulation....this modification....buff this......sand that......grind here....squeeze here.....

It's a frigging personal defense weapon I don't want to have to rely on whether or not I've ground something properly or done this modification correctly. If they are going to sell 7 round mags for a gun they by God they ought to work for the weapon no questions asked no modifications needed.

The reason we offer up responses saying to tweak this or sand that is because lots of us like to fix the problems ourselves, if we can, rather than send the gun back to Kahr.

I agree that Kahr ought to take a closer look at these mods that we do and improve their product. Until that happens, we're going to continue fixing them ourselves if we can. And helping other people do the same.

I had a 7-round magazine that gave my CM9 a lot of trouble. I sent it to Kahr with a note asking them to replace it with a 6-round magazine because this one was malfunctioning and I did not trust it with my life. They sent me a 6-round magazine which works great. I think it might have cost me $5 for the shipping. That's about 25 rounds worth of practice ammo.

That 7th round might save your life, where having only 6 would not have done, but who can say? One thing is for sure though: Having a 7rd magazine that you don't trust absolutely is worse than having only 6 rounds.

So there it is. Do with it what you will.

02-15-2012, 05:34 PM
BTW, it's OK to be frustrated about this. We're not saying you shouldn't be. I was pretty frustrated with my 7rd magazine.

But we're not Kahr, and we're not the bad guys here. We just want to help you work past that and get to a smooth running pistol that you can depend on. Please try and remember that when you post.

02-15-2012, 05:35 PM
My PM9 works fine with 6rd, 7rd and 8rd mags...just sayin

02-15-2012, 05:37 PM
we're not the bad guys here

Except Jocko. He's kind of a bad guy. I think he forgot his medicine this morning. :)

02-15-2012, 05:44 PM
As I said I HAVE ordered two 6 round mags to replace the 7 rounders. If it works great. I did buy this gun on purpose to fill a role and I want it to work. Do none of you get frustrated at spending the amount of money you do on the Kahr weapons only to find you have to go through 42 girations, hundreds of rounds of ammo, trips back to Mass to get them to work well enough to have any confidence in.

Jocko since you seem to see yourself as the Kahr champion on this site if you want to help owners why don't you take up the cause with Kahr and send your cryptic messages to them about all the issues their customers are having. Wouldn't it be much more fun for you if the problems were corrected rather than just excused or telling people to spend more money to do what it should do in the first place.

BTW I wasn't wanting any advice my intention was to complain about the Kahr issues and the fact that every bit of advice is that the firearm purchaser needs to do this or that to overcome Kahr's issues and lack of quality control.

Buyer be ware!

02-15-2012, 05:51 PM
As I said I HAVE ordered two 6 round mags to replace the 7 rounders.

You also said that if the replacement 6-rounders solve your problem, you'll be out $80 for the two 7-rounders. We're trying to tell you that for $5, you can get those two 7-rounders replaced, so you're only out $5 and a couple of weeks for shipping.

But as you said, you're not here for advice, you're here to take out your frustration on someone - but that's not really fair or polite, is it? Are we to blame for these problems? No. Are we a resource to help you work through them? Yes.

Please don't bite the hand that is trying to feed you.

02-15-2012, 06:57 PM
I have CM9 with one 6 round mag and my free 7 round mag. I have not had any problem with either mag. No failure to load, no nose-dives or stuck followers, no problems at all. Why am I not having the problems some of you others are having? I think it all comes down to 1) AMMO: The type of the ammo and shape of the bullet in the ammo and the OAL of the ammo that I am shooting. 2) The way I load the mag. I make sure that every bullet is pushed all the way to the back of the mag. I make sure the OAL of my ammo is not so long that the bullet binds inside the mag when they are pushed down by the next rounds on top. A bullet that is too long will cause all of the complaints posted here. To sum this up, I don't think this is Kahr"s problem at all. I think is opperater and ammo construction's fault. That is where I put 100% of the blame.

Now to correct the problem, we can all help each other. If you have any of the mentioned problems do this: Post the Brand of ammo you are shooting when the problem starts. List the Mfg, bullet construction like RN, FN, HP, wad cutter or whatever and bullet weight in grains. If you have a caliper measure the OAL and post it. Make absolutely sure you are pushing every bullet you load all the way to hit the back of the mag. We can compare and find out which ammo works and which doesn't. I think we can correct these problems with the correct ammo and correct loading procedures. So, quit ******* and post up your offending ammo information, starting now. (This will work if we compair information) If you are shooting your own reloads we want all the information on it too!

02-15-2012, 07:01 PM
I wonder if this is an out of spec mag release??

Yep, kahrs have their issues, but when you get them running there isn't much that beats them. I haven't heard rave reviews about other offerings in this size though - KelTec, Solo, Diamond Back, Nano - all seem to have their problems.

02-15-2012, 07:11 PM
You guys with "NO PROBLEMS" can help too. List the Factory ammo that has never given you a problem shooting in your Kahr.

02-15-2012, 07:33 PM
You guys with "NO PROBLEMS" can help too. List the Factory ammo that has never given you a problem shooting in your Kahr.
OK, I am going to start:
For breakin ammo in my CM9 I shot 300 Factory rounds of MFS 9mm Lugar, 115 gr RN with "O" problems of any kind. Bought from Cabelas, MFS is Hungarian Manufactured brass cased reloadable ammo. If you cand find this ammo and load it correctly in your 6 or 7 round mags you should have ZERO PROBLEMS.

