View Full Version : Sold my Glock 19

03-03-2012, 04:27 PM
I bought a Glock 19 Gen 4 about four months ago. I shot it low and left and could not work it out. I know it is the way I pull the trigger but I have never had this happen before. I am now 71 yrs young and been shooting guns since I was about 9 yrs old.
I sold that Glock and bought a Kahr CM9 and although I have not fired it yet I already love this little gun. I has that just right feel to it. You guys know what I am saying.
The Glock is a fine gun but it was not for me.


03-03-2012, 04:49 PM
Congratulations on the Kahr!

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03-03-2012, 05:58 PM
Welcome to the forum! The CM9 is a sweet gun and fun to shoot. But you need to realize that it will take some practice to get used to that lo-o-o-ng trigger. You might shoot it low left for a little while until you get used to it. The key is to not try and stage the trigger or anticipate when it will let off. It does not load up, so you can't tell where the let off is. So, a smooth continuous stroke from start to trigger stop, practicing to do this without moving the gun.

Another thing to remember is that there is no short reset. Like a DA/SA revolver, you have to let that trigger go all the way back forward.

This is a small defensive hand gun, and cannot be expected to shoot like a Glock 19 at 25 or 50 yards. But within 7-10 yards, it can put bullets where they count. It can outshoot you, but it is a light weight gun with a 3" barrel and short sight radius. So don't expect a target pistol.

03-03-2012, 06:04 PM
not sure ur gonna do any better with the cm9. I shoot my G19 super compared to my PM9 and I mean super. course I am not near as OLD as u are either, u have me by 3 years. Two different guns, two complete different trigger systems. Ur still gonna love that kahr though, u won't know u are carrying it.

Practice does not make perfect but perfect practice does...

03-05-2012, 06:32 PM
I have a similar problem.

I nail the black with my cm9.

With my m&p 45C i make beautiful 2 inch groups..... 2 inches down, 2 inches to the left from the bull


03-05-2012, 10:44 PM
I have a glock 19 and a cm9. I love both, but I find the glock (naturally) to be more accurate. I tend to have the low lefts with the CM9, and have to really concentrate on the slow smooth trigger pull, so you may also. You don't want to be shot by me, 'cause if I aim center mass, I'll probably put a hole in your liver.