View Full Version : Fidel Castro Reminds Me of Someone Else
02-24-2012, 10:27 AM
My buddy Eric sent me this today. I remember our leaders supporting this "freedom fighter" fighting to free the people from the dictator Batista. I think he was a "friend" of ours, too...
This reminded me of one morning at 5AM when I was thirteen preparing my newspapers for delivery (The Arizona Republic). The headline that morning was a quote by Fidel Castro, "That he would be a communist until the day he died". I found this incredible because even at thirteen I was paying attention to the world and hadn't had a clue he was a communist. Little did I know that five years later I'd be manning a machine gun on a patrol boat at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. -Eric-
Here is something to think about
What others see plainly, we often ignore.
I remember asking dad about Castro when I was about 9 years old. I asked, "Is Castro a good guy or bad?"
Dad said...he couldn't tell!! This was about 1955. We were living in Louisiana the time. Dad was in the Army there.
Cuba was fairly close and in the news a lot. The Cubans were asking the same question!
Ike was president.
This past July, we had the pleasure of sharing a summer barbecue with a refugee from Cuba.
Our dinner conversation was starkly different than most.
This refugee came to the United States as a young boy in the early 1960's. His family was more fortunate than most, as they were able to bring a suitcase...and $100 when they fled Castro's newly formed revolutionary paradise.
Our dinner consisted of all-American fare: hamburgers, potato salad, watermelon and fresh ears of sweet corn. This is a menu shared with family and friends nationwide...while celebrating the birth of our beloved America ...on the Fourth of July.
We began with a simple discussion about our country, and the direction it has taken since Barack Obama came to power. We shared the usual complaints about the sour economy and liberal social engineering emanating from the rulers in Washington.
But then he said it. The sentence came naturally. I assume it was unplanned. But it carried the weight of a freight train. "You know when Castro took power, none of us knew he was a Communist".
We sat stunned. He continued, "Yes, we all thought he was a patriot, a nationalist. Before the revolution he didn't sound like a radical."
The comparison at this point was easy, and I interjected, "You mean just like Barack Obama?"
He responded; "Yes, just like Barack Obama."
He continued, "We were all shocked as the government just continued to grab more power. First they said the revolution is over, so please turn in your guns. We all complied."
I remember my uncle saying after it started; “Castro will only nationalize some of the big industries. He will never come and take our family hardware store!!” But that is exactly what happened. Castro started with the sugar mills and the large industries, but they eventually came and knocked on the door of our family hardware store. My family had run this store for generations. They said; we now own the hardware store, you work for us. And that nice, large four-bedroom home you is now our property also, and you can move yourself and five children into two rooms of the house, because others are moving in with you."
The lesson learned from this discussion, is a lesson most Americans refuse to hear. Political leaders can lie about their agenda and once in office...they can take totally unexpected turns.
If you had asked us three years ago if we thought General Motors would be nationalized, we would have never believed it. We could never contemplate a country where the rule of law, the most fundamental building block of a just society would be evaporating, just like it did in Castro's Cuba in the early 1960's.
But the news of injustice keeps increasing. Black Panthers are not charged with wrong doing by the U.S. Department of Justice...because their crimes are against whites. The bondholders of GM are stripped of their assets...without due process by the government! Governmental leaders are bribed in full daylight...only to have all investigation of the crimes the Attorney General.
The U.S. borders are overrun with crime and illegal activity, and the leaders in D.C. act as if it is important to protect the lawbreakers, while the innocent are killed and overrun. When local communities attempt to enforce the law, they are ridiculed...and threatened as racists and bigots. They are sued by the very administration...entrusted with enforcing the law.
Without the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution is a sham!! Without the rule of law, our beloved America is swiftly becoming a country where only the well connected and politically powerful will be safe. As Michelle Malkin has so eloquently explained in her recent book...a culture of corruption has replaced honest government.
The only way this problem will be fixed is by massive citizen action. All honest citizens that want to be treated equally, must come together...and demand that the favoritism, the bribes, the uneven enforcement of law...end now!! And yes, it can happen here.
PLEASE SEND THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!! And may God save the United States of America!
