View Full Version : New guy with a CW40

02-20-2012, 09:33 AM
I just picked up my new CW40 yesterday after it sat in layaway for all of 6 days. The place I picked it up is about a 40 minute drive so I was trying to wait until I was down that way again (I'm a furniture delivery contractor for a local furniture store). Then I found this forum and read all the really great info you guys have and I just couldn't wait anymore, hah. It's my first time buying a firearm but my dad was LE so I grew up around guns. I just finally decided it's time to exercise my 2nd amendment right and find a good pistol for CCW. Some of the areas I deliver to have made me wish I already had my concealed carry permit. At any given time I've got at least a few hundred bucks in my wallet, not to mention several hundred dollars worth of tools, gps and the van itself. I looked at a lot of different pistols before I even considered a Kahr. I almost bought a Lc9 but then one of the guys at the gun store showed me the CW40. They had the CW series on sale for $329, the grip felt better in my hand than the almost too small Lc9, and the Kahr offered the caliber I wanted. After some deliberation I put some cash down on the CW40 and went home to do some homework on Kahr. That's when I found this forum which really helped me make an informed decision to not have them pull my name tag off the gun. I brought it home along with a cleaning kit and a box of Winchester white box Fmj, stripped it down, followed the checklist sticky, used the lube diagram and reassembled. This little pistol is SOLID. After cleaning it up, checking for interference with the clip and slide lock pin and racking the slide a few hundred times I slapped a full clip in the gun and racked the slide, expecting it to hang up. This little gun fed every round in the clip, smooth as could be. I know it's not quite the same as firing it at the range, but from what I've seen I think this is going to be a good little carry pistol. I know this a long post but I'm just really pumped about all the great info on this site helping me make a good decision on a first gun. Now I just need to find time to get out and shoot it!

02-20-2012, 10:45 AM
Welcome to the asylum. Glad you like it, just remember, there is NO substitute for the bang thing. Get another magazine or two, plenty of ammo, then shoot it a bunch, shoot it more, rinse and repeat.

02-20-2012, 10:53 AM
indedd welcome aboard, the cw40 is a handfull, so keepo a good grip and it will shout like a dream. If u have any issues, give the gun its 200 rouonds before getting to cocernedc, being u did allthe lube andprep stuff, it is gonna run like a top.

Glad to see u are excercisng ur second amendment. put the accuracy thng in the back of ur mind but get used to the gun and the kahr smooth but loooong trigger system. It is there by design. work on accuracy after u have the gun the way u want it. again a 40 cal in any gun is a handful and in ak lightweight kahr even more of a handfull, so if u intend to shoot a 100 0r 200 rounds at the first outting, take some breaks in between to give urslef a chance to regroup.

02-20-2012, 11:37 AM
Yeah, a couple more mags are definitely next on the list. I would have brought one or two home from the store where I got the pistol but some dude had just walked out with the last one :(

02-20-2012, 04:21 PM
Just got my first Kahr too. Also a CW40. Not that much of a handful. And it shoots SWEET. Picked up 2 spare mags and ordered a IWB tuckable Blackhawk holster. I have only put about 100 rounds thru her so far. But like you I lubed, cleaned and racked the slide 500 times. All I can say is SWEET.

02-20-2012, 06:54 PM
don't carry it untill you know it will go bang.

02-21-2012, 08:35 AM
Word. My brother, my dad and I are going to try to all take the OH CCW training class at the same time so It's gonna be a few months before we can figure out a good time to do that. I think by then I should have a fair amount of range time with the new CW. The IDPA also caught my eye. Looks like a pretty good program for practicing defensive shooting.

02-21-2012, 04:10 PM
Welcome bigVtwin88 to Kahrtalk...Lots of real nice folks here and a ton of great info...I had a CW40 but traded it for my current PM40 for pocket carry as the CW40 was just a little too big for my jeans pocket but perfect for IWB holster carry...It's a very nice gun...the .40 is snappy to shoot a bunch of but once you get your grip figured out and hold on tight it is a very accurate and powerful pistol...

