View Full Version : Brand New mk40 50rnds Barrel Plating Flaking

02-04-2010, 10:46 PM
I just picked up my nib mk40 with night sights today. Went out and shot 50rnds with 5 failure to feeds. I inspected the barrel and there was flaking of the plating in the rifling of the barrel. The barrel is also kind of beat up on the side from a small machining bump on the slide. I am somewhat frustrated and was not looking foward to spending more money on shipping to fix my new gun that I paid so much for. I have lost a lot of respect for kahr....hopefully they can earn it back. I love my 1911 and my glock, even my sig, but I am not so pleased with my kahr. :mad:

02-04-2010, 10:48 PM
I'll buy it off of you for $200 shipped to my FFL in Ohio.

02-04-2010, 10:51 PM
Sorry to hear about the problems with your new Kahr. That really stinks! I hope they can quickly make it right for you.

Good luck!

02-04-2010, 10:56 PM
I just picked up my nib mk40 with night sights today. Went out and shot 50rnds with 5 failure to feeds. I inspected the barrel and there was flaking of the plating in the rifling of the barrel. The barrel is also kind of beat up on the side from a small machining bump on the slide. I am somewhat frustrated and was not looking foward to spending more money on shipping to fix my new gun that I paid so much for. I have lost a lot of respect for kahr....hopefully they can earn it back. I love my 1911 and my glock, even my sig, but I am not so pleased with my kahr. :mad:

You gave up so soon!:eek:
Best of luck to you.:rain:

02-04-2010, 11:09 PM
I havent given up on kahr yet. It is just extremely frustrating that not 4 hours after picking up my gun I will have to send it back to get fixed....at my cost for shipping. Poor customer care if you ask me. Every other gun company I have had to deal with at least pays the shipping for their mess up. No wonder they went to a 5 year warranty instead of lifetime.

02-05-2010, 12:36 AM
I havent given up on kahr yet. It is just extremely frustrating that not 4 hours after picking up my gun I will have to send it back to get fixed....at my cost for shipping. Poor customer care if you ask me. Every other gun company I have had to deal with at least pays the shipping for their mess up. No wonder they went to a 5 year warranty instead of lifetime.
I don't blame you for being ticked. I brought up the shipping thing recently as well. The other companies I've dealt with, Sig, Springfield, and KT, all pay shipping on warranty stuff.

I think it's just good business to provide that service. You have a customer with a broken gun. Why make them even angrier by sticking them with shipping?

02-05-2010, 06:32 AM
I havent given up on kahr yet. It is just extremely frustrating that not 4 hours after picking up my gun I will have to send it back to get fixed....at my cost for shipping. Poor customer care if you ask me. Every other gun company I have had to deal with at least pays the shipping for their mess up. No wonder they went to a 5 year warranty instead of lifetime.

necessary to send the whole gun back the barrelis bad, they will replace it asap.

02-05-2010, 07:53 AM
If you bought the gun from a LGS take it back to them.
They should take care of the problem.

02-05-2010, 07:59 AM
Yep...don't give up so soon. Give it a good cleaning and take it back out there and shoot it again. At least get to the 200rnd break-in point and if it's still acting up then notify Kahr. They will do you right...I promise.

02-05-2010, 10:30 AM
How will 200 break in rounds stop my barrel from flaking?

02-05-2010, 12:18 PM
How will 200 break in rounds stop my barrel from flaking?

The barrel may be the only problem but then again...maybe not. As jocko said, you won't have to ship the whole gun if it's just the barrel that's the issue.

02-05-2010, 12:29 PM
On how many gun forums did you cut and paste your OP?

As I explained to you on Calguns.net last night, they will pay the shipping. I still think you should spend more time talking to Kahr about this problem and less badmouthing the company in several forums before you give them a chance at resolution.

02-05-2010, 01:00 PM
On how many gun forums did you cut and paste your OP?

As I explained to you on Calguns.net last night, they will pay the shipping. I still think you should spend more time talking to Kahr about this problem and less badmouthing the company in several forums before you give them a chance at resolution.

