View Full Version : First time out with CM9

02-17-2012, 12:55 PM
My son and I finally put 130 rounds thru her. 50 Federal , 50 Winchester , 15 Zombie and 15 CD . It is a great shooting gun. Only issue we had was about 80 rounds in I got a premature slide lock. I released the slide and the rest were perfect. I officially love my Kahr. The only other problem I had was he is a better shot than I am.

Thanks for the help from members on this board, I followed the pre shooting and cleaning guide and had a bunch of fun.


02-17-2012, 03:16 PM
My first time out with my first Kahr on the first shot my mk9 slide locked back with rounds still in the mag. It never happened again so it had to be me due to the fact I was used to shooting my 1911.

02-17-2012, 03:22 PM
shooter error plays alot in pre mature slide lock. One just has to be aware of it. small gun, things just are cramed closer...

Bill K
02-17-2012, 03:46 PM
Congrats on the CM9. Glad you had a bunch of fun shooting with your son.

That Zombie and CD is the same stuff only different color, right?

02-17-2012, 04:43 PM
They look the same to me, just different colors. I'm really happy that it performed as I wanted it to. Now onto a new holster. We also shot our LCP's . His was good but mine failed to eject a spent case and got jammed up pretty good. It is locked up and the CM9 is my new partner.