View Full Version : Another first trip to the range-CM9

02-27-2012, 10:32 PM
Received my new CM9 last week and made my fist ever trip to an inside range while visiting relatives in another city. Fired 100 rounds this first time out with no problems at all (other than trying to sight the little gun wearing bi-focals). Been several years since I've fired a gun with open sights, always have used scopes - even installed a scope on my S&W .357 mag for better sighting. And I did do all the prep, cleaning, and oiling first.

Finally decided it was better to concentrate on the sights and let the target be a little fuzzy rather than trying to keep the target in perfect vision. Did manage to keep most of my rounds in the space of a large saucer at 15-20 feet, know I can do better with more practice. This little gun is really a good handfull when it goes off (gotta remember to keep my other thumb out from back of the side though) , especially after running out a few rounds also with my Beretta 85 SA/DA .380. Course the Beretta is not a very good CCW either.

02-28-2012, 04:22 AM
You will get used to it. I put the pierce grip extensions on both my mk9 and mk40. When I first put 50 rounds through the 40 the recoil was more than I was used to. Then I went right to the 9 and it felt like I was shooting a 22. Like I said it is something you will get accustomed to.

02-28-2012, 06:20 AM
Congrats on a great gun! U will love it! Once u get used to the punch these little boys deliver and get ur grip set for that, everything else just falls into place so perfectly with them! Glad to have another fellow cm9 owner on the great forum!

02-28-2012, 07:39 AM
Glad your first range trip went well! The more you shoot it the more your going to like it. A couple things that might help: Next time out try focusing on just the front sight and have your target slightly blurred. Also, you really can't "stage" the trigger on the cm9 like you can on other DA pistols. You just have to press the trigger in one smooth motion until it fires. Good luck and have fun!

02-28-2012, 09:46 PM
Then I went right to the 9 and it felt like I was shooting a 22. .

LOL... you must have super strong grip and wrist.