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02-21-2012, 03:56 PM
not sure what bothered me more the drunk dude or the high pitched voice of the gal in the crowd.


02-21-2012, 04:17 PM
That was almost as good as the "South Park" episode where Micky Mouse AKA The real Walt Disney kicked the chit out of the Jonas Brothers because they wouldn't wear purity rings....Episode 1 season 13 called The Ring.....LMAOROTF

02-21-2012, 04:53 PM

02-21-2012, 08:40 PM
Dang! No Taser?? Light his a$$ up... and while you're at it, spray the strident b!tch who won't shut up! Stupid people... who stand so close and won't give security any room... they should get sprayed too!!

If you had kids there, you should have gotten away from the "action".

I really would have loved to hear the loud female choking on pepper spray!


02-22-2012, 06:48 AM
Ok I see a few problems with that. First that was mace not pepper spray. The crowd would have been gone if it was, and you would have seen much more compliance and physical reaction (trust me, I can show pictures) Second, use pepper spray once get a good contact and be done with it. The repeated hosing was not necessary (take what you get, and if it doesn't work (it won't on about 1% of the population) then move in and go hands on. Third, the crowd hold the guy down like that is a good way to kill him. Do your own research on a thing called positional asphyxiation, if you are going to hold some one down, do it so they stay in the left side lateral recovery position, and don't stay on their torso. Finally, yes the girl and the crowd were most annoying, but they didn't warrant any measures like spray or taser. Which brings up another point, the technically and tactically proficient thing. A Taser is a trademarked device that shoots leads out to 21' max. at 50k volts, and operates on a frequency that interferes with muscle control, gives a 5 second ride etc. A stun gun is what many mistakenly call a taser, and is that deal that gives much more than 50k volts, and requires contact etc. Yes, I know a taser has a drive stun mode. Just sayin'

02-22-2012, 07:36 AM
Ok I see a few problems with that. First that was mace not pepper spray. The crowd would have been gone if it was, and you would have seen much more compliance and physical reaction (trust me, I can show pictures) Second, use pepper spray once get a good contact and be done with it. The repeated hosing was not necessary (take what you get, and if it doesn't work (it won't on about 1% of the population) then move in and go hands on. Third, the crowd hold the guy down like that is a good way to kill him. Do your own research on a thing called positional asphyxiation, if you are going to hold some one down, do it so they stay in the left side lateral recovery position, and don't stay on their torso. Finally, yes the girl and the crowd were most annoying, but they didn't warrant any measures like spray or taser. Which brings up another point, the technically and tactically proficient thing. A Taser is a trademarked device that shoots leads out to 21' max. at 50k volts, and operates on a frequency that interferes with muscle control, gives a 5 second ride etc. A stun gun is what many mistakenly call a taser, and is that deal that gives much more than 50k volts, and requires contact etc. Yes, I know a taser has a drive stun mode. Just sayin'

How do you know he had mace and not pepper spray?

I did not know that Disney sold alcohol? Interesting to know how many of their fights ect are alcohol related. Maybe they should reconsider this policy and go dry. However, I am sure a beer is $20 and a good revenue source.

The woman in the crowd with the voice needed to be tased or sprayed for sure.

The security at the park is weak.

02-22-2012, 09:11 AM
Mace showed little to no effect on the subject, and pepper spray is orange when it comes out (mace is an irritant and OC is an inflammatory agent). Plus, I don't care how good the stream is and how low the winds are, that crowd would have gotten some too, their non-reaction tells me plenty. They would have dispersed quickly if it had been OC. Especially as many times as trigger happy used it. The woman while very annoying was not doing anything illegal, or against park policies, ergo no reason to use force on her. As for the beer being sold there, pretty sure it is and is a solid revenue stream just like anywhere else. Park security will be weak just about anywhere you go. Think about it, mall ninjas and such are what they get. Most malls don't trust those guys with a baton (or as I like to say a whoopin' stick), or OC, or even handcuffs. I sure as all hell cannot think Disney and their anti-gun stances would be different.

02-22-2012, 09:55 AM
Mace showed little to no effect on the subject, and pepper spray is orange when it comes out (mace is an irritant and OC is an inflammatory agent). Plus, I don't care how good the stream is and how low the winds are, that crowd would have gotten some too, their non-reaction tells me plenty. They would have dispersed quickly if it had been OC. Especially as many times as trigger happy used it. The woman while very annoying was not doing anything illegal, or against park policies, ergo no reason to use force on her. As for the beer being sold there, pretty sure it is and is a solid revenue stream just like anywhere else. Park security will be weak just about anywhere you go. Think about it, mall ninjas and such are what they get. Most malls don't trust those guys with a baton (or as I like to say a whoopin' stick), or OC, or even handcuffs. I sure as all hell cannot think Disney and their anti-gun stances would be different.

I bet security at Disney will eventually get tougher as the increasingly violent world spills over into fantasy land. One maniac on a shooting spree will change that. BTW do they have people go through a metal detector at these places upon entry?

I agree that the woman did nothing wrong but a bet if you heard her voice another couple minutes you either would have sprayed her or shot yourself in the head just to make it stop.:D

02-22-2012, 10:42 AM
I don't think anyone thought the woman was doing anything illegal... just loud and annoying as hell. It would have been nice to hear her gagging on whatever ineffectual spray is allowed the ineffectual "Disney security" and shut the f**k up!

Jus' saying.