Yep...My P45 is going back a second time on their nickel. Out of the 4-Kahr's I own this is the only one with the hiccups. I know they'll make it right.

02-05-2010, 05:25 PM
I called kahr and they had me send the barrel back. I had to pay shipping, just in case anyone was wondering. They said 2-3 weeks. I will keep you informed. Im not mad at kahr since they dont plate their own barrels. Besides the barrel I like the gun, so maybe it will end good.

02-05-2010, 05:35 PM
I called kahr and they had me send the barrel back. I had to pay shipping, just in case anyone was wondering. They said 2-3 weeks. I will keep you informed. Im not mad at kahr since they dont plate their own barrels. Besides the barrel I like the gun, so maybe it will end good.

personally have no issue with paying to ship a barrel or magazine back, that small cost of normally under $5 I can absorb as to me it saves alot of time waitingon a kahr pre paid pick up for $5 or less but when a gun has to go back that is under warranty, Kahr should pick up the tab and indeed they will, but you have to insist. a flaking barrel is a barrel repalcement and nothing else, FTF's or FTE's normally the entire gun has to go back...

Kahr is a good company and IMO realy does take care of their customers, although we ahve read of more than one thread of a gun going back 2 times and sometimes even more. That is kinda hard to swollow. But i have had experience in doing that with my Para Carry 9 and my 3 kel tecs...

02-05-2010, 05:54 PM
I was pleased with their customer service on the phone :phone: and the only reason I mentioned the shipping at all was because others were insisting that kahr would pay it. That was not the case, but I have no problem paying the $10 shipping to get the gun working again.

02-05-2010, 06:00 PM
How will 200 break in rounds stop my barrel from flaking?

u would be just wasting good money for a break in that will be needed with the new barrel.

SEND THE BARREL BACK. then start from scratch in break in.

To me any time a major part is replaced one should assume a break in time for reliability. I would think a new barrel falls into the major part category.

Kahr will take care of you, so lets not try to blow this thing out of proportion. What happened is not good, it is not pandemic either by any means, work with kahr and they certainly will make it right..

02-05-2010, 07:08 PM
I havent given up on kahr yet. It is just extremely frustrating that not 4 hours after picking up my gun I will have to send it back to get fixed....at my cost for shipping. Poor customer care if you ask me. Every other gun company I have had to deal with at least pays the shipping for their mess up. No wonder they went to a 5 year warranty instead of lifetime.

I have a P380 I purchased new. I had numerous issues through 450 rds. First time I called they said send it in. Then I went to FEDEX and found out how much shipping was. OUCH! I called them back and spoke to Ian. I politely told him how I felt about having to pay return shipping for sending back a new gun that never worked right from day 1. He then gave me their account # and said they would pay the freight.

IMHO it would be worh another call and explain you position.
I agree with you that they should pay the shipping. Best of luck to you.

02-05-2010, 08:24 PM
How will 200 break in rounds stop my barrel from flaking?

it won't....gun needs to be returned to Kahr to be fixed. Give them a written, detailed description of the problems and request...then insist if necessary...they pay for next day fedex both ways.

02-05-2010, 10:31 PM
I'll still buy the thing for $200 shipped :D

02-27-2010, 09:57 PM
got the new barrel back after three and a half weeks. They sent me the wrong barrel for the gun or something. How can quality control be that bad? I am really upset with kahrs quality control. I will never buy another kahr again.

02-27-2010, 09:59 PM
So....$100 shipped?

02-27-2010, 10:16 PM
dont tempt me

02-27-2010, 10:21 PM
Oh, I am. FFL lined up and everything already on my end.

03-02-2010, 04:18 AM
If you bought the gun from a LGS take it back to them.
They should take care of the problem.
When the slide on my MK9 cracked Ian told me they would not pay shipping. When I heard that I figured that I would get the gun fixed and then sell it. I did not want a gun from a company that would not take care of its customers. I went to the LGS where I purchased the gun 4.5 years earlier to start shopping around for a replacement. When I told the guy behind the counter my story he said we will send it back (I did not pay shipping) and Kahr will make it right. Once it got back to Kahr, they exceeded my expectations and replaced the slide and barrel within two weeks and the thing seems to work great.

