View Full Version : Gov of NJ lowering flags to half mast for Whitney Houstin

02-16-2012, 05:57 PM
Has anyone seen this on the news? I am SOOO irritated about this. She is not a hero, not someone that deserves the flag flown at half mast for. What about all the men and women in uniform, LEO's out there serving our country and protecting our streets, and trying to help people just like her from being beaten to death by their ex's, and arresting people like her who are doing drugs..

02-16-2012, 05:59 PM
NJ just made a mockery of the tradition. What next, a state holiday when a Kardashian gets married.:mad:

02-16-2012, 06:22 PM
Has anyone seen this on the news? I am SOOO irritated about this. She is not a hero, not someone that deserves the flag flown at half mast for. What about all the men and women in uniform, LEO's out there serving our country and protecting our streets, and trying to help people just like her from being beaten to death by their ex's, and arresting people like her who are doing drugs..

news today. I would like to think it is not true but even Bill Orally stated he thoght it was the right thing to do . He comment was basicaly we need to make people aware of this tradegy. I totally agree, but just leave the flag thing out of it

Its not right and I dn't care what side of the fence u areon, it is disrespectful to those who earned tha thonor with their lives, be it here, over seras, fireman, policeman but damn not a druggie. Do we mask over that one big part ofher life jsut because she was great looking and such a great singer. I think not. What next a memorial stone headnext to mlk??? If she wasn't black, my bet the flag would be a full staff as it should be. I think Chris christie fokked up big time, probalby won'thurt him n 4years as we soon forget..Certainly the demo's 4 years from now won't try to use it agaqisnthim either. It is a moral issue that each and every one of us will haveto decide when that time comes... I think I read where someone went by Audi Murphy's grave today and the American flag was upside down:7:

02-16-2012, 06:31 PM
Well NJ lowered the flag for Sinatra too. Guess they're trying to be equal with all their celebraties.

02-16-2012, 06:44 PM
still doesnt make it right. I don't put the blame on the people of NJ. they had no vote in this Huston flag thing. One man did this. and on one would dare challenge this as the blacks would have rallied around ur home for sure..

02-16-2012, 07:38 PM
OH it gets better...I do not know who's bright idea it is, but I was on one of the police wives forums and one of the wives husband's has to work the funeral. She thought it was security, no big deal, lots of celebrities, fans probably trying to get in, etc...NOPE, it's for a F*****G honor guard...REALLY???? How does she rate that as well.

02-16-2012, 07:43 PM
Deep breathing JD, deep breathing. Such language from a lady. I share your feelings but don't get yourself worked up.

I'm sure we'll feel the same way in 75 or 80 years when Obummer crosses the river and we have to do all this stuff for him. I'd rather do it for Whitney myself.

02-16-2012, 08:00 PM
Do not even get me started on that one Bawanna....Unfortunately since he is president they will definitely do an honor guard for him.

02-16-2012, 08:33 PM
news today. I would like to think it is not true but even Bill Orally stated he thoght it was the right thing to do . He comment was basicaly we need to make people aware of this tradegy. I totally agree, but just leave the flag thing out of it

Its not right and I dn't care what side of the fence u areon, it is disrespectful to those who earned tha thonor with their lives, be it here, over seras, fireman, policeman but damn not a druggie. Do we mask over that one big part ofher life jsut because she was great looking and such a great singer. I think not. What next a memorial stone headnext to mlk??? If she wasn't black, my bet the flag would be a full staff as it should be. I think Chris christie fokked up big time, probalby won'thurt him n 4years as we soon forget..Certainly the demo's 4 years from now won't try to use it agaqisnthim either. It is a moral issue that each and every one of us will haveto decide when that time comes... I think I read where someone went by Audi Murphy's grave today and the American flag was upside down:7:

I virtually NEVER agree with O'really but I accidentally watched the interview he did with the Today host, Matt Lauer. I particularly agreed with O'really when he wondered why we NEVER see celebs doing a public service announcement telling us the harm caused by drugs. Our children/youth look up to these celebs and hold them as role models (whatever), so, why don't they use their influence and money to generate advertisments/commercials/etc that would urge them NOT to use drugs?