Next I fired 250 rounds of Barrys 115 grain RN plated reloads with an OAL of 1.125 MAX with 5.9 gr Longshot and had ZERO PROBLEMS. Try them in your gun.

02-15-2012, 07:39 PM
You guys with "NO PROBLEMS" can help too. List the Factory ammo that has never given you a problem shooting in your Kahr.

Once I ditched the 7rd magazine, my CM9 chewed its way through many hundreds of cheapo Wal-Mart special Federal, many hundreds of S&B bulk purchased from ammoman.com, and a few hundreds of PMC bulk purchased from ammoman.com, all with no failures of any kind.

I have not run much JHP through it. I have used some 147gr Winchester Ranger series, and one of those failed to fully return to battery, out of perhaps 100 rounds fired.

02-15-2012, 09:21 PM
Ive got cold feet getting a 7 round magazine from everything ive heard about them. Saw this video on youtube about a promag, not sure how i feel about getting aftermarket magazines but it looks interesting


02-15-2012, 09:27 PM
I think I ready to take a vacation from the forum and read some books. I genuinely like people and take their problems seriously, but it's getting old. I find it so strange that so many people have bought 3 or 4 Kahrs and every one was a POS, while some many others have bought 3 or 4 Kahrs and every one was perfect out of the box.

Yes the 7rd mag sucks out of the celo bag. Yes Kahr should tune up their supplier. Yes Kahr should take them off the market until they fix it. No we cannot take Mr Kahr out and hang him. Yes they can be fixed. No they will likely never be perfect. No the folks here cannot simply tell you do this and they will be alright. BUT, YES, we CAN tell you to send it to Kahr in exchange for a fully functioning 6rd magazine.

Oh, another thing. The mag is an accessory to the gun. The mag sucks but does that make the gun suck? NO!!!

Be back next week.

02-15-2012, 09:30 PM
You guys with "NO PROBLEMS" can help too. List the Factory ammo that has never given you a problem shooting in your Kahr.

I've shot WWB FMJ 115, PMC bronze 115, Buffalo Bore JHP 124 gr +p and Remington JHP 124 gr +p thru both my CM9 and PM9 with no issues. no special break in period either.

02-15-2012, 09:32 PM
As I said I HAVE ordered two 6 round mags to replace the 7 rounders. If it works great. I did buy this gun on purpose to fill a role and I want it to work. Do none of you get frustrated at spending the amount of money you do on the Kahr weapons only to find you have to go through 42 girations, hundreds of rounds of ammo, trips back to Mass to get them to work well enough to have any confidence in.

Jocko since you seem to see yourself as the Kahr champion on this site if you want to help owners why don't you take up the cause with Kahr and send your cryptic messages to them about all the issues their customers are having. Wouldn't it be much more fun for you if the problems were corrected rather than just excused or telling people to spend more money to do what it should do in the first place.

BTW I wasn't wanting any advice my intention was to complain about the Kahr issues and the fact that every bit of advice is that the firearm purchaser needs to do this or that to overcome Kahr's issues and lack of quality control.

Buyer be ware!

My CM9's perfect. Sorry yours isn't. I did have to make one adjustment to the "fatness" of the top of a 6 round mag. Took 3 minutes. Kahr would have replaced your 7 rd mags with 6's but you decided not to give them the the opportunity to. I'll agree with you on one thing. The 7 rd mags seem to be a POS. The gun isn't though.

02-15-2012, 09:35 PM
I think I ready to take a vacation from the forum and read some books. I genuinely like people and take their problems seriously, but it's getting old. I find it so strange that so many people have bought 3 or 4 Kahrs and every one was a POS, while some many others have bought 3 or 4 Kahrs and every one was perfect out of the box.

Yes the 7rd mag sucks out of the celo bag. Yes Kahr should tune up their supplier. Yes Kahr should take them off the market until they fix it. No we cannot take Mr Kahr out and hang him. Yes they can be fixed. No they will likely never be perfect. No the folks here cannot simply tell you do this and they will be alright. BUT, YES, we CAN tell you to send it to Kahr in exchange for a fully functioning 6rd magazine.

Oh, another thing. The mag is an accessory to the gun. The mag sucks but does that make the gun suck? NO!!!

Be back next week.

love your post. My first post asking for a test fire in the P380 and I had people threadjacking me already telling me 380's stink and P380's stink. And sorry OP for a non topic post but I did post you what ammo I"m running thru my working CM9.

02-15-2012, 09:53 PM
love your post. My first post asking for a test fire in the P380 and I had people threadjacking me already telling me 380's stink and P380's stink. And sorry OP for a non topic post but I did post you what ammo I"m running thru my working CM9.

I for one liked your first post and thought it made perfect sense and hope you can link up with someone and let your wife shoot it.
I believe the 380 issues are ironed out for the most part and if I had a desire for one I'd order without reservation.

We do seem to be swimming in a pool of negativity lately and we're definitely due for a dose of blue sky and happy thoughts. I know if Dietrich was here he'd recommend we grease ourselves up and catapult ourselves over a prison fence nekkid.

Anyhow I think we're done here.