If the recoil bothers you check into Mag-na-port inc...I had my CW40 ported and it did tame the recoil and looked really nice too...It was like $150.00 bucks and a 10 day turn around to do it...

One tip I found when shooting the small Kahr pistols is if you are right handed to keep your right thumb away from the magazine release button as it's very easy to hit it under recoil and drop the magazine while shooting since the grip is so small...

Hope you enjoy the new pistol and if you have any questions be sure to post...Watch out for old Jocko, He is a real good guy and has forgotten more than most of us will ever know about Kahr pistols but can't type for crap so you have to learn how to read and understand the Jocko lingo...:D

02-21-2012, 04:28 PM
damn getsome ur doing it again on another thread!!! I am gonna hav eot have a talk with Bawaqnna ands maybe a slight reprimand willbe in order. U don't know what I know but

Bigvtwin88 is a definitely harley rider as that is the cubes on his bike, so he and I have bonded already and he doesnt even know it and whenhe said "well my brother" that is also harley lingo that a rookie like u has no clue as to what he is sayin but we ain't brothers but that Harley thing isjust so "together" that, ah hell u wouldn't nderstand, U probably ride a honder or mini bike scoter..

02-21-2012, 04:54 PM
damn getsome ur doing it again on another thread!!! I am gonna hav eot have a talk with Bawaqnna ands maybe a slight reprimand willbe in order. U don't know what I know but

Bigvtwin88 is a definitely harley rider as that is the cubes on his bike, so he and I have bonded already and he doesnt even know it and whenhe said "well my brother" that is also harley lingo that a rookie like u has no clue as to what he is sayin but we ain't brothers but that Harley thing isjust so "together" that, ah hell u wouldn't nderstand, U probably ride a honder or mini bike scoter..

Bigvtwin88, are you able to decipher this attempt at a post or do you need me to break out my decoder ring. I've pretty much got it in my head from experience but still get hung up from time to time.
The big goof here is bawanna, not Bawagnna, never capitalized, you have to be somebody to get capitalized. I'm sure the g just dropped in there from a wide finger, I'd say fat finger but I'm sure I already have one horse head on the way, two in one day would be too much, since I'm only 2 away from gettinga nice prize.
Scoter should be scooter, not that country on the other side of the big water where they blow into leather bags and make noises at funerals. Thats what I call Harleys and never got beat up yet.
I had no clue that brother talk was a biker thing, I thought that was a Snoop Daddy or maybe a prison slang.

Good luck.

02-21-2012, 04:56 PM

02-21-2012, 05:26 PM
What he said...:cool:

02-21-2012, 06:06 PM
Welcome to the board bigVtwin88. Quite a few Harley riders on the board here. Jocko is leader of the pack and the rest of us just fall in behind somewhere. I have CW40 too, and it's big brother the CW45. Enjoy your pistol!

02-22-2012, 12:04 AM
Bigvtwin88 is a definitely harley rider as that is the cubes on his bike, so he and I have bonded already and he doesnt even know it and whenhe said "well my brother" that is also harley lingo that a rookie like u has no clue as to what he is sayin but we ain't brothers but that Harley thing isjust so "together" that, ah hell u wouldn't nderstand, U probably ride a honder or mini bike scoter..

Good to know I'm not the only Harley man around here, but when I said "brother", I literally meant my younger brother, haha. Thanks for the warm welcome, fellas.

02-24-2012, 09:20 PM
I just grabbed a CW40 on Friday and took it to the range yesterday. First shot -- bull's eye. I love the feel of the gun! I read several threads about the recoil of the CW40, but I found it much less than the recoil on a sub-compact 380 or 9mm. The gun fits my hand very well, and I am very pleased with it. There are lots of guns out there; Kahr makes many guns. The trick is to find what's right for you. I think I found a gun that fits me very well. I hope you are as happy with yours as I am with mine.