View Full Version : Best way to "write" something on a gun?

03-02-2012, 06:47 PM
My spousal unit has been slow to get used to having guns around the house, but she has come a long way in this regard in a short period of time.

Most of my guns have been "buy them as is and maybe get one or two accessories for them" kind of guns. But, recently, I decided to buy a base model and do some heavy modifications to it, trying to achieve a particular result.

She has responded to this by suggesting that when I am done, I should name my gun "Vera" and have it engraved on the gun. (For those of you who don't get the reference, it is from a scene in "Firefly" where we find out that Jayne's very favorite gun is named "Vera". Clip here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-e-HY69Gb0).

I am not usually one to give names to inanimate objects, but I am very much interested in encouraging any participation in the gun hobby she shows an interest in.

So, what would be the best way to mark the name "Vera" on a gun?

It's a Ruger Charger pistol. The stock is wooden, the receiver is black (painted), and the barrel is black (blued) - but I have two barrels for it.

I'm thinking that the receiver is probably the best place for the name, since I'm not likely to be replacing that piece of it.

So should I have someone paint it? Might chip off. Engrave it? If any mistakes are made, they're permanent. Maybe some of those metal stickers with lettering on them? Would be temporary, because eventually they'd peel off, but it would make her very happy for a short while, and then it would be perfectly OK with her if I peeled off the stickers later.


03-02-2012, 06:50 PM
You could have a trophy shop write what you want on a plaque and attach that to the stock. Cheap, fast and easy. Some places can laser etch which sometimes looks ok, sometimes not so hot.

03-02-2012, 06:53 PM
How about an old label maker?

I wouldn't make any permanent marks on the gun, as it will severely reduce the resale value (I wouldn't buy a gun that had been named and engraved).

03-02-2012, 07:01 PM
How about an old label maker?

I wouldn't make any permanent marks on the gun, as it will severely reduce the resale value (I wouldn't buy a gun that had been named and engraved).

Resale is not really a concern, since the base model was $275 and you NEVER get back what you paid for mods/upgrades.

But, I'm with you on permanent marks. After all, I never got a woman's name tattooed on my *****, either.

I have a label maker, but that would look pretty cheesy. I think I will go to the local department store, or maybe the craft store in Monroe and look for some metal self-adhesive letters (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pressed-Petals-Scrap-Metal-4-Pks-Self-Adhesive-Alphabet-Letters-/250992625385#ht_1089wt_1163). A little less cheesy, and definitely removable.

03-02-2012, 07:45 PM
Why not have a stencil made and use krylon or duracoat?

03-02-2012, 07:50 PM
You could have a trophy shop write what you want on a plaque and attach that to the stock. Cheap, fast and easy. Some places can laser etch which sometimes looks ok, sometimes not so hot.
+1 and you could inlet the plaque for a nice look.
Alternative suggestions:
A local shop should be able engrave on the alloy receiver with relative ease using a panto engraving machine.
Send one of the barrels to http://www.customizedcreationz.com/services/laserengraving.html
Lasers usually do nice work burning wood. http://www.hannahmfg.com/
DIY pyrography.
Rub-on-letters and clear coat.

03-02-2012, 10:51 PM
I got some foil stickers this evening that look reasonably classy, all things considered. They have a girlish motif that manages to not be offensive to my masculinity at the same time :)

I'll start with this and see how it works out. I want to start with something cheap and easily reversible. I think that having made the effort will be enough for her, and when these stickers start to come off, it won't be important anymore.

03-03-2012, 12:37 AM
Write it on the case.

Or do this. (http://www.customizedcreationz.com/services/laserengraving.html)

03-03-2012, 09:16 AM
Have it Laser Engraved.

03-03-2012, 10:01 AM

I say go for the engraving. It's a labor of love, it deserves a name. My guitars have had names and none of them have changed. Engraving a gun has some BATFE implication though, so have it done by a professional. I know customized creationz does it, I'm sure some others do as well. Ask your local gun dealer.

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03-03-2012, 10:11 AM
Cokeman's link has some cool stuff.

I really wish you hadn't posted that. Now I'm having visions of what I could have done.

03-03-2012, 11:03 AM
Just a thought, but the shop I used to work in had an egraving pantograph... used with little brass stencils. Worked GREAT... little carbide cutter did the work and we could use a fine cutter or a ball cutter. The fine was like a thread in width, the ball... maybe .020 or so in width. The results are so slick you might wanna try and find a shop with one of those. Look for a mold making shop... they always have 'em.

03-03-2012, 02:31 PM
Cokeman's link has some cool stuff.

I really wish you hadn't posted that. Now I'm having visions of what I could have done.

Yeah. Some of those are awesome. The depth and detail are incredible for such small engravings.

03-03-2012, 03:17 PM
Here's a pic of what I was talking about with the trophy plaque. I inlaid it in the pistol grip of a Chipmunk 22 for a friends daughter.
Amazing the luck, he ordered it and when it came in it had a real blonde pretty girly type stock. Couldn't have worked out any better. Never seen one so blonde.
She's only about 12 or 13 and already quite the little shooter. Even saved up her allowance and bought her own pistol. She hasn't shown it to me yet but I saw pictures of her shooting it. Can't remember now what it is a little auto.

03-03-2012, 05:19 PM
After reading that you do not care about resale, the two best options in order would be, Hand Engraving or Laser Etching.
