View Full Version : GSSF match yesterday

02-26-2012, 08:29 AM
I competed in my 3rd GSSF match yesterday in Griffin, GA. The day started off on a bad note because either Glock or the post office lost my registration form. So, I had to stand in the registration line for about an hour. :mad:

I was finally able to sign in at each of the 3 stages at 10:45. Since I like the plates course, I started there and didn't have a very long wait. I was planning to shoot 4 guns, but only got to shoot 2 (G17 & G34). The range did not have enough courses set up to accommodate 600 shooters yesterday. So, it was a 3 hour wait to shoot the next stage. :mad: At that point, I was worried that I wouldn't get all 3 stages shot. Finally, I was able to shoot the last stage between 4:30-5:00. By that time I was ready to get out of the wind and cold.

Unfortunately, I found that I had locked my keys in my truck. :( Allstate Roadside Assistance sent someone out to break into my car. First, the guy put this vinyl thing between the door and the frame and squeezed a bulb to it inflate and make the door pop out from the frame a little. Then he used a long, fancy coat hanger to punch the door lock. Looked really easy, but cost $50. Tomorrow I intend to get a key made and stick it underneath the truck.

The good news is that I was able to shave another 100 seconds off of my previous match time. I'm still not close to being in the money or winning a match, but as long as I keep improving, I'll be happy. :)

02-26-2012, 08:44 AM
Sorry to hear about those long waits and missing paperwork... Murphey Law.
But, it sounded like you picked up from there and knocked off a chunk of time. Congrats.

MW surveyor
02-26-2012, 08:48 AM
Bummer about the keys in the truck.

Another 100 seconds off in the next match will put you where in the standings?

02-26-2012, 09:07 AM
Another 100 seconds off in the next match will put you where in the standings?

That would put me around 27th place in the Civilian Amateur division. I had 4 shots where I totally missed the target and that cost me 40 seconds. Then another 54 seconds where I didn't shoot inside the of the A/B ring. The 20-25 yard targets are killing me.

MW surveyor
02-26-2012, 09:21 AM
Well, if you can continue to improve.......you'll get there!

Would taking a second or two longer to really get the sights on target help? Can't remember what some old gun slinger said but to paraphrase "Make haste slowly"

02-26-2012, 09:30 AM
That's my girl Melissa! It seems like when the pressure is on you get dumped with other stuff to help stress ya out. Thinking your all signed up and ready only to have to wait and wait and wait it sounds like.
The truck only is the final stab and hopefully that was end of the day so you didn't have to think about that all day.

Keep at it, you got more guts that me just getting in there and doing it.

02-26-2012, 09:37 AM
Well, if you can continue to improve.......you'll get there!

Would taking a second or two longer to really get the sights on target help? Can't remember what some old gun slinger said but to paraphrase "Make haste slowly"

Yes, you're right. I've been told that you can't miss fast enough to win. :cool: I still need to work on slowing down, accuracy with the longer targets, and nerves/excitement. Then there are all of the little tips and tricks to learn. For example there is an advantage to shooting the stages from right to left because ejection kind of pushes the gun to the left and helps you get on the next target faster. Also, shooting the closest target first because it takes more time to get the gun up an on target for the longer targets. Right to left doesn't feel natural to me.

02-26-2012, 09:45 AM
The truck only is the final stab and hopefully that was end of the day so you didn't have to think about that all day.

Keep at it, you got more guts that me just getting in there and doing it.

Thankfully, I didn't find out about the keys until I had finished shooting.

Bawanna, the matches are a lot of fun when the day doesn't go from bad to worse. There is a match in Bremerton. Is that anywhere near you?

02-26-2012, 09:48 AM
I'm glad you got to shoot, Melissa, but the wait must have been like going to the DMV on a busy day when they were short-handed. At least you improved your score.

I always carry two keys... one bare key for the ignition... and possible car-jackers, and one with the remote and gas cap key in a little leather pouch for keys that came with my Audi back in 1985. With my GMC van, the remote works while the engine is running... handy if you want to leave the engine running for the a/c. My wife only uses the remote to lock her car door, and has gotten out of the habit of carrying two keys.

Next shoot, maybe you'll be even better without the "distractions" and aggravation of the unplanned extra waiting in lines.


02-26-2012, 09:55 AM
Next shoot, maybe you'll be even better without the "distractions" and aggravation of the unplanned extra waiting in lines.


The next match for me will be around the end of April. It is a ladies only match in Reevesville, SC. Mom and I will make a 3 day weekend out of it. Last year, there were only around 100 shooters, but that was the first ladies only match that GSSF has sponsored.

02-26-2012, 10:51 AM
That sounds like a fun outing for you ladies. I'll bet there are more ladies shooting there than last time.

