View Full Version : Night sights?

02-23-2012, 06:53 PM
Reasonably priced night sights for PM9?
Any suggestions?

02-23-2012, 09:34 PM
I've been researching this for a few weeks now, but YMMV :) and please someone correct me if I'm wrong. There's the meprolight ML-15120 which is a fixed sight amazon sells them for $80.00 shipped. There's also the meprolight ML-251123 adjustable combat style for $135.00 with free two day shipping if you use amazon prime or apply then cancel :) again YMMV

kahrshop.com sells the meprolight and trijicon fixed sights for $80.00 but the shipping is $10.00, I've looked at both sights at my LGS and liked the meprolight better, but can't decide whether to get the adjustable or fixed plus my LGS charges $110.00 for the fixed sights and $50.00 to install them :eek: I asked the gunsmith if he has a sight pusher and he said no, but he assured me that he won't mess it up, yeah right :rolleyes:

so I'm going this route:

Purchased this from ebay for $45.00 shipped. Talked to the seller and he said it will work with Kahr and to soak the dovetails in oil for an hour or two because kahr's have extremely tight sights. Set the slide up properly in the tool and then clamp tool in vise for easiest and simplest results. I'm using ballistol because I know it penetrates.

Made sense to me :D and I have a vise, workbench and red loctite, also got some teflon washer that I'll cut to fit to make sure I don't scratch anything.

EDIT: Oh yeah, kahr has the instructions on how to install the sights, tells you which way to push to take out. press the sight from the base only from left to right out of the dovetail.

I'm planning on getting two different color sights orange for the rear and green up front I see kahr is selling individual sights now but can't be sure if it's only green. Definitely do the front first.

mr surveyor
02-23-2012, 09:40 PM
why would you soak the dovetails in oil for an hour?

02-23-2012, 09:46 PM
I would love 3-dot night sights on my CM9...but cant find it anywhere at my LGS

02-23-2012, 09:48 PM
Extra precaution I guess, make it slippery or maybe loosen the loctite kahr put in there. I don't think it would hurt anything, plus the seller "warchild3068" is a professional gunsmith that has sold 740 gunstuff with 100% possitive ebay feedbacks so I'm doing what he says. :)

02-24-2012, 09:46 PM
XS Sight Systems Big Dot night sights. They are awesome!

02-24-2012, 10:27 PM
The orange or yellow Tritium night sights don't last as long as the green ones.

Jus' saying.

I had my K9 Trijicons replaced at the factory... re-lamped when they got hard to acquire after about 12 years... the half-life of the GREEN Tritium NS. It cost me about 8 bucks to send them the slide by Priority USPS to them and they returned them the same way... my charge by Trijicon was $54 including return shipping... about $18 a lamp!


02-25-2012, 12:26 PM
Just had these MEP's put on yesterday...he is a very reputable gunsmith in my area, so much so he's booked out til June, but he let me sneak in yesterday (easy $25 for him) -- I heard alot of banging and filing cuz he said the factory sights were so tight they got ruined and the MEPs come larger to fit all slides (since no 2 slides are the same) so they had to be whittled down a bit but so beautiful. Good luck with your choice...

Oh and people say the MEP's look fuzzy, IMO they dont at all but remember a camera only has one "eye" so of course the look fuzzy in photos!!

02-25-2012, 12:46 PM
My choice on Kahr's are XS Big Dots, carry guns not target guns.



02-25-2012, 01:50 PM
I just bought the fixed meprolight night sight set and sight pusher from ebay and will be installing them soon on my PM9. Got a really good price on the meprolight so, I went for it.

I was wondering if the kahr put loctite on the old style PM9's and not on the newer ones. On the newer ones the dovetail is slightly tapered which holds the sights tightly in place. Wanted to know if I need to put loctite when I install my night sight.

02-25-2012, 01:55 PM
I have the meps on my PM9. Cannot stand the bar and dot setup of the factory days or Bigdots

02-25-2012, 01:56 PM
I was wondering if the kahr put loctite on the old style PM9's and not on the newer ones.

Loctite on what?

02-25-2012, 02:04 PM
on the dovetails, red loctite #262 on the rear and red loctite #620 on the front to prevent them from slipping or moving, red loctite #620 has a high temperature ceiling to prevent it from melting due to heat from the bullets firing out of the barell. Was wondering if this step is necessary on the kahrs specifically. walmart sells them for like $12.00 for a small bottle. :eek:

Dave Dawson's youtube video recommends it but on glocks not kahrs.

02-25-2012, 02:13 PM
The orange or yellow Tritium night sights don't last as long as the green ones.

Jus' saying.

I had my K9 Trijicons replaced at the factory... re-lamped when they got hard to acquire after about 12 years... the half-life of the GREEN Tritium NS. It cost me about 8 bucks to send them the slide by Priority USPS to them and they returned them the same way... my charge by Trijicon was $54 including return shipping... about $18 a lamp!


Thanks wyntrout! Yeah the orange ones are only good for 4 years but they where BRIGHT! So I settled for both green front and rear. $80.00 shipped. That's the lowest I could find for a set.

02-25-2012, 02:19 PM
on the dovetails, red loctite #262 on the rear and red loctite #620 on the front to prevent them from slipping or moving, red loctite #620 has a high temperature ceiling to prevent it from melting due to heat from the bullets firing out of the barell. Was wondering if this step is necessary on the kahrs specifically.

Dave Dawson's youtube video recommends it but on glocks not kahrs.

The smith said he put loctite on mine yesterday, so Im thinking it cant hurt anything right? And I dont know if he had a sight pusher that would have worked but he just busted out a big brass punch and ball peen hammer. Like I said, he had to do some filing to the new one as it was tight, and you can bust the cylinders in the MEP's if youre not careful. Oh, and he had some fancy measuring device to tell the rear sight was in the middle, but it seemed to agree pretty well with the laser which was already sighted in....sucks to put in an order then have to wait out the whole damn weekend for a tracking number, you wont be disappointed

02-25-2012, 02:20 PM
Thanks wyntrout! Yeah the orange ones are only good for 4 years but they where BRIGHT! So I settled for both green front and rear. $80.00 shipped. That's the lowest I could find for a set.


02-25-2012, 02:26 PM
ebay! :) They had two for sale, one went for $70.00+$5.00 shipping the other $75.00+$5.00 shipping "buy it now"

Lost the bid on the 1st one, bought the second one outright.

02-25-2012, 03:39 PM
ebay! :) They had two for sale, one went for $70.00+$5.00 shipping the other $75.00+$5.00 shipping "buy it now"

Lost the bid on the 1st one, bought the second one outright.

Worth it--- Good find, buddy. Wanna do some comparison shopping for me on a new TV? :p