View Full Version : Kahr for the range?

02-26-2012, 08:11 PM
Well... after a very successful break in of the cm9, i think im in love with the kahr brand. I had a lot of fun at the range running break in on the cm9, and im looking for a nice range gun. thinking of sticking with the 9mm for now. (i think ide like to add a p380 and possibly a cw40 or 45 to the list later) for ammo simplicity and cost. Basically what im looking for are some ideas on a great range gun by kahr, and something i can possibly pick up decently cheap used at the LGS. Something a lil bigger n heavier to make for a more enjoyable day of shooting (not that i dont LOVE the cm9 for that) for myself and the girlfriend.
any help always appreciated! i love this forum!

02-26-2012, 08:26 PM
Probably the most common used Kahr is the K9, mainly because it's been in production the longest. While the K9 isn't the largest 9mm Kahr it may be the least expensive. The largest Kahr, the T9 or TP9 may be harder to find but I'd say they are the best "Range" Kahrs.

02-26-2012, 10:25 PM
i was looking for the same thing to augment my P9 and for my dad to augment his PM9. basically a 'range' Kahr. i picked up a TP9 for the job and i think it'll do nicely...if i EVER get it. it's still sitting at the FFL awaiting a vcheck here in VA. they are backlogged out the wazoo. i hope to have it by mid-week.

anyway, i thought about the T9 but decide i really liked the poly guns and also the additional expense of the T9 wasn't really worth it (for me). i stewed for awhile over some other non-Kahr options but ultimately decided it was best to stick w/ a Kahr trigger to keep trained and comfortable w/ one platform.

it WAS tough to find at a decent price (as ripley mentioned), but you should be able to locate a TP9 for around $550 or less. i got lucky and found a last one for $496 last week. when shopping for the TP9 though, be sure you get the one you want, there are 2 versions floating around. old (short grip like the P9) and new (long grip, additional round). most places still show the old model but it's MOST LIKELY the new one, just need to confirm it if you can. i would say the chances of running into a NIB old model are nil, but i wasn't sure and neither were many of the online retailers i called/emailed. i would say the old model is only available used, but that's just a guess.

i would think the T9 would be an awesome 'range' Kakr w/ the extra weight...that's got to be one smooth soft shooting gun.