I was sure I was going to buy a XDM40 5" for possible range use and trying in some kind of metallic plate shooting, but after some reading and thought, the .40 will probably be harder to shoot and maintain speed on follow-up shots. It would seem the 9mm would be a better choice, but I really don't want to shoot a 9mm... though I can see the benefits of less recoil.

I watched Hickok45's testing of the XDM9 5.25"... with 19+1 capacity and thought maybe I should give that a try. The 5.25" model model comes with fiber-optic front sight and a plain black rear adjustable sight. I would like to try one, but worry I would still want the Trijicon HD NS on it and have paid too much to not use the stock target sights... decisions... decisions. It's just so boring shooting paper targets up to 15 yards at the range I shoot. The plates sure look like more fun.


02-26-2012, 11:37 AM
Yes, I'd much rather shoot steel. Since you don't want a .40, have you given any thought to a .45? It wouldn't be as snappy as a .40.

02-26-2012, 02:07 PM
I have several .45's and the XD45 Tactical 5" is very accurate... better than I can shoot... and I love the Trijicon HD NS. They help me in dim or daylight shooting with the larger rear aperture and the more visible front sight. I would like to try it shooting plates. I need to look around more here and see if there's any place set up for that without spending a fortune on another membership. I hate the thought of driving an hour each way to one range on the other side of town... at least 25 miles and a lot of that through town and over bridges. Next gun show I'll see if anyone there knows about a place. I don't want to get into any competitions... just try something besides still paper targets and standing still.

I just took a quick trip to Lowe's to get a few more things to finish my projects in the guest bath upstairs. I'm putting in a new SS faucet, new lights for the sink to match, and had to move the medicine cabinet on the right down to clear the lights... sheetrock repair and made a mess using the wrong stuff. I think I have enough stuff now, and need to get cracking... my son's coming for a week visit this Wednesday. We may all get to the range at least once... even my wife, but she'll take her car... doesn't stay long. My son and I will probably blaze away with some of the .45's for an hour or two. he liked my SA Champion last time and now I have the XD45... with six 13-round mags. I think he'll blow through a bunch of ammo quickly. I need to shoot my PM9, but will probably just stick with the .45's... so much fun... the boom, flash, and recoil... great hole-punchers for the paper.


If you didn't see my XD:



02-26-2012, 02:23 PM
Hi Melissa,
Glad to hear you shaved some time off your score, little improvements like that add up over time. Is it all one class, or do they seperate women and men, and amateurs from more experienced, or do they just lump everyone together?
Keep up the improvements and one of these days you'll be in the money!
BTW, I almost bought a Glock 34, but the trigger on the M&P Pro 5" 9mm, plus the green fiber optic site won me over to the S&W. I'm going to try and get started in some IDPA matches, and I guess the two top guns are the 34 and the M&P Pro. I'm going to be like you and just compete against myself and hope to see improvement at most matches.

02-26-2012, 02:31 PM
I did miss your XD thread. Very nice, Wyn! That should be fun to knock down plates a bunch of plates.:)

02-26-2012, 03:53 PM
Over on XDTalk I saw someone say that the XDM 5.25's still needed trigger work, but the S&W M&P Pro was ready to go with a decent trigger. When I got my HD sights installed on my XD45, I asked the shop owner about a trigger job. He and the other smiths thought it was fine as it was. So, I was happy with that.

There's another gun show here next month and I'll go ask around and look at what's available... ranges and guns. I almost bought an XDM40 4.5" at the last show... I'm glad I didn't.


02-26-2012, 04:42 PM
Hi Melissa,
Glad to hear you shaved some time off your score, little improvements like that add up over time. Is it all one class, or do they seperate women and men, and amateurs from more experienced, or do they just lump everyone together?
Keep up the improvements and one of these days you'll be in the money!
BTW, I almost bought a Glock 34, but the trigger on the M&P Pro 5" 9mm, plus the green fiber optic site won me over to the S&W. I'm going to try and get started in some IDPA matches, and I guess the two top guns are the 34 and the M&P Pro. I'm going to be like you and just compete against myself and hope to see improvement at most matches.

There are only two divisions in which the master shooters can't compete and they are Amateur Civilian and Amateur Guardian. Men and women are lumped in together, but there are special recognition categories like Adult female, Adult male, Junior female, Junior male, Senior, Super Senior, and Challenger. The top scores in those categories get $75. A woman won the Conyers match last year with a score of 72.11. :)

Great about the IDPA. I've thought about doing that also. Let me know what you think about it. I'll have to check out the M&P Pro and see what you're talking about.

