View Full Version : Anyone see Act of Valor yet?

02-25-2012, 03:21 PM
Looks like it might be good?

02-25-2012, 03:46 PM
Sure does look good.
It's on my list to go see.

02-25-2012, 04:47 PM
The SEAL members are portrayed by active duty SEALs... NOT actors.
Production had to be halted for a few months because a couple guys got deployed to the real war on terror. The rumor has it that these guys were doing things that the directors thought was impossible. Stuntmen wouldn't try some of the things the SEALs were performing.:eek:

My wife & I have a date to see the movie tomorrow.

U.S. Patriot
02-25-2012, 10:08 PM
I saw it yesterday. It was an awesome movie.

02-27-2012, 03:15 PM
My wife & I went yesterday. Finally..... a movie that portrays our military as "the good guys". I almost stood up and cheered a few times.

When watching the movie, realizing that they were using live fire, I was blow away. If you don't get chills during this movie, you're probably a jihadist bomb wearing terrorist.:cool:

02-27-2012, 03:18 PM
Looking forward to seeing it. Even my wife wants to see it.

U.S. Patriot
02-27-2012, 04:07 PM
When they fired the mini-gun, my...... well, you know.

02-27-2012, 04:18 PM
best scene

02-27-2012, 04:24 PM
When they fired the mini-gun, my...... well, you know.

I believe the term is "coming in hot"
I think the entire audience wanted to shout GET SOME.

02-27-2012, 06:26 PM
My lady and I are going tomorrow. So excited!

02-28-2012, 04:20 AM
My son called me last night to invite me to go see the movie with him and his brother. Looking forward to the movie and seeing both sons.

02-28-2012, 09:53 AM
My son called me last night to invite me to go see the movie with him and his brother. Looking forward to the movie and seeing both sons.

Great way to be with your sons. The movie will have the three of you talking about it after the show. Enjoy.

02-28-2012, 10:44 AM
Took my 12YO son to see it last night.
The language was a little terser than I prefer, and the scene with the female DEA agent was a little much for him, but he understood the context of both.
Made us both contemplative, great message and exciting movie.
Will own this ASAP.

02-28-2012, 12:24 PM
I haven't gone to an indoor theater for 15 years.

I might make an exception for this one. :D

02-28-2012, 12:58 PM
I try to send as little money to Hollywood as possible. Most Hollywood types don't believe in my right to keep and bear arms.

02-28-2012, 01:58 PM
This movie was NOT made in Hollywood. An independant company put it together for approx. $25 million. That's about one quarter of cost of the bombs coming out of hollywood nowadays.

If you haven't been to a movie in awhile, this one will appeal to your patriotic side as well as your entertainment values.

02-28-2012, 04:22 PM
I saw it last Friday. The action sequences were equal to any modern high budget film and the use of real live ammo for a lot of them really put it over the top. However, if you're going for the acting value you will be disappointed. But, if you're going to see real navy SEALs portray what really makes them special you will love it.

02-28-2012, 05:30 PM
My son called me last night to invite me to go see the movie with him and his brother. Looking forward to the movie and seeing both sons.

I just got home from seeing it. I have to confess that I had a hard time following the rapid camera movements. This is not a movie made for old eyes. The MTV generation may enjoy that type of camera work more that I. The story is solid and I actually thought the acting as good as anything I've seen from actors. Some of the lines are excellent and delivered very well. Well worth the $5 ticket, which by the way is what the small box of popcorn cost too. :eek:

I give it two HK 416s up! :D

02-28-2012, 05:32 PM
My son comes home for Spring break next week. It's on the list. Momma won't go to that stuff so it'll be my son and I going to see it.
Can't wait.

02-28-2012, 10:08 PM
From the Breitbart website Big Hollywood:

Why did ACT OF VALOR appeal to so many people?

Ideology Not Front and Center: “Act of Valor” doesn’t preach. We don’t get sermons about the righteousness of the U.S. mission to smite terrorists. Instead, the action comes first, and nothing exists to take us out of the experience.
CGI-free Zone: The directors of “Valor” both previously served as movie stunt men. And they started “Valor” with the mission to avoid CGI whenever possible while shooting action sequences. The results pop off the screen in an age when the movie-going public is getting bored of computer-driven sequences.
Targeted Marketing: Not every film studio can pony up for a Super Bowl commercial. But the folks behind “Act of Valor” scratched together enough pennies to promote the film on the recently completed Super Bowl broadcast, a perfect way to reach the film’s target audience – males who enjoy the All-American sports event of the year.
Give ‘em What They Want: Hollywood released one anti-war film flop (“Lions for Lambs”) after another (“In the Valley of Elah”). It makes perfect sense that a war film which honored, rather than trashed, the U.S. military would be embraced by movie goers. It took an independent film like “Act of Valor” to prove what should have been obvious to the greenest of movie producers.

