View Full Version : Defective 7 RD PM/CM9 mags

02-29-2012, 09:42 PM
Just curious, was wondering if anyone has been able to figure out what is wrong with the 7 rd mags that make them so inoperative in the PM/CM9s when the 6 rd & 8 rd mags seem to work so nicely? Kahr must have a bunch of the 7 rds in stock with so many users exchanging them for a 6 rd. I've got to order another one/two mags for my new CM9 and Ivanhoe is out of stock on the 6 rds but seem to have plenty of 7 & 8 rds so the 6 must be very popular with users.

02-29-2012, 11:11 PM
Something is definitely wrong with the 7's. There's just too much buzz about them consistently failing, including my personal one.

02-29-2012, 11:40 PM
My six rounder works perfectly. My two seven rounders have been a jam fest. Modding the follower fixed 'em, but it's hard to believe they would ship them when they function so poorly. I sent emails to kahr, and hopefully if enough do, they will listen and straighten things out.

03-01-2012, 07:13 AM
all three of mine work fine...have not modded any magazines

03-01-2012, 07:23 AM
My 7 works just as well as my 4 6's.

03-01-2012, 10:10 AM
I don't know why they malfunction; but I have noticed they fail less often in my MK9 than in my PM9.

03-01-2012, 10:29 AM
I have one 7, and my wife has 4 for her CW9. All have functioned 100% in my CM9. All have the standard plastic floor plate.

03-01-2012, 10:30 AM
So far my 7 round has been 100%. Time will tell I guess....

03-01-2012, 10:49 AM
send um back exchange them for 6 round flush fit magas, they will give u no issues. Why chance doing it again. Some work perfect for most shooters some for some reason do not, whether it is shooter related is immaterial., if they don't work for you exchange them. There are some super mods on this forumn for the 7 round mags if u feel u JUST GOTTA HAVE THAT MAGAZINE IN YOUR CM OR PM. Other than that I would not trust exchanging it for anothger one exactly the same.

03-01-2012, 03:50 PM
My 7 rounders have been problem free, but my 6 rounder had the loose baseplate issue. Contact Kahr, they will take care of you.

03-01-2012, 08:21 PM
Saw a youtube video that made it sound like it has to do with how the rounds stack, the shape of the magazine and the spring make them bow out kind of I believe, makes the last round loose in the magazine, the nose can easily wiggle and dive. Supposedly that magazine fixes that, i think i searched kahr 7 round magazine

03-01-2012, 09:00 PM
Do a simple test. Fill the 7 round mag with 7 bullets. Note the angle of the first bullet with the nose tipped up about 30 degrees. Now pop the first bullet out with your hand and note the position and angle of the next bullet. In my seven rounders the next bullet slid forward about a quarter of an inch and laid almost perfectly flat. I have no doubt this is what is causing the bullet to nose dive and lock the slide back. If your 7 round mag doesn't do that, it will probably work fine.

03-01-2012, 09:26 PM
I can't get any of the three 7 round mags for my CW45 to work either. Ian wants me to send them in with the pistol, and let them take a look at them. I wouldn't mind having a 7 round spare mag instead of the 6 round one.

03-03-2012, 06:02 AM
I'll be sending my 7 rd mag back to be replaced by a 6 rd....nose dives every time after the first shot. Every other round feeds fine.

BTW, I did the mag modification, but still doesn't help.

U.S. Patriot
03-03-2012, 06:31 AM
Mine works just fine as well. I ran 100 + rounds through it with 0 malfunctions.

03-03-2012, 07:23 AM
Here is a simple test you can do if your 7 round mag is nosediving on the first round. I think the problems is until the mag spring is limbered up with use it applies too much up-ward pressure aginst the slide when loaded with 7 rounds. This pulls the 7th (or 6th) round out of the mag when the slide cycles.

Test # 1 with the slide locked back, gun unloaded, load your mag with 7 rounds. Insert the mag into the gun and release the slide to load that 7th bullet. Shoot the gun (all 7 bullets) to see if you get a nosedive.

Test # 2 If you do GET A NOSEDIVE take the mag out, make sure the gun is unloaded in the chamber. Lock the slide back, load your 7 round mag with only 6 bullets.. Insert it into the gun, release the slide and shoot the gun again (all 6 bullets). Did you get a nosedive this time?

Do Not chamber a round from the gun then remove the mag to top it off with the 7th round again. That may cause the nosedive because of too much upward pressure. Now if your are saying why have a 7 round mag that only functions with 6 rounds! When it limbers up with use it will eventually accept that 7th round.

03-04-2012, 10:30 AM
I use the 7 rounder and an 8 round mag for my cw9 in my cm9 and have had no problems ether.

Is the problem with the ones made as a +1 for the cm9 or any of the 7 round mags.

03-04-2012, 10:37 AM
Do a simple test. Fill the 7 round mag with 7 bullets. Note the angle of the first bullet with the nose tipped up about 30 degrees. Now pop the first bullet out with your hand and note the position and angle of the next bullet. In my seven rounders the next bullet slid forward about a quarter of an inch and laid almost perfectly flat. I have no doubt this is what is causing the bullet to nose dive and lock the slide back. If your 7 round mag doesn't do that, it will probably work fine.

of my second rounds move forward about 1/4" in my 9mm mags, be they 6 round or 7 round, and never an issue. I think that second and every round after tht is going to move forward. I see no issue there, at least in any of my kahrs.:blah:

03-04-2012, 10:49 AM
Gotta keep in mind... the 9mm case is tapered. What happens down in the stack is not the same as what happens at the top of the stack. The ideal 9mm single stack magazine should be curved! Ever load a Luger magazine? They got springs like garage door! The steep grip angle, and magazine capacity... makes for funny goings on in the Luger magazine.

FWIW - the Luger uses an articulated follower that is held by a pin that rides in a slot on the magazine body. The spring is strong, and has a swiveling pusher that moves the follower. So... by doing this - in typical German fashion - Georg was able to get around some (not all) of the ammo taper problems. On the other hand - why they didn't make the damn cartridge straight walled to begin with... would have been much simpler.

03-04-2012, 01:29 PM
of my second rounds move forward about 1/4" in my 9mm mags, be they 6 round or 7 round, and never an issue. I think that second and every round after tht is going to move forward. I see no issue there, at least in any of my kahrs.:blah:Mine slide forward in my six round mag as well, but it's the combination of sliding forward AND coming out flat instead of angled up that IMO causes the round to jam under the feed ramp.

03-05-2012, 10:19 PM
I tried the modification to the follower, but the magazine still fails to feed. Maybe I need to be a little more agressive with the sanding. I have 3 Kahr and 2 Pro Mag 7rd magaznes and they all fail. the 6 rd one works great. For SD, a failure is not an option. So what I haven't started to modify is going back to the factory. I wonder if Pro Mag will exchange theirs-:)