02-26-2012, 04:44 PM
The next match for me will be around the end of April. It is a ladies only match in Reevesville, SC. Mom and I will make a 3 day weekend out of it. Last year, there were only around 100 shooters, but that was the first ladies only match that GSSF has sponsored.

paint the targets pink for u ladies???Just askin!!

I think Bawanna when he refinished my Herretts grips for my J frame Model 60 awhile back, Ithink it was my fault for I signed it Bernice intead of Bernie and thats how I ended up with the prettiest Herretts pink grips u will NEVER see. Just sayin.

02-26-2012, 04:44 PM
There are only two divisions in which the master shooters can't compete and they are Amateur Civilian and Amateur Guardian. Men and women are lumped in together, but there are special recognition categories like Adult female, Adult male, Junior female, Junior male, Senior, Super Senior, and Challenger. The top scores in those categories get $75. A woman won the Conyers match last year with a score of 72.11. :)

Great about the IDPA. I've thought about doing that also. Let me know what you think about it. I'll have to check out the M&P Pro and see what you're talking about.

Challenger? Is that for derelicts like me? Ya know the ones where they figure it's a wonder you got there let alone able to shoot a gun?

02-26-2012, 04:50 PM
paint the targets pink for u ladies???Just askin!!

I think Bawanna when he refinished my Herretts grips for my J frame Model 60 awhile back, Ithink it was my fault for I signed it Bernice intead of Bernie and thats how I ended up with the prettiest Herretts pink grips u will NEVER see. Just sayin.

I don't know about the targets, but I think they should make all of the range officers wear pink shirts and hats. :p

02-26-2012, 04:51 PM
Challenger? Is that for derelicts like me? Ya know the ones where they figure it's a wonder you got there let alone able to shoot a gun?

Yes, that's for the mentally....ummm...I mean physically handicapped. :p

02-26-2012, 04:56 PM
Unfortunately, I found that I had locked my keys in my truck. :( Allstate Roadside Assistance sent someone out to break into my car. First, the guy put this vinyl thing between the door and the frame and squeezed a bulb to it inflate and make the door pop out from the frame a little. Then he used a long, fancy coat hanger to punch the door lock. Looked really easy, but cost $50. Tomorrow I intend to get a key made and stick it underneath the truck.

Hi Melissa!

I used to do the magnetic key box on the frame thingy.
It works, but getting on the ground and getting dirty is no fun.

Later I had a flat copy made of the key.
And keep it in my wallet with the credit cards.
Clean, easy and sweet.
I'm betting you didn't leave your wallet in the locked car right?

BTW the Ghost Rocket 3.5 is amazing.
The best upgrade I've made.
All my future Glocks with get one!
Thanks for the recommendation.

02-26-2012, 05:45 PM
Hi Melissa!

I used to do the magnetic key box on the frame thingy.
It works, but getting on the ground and getting dirty is no fun.

Later I had a flat copy made of the key.
And keep it in my wallet with the credit cards.
Clean, easy and sweet.
I'm betting you didn't leave your wallet in the locked car right?

BTW the Ghost Rocket 3.5 is amazing.
The best upgrade I've made.
All my future Glocks with get one!
Thanks for the recommendation.

Great idea, Barth!!!!! I've done the crawling around looking for the magnetic box thing with a different vehicle. Nope, my wallet was firmly in my front pocket.

You're welcome! I love the Ghost Rocket!

02-26-2012, 06:22 PM
I always put the little magnetic box on the bottom of the bumper on my pickups and things with steel bumpers, that way I didn't have to get down and look for them, and less chance of them falling off since they were on top of something. On my cars, I try to find a spot of steel where the bumper bolts on or something so again the key is on top of something and less likely to fall off. On some these cars with the plastic bumpers it's pretty hard to find a spot like that.

Longitude Zero
02-26-2012, 06:54 PM
I wish they would have way more matches, especially in my area. When they first got started it was loads more fun than now. Due to the increasing popularity has made matches almost painful with the hurry up an wait system.

02-26-2012, 07:01 PM
I wish they would have way more matches, especially in my area. When they first got started it was loads more fun than now. Due to the increasing popularity has made matches almost painful with the hurry up an wait system.

Yeah, over on Glock Talk they are saying that this match was the 2nd largest in GSSF history. Conyers last year was the largest with a little over 1000 entries. The Griffin match had 883 entries.

Longitude Zero
02-27-2012, 12:47 PM
Yeah, over on Glock Talk they are saying that this match was the 2nd largest in GSSF history. Conyers last year was the largest with a little over 1000 entries. The Griffin match had 883 entries.

I would like to see at least 4-5 matches nationwide EVERY weekend to get the participation levels up in total but down per site that way the downtime is minimized.