Michael Jackson, Whitney, Amy Winehouse....the list goes on. Drugs abuse/addiction is a disease and a big time killer. Whitney's death provides us with a tremendous teachable moment for our kids IF we would just take full opportunity. Don't wait on the celebs, take action NOW by teaching.

This concludes my public service announcement and I approve this message. Now, back to ignoring O'really~!!!~

Longitude Zero
02-16-2012, 10:09 PM
It sickens me that the gov has done this for a drunken/drug addled slut. I also read today that the Westboro Church plans to protest at the whores funeral. I hate that bunch but I say good. Let the liberal a$$hats get a dose of their own medicine since they supported those crazies when they protest Heros funerals.

02-17-2012, 05:54 AM
It sickens me that the gov has done this for a drunken/drug addled slut. I also read today that the Westboro Church plans to protest at the whores funeral. I hate that bunch but I say good. Let the liberal a$$hats get a dose of their own medicine since they supported those crazies when they protest Heros funerals.

I was aware the woman was an admitted drug addict/alcoholic...but a S--- and W---- as well? Tell me more. I gather she is African-American?

02-17-2012, 06:51 AM
Flag Ettiquette - half staff


Governor Christy acted within his rights to order the flag to be flown at half staff for a the death of a celebrity or national figure. You may not agree with this action and that is your right. Lowering the flag is not something that I would have done to honor a drug and alcohol addicted celebrity.

02-17-2012, 06:53 AM
I was aware the woman was an admitted drug addict/alcoholic...but a S--- and W---- as well? Tell me more. I gather she is African-American?

Why would you gather that? Not all s---- and w----- are African American.

02-17-2012, 07:34 AM
There is no way that this Flag Lowering for W. Houston is politically motivated to try to get some African American votes for the republican party or is it? No way,politicians don't do things like that!

Longitude Zero
02-17-2012, 07:44 AM
Why would you gather that? Not all s---- and w----- are African American.

I agree muggsy. Usually the person who pulls that card first...

02-17-2012, 08:04 AM
I agree muggsy. Usually the person who pulls that card first...

Well, it is unfair and racist to call her a sl-t and a wh-re. She was a drug abuser, a sinner who made some bad choices in her life. But those two words are uncalled for.

02-17-2012, 08:10 AM
Why would you gather that? Not all s---- and w----- are African American.

I picked up on it watching Fox and Friends.....Eric Bolling, I think

02-17-2012, 08:17 AM
I picked up on it watching Fox and Friends.....Eric Bolling, I think

Eric Bolling is an economist. His comments are of the economy and monetary policy. Racism is not in his character.

Longitude Zero
02-17-2012, 08:27 AM
Well, it is unfair and racist to call her a sl-t and a wh-re. She was a drug abuser, a sinner who made some bad choices in her life. But those two words are uncalled for.

Your oppinion/beliefs and mine differ. We will just have to agree to disagree on this issue.

For folks with discernement race plays no part here. I would say the same about most musicians of both genders and races. The lead singer of Three Dog Night admitted he was a slut and a whore dog and he is caucasian.

Bill K
02-17-2012, 08:33 AM
Well NJ lowered the flag for Sinatra too. Guess they're trying to be equal with all their celebraties.

Hi, That is not the information I got from my research...

"Christie has grouped Houston with Count Basie, Frank Sinatra and Bruce Springsteen in "the pantheon of great New Jersey musical talents."

When Sinatra died in 1998, flags were not lowered by then-Gov. Christie Whitman." [emphasis mine]

http://www.wcsh6.com/news/national/article/189755/44/NJ-governor-defends-decision-to-lower-flags-for-Whitney-Houston?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext%7CFRONTPAGE% 7Cp

02-17-2012, 08:58 AM
Your oppinion/beliefs and mine differ. We will just have to agree to disagree on this issue.

For folks with discernement race plays no part here. I would say the same about most musicians of both genders and races. The lead singer of Three Dog Night admitted he was a slut and a whore dog and he is caucasian.

LOL! Yeah, I see your point. From a Christian moral perspective, all musicians and entertainers could be considered instruments of the devil, even some of the Contemporary Christian variety.

02-17-2012, 09:25 AM
Me thinks we've covered all viable points on this subject and everyone has had an opportunity to express their opinions.

It's warming up and the lake ice is getting very very thin here so lets move on.