The least you can do is forward this email. 6 million plus Jews didn't believe it would happen in Germany either!!! If you're a Christian in these United States of America, you're next on the list. The real problem here is, the boy from Cuba did manage to make it to the U.S. We will not have any place to escape to...except death! And, for the most part...even though I'm forwarding this to recipients, probably only 5 or 10 will even read it.
02-24-2012, 11:51 AM
The only way this problem will be fixed is by massive citizen action. All honest citizens that want to be treated equally, must come together...and demand that the favoritism, the bribes, the uneven enforcement of law...end now!! And yes, it can happen here.
Funny, sounds like OWS to me. And why do we still have a trade embargo with Cuba? Sure, they're communists, but so is our biggest trading partner.
02-24-2012, 12:39 PM
Well, there's one big difference in our country, though, that's surely on Obama's agenda to change... a large portion of our citizenry is ARMED. After all of the Communist/Socialist revolutions, the CITIZENS were disarmed... because armed people are more able to resist the programs that the new leaders want to impose... like most private property becoming the STATE'S... and the "elite" self-appointed caretakers or leaders of the "dumb masses" (drop the "m") will set about controlling every aspect of the now disarmed populace... the workers of/and for the STATE. Of course, these "elite" leaders will get a larger share of the STUFF and get to decide who merits food, shelter, and healthcare... those who can CONTRIBUTE... as if they had a choice... to the STATE.
Maybe the people here will wake up and start thinking they might have been a little gullible when Obama and his buddies or the National Police Force he talked about as a candidate, start building fences on our borders and enforcing strict emigration policies. Yes, EMIGRATION policies! The fences will be built to KEEP THE PEOPLE FROM LEAVING... leaving his wonderful Socialist Utopia. Maybe the Revisionists have been successful in leaving all of that HISTORY out of the textbooks in school. It was sure there when I went to school... and on the TV... how bad the poor people fared behind the IRON CURTAINS... barbed-wire fences with mines and machinegun nests... to keep the people from voting with their feet. Some did, and some died.
I was stationed in West Germany 1983 to 1986. In November 1985, my wife-to-be and I took my new RED 1985 Audi Quattro to Berlin... drove through East Germany... over 100Km... to West Berlin. We had a briefing on our trip and what to do or not do. If there was a problem, we were supposed to stay locked in the car and not do more than roll the window down enough to request a Soviet Officer. We, the U.S., did not recognize the East German Police. That part was kind of scary... had to drive the speed limit since our trip was timed... getting there too soon would have gotten us a ticket from the U.S. authorities... or worse. attention from the EG police.
While in Berlin, we drove over to the East side of Berlin. Under the Allied Treaty, the U.S. military was allowed "free" access to the Soviet Sector, or East Berlin, but we had to be in uniform. That bothered me a bit as there was a big program against fraternization... I was an Air Force Captain and my wife-to-be a USAF Staff Sergeant... also I had served in and around Viet Nam, so I had ribbons for service there, etc.
We had no problems during our stay there, but, talk about paranoid... we stuck out like sore thumbs... but we could wander around taking in the sights, the stores and their limited merchandise, and eat in the restaurants. Prices were cheap for us. The U.S. dollar was high then... 3+ DM to the dollar, and though the "Official" rate was 1 DM = 1 EDM, we got 12 to 1 for our dollars at a nearby bank on the advice of one of Checkpoint Charlie's U.S. Guards. We then drove to the Soviet side where the Soviet guards could only look in the window and check us out... no opening any trunk or getting out of the vehicle. That was kind of scary, with the VOPOs standing on that side, too.
It was kind of a once in a lifetime deal... getting to go into the Eastern side of Berlin and wandering around. Lots of paranoia. I would like to go on but.... :rolleyes:
Dang! I need to eat lunch and do a lot of other stuff so I need to stop sitting here and writing another book. I need to take my med's and get on with my chores for now!:blah: :typing:
02-24-2012, 01:41 PM
...Dang! I need to eat lunch and do a lot of other stuff so I need to stop sitting here and writing another book. I need to take my med's and get on with my chores for now!:blah: :typing:
Definitely do take your meds.
02-24-2012, 03:46 PM
What's your point? Are you happy with Obama and his cohorts? You don't see any similarities with his ideals for a new government, unfettered by that rag we call the U.S. Constitution??