02-27-2012, 07:11 PM
I would like to see at least 4-5 matches nationwide EVERY weekend to get the participation levels up in total but down per site that way the downtime is minimized.

That sounds like a great idea.

02-27-2012, 08:29 PM
That sounds like a great idea.

If you wanna do Bremerton Melissa it's only about an hour away. I'll be your gun bearer, carry your bags and cold drinks. Wear a chaufeur hat if you want me too. Bring mom, we'll have a cheer leading section just for you.

02-27-2012, 10:50 PM
Ya never know who might show up at the range!

I linked to the large picture so you could check out the guns. :rolleyes:



My Favorite singer... and an "old" favorite.


02-28-2012, 06:37 AM
I need to get the missus into some competitive shooting. I have to ask though, what is with the low pistol grip and crappy stance? Can we say lack of recoil control? It looks to me like those two were afraid of the guns. They need more trigger time.

02-28-2012, 01:57 PM
If you wanna do Bremerton Melissa it's only about an hour away. I'll be your gun bearer, carry your bags and cold drinks. Wear a chaufeur hat if you want me too. Bring mom, we'll have a cheer leading section just for you.

LOL! If I ever start working full time, I may have to fly out and do that at least once. :)

02-28-2012, 02:08 PM
I need to get the missus into some competitive shooting. I have to ask though, what is with the low pistol grip and crappy stance? Can we say lack of recoil control? It looks to me like those two were afraid of the guns. They need more trigger time.

My thoughts exactly. And, neither gun was a Glock. :p

02-28-2012, 02:12 PM
My thoughts exactly. And, neither gun was a Glock. :p

We may need counseling Melissa, I took the non Glock thing as a good thing.

MW surveyor
02-28-2012, 02:33 PM
No counseling necessary Bawanna. I also took the view that they were not shooting glocks as a good thing.

02-28-2012, 02:34 PM
Yeah, I don't think Taylor is gun savvy... her grip is really weird and if she fired it with that grip, it would probably get in her face.

Those two did a skit for whatever awards occasion that happened recently. It was a spoof of Thelma and Louise.

I saw the picture on Facebook and thought it looked like Taylor Swift.


02-28-2012, 03:58 PM
Preliminary scores have been posted. I was 228 out of 329 in amateur civilian with a score of 191.31 and 173 out of 209 in competition with a score of 181.59. I was also the 5th highest adult female in Am Civ out of 24. I don't feel bad at all. I did beat a guy from my home town who turned out to be a jerk, so that was icing on the cake. :)

02-28-2012, 04:55 PM
Preliminary scores have been posted. I was 228 out of 329 in amateur civilian with a score of 191.31 and 173 out of 209 in competition with a score of 181.59. I was also the 5th highest adult female in Am Civ out of 24. I don't feel bad at all. I did beat a guy from my home town who turned out to be a jerk, so that was icing on the cake. :)

You want me to take him out Melissa? Are we still speaking after my non glock comment? Can we make up?

02-28-2012, 05:01 PM
Very GOOD, Melissa. You'll get better... and that WAS some nice icing on the cake.

:third: :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Wynn :)

02-28-2012, 06:07 PM
You want me to take him out Melissa? Are we still speaking after my non glock comment? Can we make up?

To my way of thinking, I already took him out. :D

We are just fine, sugar! Will your wife let you make out with me? Umm...I mean make up. Just kidding! :p I've still got my Colt 70 Series and S&W Model 37. So, it's all good.

02-28-2012, 07:13 PM
To my way of thinking, I already took him out. :D

We are just fine, sugar! Will your wife let you make out with me? Umm...I mean make up. Just kidding! :p I've still got my Colt 70 Series and S&W Model 37. So, it's all good.

Umm, I'll have to ask I reckon. Your my first cyber bride that asked to make out. I'm confused. I'm not sure what to say. I'm speechless and my fingers are freezing up. If she said yes would I get to hold the Colt too?

I mean we might as well have show and NOT tell right? I gotta quit hanging with Jocko, I think he's a bad influence.

02-28-2012, 07:25 PM
Umm, I'll have to ask I reckon. Your my first cyber bride that asked to make out. I'm confused. I'm not sure what to say. I'm speechless and my fingers are freezing up. If she said yes would I get to hold the Colt too?

I mean we might as well have show and NOT tell right? I gotta quit hanging with Jocko, I think he's a bad influence.

JUST KIDDING...I would let you hold the Colt though. :)

I've been invited to shoot in a steel challenge match and I might want to use the Colt for that.

02-28-2012, 10:31 PM
JUST KIDDING...I would let you hold the Colt though. :)

I've been invited to shoot in a steel challenge match and I might want to use the Colt for that.

Dang it, and I asked and she said OK too. Still like to hold the Colt.