02-22-2012, 11:09 AM
Sometimes being deaf is a blessing. I don't have speakers even so I guess this is a prime example. Maybe I'm the lucky one.

02-22-2012, 11:10 AM
I don't think anyone thought the woman was doing anything illegal... just loud and annoying as hell. It would have been nice to hear her gagging on whatever ineffectual spray is allowed the ineffectual "Disney security" and shut the f**k up!

Jus' saying.


too funny

02-22-2012, 11:15 AM
Somebody please spray that screaming lady!!!

Vodka, hot weather, and the Land of Enchantment... not exactly a good combination.

02-22-2012, 11:23 AM
Somebody please spray that screaming lady!!!

Vodka, hot weather, and the Land of Enchantment... not exactly a good combination.

I just sparyed my morning beverage all over my monitor through my nose. Where is that towel?

02-22-2012, 11:36 AM
I had cause to be involved with Disney World security a few years ago due to a non-criminal event. I will say I was stunned at the speed and effectiveness they displayed that day. There is, by my testimony at least, a pretty fair number of security folks quickly availble to respond in the park. They accomplished in a few short minutes that which I thought would and could not be accomplished... finding one particular car in their parking lot, and doing it NOW!. I was impressed.

During this event I had occation to be driven around the park, EXPO, by a member of their security team. We had a brief chat about crime at the park and he stated that indeed there was about as much crime there as in any town of 100,000 people. It was less violent, but violence was not unusal either. He stated that they were busy and earned their pay, especially on very hot days and alcohol was a definite factor.

02-22-2012, 12:06 PM
I had cause to be involved with Disney World security a few years ago due to a non-criminal event. I will say I was stunned at the speed and effectiveness they displayed that day. There is, by my testimony at least, a pretty fair number of security folks quickly availble to respond in the park. They accomplished in a few short minutes that which I thought would and could not be accomplished... finding one particular car in their parking lot, and doing it NOW!. I was impressed.

During this event I had occation to be driven around the park, EXPO, by a member of their security team. We had a brief chat about crime at the park and he stated that indeed there was about as much crime there as in any town of 100,000 people. It was less violent, but violence was not unusal either. He stated that they were busy and earned their pay, especially on very hot days and alcohol was a definite factor.

interesting. The security guy on the video was certainly the exception than the rule.

02-22-2012, 12:08 PM
Isn't the Land of Enchantment New Mexico?? Florida is the "Sunshine State".


02-22-2012, 12:35 PM
I don't think anyone thought the woman was doing anything illegal... just loud and annoying as hell. It would have been nice to hear her gagging on whatever ineffectual spray is allowed the ineffectual "Disney security" and shut the f**k up!

Jus' saying.


Wynn she is called a distraction. Part of the scene, not really helping or harming just there and very much annoying. While we would like to see some S*T*F*U dished, the use of force on her would have been wholly inappropriate. Remember, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Personally, I think the bell hops or other security could have done better with the crowd control. The security had him bottled up pretty well for a bit, all he had to do was keep his distance, the other units should have taken the audience (the crowd) away, that pretty much would have been the end of the situation.

02-23-2012, 11:41 PM
I was actually quite happy to see this. You had an older, overweight security guard who didn't back down from a larger foe, and what appeared to be a younger crowd step in and do the right thing assisting him when he got in trouble. I was expecting this video would be of that security guard getting pummeled while the crowd watched (as is the norm on YouTube these days). Yes that girls voice was annoying, but at least she was also trying to diffuse the situation, not escalate it. I would say good job to all except for drunk d bag.

02-24-2012, 09:15 AM
I was actually quite happy to see this. You had an older, overweight security guard who didn't back down from a larger foe, and what appeared to be a younger crowd step in and do the right thing assisting him when he got in trouble. I was expecting this video would be of that security guard getting pummeled while the crowd watched (as is the norm on YouTube these days). Yes that girls voice was annoying, but at least she was also trying to diffuse the situation, not escalate it. I would say good job to all except for drunk d bag.

never thought of it that way--you are right.

02-24-2012, 09:17 AM
Wynn she is called a distraction. Part of the scene, not really helping or harming just there and very much annoying. While we would like to see some S*T*F*U dished, the use of force on her would have been wholly inappropriate. Remember, just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Personally, I think the bell hops or other security could have done better with the crowd control. The security had him bottled up pretty well for a bit, all he had to do was keep his distance, the other units should have taken the audience (the crowd) away, that pretty much would have been the end of the situation.

OK how about she needed to be accidentally sprayed. opps;)

02-24-2012, 09:54 AM
Disney World shoud just hire the Mall Ninja Security Service....That way the Mall Ninja could just R.P.G both the drunk and the girl....Tactically of course...:p

02-24-2012, 11:21 AM
Disney World shoud just hire the Mall Ninja Security Service....That way the Mall Ninja could just R.P.G both the drunk and the girl....Tactically of course...:p

The Mall Ninja would do a recon first and then execute a perfect 4X4 insertion into the Tango's kill box. Yeah.... don't mess with the Mall Ninja...
he take lives, not names.;)

I miss him. Where is he nowadays?

02-26-2012, 02:49 PM
I think that at the beginning of the video is when my comments come into their own about the removing the audience, the security bottled him up pretty well, and it was when the crowd and security kept creeping in did they have a problem. Just sayin' as for where is the mall ninja now, God only knows, and frankly good riddance.