View Full Version : How often to replace recoil springs

02-23-2012, 05:12 PM
OK while talking to Kahr today about a replacement mag the issue of recoil spring replacement came up.

I told him that I was nearing the 1k mark in my P380 just in conversation about how pleased I am with it.
He (without my prodding ... honest) told me that he would send me a set of springs for the P380 in the box with the mag and said that I am nearing the point where I would want some on hand.

He said that they recommend 1500 to 2000 rounds to switch out the spring / assembly...

Told him that I have a new MK9 and want to send in the 7 rounder and ask for a 6... after giving him my reasoning on why he told me to send it in and that they would replace it no problem...

He then goes on to say "I will include a recoil spring assembly for the MK9 as well cause you will need it some time down the road"..


First off this is what I call customer service... outstanding !

Secondly and the reason for this post...

How often do you all change out springs or assemblies on your Kahrs?

Really interested on those who have LARGE round counts...hint hint....

Do you wait for issues first then replace them? or would replacement at a given interval be better cause since these are carry pieces you may have that first failure at a really bad time...

Sorry if this has been covered but I can't find a specific thread about it.

02-23-2012, 05:19 PM
I think I would always error on the side of caution with the P380 and if it is doing well at a 1000 ronds change um. for ur MK9 persnally for me 1500-2000 is fine. ur gu sometimes will tall yuou also, when u maybe start to get failure to lock open etc, change psrings. they are cheap and indeed kahr sure did u right. Now if it was me and they did that for me I would personallysit down and write out a nice ltter to thedirector of customer service and tell them just how great of service they gave u , yadda yadda. U know that most of the time they get nothing but bitc-ing from disgruntled customer5s, so sometimes a good pat on the ol back and if it was a nice woman, then a nice pat on the ol ass goes a very long way.

I have a whole bag of outter erecoilsprings for my old style pM9 slide.

02-23-2012, 05:29 PM
JUST the reply I was looking for .. Thanks Jocko...
And .. yes... I already did write a email and sent it to service@ address cause that was all I had to send it to.

I was more than impressed and had a very nice talk with him....

Heck.. he even went to go find my 7 round mag to see what the deal was and took ownership when he found it and packed up my 6 rounder to go...

you can NOT beat that....

I am in a customer service role and have to say that he set a new standard for ME....

IF things work out I get to shoot my MK9 tomorrow.... keeping fingers crossed as I need a break in day job that may or may not show up......

BTW... U gettin close to 33k rounds? Sig update ??? LoL
