View Full Version : Kahr cop out [UPDATE]

02-20-2012, 04:38 PM
bought the kahr/trijion front night sight for my cm9. when i opened the box to install it i saw what to look like a hole in the back of the sight that after installed on the weapon made for a funky sight picture. not a game changer but for $60 its a crappy sight picture.

so i took a picture and emailed it to kahr. the tech guy said wow thats not right i see what you mean by a funky sight picture. so he had the smith look at the picture and he said the same thing but its not our fault it trijions. so i called trijion and sent them the picture.

they said were only resonable for the part that glows not the post area. so i called kahr talked to the same rep and he said we'll honor it but first he has to run it by the brass. well got and email today saying SORRY BUDDY IT'S CONSIDERED NORMAL. F@#k you.

now i know i can fix it but again it was $60 and as a customer i want it to be right outta the box.


02-20-2012, 04:49 PM
a shame, some body should have stepped up to the plate. Kahr sold it, IMO they should stand behind it, they can get replacement from trijicon alot easier than u can. Kind of ****** about trijicons attitude to. . Kahr doesn't make their wood grips either but if u get a set and they are defective, they "I think" would stand behind them and not send u to the maker of the grips either. Either way u sure got fokked IMO.

02-20-2012, 04:58 PM
no doubt.

Bill K
02-20-2012, 05:02 PM
That doesn't seem right to me. Poor CS. Did you pay by credit card?

02-20-2012, 05:06 PM
yes sir i did. i know i can do a chargeback but ***** i want the freaking sight. i think it because the tech at kahr told me on the ph they don't have any more singles. so i said just give me some of my $$ back and i'll call it a day. but todays email is saying NO GO.

02-20-2012, 05:07 PM
Be persistent in letting them know that your not pleased with this sight defect. This is NOT normal, which means the reasoning they provided is questionable. Get on the phone with them, and ask to be put in direct contact with a manager, or leadership individual. Either by phone or by e-mail; none of this second hand BS. Get in touch with that person directly, and let them know you are a loyal Kahr customer but very disappointed with the condition of the sights on your brand new pistol. I would be willing to bet they would send you a new front sight.

Now maybe its just me, but if I were you, I would not settle with their response. I would be contacting them and working my way up the ladder (i.e. if YOU cant fix it, put me on the phone with someone who CAN). You can accomplish all of this without being rude or disrespectful.

As a customer, you demand a degree of quality, and the company should stand behind their product. This isn't a matter of money, but principle IMO (but 60 bucks is worth the effort to me). This whole Trijicon/Kahr fiasco is ridiculous. They chose to use the Trijicon sight on their pistols from the factory, so they are responsible for the way it left their facility.

Now, I am sure lots of other folks will chime in on how you might be able to touch up this defect, with model paint maybe, and deal with it yourself. But my first choice would be to follow up with them. I think we all can agree they should have replaced your front sight.

02-20-2012, 05:11 PM
Be persistent in letting them know that your not pleased with this sight defect. This is NOT normal, which means the reasoning they provided is questionable. Get on the phone with them, and ask to be put in direct contact with a manager, or leadership individual. Either by phone or by e-mail; none of this second hand BS. Get in touch with that person directly, and let them know you are a loyal Kahr customer but very disappointed with the condition of the sights on your brand new pistol. I would be willing to bet they would send you a new front sight.

Now maybe its just me, but if I were you, I would not settle with their response. I would be contacting them and working my way up the ladder (i.e. if YOU cant fix it, put me on the phone with someone who CAN). You can accomplish all of this without being rude or disrespectful.

As a customer, you demand a degree of quality, and the company should stand behind their product. This isn't a matter of money, but principle IMO (but 60 bucks is worth the effort to me). This whole Trijicon/Kahr fiasco is ridiculous. They chose to use the Trijicon sight on their pistols from the factory, so they are responsible for the way it left their facility.

Now, I am sure lots of other folks will chime in on how you might be able to touch up this defect, with model paint maybe, and deal with it yourself. But my first choice would be to follow up with them. I think we all can agree they should have replaced your front sight.

FACT i'll be on the ph tomorrow with the owner if i have to.

02-20-2012, 05:19 PM
I would also mention that a lot of their customers and other potential future customers are watching how they handle customer issues.

Sent from my ThinkPad Tablet using Tapatalk

02-20-2012, 05:21 PM
i will.

02-20-2012, 06:18 PM
Not to mention shipping costs and if you paid to have it installed.

02-20-2012, 06:31 PM
There is a fine line between being firm (confident in your expectations) and being rude (threatening them). Be smart about what you say, but don't back down when you are in the right.