Their policy on not paying the shipping still begs the question, "Why?" I am a partner in a business and the only reasons I can think of as to why they would not pay the shipping would be:

They are having financial difficulties
It happens so often, it would be a financial burden
They know they have cornered the market on s certain product and they do not need to absorb those costs to maintain their market share

When I started searching around it became evident that there are not very many guns that could take the place of an MK9.

03-02-2010, 06:45 AM
jvberryjr. If you have read alot on this forum, you will see that khar indeed will pay shipping on a warranted gun with a defect in it. Why they would not pay yours is a question I cannot answer. Possably had you come to this forum first before sending it in, we could have given you the correct person to contact to.

I do know that if you do not insist about kahr picking up the tab, they will not volunteer either. Your gun dealer did you right that is for sure.

and your three reasons are way way off base IMO.

I had bought a new Para carry 9 and in the first year I had to send it back 3 times. the first time Para picked up the tab, the other two, they would not pick up the tab to send it in but paid to ship it back.

03-02-2010, 07:18 AM
So....$100 shipped?

I'll give you $105.36 and throw in a few Jolly Ranchers I found in my console.:boink:

03-02-2010, 08:01 AM
I'll give you $105.36 and throw in a few Jolly Ranchers I found in my console.:boink:

Why you sonofa.....

03-02-2010, 09:25 AM
I have been going back and forth about wether or not to buy a Kahr. It seems like every other post on here is about problems with the gun. This forum reads like a Taurus forum. Nobody wants to pay $700 for a gun that needs to go back to the maker every 6 months for an overhaul. Taurus provides the same customer service and the same track record for a lot less money. The Kahrs at my local shops are plagued with different kinds of quality control issues. Slides so tight you can barely cycle them, crappy roll stamping on the sides, slide stops that are almost sharp enough to cut your thumb open, I just can't justify that kind of money for a gun just because its smaller than most. I have seen these posts for too long now. I know that only people that are having problems are the ones that post but dang. What percentage of Kahrs have to come back? 1 out of 5, I don't know. Just my worthless opinion>

03-02-2010, 09:59 AM
evidently we are reading different posts here. I don't see the issue u see and some that you read are continuation of an original post. The kahrs today are as good as anything out there.

If you have sincere doubts, indeed don't buy one for you will be forever second guessing yourself. certanly not like a taurus forum IMO. Show me a post where a kahr has had to go back to the maker for an over haul every 6 months. That my friend is pure B. S. . your criticism on the kahr feathers that you see at dealers certainly to me anyhow warrant you should buy another product. You will never be happy with a kahr. B.S. on the slide stop comment, Some have commebnted about roll stamping being light, certainly maybe two on this entire forum at best. tight slides, Wow, now that is a good one. Seen other gun forums where the owners ***** about loose slides etc, can't please anyone it seems..

No doubt in my mind a kahr will not please you.. No embarassment in that either. Some people hate kahrs for their loooong trigger system, some can't hit the broad side of a barn with a kahr. Buy a ruger, they certainly are a flawless gun company,other than a total recall of all The SR9 and a total recall of over 50,000 lcps, or buy a Glock 22 like our Indiana State Police did 4 years ago (1200 of them) and glock had to come in and take every one of them back because of issues that they could not solve and reissued G17 which they carry to this day and love.

No offense but I do think some of your post was worthless opinion.

excuse me for being alittle harsh here but when people come on any forum and gripe about the quality of the product and basically state they won't own one,(and have not owned one) then I have to question WHY DO YOU COME ON HERE in the first place, Your gonna stir people like me up and others who love their certain product be it guns, TV, Watchs, Cars etc. Just makes no sense, I guess your entitled to vent here also, it is a free forum, but just take notice , don't expect to get alot of sympathy when knocking kahrs, (which you don't even own) on a KAHR forum..