Obama and too many on both sides of the aisle find the Constitution too cumbersome for the largesse they wish to bribe us for our votes as they use "legalized plunder" (see The Law) to strip private property from the ever-dwindling productive portion of of our citizenry. It's easy to be generous and magnanimous with money, goods, and services taken from others with this legalized plunder... taxation and all of the other names they call the various types, though all of it is plunder... legalized by the legislators as they build their own little empires and spread someone else's wealth to buy favor and votes.
Our citizens are quite generous and charitable, but the government has no RIGHT to take someone's property and give it to someone else... for whatever reason.
02-24-2012, 08:52 PM
None on job creation and yet 522 on taxation which I gather have much to do with job creation. I guess only President Obamas ideas on the payroll tax holiday and tax breaks for businesses that hire are tax bills about job creation.
The "Bush Tax Cuts" which cut taxes on everyone with earned income are tax cuts for the rich but the payroll tax holiday which are a tax holiday for everyone with earned income is a tax cut for the middle class. The "Bush Tax Cuts" which took many off the rolls of the tax payers are tax cuts for the rich.
Yeah I see how that works. Do you?
I sure hope they pass this tax hike for corporations off shore profits. Boy wont that be awesome? They already claim businesses have trillions sitting on the sidelines that they wont invest in the US. Well yeah they wont bring it into the US because when they do they get socked with a 35% tax on those funds. Kinda kills any profit they might make on an investment.
Oh and just for the record my step father was from Cuba. His family escaped from Castro. I seem to recall they had family photos with both Batiste and Castro and they knew which one was the baddie.
In my opinion the FEDERAL GOVT has no bussiness approving abortion. Funny thing it is all about womans rights but they tend to forget about the baby. I dunno how supposed christians can approve of such a thing. Well yeah I guess I do the supposed part explains it quite clearly.
In my opinion the GOVT has no business in marriage either. It should be a religious thing and govt should be all about the contract which they tend to judge marriage as. (Yet my marriage is indeed a contract under the law as I got married by a justice of the peace and not a member of the clergy thus it isn't recognized as anything by the church) Makes one wonder why govt can not form it's own contract instead of usurping a church thing.
Gotta love that govt investigations thing eh? But hey there is no reason to investigate govt is there? I mean surely they wouldn't approve the sale of firearms to criminals.... Surely they wouldn't drop an investigation into voter intimidation....
What amazes me and to be honest it might amaze me but it dont shock me at all.. is how one party can not see the bad that members of their party ate doing for the bad they see in members of the other party. Supporters of both parties can not smell their own stink for pointing out the stink of the other.
The Republican Controlled House can not force the Democrat controlled Senate to do anything. And yet democrat supporters want to blamce the republicans...
Look at this pipeline thing. Can you think of a single reason that would justify putting off the decision for nearly a year? Supposedly they needed to do a re route and maybe some epa study. They already have three years of study I believe and nothing that would need a full year to review. PLUS I understand the re route was already well under way at the time the pipeline was put off.
It has been reported that they want to bring the oil to the gulf to export it. That is hilarious in my view. Check the route yourself the pipeline to the gulf would be longer and should be more expensive than a pipeline to the west coast of Canada say to the port of Kitimat. AND any route to China is going to be shorter and cheaper going west not south. But hey if you want to believe that is why they want to go to the gulf you have my permission. Funny deal tho the democrats wanting some sort of guarantee that all of that oil will stay in the US since the US already exports crude oil and refined products, and heavy crude such as the tar sands so I have heard yields more diesel than lighter oils and the US already exports diesel. Do those democrats intend to put a stop to this exportation? I haven't heard a word in that regard.
I had someone try to tell me that the oil corpporations were using tankers to store gas and oil until they clould drive up the costs. Only the very article he linked mentioned how much the transportation costs had gone up and I explained to him how that expense would eat up any profit along those lines in a dern hurry. He still don't seem to understand how that works. Oh but indeed more oil/refined product is currently on tankers.. that is due to decreased demand and it dont help anyones profits except the govt really. The govt makes anywhere from $0.40 to $0.70 on the gallon and maybe more at the pump, dont even try to count what the govt gets elsewhere WHICH the consumer pays every single penny of that.