This problem is common with companies who expand beyond the small business realm. They hire more employees and leaders, which means there are more people at Kahr with the power to make this decision. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, one person might make a decision opposite of what you might expect from Kahr (based on their outstanding CS in the past). My guess is that if you had called a different day, spoken to a different person, that manager might have said "Yes!".

If the founder of Kahr was the one making this decision, he would have fixed it. There are tons of folks on this forum who report Kahr standing behind their products 100%, so my guess is that it shouldn't be hard for you to make your case to the right ears and get a new sight in the mail.

02-20-2012, 06:45 PM
I would also mention that a lot of their customers and other potential future customers are watching how they handle customer issues.

Sent from my ThinkPad Tablet using Tapatalk

Yes, this and the many threads about CW/PM45 problems has held me off as a customer. I'm not planning to buy for a while, but these kind of issues make me want to move Kahr away from the top of my list. Judging by the forums (I know, bad idea) it seems I'd have as much luck with a Kel Tec as with a Kahr. For the price, I expect much better.

02-20-2012, 07:19 PM
i hear what all you guys are saying. but this should not have to happen to loyal customers.

02-20-2012, 11:36 PM
As you already have the sight installed, I believe you will be better off just fixing this yourself. The problem I see with these sights is that the hole for the screw intersects the hole drilled for the tritium capsule. The paint around the capsule partially fills the void where these two tunnels meet. The paint on yours looks thin at this junction, but even if it were thicker there is still a risk of damage (or failure at a later date). If you apply to much Loctite when installing the screw you can displace the paint as you tighten down the screw (depending upon the thickness of the paint, the screw might be long enough to do this itself). Touching this up yourself gives you the opportunity to get enough paint into the screw hole to completely fill the space above the screw making the paint quite a bit more durable. If you go the replacement route: in addition to checking the paint coverage, I suggest checking that the screw is not overly long and apply the Loctite sparingly to the threads.

02-21-2012, 05:19 AM
Another point deducted from Kahr for customer service. :(

02-21-2012, 06:33 AM
well last night i took all of your guys advise and wrote another emall to kahr tech rep and told him that the messed up sight was as about as normal as a screen door in a submarine and that it was bullshit.

todays email A NEW ONE IS ON ITS WAY.

Bill K
02-21-2012, 06:48 AM
well last night i took all off your guys advise and wrote another emall to kahr tech rep and told him that the messed up sight was as about as normal as a screen door in a submarine and that it was bullshit.

todays email A NEW ONE IS ON ITS WAY.

That's great! They should have done that the first time round. Guess Kahr CS still gets some points for redeeming themselves.

02-21-2012, 07:12 AM
That's great! They should have done that the first time round. Guess Kahr CS still gets some points for redeeming themselves.

+1 on that! Didn't sound like typical Kahr CS response the first time, but they got it right this time.

02-21-2012, 07:38 AM
yes the first respomse did not seem like the Kahr I know. Their CS has been great for me.

02-21-2012, 08:00 AM
Stories like this remind me of why I do so much business with Midway. They always take faulty stuff back and make things right. Sure, sometimes it's their fault in the first place but they are always friendly, courteous, and prompt in resolving any problems. They also refund the return shipping as a credit on your account. They may cost a little more, but it's worth it in my opinion.

Two of their screw-ups that come to mind. I ordered their house brand brass brush set and instead of a .25 and .32 the kit arrived with two .25s and no .32. I called them about it and the smallest package of .32 brushes they could send was a 10 pack so now I have a lifetime supply of .32 brushes and two .25s that I will never use.

I ordered two sets of XS sights recently that were identical. When they got here one was brand new and the second was obviously returned by someone that totally botched the install and wanted to return them. No way the used set should have ever made it into my shipping box, but one call and it was fixed.

Shame on Kahr for giving you such shoddy treatment on the first go around. Even though the second time went better, you're still gonna be bitter about it and I can't blame you.

02-21-2012, 08:58 AM
NEW EMAIL FROM KAHR we'll send you a new one but its not our fault that the sight is bad. lol then don't sell it out your door if its bad and someone returns it and you call it not your fault its bad. CHEESY if you ask me. just own up and fix the problem.

i still love my kahr weapons and they still have my business.

02-21-2012, 08:59 AM
crap like this happened to me with sig sauer but i still buy sig products.

02-21-2012, 09:01 AM
I had a similar dealing with Kahr CS. Front trijicon sight sheared off... CS said there is nothing they can do about it since I did the install. Asked for them to send me a plastic replacement sight (about $6), they said no.