02-29-2012, 01:11 PM
Enjoyed the movie. The Seals who starred in the film helped add realism to the action scenes. The narrator (also a Seal) shares a lot of his true to life philosophies. Liked the statement, "The world is cloaked in camoflage".

03-01-2012, 08:05 AM
Don't you just love it. This movie is driving liberals and Hollywoodites nuts. It's low budget, patriotic and no movie stars!!! It's killing them.:D

03-01-2012, 10:58 AM
One of many reasons to see the film! Teach them a lesson about the customer deciding whether a movie is worth seeing--NOT Hollywood! ;)

03-01-2012, 11:11 AM
Enjoyed the movie. The Seals who starred in the film helped add realism to the action scenes. The narrator (also a Seal) shares a lot of his true to life philosophies. Liked the statement, "The world is cloaked in camoflage".

I believe the narrator was the 'Chief'

03-03-2012, 11:09 PM
I just got home from watching it. It was really good I thought. As mentioned earlier there were a lot of really fast action sequences and jerky camera movement that made it a challenge to keep up with at time but over all I enjoyed it immensely.

The end was a tear jerker. I've heard of the Seals pounding their tridents into the casket as part of the ceremony.

Ironically I got a pair of SEAL mini pins in the mail today that I'm going to inlay in a set of grips for a local guy who was a long time SEAL, like 69 to 94 or something as I recall.
I had some ready out of rosewood but after watching the movie I think I'm gonna start another set out of ebony and go all out exceptional on this set.

03-03-2012, 11:28 PM
Haven't seen the movie yet, but...

I do have a bit of a problem with "active duty SEALs" being in any type of movie. I've served with a number of SEALs over the years and have yet to know one that would even think about being in a movie, let alone a promotional commercial or advertisement.

Just makes me wonder if they really are on active duty, as I'm not totally sure the Dept of Defense, Dept of the Navy, NAVSPECWAR, or their CO's would even allow such a thing to happen.

If so, more power to the individuals who are in the film. I don't think they'll see any more tours with the teams, though. SEALs don't "hide" who they are but they don't advertise it either. The last thing most SEALs want is publicity. The first thing the media wants is to identify an individual for being a SEAL, regardless of what they may be reporting on.

Nice to see the general pubic loves our SEALs. Hands down the best military men the world has ever seen.

03-04-2012, 06:22 AM
I just got home from watching it. It was really good I thought. As mentioned earlier there were a lot of really fast action sequences and jerky camera movement that made it a challenge to keep up with at time but over all I enjoyed it immensely.

The end was a tear jerker. I've heard of the Seals pounding their tridents into the casket as part of the ceremony.

Ironically I got a pair of SEAL mini pins in the mail today that I'm going to inlay in a set of grips for a local guy who was a long time SEAL, like 69 to 94 or something as I recall.
I had some ready out of rosewood but after watching the movie I think I'm gonna start another set out of ebony and go all out exceptional on this set.

Hey Bawanna, when the grips are done, could you post pics? I would love to see them.

03-04-2012, 06:31 AM
Haven't seen the movie yet, but...

I do have a bit of a problem with "active duty SEALs" being in any type of movie. I've served with a number of SEALs over the years and have yet to know one that would even think about being in a movie, let alone a promotional commercial or advertisement.

Just makes me wonder if they really are on active duty, as I'm not totally sure the Dept of Defense, Dept of the Navy, NAVSPECWAR, or their CO's would even allow such a thing to happen.

If so, more power to the individuals who are in the film. I don't think they'll see any more tours with the teams, though. SEALs don't "hide" who they are but they don't advertise it either. The last thing most SEALs want is publicity. The first thing the media wants is to identify an individual for being a SEAL, regardless of what they may be reporting on.

Nice to see the general pubic loves our SEALs. Hands down the best military men the world has ever seen.