02-24-2012, 09:25 PM
Wow! so far TWO ATTACKS... as far as I can see... totally off the subject. I tried to point out that there were similarities to Fidel Castro and Obama.
As for abortion... I don't think it should be the main form of birth control... but it should be LEGAL. I grew up with illegal abortion... really... quacks and crooks actually performing "abortions" with clothes hangers and the like and women bleeding to death in secrecy. That's criminal... cruel and unjust punishment for women and young girls in desperate situations. I don't believe that abortion should be the main or first means of birth control, but I believe it ought to be a choice and people who aren't really involved should mind their own f###ing business, especially men!
I think that RELIGION is a BIG part of the problems we face. Fanatics on both sides would try to control every facet of your life. Look up the definition of FREEDOM. We only have to look back a few centuries and see how the "CHRISTIANS" persecuted people who didn't believe as they did... the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Salem Witch Trials... just a few of the ordeals that non-Christians were deprived of any "right" and tortured because of "possible" heresy. Now we are enraged that the Muslims are doing the same thing in modern times... indeed, some are siding with them and saying that it's their right... while saying we can't have Christmas displays, but have the holidays... and even worse... teaching the history and tenets of Islam in public schools is OKAY... and to be encouraged!! WTF!!!
Dang! I got off the track, but the two previous posters deviated away from what I was talking about. I HAVE seen what Communism and Socialism are like. I HAVE studied the real history... the un-revised history of Communism and the millions... hundreds of millions of people who died as a part of the "theology" or idealism held by "Socialist" tyrants such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Khrushcev, Castro, and many others who have thought they could improve on mankind and give them the "guidance" they needed. I'm saying that Obama is just one more in a long history of such idealists who think that hey can succeed where everyone has failed... create a Marxist/Socialist Utopia with them... the elite-thinking caretakers of the dumb masses... YOU!!
02-25-2012, 12:43 AM
Wow! so far TWO ATTACKS... as far as I can see... totally off the subject. I tried to point out that there were similarities to Fidel Castro and Obama.
As for abortion... I don't think it should be the main form of birth control... but it should be LEGAL. I grew up with illegal abortion... really... quacks and crooks actually performing "abortions" with clothes hangers and the like and women bleeding to death in secrecy. That's criminal... cruel and unjust punishment for women and young girls in desperate situations. I don't believe that abortion should be the main or first means of birth control, but I believe it ought to be a choice and people who aren't really involved should mind their own f###ing business, especially men!
I think that RELIGION is a BIG part of the problems we face. Fanatics on both sides would try to control every facet of your life. Look up the definition of FREEDOM. We only have to look back a few centuries and see how the "CHRISTIANS" persecuted people who didn't believe as they did... the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Salem Witch Trials... just a few of the ordeals that non-Christians were deprived of any "right" and tortured because of "possible" heresy. Now we are enraged that the Muslims are doing the same thing in modern times... indeed, some are siding with them and saying that it's their right... while saying we can't have Christmas displays, but have the holidays... and even worse... teaching the history and tenets of Islam in public schools is OKAY... and to be encouraged!! WTF!!!
Dang! I got off the track, but the two previous posters deviated away from what I was talking about. I HAVE seen what Communism and Socialism are like. I HAVE studied the real history... the un-revised history of Communism and the millions... hundreds of millions of people who died as a part of the "theology" or idealism held by "Socialist" tyrants such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Khrushcev, Castro, and many others who have thought they could improve on mankind and give them the "guidance" they needed. I'm saying that Obama is just one more in a long history of such idealists who think that hey can succeed where everyone has failed... create a Marxist/Socialist Utopia with them... the elite-thinking caretakers of the dumb masses... YOU!!
Wynn:)I agree with just about everything in this post. Just cut out the last sentence.
02-25-2012, 12:57 AM
I was just saying that Obama and his buddies think they are so smart... so much smarter that they can succeed where those other guys failed. They think of everybody else as the dumb masses who can't be left to their own devices. They would continue to "cling to their guns and religion".
02-25-2012, 08:58 AM
Wow! so far TWO ATTACKS... as far as I can see... totally off the subject. I tried to point out that there were similarities to Fidel Castro and Obama.
I was not attacking you sir.