Another dealing... nose of bullet was rubbing against the inside of the slide stop lever on my CM9. Called Ian and he said it must be out of spec and they'll send a new one. Never received it. Had to mod the lever myself.

Very poor CS. Won't buy another Kahr as a result.

There are plenty of other manufacturers with better CS... I broke a rebound spring in my Ruger Mark II that was 10 years old at the time. E-mailed their CS and they sent one out free of charge. That is good customer service! Hell, even my dealings with Kel-tec have been much better.

02-21-2012, 09:03 AM
Uh, let's see.....
You bought the sight from them. They made money from the transaction.
the product you received was substandard. Regardless of who's fault it is, they have a responsibility to make it good.
Let them get a credit from their vendor. It's not your problem.

02-21-2012, 09:08 AM
Uh, let's see.....
You bought the sight from them. They made money from the transaction.
the product you received was substandard. Regardless of who's fault it is, they have a responsibility to make it good.
Let them get a credit from their vendor. It's not your problem.

^^^^^ this is it in a nutshell

02-21-2012, 09:13 AM
I had a similar dealing with Kahr CS. Front trijicon sight sheared off... CS said there is nothing they can do about it since I did the install. Asked for them to send me a plastic replacement sight (about $6), they said no.

Another dealing... nose of bullet was rubbing against the inside of the slide stop lever on my CM9. Called Ian and he said it must be out of spec and they'll send a new one. Never received it. Had to mod the lever myself.

Very poor CS. Won't buy another Kahr as a result.

There are plenty of other manufacturers with better CS... I broke a rebound spring in my Ruger Mark II that was 10 years old at the time. E-mailed their CS and they sent one out free of charge. That is good customer service! Hell, even my dealings with Kel-tec have been much better.

I guess that's why they say 'YMMV'

Never had a problem with Kahr CS myself for anything, while obviously others have.

Same for any manufacturer.

02-21-2012, 09:58 AM
indeed, Inever had ay issues with kel tecks service. ALL 17 TIMES I HAD TO SEND MY 3 BACK.

lets not bury kahr on this one issue, no doubt in my mind he got the wrong person but still it shouldnot be, not making alibies, but hell ,let sjust run kahr out of business over this sight thing to. That will show um. YMMV.

02-21-2012, 10:08 AM
If I receive a product that is obviously defective as was yours in the box, I don't install/use the product. Vendors are much more likely to exchange when returned before use as this eliminates the possibility of customer error.

02-21-2012, 10:19 AM
[QUOTE=OldLincoln;136858]If I receive a product that is obviously defective as was yours in the box, I don't install/use the product. Vendors are much more likely to exchange when returned before use as this eliminates the possibility of customer error.[/QUOTE

true but i called them before i installed the sight. then installed it and took the picture. got another email from kahr guy says they looked at the ones they have left and they all look like mine. i think thats why they called it normal.

02-21-2012, 10:36 AM
My new CM9 front sight has the channel drilled through it just like that. It looks odd from the top, but doesn't affect the sight picture at all. I figured that was just how the sight was manufactured....

02-21-2012, 11:42 AM
So, it sounds like your going to get another sight that is the same way?

02-21-2012, 12:40 PM
well he says he's going to have to split a set and find me a perfect one. i call it a good one.

02-21-2012, 04:25 PM
Congrats on the news, but I must say I am not surprised. I figured that they would come through after hearing back from you. Glad to hear they did the right thing.

02-21-2012, 07:29 PM
well he's sent me 3 more emails telling me that this sight problem stired up a big thing between kahr and trijicon. and kahr is getting credit from them on who ever sends back the sights. and kahr is hornoring anybody that sends them in. he's also sending me a lable to return the old unit.

02-21-2012, 09:45 PM
On a more positive note - is it repairable?

I've re-dotted sights with white super glue (dyed white). I've also have VERY good results (but it takes longer) with white appliance enamel (on a toothpick), followed by a seal coat of regular super glue.

Those two methods share the same "dab and wipe" method for filling up a space with material. Dont try to fill all the depth at once. That stuff shrinks as it dries, so just let it go, reapply, wipe, let it go... etc.

It might not be the end of the world with that sight, and it may just be a lesson in a quick-n-cheep repair that you can apply to others as well.

(my bad, I didn't read enuf into the thread to see the sight was replaced... still a possible fix for somebody)

02-21-2012, 10:27 PM
good info i'll make a mental note of this

02-23-2012, 11:19 AM
It is good to know that if it causes an issue I can contact Kahr, but like I said in my previous post it doesn't bother me because it doesn't affect the sight picture. :)