They definitely prefer their anonymity, I agree. Who know's though, maybe it was a directive from the top down and NAVSPECWAR and their CO didn't have much of a choice. I liked the movied very much too. In fact, I may see it again before it leaves the big screen and then moves to video which I will then purchase. That said....Once you see it, please let us know if you feel the same way. The dialog/acting scenes clearly makes one realize that these guys are NOT actors. Don't get me wrong, they did better than I would have done and the acting was okay, but none of them had acting experience. That was for sure. Still a FANTASTIC movie.

03-04-2012, 07:00 AM
The wife and I went to see the movie yesterday great show we both enjoyed it very much

03-04-2012, 10:20 AM
Hey Bawanna, when the grips are done, could you post pics? I would love to see them.

It shall be done.

03-11-2012, 08:37 PM
Hey Bawanna, when the grips are done, could you post pics? I would love to see them.

Well I played bloody heck trying to find which thread this was, almost had to reopen the emporium but I found er.

Just finished (I think) the Seal grips for my Seal guy. Have to see what I think on the morning after. I'm hoping they are SEAL worthy. More challenging getting those pins in than I anticipated. I skip line checkered the top half and regular checkered the bottom.
Comments welcome as usual, but be gentle, you know how sensitive I am.

03-11-2012, 10:01 PM
Great movie!

03-11-2012, 10:05 PM
From the Breitbart website Big Hollywood:

Why did ACT OF VALOR appeal to so many people?

Ideology Not Front and Center: “Act of Valor” doesn’t preach. We don’t get sermons about the righteousness of the U.S. mission to smite terrorists. Instead, the action comes first, and nothing exists to take us out of the experience.
CGI-free Zone: The directors of “Valor” both previously served as movie stunt men. And they started “Valor” with the mission to avoid CGI whenever possible while shooting action sequences. The results pop off the screen in an age when the movie-going public is getting bored of computer-driven sequences.
Targeted Marketing: Not every film studio can pony up for a Super Bowl commercial. But the folks behind “Act of Valor” scratched together enough pennies to promote the film on the recently completed Super Bowl broadcast, a perfect way to reach the film’s target audience – males who enjoy the All-American sports event of the year.
Give ‘em What They Want: Hollywood released one anti-war film flop (“Lions for Lambs”) after another (“In the Valley of Elah”). It makes perfect sense that a war film which honored, rather than trashed, the U.S. military would be embraced by movie goers. It took an independent film like “Act of Valor” to prove what should have been obvious to the greenest of movie producers.

That sums this inspiring film up perfectly.

03-12-2012, 04:07 AM
Well I played bloody heck trying to find which thread this was, almost had to reopen the emporium but I found er.

Just finished (I think) the Seal grips for my Seal guy. Have to see what I think on the morning after. I'm hoping they are SEAL worthy. More challenging getting those pins in than I anticipated. I skip line checkered the top half and regular checkered the bottom.
Comments welcome as usual, but be gentle, you know how sensitive I am.

Excellent work, sir!

03-12-2012, 04:49 AM

I think that work qualifies you as an artist for sure! Awesome!!!

03-12-2012, 06:34 AM
I found it interesting when the one guy talked about putting various emotions and situations in a box. Sounds like a coping technique. I can't imagine some of the experiences these guys have had!!!

03-12-2012, 06:56 AM
My son and I went to see the movie last Friday...fantastic! Sat all the way through the credits and prayed for our servicemen and women. My nephew deploys to Afghanistan today and leaves behind his wife and newborn daughter. We're proud and thankful for all who serve!

03-12-2012, 10:20 AM
Well I played bloody heck trying to find which thread this was, almost had to reopen the emporium but I found er.

Just finished (I think) the Seal grips for my Seal guy. Have to see what I think on the morning after. I'm hoping they are SEAL worthy. More challenging getting those pins in than I anticipated. I skip line checkered the top half and regular checkered the bottom.
Comments welcome as usual, but be gentle, you know how sensitive I am.

Awesome job! Thanks for sharing. Now the only thing for me to do is get my 47 year old ass through the 26 week BUDS Class so you can make me a set. LOL!

03-12-2012, 10:59 AM
Awesome job! Thanks for sharing. Now the only thing for me to do is get my 47 year old ass through the 26 week BUDS Class so you can make me a set. LOL!

Thanks, I had a similar thought myself but wheelchairs don't run for beans in sand and I really don't like getting wet much.

Might be easier for you to just find a different pin. I hear BUDS class is tough.

I won't put these pins in for just anybody, not even myself. I'm surprised I was able to buy them but they are more for support. I guess family members where them to support the sons, daughters, fathers etc.