View Full Version : Madness after girl, 4, draws gun pic at school

Bill K
02-25-2012, 01:02 PM
I truly hope this family finds that they can sue.



02-25-2012, 01:04 PM
O' Canada

02-25-2012, 01:19 PM
“Our community would have an expectation if comments are made about a gun in a house, we’d be obligated to investigate that to ensure everything is safe,” she said. “In the end, it may not be substantiated. There may be a reasonable explanation for why the child drew that gun. But we have to go on what gets presented to us.”

OK. Investigate the situation.
But, can't that be done without an arrest, handcuffing and isolation? Or do they just feel like skipping all rule of law and going straight to Stalinism?
Please tell me a lawsuit against the school is in process.

02-25-2012, 01:24 PM
Trust your government they know what is best for you.......:eek:

02-25-2012, 01:32 PM

02-25-2012, 01:39 PM

This could happen to anybody (for various reasons - not just guns). Once they have their hands on you, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it until they feel it is time to let you go.

02-25-2012, 02:20 PM
O' CanadaIt's Canada but don't kid yourself about the USA.

Read about David Sarti. He has lost all his guns and his 2A Rights without ANY "Due Process".


02-25-2012, 02:23 PM

This could happen to anybody (for various reasons - not just guns). Once they have their hands on you, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it until they feel it is time to let you go.

Sad but true

02-25-2012, 02:24 PM
a real shame I hat eto see frivilous lawsits to but someone needs their asses sued off here. Somewhere there is a record of this in files somewhere about this father anf family and child even, and who knows whatg it might cause someday downt he road.

a travesty to justice..

02-25-2012, 02:26 PM
It's Canada but don't kid yourself about the USA.

Read about David Sarti. He has lost all his guns and his 2A Rights without ANY "Due Process".


wasnt there a documentary that cited canadians have more guns/rifles than the average in the U.S but have fewer shootings? IOW I thought canadians were not strict about firearms ownership. Obviously I am wrong.

02-25-2012, 02:53 PM
wasnt there a documentary that cited canadians have more guns/rifles than the average in the U.S but have fewer shootings? IOW I thought canadians were not strict about firearms ownership. Obviously I am wrong.They allow hunting rifles but no to any hand guns.

I once dreamed that I went across the border at Port Huron to take my GF to the Casino. I played some golf and discovered I accidentally smuggled a loaded mag (no gun) across. Big trouble if caught. Learned a lesson to check my golf bag thoroughly.

02-25-2012, 02:58 PM
This story is not about guns, but stupidity just the same.


02-25-2012, 03:16 PM
a real shame I hat eto see frivilous lawsits to but someone needs their asses sued off here. Somewhere there is a record of this in files somewhere about this father anf family and child even, and who knows whatg it might cause someday downt he road.

a travesty to justice..

Making the school appoligize will mean very little. Having them go thru a trial and making restitution... now THAT gets their attention. It also sets the precident for other schools and organizations to follow.

02-25-2012, 03:53 PM
This story is not about guns, but stupidity just the same.

http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/02/16/3018997/critics-see-federal-overreach.htmlA small mistake...sending the child through the lunch line. Made by one teacher but the start of another urban legend.

02-25-2012, 07:29 PM
Well, there was nothing wrong with Canada until all the 'Nam draft dodgers moved there. Then they had kids and their kids are now having kids and there are millions of them and they're everywhere and just look at all the damage it's done to the culture.

It's California all over again.

02-25-2012, 08:23 PM
Well, there was nothing wrong with Canada until all the 'Nam draft dodgers moved there. Then they had kids and their kids are now having kids and there are millions of them and they're everywhere and just look at all the damage it's done to the culture.

It's California all over again.

I love it.
It's been so long since I heard anything about those Canada bound draft dodgers. So, they mated, had kidlings and ruined the country. Oh well, better there than here.:D

02-25-2012, 09:09 PM
He has lost all his guns and his 2A Rights without ANY "Due Process"

That's just it... even with Due Process they still take your rights away first, then give them back later (usually MUCH later) after figuring out mistakes were made.

02-26-2012, 07:16 PM
Way back when I was in the sixth grade I gave a presentation in front of the class using an overhead projector describing in great detail how a rifle works. From the moment you pull the trigger to when the bullet exits the barrel.

I'd hate to see what would happen today to my parents and myself with a young child having such damaging knowledge today.

BTW, I got an A+.

02-26-2012, 07:59 PM
They allow hunting rifles but no to any hand guns.

I once dreamed that I went across the border at Port Huron to take my GF to the Casino. I played some golf and discovered I accidentally smuggled a loaded mag (no gun) across. Big trouble if caught. Learned a lesson to check my golf bag thoroughly.

I remember my Dad telling me years ago about one time he and his buddies drove up to Canada one day - I think this was in the late '30's ... at the border, the Canadian Customs guy asked if they had any firearms (not sure why this would have come up, except maybe Dad and the boys looked like bank robbers?). Dad said, "Yeah, just this one" as he handed over the Colt .32 he always carried in the glove box.

Back in those less uptight days, they just said "Eh, right" and mailed it back to him. I still have it.

02-26-2012, 09:27 PM
I believe that there are more Canadians who own firearms as a percentage of the population.

They allow hunting rifles but no to any hand guns.

I once dreamed that I went across the border at Port Huron to take my GF to the Casino. I played some golf and discovered I accidentally smuggled a loaded mag (no gun) across. Big trouble if caught. Learned a lesson to check my golf bag thoroughly.

This is not quite true. ONE can indeed own a handgun but the restrictions are so horrid most wont even bother to try. Couple Canadian guys I used to chat with were absolutely envious that I could get a permit and carry out in public. Even worse I could have carried a handgun to Canada to hunt with on a local "club"... Not sure what the regs are today in that direction but I believe they are the same as that was only a couple years back.

As for that lunch thing. This article seems to blame the teacher. Another article the same school personel blamed the student for the mistake. They want to act like the GOVT does not send personel out to the schools to inspect the students lunches. Which is not correct at all. My daughter cooked for a govt run pre k program. They did not allow sack lunches at all AND she was inspected regularly as to content of her lunches. THAT is a pre requisite of some federal grant, either comply or lose the money. Now they were not supposed to toss the students lunch, only give her what her lunch was deficit in, here they claim it was the milk, but they forget to mention the second vegetable or fruit which was not a part of the lunch she brought from home. The mothers complaint was with the school telling her that she could be charged for the items the GOVT mandates the school GIVE the students as a part of this grant, not to mention the child only ate three nuggets off the school lunch tray.

02-27-2012, 07:05 AM
I am glad I live where I do. My son wears gun company shirts to school! ;)