Sorry guys. bad day, need to take my meds. and after that nee dto go out and shoot my POS kahr PM9..

03-02-2010, 10:21 AM
buy a glock, they never fail, ask any glock owner?

Yeah, but ask former Glock owners who are now John Moses Browning converts, and I bet they can tell you about a few :p

Glock 26, bulged barrel, no squibs, less than 2,000 rounds down the pipe - GLock would not warranty it.

Trigger springs, feed lips, front sights, striker cups breaking in competition.....it's just another man made machine, which means it is imperfect and will eventually break. It's just a matter of time vs. use.

03-02-2010, 11:11 AM
Yeah, but ask former Glock owners who are now John Moses Browning converts, and I bet they can tell you about a few :p

Glock 26, bulged barrel, no squibs, less than 2,000 rounds down the pipe - GLock would not warranty it.

Trigger springs, feed lips, front sights, striker cups breaking in competition.....it's just another man made machine, which means it is imperfect and will eventually break. It's just a matter of time vs. use.

Point EXACTLY!!!:7:

03-02-2010, 12:04 PM
evidently we are reading different posts here. I don't see the issue u see and some that you read are continuation of an original post. The kahrs today are as good as anything out there.

If you have sincere doubts, indeed don't buy one for you will be forever second guessing yourself. certanly not like a taurus forum IMO. Show me a post where a kahr has had to go back to the maker for an over haul every 6 months. That my friend is pure B. S. . your criticism on the kahr feathers that you see at dealers certainly to me anyhow warrant you should buy another product. You will never be happy with a kahr. B.S. on the slide stop comment, Some have commebnted about roll stamping being light, certainly maybe two on this entire forum at best. tight slides, Wow, now that is a good one. Seen other gun forums where the owners ***** about loose slides etc, can't please anyone it seems..

No doubt in my mind a kahr will not please you.. No embarassment in that either. Some people hate kahrs for their loooong trigger system, some can't hit the broad side of a barn with a kahr. Buy a ruger, they certainly are a flawless gun company,other than a total recall of all The SR9 and a total recall of over 50,000 lcps, or buy a Glock 22 like our Indiana State Police did 4 years ago (1200 of them) and glock had to come in and take every one of them back because of issues that they could not solve and reissued G17 which they carry to this day and love.

No offense but I do think some of your post was worthless opinion.

excuse me for being alittle harsh here but when people come on any forum and gripe about the quality of the product and basically state they won't own one,(and have not owned one) then I have to question WHY DO YOU COME ON HERE in the first place, Your gonna stir people like me up and others who love their certain product be it guns, TV, Watchs, Cars etc. Just makes no sense, I guess your entitled to vent here also, it is a free forum, but just take notice , don't expect to get alot of sympathy when knocking kahrs, (which you don't even own) on a KAHR forum..

Sorry guys. bad day, need to take my meds. and after that nee dto go out and shoot my POS kahr PM9..
Take a glock, XD, or M&P for example, thy're about $550 with tax, Kahr are about $700. I realize that when you try to build something as small and light as possible its not going to function as well as something that has a little more room for error. ALL, semi-auto weapons will jam from time to time. I myself have an XD-M that has never failed nor have I ever had a malfunction out of any other xd that I have shot. That being said they are to big for regular carry. I started looking at Kahr for that reason. This forum has brought up so many question marks about there reliability that I simply cannot drop that kind of money. I'm sure that most are fine guns. The roll stamping I mentioned was on a few different models and it looked as if the stamp had slid causing the lettering to look gouged in. The tight slide I mentioned was on a PM45 and was extremely tight. The sharp slide stop was also on the same gun, very uncomfortable. Another PM45 at a different store had none of these problems and seemed to be near perfect. As far as an overhaul every 6 months, I stated that opinion on the numerous posts of people that have to replace recoil springs after light use(1000rds.) I actually prefer the trigger and think it is a much nicer trigger than any other striker fired pistol. I made this post in attempt to call attention to the people at Kahr to check up on there quality control and to state my opinion about what all I had seen and read. Because the Kahr fills such an ideal niche I am still tempted. I do believe they would make it right if I had a problem. BUT, that being said $700 pistols should have very few problems. From some of your other posts it almost looks like maybe you work for Kahr. So, why don't they offer free shipping for there defective pistols up front, why would you have to ask for it. If I had sold someone a POS I would bend over backwards to make it right so that people wouldn't bad mouth my product. If I hadn't read these posts I'd have a Kahr right now. Guess they are not that concerned with there reputation.

