View Full Version : Drew my gun

03-02-2012, 04:15 PM
I live alone in a very rural area at the end of a dead end road. Hardly ever does anyone come around, unless they are lost. I do find some old campfires down by the river, probably illegals coming thru. The sheriff is many minutes to hours away. My girlfriend stops by sometimes after she gets off work at 10:00 or 11:00pm. She always txt's me when she leaves work.

Last night I was watching TV at 8:30 pm, when the dogs, in the house, started raising hell at the back door. I turned to look & the back door was wide open to a black night outside! I drew my gun with my heart beating out of my chest & had it at low ready when my GF stepped thru the door! I had left my cell phone in the bedroom & missed her txt. She had gotten off early! It scared the sh!t out of both of us! Always be sure of your target!

03-02-2012, 04:32 PM
Good wake up call for us all Jeremiah.

03-02-2012, 04:37 PM
:40:Your dogs should recognize that it wasn't a stranger. Lucky for you nothing serious happened.

Wayne Nelson
03-02-2012, 04:42 PM
Wow! That situation could of had a very bad outcome and ruined someones day. If I may suggest to your girlfriend, tell her to not ever do that again. If she knows that you have and keep a loaded weapon on your person or in your house, that sneeking in early and not announcing that she is there is not a good idea.

My wife did something onetime what I call "stupid". I was target practicing with my air rifle shooting into a target trap and she came walking around the corner and stood right in between me and my target to ask me a question. I was just getting ready to squeeze the trigger. She even knew that I was firing my rifle, where I was shooting from and where the target trap was set up. After a few choice words at her and a quick lesson in stupidity, I now don't think that she will do that again. They sometimes just don't think!

I think that you reacted correctly to that situation and did not shoot or point your weapon until the subject was cleared and verified as friendly.

03-02-2012, 04:47 PM
How did she react to the situation?

03-02-2012, 05:16 PM
Similar thing happened to me back in the 60's. Just the opposite person with the gun. I came home early from 2nd shift, went up the stairs to our bedroom. I reached down and turned the door knob. Instantly I heard the double click of the hammer on my Ruger super single six 22 mag. I jumped back and hollered to my wife. Whew, my heart was racing. Of course back then we did not have cell phones. The main phone was downstairs. From then on, I announced myself loudly as I came up the stairs even when I was expected.

03-02-2012, 05:32 PM
Similar thing happened to me back in the 60's. Just the opposite person with the gun. I came home early from 2nd shift, went up the stairs to our bedroom. I reached down and turned the door knob. Instantly I heard the double click of the hammer on my Ruger super single six 22 mag. I jumped back and hollered to my wife. Whew, my heart was racing. Of course back then we did not have cell phones. The main phone was downstairs. From then on, I announced myself loudly as I came up the stairs even when I was expected.

Wow, it would have been inconvenient if she shot you. It was a .22 after all, so no big deal, right?

03-02-2012, 05:43 PM
Wow, it would have been inconvenient if she shot you. It was a .22 after all, so no big deal, right?

a ruger MK 111 was used by that as-hole who killed 3 students in Ohio:blah:

03-02-2012, 05:53 PM
I must have left out the "sarcasm" smiley. I am one of those who believes that a well-placed .22lr round can seriously screw someone up and/or kill them.

I was poking fun at people who hold an opposing point of view on that subject, but who have either never been on the business end of a .22, or who HAVE found themselves looking at the business end of one (through malice or negligence), and got upset about it, but still contend that .22lr is nothing to be worried about.

You know, the guys who say "If you ever shoot me with a 22, and I find out about it, I'll kick your ass."

03-02-2012, 07:18 PM

03-02-2012, 07:59 PM
Yeah, wow. I agree

If I could really get close enough, my absolute favorite is .22 short. No muss, no fuss, outta there before anyone really realizes what... Practically, .22lr is the surer bet.

Or were you speaking only to defense? Just making a point.

03-02-2012, 09:10 PM
So, is her insurance policy up to date and fully paid?

03-02-2012, 10:24 PM
How did she react to the situation?[/QUOTE]

Her eyes were as big as saucers & I was shakin' like a leaf! Not much shakes me, but that did!:eek:

03-03-2012, 08:23 AM
No matter what time jlottmc or I get off work or am on our way home from school in his case, we always call each other to let us know. We leave a message usually if the other does not pick up. We have been having spotty reception lately so sometimes it rings and goes to VM.

He'll have to tell you the story about him getting a gun in his face when we lived in NC one day....Let's just say that he remembers to call now.

03-03-2012, 12:16 PM
yea scoundrel, I figured you were spoofing. I know you appreciate a good 22 as I do. Hey, she was probably aiming at my middle, would have jerked the trigger and hit me between the eyes.... 22 or not, gone is gone is gone. After 47 years of marriage, maybe she wishes she had pulled the trigger(LOL).

03-03-2012, 12:19 PM
yea scoundrel, I figured you were spoofing. I know you appreciate a good 22 as I do. Hey, she was probably aiming at my middle, would have jerked the trigger and hit me between the eyes.... 22 or not, gone is gone is gone. After 47 years of marriage, maybe she wishes she had pulled the trigger(LOL).

Thanks for picking up on that. Sometimes my humor is a bit out there.

47 years, eh? I have been told that the first 30 years are the hardest. :)
I'm wrapping up my 16th year now.

03-03-2012, 05:21 PM
Guess I was slower than usual yesterday by more than a bit. Sorry 'bout that.

03-03-2012, 06:41 PM
No worries. You'll note the absence of me getting all up in your face about it. :) I wasn't even sure you were talking to/about me, due to the lack of a quote. Also, my mouth was running a little hot yesterday, and I realized it in time to shut the hell up before causing any real trouble.

03-03-2012, 06:52 PM
I need to learn that skill. Afeard that at my age it's probably too late.