View Full Version : New to Kahr with a CW45 and trigger pull question

02-21-2012, 04:02 PM
I purchased my first Kahr a CW45. I normally carry a Glock 19 or 26 both have the NY1 spring installed. I haven't been to the range yet, weather sucks but I have dry fired it a few times. The trigger pull seems really light. Now I know what most would say because by buddy says it "your finger is your safety" I understand that but my concern is holstering the CW45 and the trigger getting snagged. My other concern is from what I've read is the more rounds I put through the Kahr the lighter the trigger pull is going to get. I wanted to ask the KahrTalk ladies and gents their opinion on this. Like I said my handgun experience has always been with Glocks so I'm tring to figure out if my problem is comparing the CW45 to Glocks or if it's something I should really worry about.

02-21-2012, 04:14 PM
it will stay at around 7# + or - a cuntis hair. U still have 3/8" trigger travel wich is alot more than ur glock although the nypd triger does work differently so I am ot sure how much triger travel the nype 1 travelhas before the bang thing. I thik ur worrying aobut noting as u will adapt but again if ur gonna carry the glock today and the kahr tomorrow, expect a difference not only in the triger but in theovber all feel of the two guns. They are different u know.

kAHRS have trigger spring about like glocks do and I am sure each with x umber of runds down ragne will lighten up a tad but not rely noticeable. I think ur OK, nice question though. I think after shooting and carrying the cw45 maybe the glocks will take a rest for awhile.

WI carrier
02-21-2012, 04:21 PM
my cm9 is only a year old, 800 rounds through, trigger is still the same, and long and smooth. as you said, and as with any gun, with or without an exterior safety, finger out of the trigger. along the slide as you re-holster is a good habit, be consious of your holstering technique.:cool:

02-21-2012, 04:44 PM
I think the key word is smoother, not lighter. As mentioned the weight and the travel will remain constant but the pull will seem smoother.

If you get along ok with a Glock not snagging on holster, you'll be aces with the Kahr.

02-26-2012, 12:02 AM
it will stay at around 7# + or - a cuntis hair. U still have 3/8" trigger travel wich is alot more than ur glock although the nypd triger does work differently so I am ot sure how much triger travel the nype 1 travelhas before the bang thing. I thik ur worrying aobut noting as u will adapt but again if ur gonna carry the glock today and the kahr tomorrow, expect a difference not only in the triger but in theovber all feel of the two guns. They are different u know.

kAHRS have trigger spring about like glocks do and I am sure each with x umber of runds down ragne will lighten up a tad but not rely noticeable. I think ur OK, nice question though. I think after shooting and carrying the cw45 maybe the glocks will take a rest for awhile.

Maybe I'm just lucky or something but, I've got a fairly new CW45 and a 5 or 6 year old P45 and both triggers pull at about 5 3/4 lbs and perfectly smooth. My CW45 had that pull right out of the box. And, yes, I have a good pull gauge.

02-26-2012, 08:30 PM
Just bought my first Kahr. A CW45. I want nite sihgts . Any help would be nice. Thanks

02-27-2012, 03:37 PM
Just bought my first Kahr. A CW45. I want nite sihgts . Any help would be nice. Thanks

You should try a search of this forum for night sights on the CW series pistols. There is alot of solid info from previous threads. Also, I would refer you to the Kahr tech forum to the CW45 problems/fixes thread, which is a sticky. It has information about dealing with the pinned in front sight when replacing the stock plastic one.

Finally, if you can't find the specific information you are looking for, then start your own thread in the CW Series section. That way you can get specific answers and can have your own dedicated thread :)