As for abortion... I don't think it should be the main form of birth control... but it should be LEGAL. I grew up with illegal abortion... really... quacks and crooks actually performing "abortions" with clothes hangers and the like and women bleeding to death in secrecy. That's criminal... cruel and unjust punishment for women and young girls in desperate situations. I don't believe that abortion should be the main or first means of birth control, but I believe it ought to be a choice and people who aren't really involved should mind their own f###ing business, especially men!
What about the right of the baby to live sir? You talked about instances of what I would call murder and justify the legality of the murder of abortion with the instances of murder. AH well. I would have no issue with abortion being the choice of the woman if they would agree that the male has no responsibility in the raising of the child should the woman decide not to abort. Kinda wierd that some think the woman should get the choice to abort or force the man to support the child but the male has no say whatsoeva.
I think that RELIGION is a BIG part of the problems we face. Fanatics on both sides would try to control every facet of your life. Look up the definition of FREEDOM. We only have to look back a few centuries and see how the "CHRISTIANS" persecuted people who didn't believe as they did... the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Salem Witch Trials... just a few of the ordeals that non-Christians were deprived of any "right" and tortured because of "possible" heresy. Now we are enraged that the Muslims are doing the same thing in modern times... indeed, some are siding with them and saying that it's their right... while saying we can't have Christmas displays, but have the holidays... and even worse... teaching the history and tenets of Islam in public schools is OKAY... and to be encouraged!! WTF!!!
Dang! I got off the track, but the two previous posters deviated away from what I was talking about. I HAVE seen what Communism and Socialism are like. I HAVE studied the real history... the un-revised history of Communism and the millions... hundreds of millions of people who died as a part of the "theology" or idealism held by "Socialist" tyrants such as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Khrushcev, Castro, and many others who have thought they could improve on mankind and give them the "guidance" they needed. I'm saying that Obama is just one more in a long history of such idealists who think that hey can succeed where everyone has failed... create a Marxist/Socialist Utopia with them... the elite-thinking caretakers of the dumb masses... YOU!!
Just the same I was not responding to nor attacking you sir.
02-25-2012, 10:26 AM
I said that I don't think it should be the main form of birth control. I think that forcing young women... children in many cases... against their will or best interests... for the very young is a type of slavery... forcing them to carry a baby to term, especially in any type of forcible impregnation. I still think the option should be there for women... to not have a child. There are horrendous implications emotionally in either case, but to deny medical intervention is to force other choices and risk the pregnant woman's life and mental health.
Too many people are one-issue oriented when politics are involved. When presented with only two choices, one should choose the one which will do him/her the least harm. To not vote, or squander a vote on a "protest" choice is a vote for the status quo, which I submit is a great error. Four more years of Obama will probably take us past the point of no return and give us a greater, more tyrannical government than we already have. As people choose to share more in the "legalized plunder" of the people who do the work, more people will choose not to work and vote for more "plunder" and "rights". This is the death spiral of life and liberty leading to absolute tyranny and government selection of classes of people to receive its "largesse".
Before the government can realize absolute tyranny, it must disarm the people, as every form of tyrannical government has done in the past. The government will do this piecemeal or gradually, but they must do it and they will... or at least they will try. If the government SWAT teams come to your door as an individual with overwhelming force... as the "police thugs" did during Katrina around New Orleans, are you going to resist alone... or give up your firearms, as the citizens there did?
Without firearms, we have no real protection, but alone we can't stand against whatever forces come to take our weapons. That's my biggest fear... having to make that kind of choice... life or death... alone... in the middle of the night.
Lawlessness and attacks by gangs of children raised on violent video games and taught that they are the center of the universe... "self esteem"... selfishness... and the concepts of "social justice" and "rights" to anything they deem that they "need" continue to rise, and I hate the thought of not being to protect myself and my family every waking minute... without my firearms.
02-25-2012, 12:58 PM
One last short and simple reply, if I may...
I agree with your position on abortion. I agree on your 2A position. I agree that we could do better than Obama. I also agree that Communism is an evil and has killed millions.
I do NOT equate Obama and Communisim. It's a convenient self delusion. The majority of the Bills he has signed could as easily have been signed (or were signed) by George Bush. Several are very Capitalist.
