View Full Version : leap year question

02-24-2012, 07:30 PM
if ur born on leap year then what is the actual birthdate that one uses. Is there some kind of formula that is used such as example. if your born on Feb.29 before noon, thenur birthdateis the 28 and if afternoon then it is March 1st.

Just askin..

02-24-2012, 08:17 PM
I had a childhood friend that was born on Feb. 29th Leap Year. He loved to tell people that he was 14 years old. Grey beard and all.:D
He's special.

02-24-2012, 08:22 PM
O'Dell is going to be 17! ;)

02-24-2012, 08:27 PM
O'Dell is going to be 17! ;)

Is that according to the Mayan calandar?

02-25-2012, 02:41 PM
Is that according to the Mayan calandar?

Nope, I'm having my 17th birthday on Wednesday. As to the original question, no, there is no rule to give you a birthday when you don't have one. My mother gave me a party on my 1st [4 years], 2nd [8 years], and 3rd [12 years]. I didn't get one in between because I didn't have a birthday.

02-25-2012, 02:53 PM
When does a person born Feb 29th, 2012 turn 21 in the eyes of the law?

That would be 12:00 am on March 1st 2033.

02-25-2012, 03:00 PM
my wife would use both and all 3 on leap year.