View Full Version : guy needs his azzz kicked

03-01-2012, 03:44 PM
Bawanna, need your skills. Tell us what you know about this piece of waste. Dont hold back.


03-01-2012, 03:56 PM
I hold a special place for a piece of human (term used very loosely) excrement like that. I have a long list of things that's I'd thoroughly enjoy doing and sharing with him. I of course can't share the entire list as it would not be PC and the thought of banning myself is distasteful.
As an example though I suppose I'd start off with a free nose job sans anesthetic of course to narrow and shape him to look like Michael Jackson.

A chainsaw might expedite the procedure.

I better stop now, my britches are starting to stick out in front.

03-01-2012, 03:59 PM
He's kinda cute....he should do well in jail. Here's hoping!

03-01-2012, 04:10 PM
I've had nine different cats during the last 20 years, three right now.

This sort of thing pisses me off to no end.

Traditional drawing and quartering would suffice.

Drawing and quartering... not what most folks think -

First a slow hanging at dawn, not to break the neck, but to slowly suffocate. The slower the better, and as there is an art to the hangman's noose, there is also an art to the knot used around those who are not to die while being hoisted by the neck.
When almost dead, the prisoner is taken down and tied by the feet, to be pulled behind a team of horses, slowly throughout the town. This is so everyone can mock and throw stones as he slowly passes, unable to fend for himself.
Next he is tied by arms and legs to stakes upon the ground, in mid morning sunlight, and cut through the abdomen from sternum to pelvis, and from left to right. He is left to the birds. No stones are thrown, but people watch from a distance as the hoards of birds begin to descend upon his gaping wounds, and they taunt and mock him until he dies, or, until sundown when the executioner will behead him.

Thats the old English way of doing it. Reserved not for mere thieves or rapists or even murderous scum. Only the truly evil get the drawing and quartering... seditionists, treasoners, those who attempt to harm the King (or Queen) and their immediate family, and those who are cruel to cats.

03-01-2012, 04:10 PM
Should have renamed the cat 'Izgood!'

03-01-2012, 04:12 PM
Ok, so maybe I added the part about "those who are cruel to cats"....

03-01-2012, 04:13 PM
Or wide left..

03-01-2012, 04:20 PM
Some cats can kick (his) ass...hmmm


03-01-2012, 04:29 PM
if I saw him kicking that kitten like a football, .................................................. ..

CJB's punishment is fitting.

Bawanna could soften him up before the drawing and quartering.

People like that treat humans the same way. Very telling what kind of pos he is.

03-01-2012, 07:26 PM
To The Pain!


03-01-2012, 08:33 PM
Reminds me of a joke Johnny Carson told during a monolouge back in the '70s I believe. He had announced that he had quit smoking (round of applause) and how he has been noticing things he hadn't before.

How the air smells cleaner, food tastes better, etc...and how, with just the right wind, you can drop kick a cat forty yards.

Please read the first part as this was a JOKE by Johnny Carson, not me!!! Just something that I've always remembered for some reason.

I'm not a cat person but I like the time this @$$ wipe got. There is absolutely no reason to abuse an innocent animal like this.

03-01-2012, 09:03 PM
I hope someone shoves their arm up his posterior and makes a prison handpuppet out of him.

03-01-2012, 09:32 PM
I wish a couple months in prison would change his attitude. The only good thing is that this kind of behavior telegraphs to authorites that this pos is antisocial and almost certainly homocidal and should be watched carefully.

03-01-2012, 11:09 PM
Bawanna, need your skills. Tell us what you know about this piece of waste. Dont hold back.


May he spend his eternity as a Lilliputian chained to roam in a giant litter box which is never cleaned. May this happen sooner than later.

03-02-2012, 07:11 AM
naw u guys got it all wrong, he should be made to standwith his legs spread as far as he can, looking directly at you "the kicker" and u now put this fella's two balls right throught the uprights. Just one kick and with that cat being the judge if his two balls madeit through the uprights..

03-02-2012, 08:18 AM
naw u guys got it all wrong, he should be made to standwith his legs spread as far as he can, looking directly at you "the kicker" and u now put this fella's two balls right throught the uprights. Just one kick and with that cat being the judge if his two balls madeit through the uprights..

Longitude Zero
03-02-2012, 08:29 AM
Give me a scalpel or a wickedly sharp dermatome. I could cause such exquisite pain.

03-02-2012, 11:24 AM
naw u guys got it all wrong, he should be made to standwith his legs spread as far as he can, looking directly at you "the kicker" and u now put this fella's two balls right throught the uprights. Just one kick and with that cat being the judge if his two balls madeit through the uprights..

Elegant in its simplicity. May I add kick for kick. He kicked twice I kick twice with my steel toed work boots. Save society from him making more little pos(s)

03-02-2012, 12:10 PM
good one tinman, as usual..