I don't see a better choice on the GOP Presidential side.
We're screwed.
02-25-2012, 01:06 PM
We're screwed.
Pretty much:mad:
02-25-2012, 01:47 PM
Pretty much:mad:That and 2A may be the issue(s) that unites everyone on this forum.
02-25-2012, 08:47 PM
I've been thinking that, too, that we're screwed. Things are looking up for Obama. He has improved the unemployment, raised the stock market, given us "universal healthcare", gotten us out of Irag... ended the Iraqi War, killed Osama Bin Laden, increased the price of gas... one of the energy sources he was going to make higher... I forget the words... necessarily become "sky high"... something like that... concerning energy prices.
And We have the still ongoing fratricide by the so-called Conservatives <moderates> as they continue with more of their 276 debates... something like that. People are so sick of the crappy choices we have, that they'll probably stay home and let the Obamites have their landslide re-election of the "Democratic" candidate. He's no Democrat, just used the party apparatus to get him into position and now it seems he's going to be re-elected and totally forget all of this "moderate" pretense so that he can get back to FUNDAMENTALLY changing our government and society. First on his agenda will be a lot of presidential decrees... executive orders... bypassing Congress, since he doesn't have the magic bicameral stamp on every thing that he can think of. He really has an agenda... a plan... to destroy our society and government so that he can impose his Marxist/Communist/Socialist/Progressive idea of a Utopia governed by him and his like-thinking cohorts. he WAS raised by them... parents, guardians, and "gravitated" toward those types in his "secret" and suppressed university/college associates and professors. He HAS spent a lot of money to keep all of that suppressed and hidden.<<aigh>>
02-26-2012, 07:53 AM
Wynn, we all have an individual duty and obligation to exercise the power of our vote next fall. Even though we don't see a perfect candidate in the field, the choice of not Obama is clear. Each of us must cast our vote and hope there are enough people stirred out of their apathy to realize how important their no Obama vote is in this election to cause a landslide that will sweep Barack and his like out of Washington.
I have a close and dear friend who is black and grew up in Philadelphia. A man who converted to Christianity after living 21 years as a Muslim. And if you know anything about the mindset of black Americans who embrace Islam, it is a hateful rejection of "the white man's religion." Well, despite his Christian conversion, the imbedded attitudes of racial hatred and prejudice (which run deep in Philadelphia) still rose up in him, motivating him to register to vote for the first time in years (if not his entire life) and vote for Obama in 2008. Like so many blacks, he felt like he had to. Owed it to his race and to the memory of Martin Luther King (who must have been rolling over in his grave). I tried to convince him that Obama is just not the right person to be handing the reigns of this nation over to, but he would have none of it. It disturbed me deeply to see him do that as we went together to early voting, cancelling each other's votes.
Well, that man is going to hold his nose and cast a no Obama vote next fall, despite a lingering strong disdain for and distrust of Republicans. I believe we will see this from a lot of blacks. Obama has definitely lost the Catholic and most of the Protestant Christian vote. Even a significant number of Jews are changing camp. The Tea Party is an active and visible manifestation of the beliefs and attitudes of a much larger block of American people who are not as active or visible, yet. It is very important that the Tea Party be funded with generous contributions to fund voter registration efforts to turn that huge block of people into a participating and voting block, finally taking the responsibility to register and vote as they see our nation circling the drain.
A great victory can and, God help us, must be won at the voting booths in November. And it must be the start of a continuing active involvement by sensible American people to take our country back and set the ship back on the right course.
And We have the still ongoing fratricide by the so-called Conservatives <moderates> as they continue with more of their 276 debates... something like that. People are so sick of the crappy choices we have, that they'll probably stay home and let the Obamites have their landslide re-election of the "Democratic" candidate.
My biggest fear.
Why have we agreed to this self destructive debate format? All it does is provide endless fodder for liberal commentators. Enough already... I don't think anyone's mind is going to be changed at this point... pick someone.:cool:
02-27-2012, 01:11 AM
I plan on voting as I did for McCain... hold my nose and vote for ANYONE BUT OBAMA. We need to stop this runaway train that is the People's Democratic Republic of America.
Have you ever noticed how the Communist countries have names like that... The People's, or Democratic, or both??
Repeating myself:
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