03-02-2010, 01:58 PM
Now I surely smell a troll, u just want to argue. your just to smart for this forum. I spent way way to much time even messing with your posts.

good luck on your next purchase.

03-02-2010, 02:47 PM
Ever stop to think that those jams are cause by people who are inexperianced shooters that aren't gripping the gun, which has minimal tolerance built into it since it's a very small platform built tight to extract as much accuracy as possible out of the thing?

Guess not.

03-02-2010, 03:27 PM
Ever stop to think that those jams are cause by people who are inexperianced shooters that aren't gripping the gun, which has minimal tolerance built into it since it's a very small platform built tight to extract as much accuracy as possible out of the thing?

Guess not.

spinning your wheels with this guy. he will soon dissapear if we ignore.:31:

03-02-2010, 07:16 PM
I'll give you $105.36 and throw in a few Jolly Ranchers I found in my console.:boink:

What kind of Jolly Ranchers????? :hungry:

03-02-2010, 08:36 PM
jvberryjr. If you have read alot on this forum, you will see that khar indeed will pay shipping on a warranted gun with a defect in it. Why they would not pay yours is a question I cannot answer. Possably had you come to this forum first before sending it in, we could have given you the correct person to contact to.

I do know that if you do not insist about kahr picking up the tab, they will not volunteer either. Your gun dealer did you right that is for sure.

and your three reasons are way way off base IMO.

I had bought a new Para carry 9 and in the first year I had to send it back 3 times. the first time Para picked up the tab, the other two, they would not pick up the tab to send it in but paid to ship it back.

The following is a "cut and paste" from an email I received from Kahr.

"The way the warranty is set up is that the customer pays for return shipping to us and we pay for the repair and return shipping back them.

Ian Burr"

03-03-2010, 10:43 AM
I really didn't expect that that post would be so offensive. You called me a liar, I stood up for myself, Isn't that what anyone else would do?

03-03-2010, 11:26 AM
"The way the warranty is set up is that the customer pays for return shipping to us and we pay for the repair and return shipping back them.

I would bet 90% of the owners on this forumn that ahve had issues, that kahr paid to pick it up. You not doubt got a email from someone without any authority to say what to do also.

03-04-2010, 08:13 AM
"The way the warranty is set up is that the customer pays for return shipping to us and we pay for the repair and return shipping back them.

I would bet 90% of the owners on this forumn that ahve had issues, that kahr paid to pick it up. You not doubt got a email from someone without any authority to say what to do also.

So if Kahr has a tough time controlling their customer service personnel, what does it say about their QC? If, as your post suggest, 10% pay for their own shipping, is 90% a good success rate for a $700+ gun?

To their credit, Kahr did make it right, but I do expect a "teensy weensy" bit more from a company charging that kind of money.

So do you work for Kahr?

03-06-2010, 09:16 PM
I just received the right replacement barrel from kahr. The barrels looks used and has been shot, it also has wear marks on the outside. It also has the same flaking problem as my first barrel and I havemt even shot it yet. What gives with their customer service? Who do I need to talk to at kahr to actually get help. :confused::confused::confused:

03-06-2010, 09:22 PM
They probably removed it from an assembled gun in the factory which gets test fired after production.

I'll still take it for $100 shipped to my ffl if you include the flaking barrel :)

04-03-2010, 09:50 PM
Just got another barrel, the fourth to be exact. 80 rounds through it and it is already flaking.