View Full Version : CW40 slide stop stuck

02-21-2012, 12:34 PM
Hello, New to Kahr pistols, I just purchased a CW40 and followed the instructions for the initial cleaning and break in. I ran 270 rounds through it with only one FTF. This gun points/shoots great. Upon disassembly and reassembly I must have bent the slide stop spring and now the gun will only shoot one at a time. I called Kahr and spoke to Ian, they will send a new spring but I am having a heck of a time getting the slide stop out now. Any tips would be very helpful.


02-21-2012, 12:54 PM
what u did is u have the slide stop spring below that little spring tip instead of on top of it. It will pop out, just gife it a good whacvk o the right side when u have the witness markes line dup on the slide and frame and then look at that nub on the slide stop that is engauged by te magazine follower. On that nub is a little groove, u can feel it even. that is where that little spring tip should lie. I doubt if u ruined or bent that spring, but you might have but Iam inclined to think u got the springhy on the bottom instead of in that groove. That will pro0duce a slide lock every time, for now if u notie the springhy is now wanting t push that slide stop up automaically instead of letting the magazine fllower do it. That little springhy is there to keep the slide stop in properly and aslo to always want tomove the slide stop DOWNWARD.

It taeks a #6 tors tool for that little screw. There is a tutorial ovbe ron the kahr tech section under cw45 fixes. look at it closely. That little screw2 never tightens either as it is going into a polymer frame, so snug is good if u have to replace it but I think u wo't have to.

02-21-2012, 02:28 PM
Hello Garysch, Jocko is correct but since he types with oven mits on I will try and interpret what he said as I as others here have learned to speak and understand Jocko...

First of all you haven't broken anything and I did the exact same thing...A handy tip here is to get yourself some Chinese restaurant wooden chopsticks as they are soft and tapered and work beautifully to line up the witness marks on the slide and frame...

All you do is pull back the slide and stick the small end of the chopstick down between the breach/chamber and the front of the slide and slowly ease the slide closed against it and adjust the stick up or down until the witness marks line up...This way it doesn't take 3 hands to try and do the take down and chopsticks are free...

once the witness marks are lined up and the stick is holding the slide in that position take a small plastic mallet or screwdriver handle and tap smartly on the slide release nub end to push it out...Don't worry you may have to whack it pretty good to get it out since it is stuck on the spring but it WILL come out...Once it's started out grab it and use another chopstick or a small screw driver with tape on the blade to prise the lever on out...

Now pull the trigger to release the firing pin and remove the slide like normal...Now look at the little spring and it's most likely bent...Looking from the top down it should be parallel with the frame rail but is likely bent inwards...From the side it should look straight with the rail also in a 90 degree angle..(there is a picture in the manual) If it's bent in any way take a small set of needle nose pliers and bend it back to the correct position...Its pretty stiff but you can bend it...The little torx screw is a #6 and you can see if it's loose but DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN IT because it is threaded into polymer and it WILL strip which is bad, snug is good enough here....

Now here is the trick to get it back together without problems...Put the slide/barrel back on the frame...look through the little keyhole and when the barrel lug is in possition insert the slide release pin into the frame through the lug...Now get the witness marks lined back up again...Here is the important part...When you get ready to push the slide release lever all the way in BE SURE IT IS PARALLEL TO THE FRAME IN THE 3:00 POSITION and keep it in that position all the way in...You should feel it snap in position and now see if the slide will go back without going into slide lock every time...Should be ok now and I wouldn't worry about changing the spring unless you really want to...

One last thing...Learn to speak Jocko...He's the man!!!...:cheer2:

02-21-2012, 03:05 PM
getsome, I am debating whether I should resemble your remakr abonut my oven mitts. Cou8rse I will have to admit reading ur post is much easier to understand. Just sayin.

actually u could have saved all ur dribble and just posted "ditto" to what ol jocko said. In time he would have figure dit out. Just sayin:cheer2:

edited: I think Iam gonna give u a pass on this comment of urs. Mind u now this is your 4th pass from me and one more and expect a nice big smelly package in the mail.

02-21-2012, 03:19 PM
Ok I promise to behave....Besides I wouldn't want to knock Bawanna out of another horse head...He told me he has started to pickle the things and is going to start selling jars of um in the super market kinda like that Paul Newman stuff...:p

02-21-2012, 03:22 PM
His stuff will sell good at places like RURAL KING .. Just be on ur good side for awhile and at my age I wll soon forget u slandered me so viciously. I did stop by a sushi place today, that is where I buy my fish heads for newbies who fokk with me, so quite possably a fish head "could" be in the mail. Just sayin!!

I was in there buying salmom for tomorrow is ash wednesday, so the fish head actually was free with the salmon:cheer2:

02-22-2012, 07:57 AM
Thanks jocko and getsome, the information that you supplied was right on.